Areas of Study, key concepts and key questions for Yr 7 based on the exemplar Long-Term plan

Units of work and Key RE Concepts Suggestions for Key Questions Areas of Study

 Who created humanity 7 Y


Why am I here? Engagement with  How do I know God exists? n questions of meaning and m

u REVELATION purpose  Does life the universe or t u A anything have any meaning?

7  Is seeing believing? Y


What is belief? What do Beliefs, teachings &  What is religion about? n Christians believe?

m sources

u ALL AREAS OF STUDY t  Why belong to a community of u

A believers?  Who are the Jewish/Muslim/Hindu/Sikh people and how do they express

What does it mean to be a their beliefs? 7 Social and moral Y

Muslim/Jew/Hindu/Sikh?  How do

1 practices and way of life Muslims/Jews/Hindus/Sikhs g

n CHURCH express their spirituality within i Beliefs, teachings & r Life and practices of other the home and the community? p sources S faith communities  What do Jews and Muslims (and/or Sikhs and Hindus believe?

 What evidence is there that life

7 does not end with death? Y

2  What is Christian belief in the Is death the end? Beliefs, teachings &

g Resurrection?

n REVELATION sources i

r  What do other religions teach

p about life after death? S

 Why do some people forgive 7

Y and others don’t All concepts with a focus 1

Are there limits to  Should punishment fit the r on e forgiveness? crime? Celebration and ritual m ALL AREAS OF STUDY  Why and how should we be m

u reconciled? S

 Why do Christians pray? 2

r Celebration and ritual  How do Christians pray?

e Does God answer my

7  Why is prayer important to m prayers? Y Contemplation and m CELEBRATION different religions? u reflection S