Scheme of Work KS3&4: Careers, Education, Information, Advice & Guidance;

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Scheme of Work KS3&4: Careers, Education, Information, Advice & Guidance;

Career Mark Key Document 4

Scheme of Work KS3&4: Careers, education, information, advice & guidance;

The world of work & employability

Key areas –

Knowing about myself/self-development

Knowing what is available/researching

Making a good choice/decision making

Putting my plans into action/career management

Key websites/resources for careers delivery/research:

Year 7 & 8 Me & the Future Knowing about myself & Planning for change

Lessons: Objectives Outcome: Suggested activities/resources All about me & Students will be able to the future Change & the  Know why planning for  Say what has changed in their  Timeline activity – students complete an individual time line; this can be future change is important and life so far drawn in any way which is meaningful to them, ie as a clock/straight how to do it  Reflect upon their feelings by line/as a game board. Be prepared to say what change has occurred in saying how they felt about their life so far/how this made them feel/what future changes might occur change  Identify possible future change  As whole group students to say what’s ‘cool’ now. Record on flip chart  Say what matters to them now On separate flip chart students say what feel will be ‘cool’ for them in 10 & what might matter to them in years 10 years Compare both sheets & discuss differences; what’s ‘cool’ now might not help them get to what they think will be ‘cool’ in 10 years. What might this mean for them?

Who am I?  Students begin to think  State at least 3 comments  Students each given copy of a ‘shield’ to complete stating at least 3 skills about what sort of person which begin to describe them or qualities about themselves they are  Be able to say what why  In small groups – each student given pen/paper & put name at top; pass knowing about themselves on for next person to write positive comment & pass on around group, until can help them to think about arrives back at named student. their future Students to compare their comments on shield with group list for them. Record on shield group comments

 Students are able to say what  Flip chart whole group consider difference between skill/quality is the difference between  Use of websites/resources to complete quizzes about themselves; identify skill/quality their values  Extension activity: students to list where they can develop skills/qualities ie activities outside of school/what skills do they use in lessons?

 Recognise their own  Identify their own qualities and  Appropriate identifying & recording of skills qualities and skills skills via their curriculum  Use of subjects to help identify skills subjects; hobbies &  Partner activity to check out their skills & how others perceive them experience  List at least one skill and quality they already have that will help them in KS4

Year 9 Me, Choices & Options Making a good choice

Lessons: Objective Outcome: Resource Decision making/ Students will be able to Self-awareness/ Researching

What is decision making  Understand the process of decision making  Identify at least one decision they  Students individually identify what  Understand the different methods of decision have made recently and the steps sort of decision maker they think All about me; my skills/strengths making they took to make the decision they are most of the time & decision making  Go through a decision making  Understand that some decisions can be more process/exercise in class  In groups students consider which Knowing how to research & use important than others  State whether these were good or approaches to decision making information bad decisions and why might suit different types of  State what influenced their decisions decision – use Decision Making  Know their own skills & strengths work sheet

 Timeline activity

 Students think about future decisions they are likely to have to make

 Identify generally what sort of decision maker they are  State how different decisions can involve different methods of decision making  Recognise and state future decisions they’re likely to face and how important these are to them  Identify at least 2 skills & 2 strengths they have

 Know & understand how information is a vital  State the consequences of not  In groups ask students to design a part of decision making having accurate information poster (this could be a mini  Know how to research information  State at least 2 information sources competition) showing all the  Understand how to distinguish between  Be able to state the pros & cons of at different information sources they different information sources least 2 information sources can think of to get info. on careers;  Have researched information about ie people/websites/TV & careers for themselves media/books

 What are the pros & cons of the different sources of information

 Know how to access sources of information,  State different sources of information Passportfolio:

Year 10 Me, the Future & Employability Investigating careers/Preparation for & experience of the world of work/Financial capability Lessons Objective Outcomes: students Resource will be able to Employability &  Know &  Identify at least 3 Sortitonline skills understand what employability Work and training - Skills skills skills employability skills skills are  Identify at least 2 Passportfolio:  Be able to identify employability Knowing about myself – their own skills which employability skills relate to them Futuremorph:  Be able to link  State at least 2 employability skills skills which are to STEM subjects part of STEM subjects Skills subjects &  Students identify  Identify skills used in Sortitonline careers skills related to subjects; especially Work and training - Skills skills skills subjects & link to think of STEM skills  Using whiteboard ask students in groups to think about different careers  Link skills, subjects & skills they use in different subjects, using subjects from Skills careers skills skills section  Compare group answers with those on website

 Ask students to think of different careers which might use the subject; check this with website

 Explore Futuremorph website & careers on whiteboard

Start investigating  Students  Know what is meant Sortitonline: world of work recognise how by ‘labour market Work & training – careers change information’  Can state why it’s important to know about the labour market Futures  Say what jobs are Labour Market Information (LMI) resources – products from Prospectus most likely to exist in next 5 years  Be able to state at version/services/careers-and-progression-planning/lmi/ least 5 work areas locally Research career area  Students know  State what Sortitonline: how to start information they can Work & training – researching find about a career Jobs & careers section different career areas  Give each small group of students a career area from list; select from tab sections what want students to think about for their career area

 Take feedback from each group comparing answers with information on website

Year 11 Me & Moving On Lessons Objective Outcome: Resource Students will be able to Researching options post-16  Research options post-16  Know options open post- Passportfolio – 16  Know how to make realistic plans for  Have begun to complete Knowing what’s available & the future an action plan for post-16  Prepare a personal Put My Plans into Action Putting plans into action – statement and/or CV  Prepare for the selection and which reflects their  Use above website/lesson Set goals application procedure for post-16 strengths and outline for students to options achievements, including research options and Manage the recruitment their skills and qualities – preparing to put their plans procedure for post-16 options  Make applications to into action chosen options  Prepare for an interview Attending interviews or test, having carried out necessary research and revision Also:  Review the recruitment BT Moving On – process, reflecting on Especially Module 3 Putting it all  Learn about finance & budgeting the outcome and their together own performance  Make alternative ‘back-up’ plans if necessary  Know what budgeting means for them

Use on line activity from NW: Have Financial capability/budgeting you bought your presents yet? est/info/flash_smart_giving.htm

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