Give the Correct Number of Significant Figures

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Give the Correct Number of Significant Figures

Unit 1 Summative

S8CS1. Give the correct number of significant figures: 1. 0.003 a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 2. 40 a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

Convert the metrics

3. 17.805cm = .17805____ a. km b. m c. cm d. mm 4. 86.2m = 8620___ a. km b. m c. cm d. mm

Scientific Notation

5 0.000467 a. 4.67 x 10-4 b. 4.67 x 10-3 c. 46.7 x 10-3 d. 46.7 x 10-4 6. 5.43 x 10-3 a. 5430 b. 0.00543 c. 0.0543 d. 54.30

7. Which of the following statements about molecules is true? S8P1a. a. Diatomic hydrogen molecules are b. Hydrogen is a mixture because it can be compounds because there are two atoms separated without a chemical reaction. chemically combined. c. Water is a compound because it has d. Water is a mixture because it is made of two two elements chemically combined. substances.

8. Which of the following statement describes elements? S8P1b a. All of the particles in the same element b. Elements can be broken down into simpler are different substances c. Elements have unique sets of properties d. Elements cannot be joined together in chemical reactions.

9. Which of the following is an example of a mixture? S8P1b a. Copper wire b. Carbon Dioxide Gas c. Table Salt d. Lemonade

10. In which of the following do the molecules move the slowest? SPS5A a. A cup of warm water b. A pan of hot oil c. A pitcher of lemonade d. A frozen popsicle

11. An ad for a brand of dye ice claims that the dry ice keeps food cold without getting it wet. Which of the following is a valid explanation for this claim? SPS5A a. Dry ice undergoes sublimation b. Dry ice is not frozen c. Dry ice is colder than ice made from d. Dry ice keep food from freezing water

12. Which of the following sentences best describes the process that happens when liquid water becomes ice at its freezing point? SPS5A a. Energy is added to the water, so its b. Energy is added to the water, so its particles particles move slower. move faster c. Energy is removed from the water, so d. Energy is removed from the water, so its its particles lock into place particles move apart.


The table shows data from a laboratory experiment in which Andrew measured the temperatures of water in various states. Which of the following would be a valid conclusion from this experiment? SPS5A

a. The particles in ice water have less energy than b. The particles in ice have more energy than the the particles in ice do. particles in water do. c. The particles in ice water have more energy d. The particles in boiling water have more than the particles in boiling water do. energy than the particles in ice water do.

14. According to Charles’s law, SP5b a. heating a balloon will cause it to expand. b. crushing a closed container of gas will increase the pressure. c. pumping more air into a basketball will d. popping a balloon will cause an increase in increase the pressure. temperature.

15. How does a basketball under high pressure compare to a basketball under low pressure? SP5b a. The particles of gas are father apart. b. The particles of gas collide only with each other. c. The force exerted on the inside of the ball is d. There are more particles of gas. lower.

16 Boyle’s law states that for a fixed amount of gas. SP5b a. At a constant temperature, the volume b. At constant temperature, the volume of the gas is of gas inversely related to pressure. directly related to pressure. c. At constant pressure, the volume of the d. At constant pressure, the volume of gas is gas is directly related to temperature. inversely related to temperature.

17. A student experiments with nitrogen gas, changing one variable at the time: temperature, pressure, or volume. Unfortunately, the student forgot to label the axes. Which of the following pairs of labels are possible for the graph above? a. X-Axis: Pressure, Y-Axis: Volume b. X-Axis: Temperature, Y-Axis: Volume c. X-Axis: Number of gas molecules, Y- d. X-Axis: Temperature, Y-Axis: Pressure Axis: Volume

18. According to Charles’ law, a. Decreasing the temperature of a gas b. Decreasing the temperature of a gas causes the causes the pressure on the molecules to volume of a gas to increase. decrease. c. Increasing the temperature of a gas d. Increasing the temperature of a gas causes the causes the volume of a gas to increase pressure on the molecules to increase.

19. According to Gay-Lussac’s law a. Temperature is directly proportional to b. Temperature is inversely proportional to pressure pressure c. Temperature is directly proportional to d. Temperature is inversely proportional to volume volume

20. In a laboratory experiment, Rashida observed water as it vaporized, froze, melted, and condensed. Which of the following is a valid conclusion? a. She observed different changes of state. b. Each of these processes happened at different temperatures c. All of the changes required energy to d. All of the changes required energy to be be absorbed released

21.. What physical property do water, iced tea, soda, and a cup of coffee have in common? a. Odor b. Reactivity c. State d. Temperature

22.. Flammability is an example of a. Physical property b. Physical change c. Chemical property d. Chemical change 23. Which of the following is a chemical property? a. Malleability b. Density c. Volume d. Reactivity

24. Which of the following is not a chemical property? a. Reactivity b. Malleability c. Flammability d. Oxidation

25. Which of the following statements does NOT describe a physical property of chalk? a. Chalk is a solid b. Chalk can be broken into pieces c. Chalk is white d. Chalk will bubble in vinegar

SUBSTANCE DENSITY (g/cm3) SUBSTANCE DENSITY (g/cm3) Aluminum (solid) 2.7 Ice (solid) 0.93 Iron pyrite (solid) 5.02 Water (liquid) 1.00 Mercury (liquid) 13.55 Zinc (solid) 7.13 Silver (solid) 10.50 Wood (oak) 0.85 26. A cube has a density of 2.7g/cm3. What substance is the cube made of? a. Aluminum b. Iron pyrite c. Ice d. wood

27.. What is the density of oak wood? a. 85 g/cm3 b. 0.85 g/cm3 c. 5.02 g/cm3 d. 0.93 g/cm3

28. The densest solid is a. Silver b. Zinc c. Mercury d. Iron pyrite

29. Which labels correctly identify the liquid and solid phases? a. Letters L and O b. Letters N and L c. Letter O and P d. Letters N and P

30.. Which labels correctly identify freezing and condensing? a. Letters M and P b. Letters L and N c. Letters M and O d. Letters L, N, and P

31.. Which of the following does NOT happen during phase changes? a. Energy is added or removed from the b. Temperature stays the same system c. The temperature rises d. Particles can speed up or slow down

32. Phase changes occur at which points? a. L, N, and P b. M and O

33. The ability of one substance to dissolve in another substance is the ______of the solute. a. Suspension b. Solution c. Solvent d. Solubility

34. The ______is the substance that dissolve to form a solution a. Solvent b. Solute c. Pure substance d. suspension

35. Which of the following increase the solubility of a gas in a liquid? a. Increasing the temperature of the liquid b. Increasing the amount of gas in the liquid c. Decreasing the amount of liquid d. Decreasing the temperature


37. The data below was collected using 100mL of water. Graph the following data:

Temperature 10 2 4 6 9 (°C) 5 0 0 5 Dissolved 15 7 3 2 1 solute (g) 0 0 4 5 5

38. How would you increase the solubility of the substance a. Increase temperature b. Decrease temperature c. Add more solute d. Add more solvent

39. If 200mL of water was used instead of 100mL, how many grams of the solute would dissolve at 40°C? a. 70 grams b. 68 grams c. 34 grams d. 15 grams

40. Based on the solubility of this compound, what state of matter is it? a. Solid b. Liquid c. Gas

41. When nail polish is dissolved in acetone, which substance is the solute, which is the solvent. a. Acetone is the solute, and nail polish is b. Acetone is the solvent, and nail polish is solute the solvent

42. Which of the following statements best describes the particles of a liquid? a. The particles are far apart and moving b. The particles are close together but moving fast past each other. c. The particles are far apart and moving d. The particles are closely packed and vibrating slowly in place

43. Which of the following statement describes what happens as the temperature of a gas in a balloon increases? a. The speed of the particles decrease b. The volume of the gas increases, and the speed of the particles increases. c. The volume of the gas decreases d. The pressure of the gas decreases

44. During which change of state do atoms or molecules become more ordered? a. Solid b. Liquid c. Gas

45. Which of the following change of state is exothermic? a. Evaporation b. Freezing c. Melting d. All of them

46. What happens to the volume of a gas inside of a cylinder if the temperature does not change but the pressure is reduced? a. The volume of the gas increases b. The volume of the gas stays the same c. The volume of the gas decreases d. There is not enough information to determine the answer

47.The change from a gas straight to a solid is a. Sublimation b. Deposition c. Freezing d. Condensation

48. One property that all particles of matter have in common is they a. Never move in solids b. Only move in gases c. Move constantly d. None of the above

49. A mixture a. Has substance in it that are chemically b. Can always be separated using filtration combined c. Contains substance that are not mixed d. All of the above in definite ratios

50. Which of the following statements describes elements. a. All of the particles in the same element b. Elements can be broken down into simpler are different substances c. Elements have unique sets of properties d. Elements cannot be joined together in a chemical reaction.

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