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Final Report R215U010023

Final Report—R215U010023

Identifying Components of Effective Mathematics Programs

Prepared for the University of Oregon


Laurence A. Toenjes, Ph.D., Toenjes & Associates

Jeffrey C. Lewis, Ph.D., Pitzer College

Mara B. Winick, Ph.D., University of Redlands

December, 2004

This study was performed under a contract with the University of Oregon, with funding provided by the US Department of Education (grant number R215U010023).

Portions of the data and analysis pertaining to State of Texas’ schools and school districts relied upon a study funded by the Texas Education Agency and the Texas Region IV Education Service Center. Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ii

Section 1: Introduction and Purpose


Section 2: Overview of study and the Ten Components of Effective Schools


Section 3: Survey Design, Format, and Procedures


Section 4: Selection of School Districts and the Use of Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM)


Section 5: Analysis of California Survey Data


Section 6: Analysis of North Carolina Survey Data


Section 7: Analysis of Texas Survey Data


Section 8: Relationship between student performance, proportion of economically disadvantaged students, and test difficulty—three states


Section 9: Multi-state analysis—California, North Carolina, and Texas


i Effective Mathematics Program Components

Section 10: Summary and Conclusions




Appendix: Survey Forms




ii Effective Mathematics Program Components

Executive Summary

Previous work has identified Ten Components of Effective Schools which were often associated with schools and school districts whose students were achieving above average academically. The main purpose of this study was to determine if a questionnaire-based data gathering process could capture information sufficient to test the efficacy of these Ten Components upon mathematics performance in elementary and middle schools. That is, can a short questionnaire filled out by teachers and administrators adequately capture sufficient information about such characteristics as administrative practices, curriculum alignment and professional development to test whether different degrees or quality of implementation of these practices actually makes any difference in educational outcomes at the school or school district level? Information was obtained from 828 teachers in 104 schools located in 18 school districts across three states—California, North Carolina, and Texas. Several districts in each state and several schools within each district were selected which had large proportions of economically disadvantaged students. In addition, it was attempted to get a mix of districts which exhibited either higher than average or lower than average performance among the majority of their campuses, using a criterion described in the paper. Correlation and linear regression analyses were used to see which of the Ten Components were associated with the more successful schools, leaving aside district influence. Using Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM) analysis, the district-level aggregates derived from the survey data were used to determine which of the components were most strongly associated with higher than predicted performance among the school districts in the sample. Strong and consistent correlations were found between school-wide average student math performance and the degree of implementation of several of the Ten Components. The survey results were even more effective in explaining variations in the average math performance of entire school districts, even when correcting for differences in the proportion of economically disadvantaged students. The results were weakest based upon data for North Carolina. Reasons for this are discussed.

iii Effective Mathematics Program Components

The data from all three states were also combined, making the statistical results even stronger. Problems inherent in combining such data obtained from different states, each administering a different standardized test, are discussed and dealt with. The school level performance data for California schools were available based on three different passing criteria—Below Basic, Basic, and Proficient. Greater predictive power of the Ten Components was associated with the more demanding assessment criteria, but the passing rates were lower. This suggests that there may be a tradeoff between state tests designed to maximize research potential and tests used to publicly label schools for accountability purposes. It is concluded that the survey instrument used to gather data for this study is indeed effective in measuring the degree to which school district and school practices are aligned with the Ten Components. It is also concluded that the degree of implementation of at least several of the Ten Components is strongly associated with differences in average student performance, both at the school and the school district levels. The results for school districts makes clear that the district role goes beyond merely providing infrastructure and services for their schools. District administrations also have a central role in bringing about higher student performance in all schools within their jurisdiction. These findings suggest caution in the face of calls for arbitrarily limiting the proportion of district dollars that can be spent for district administration functions. These findings also suggest caution with respect to certain proposals for directly funding schools from the state level, bypassing the district altogether.

iv Effective Mathematics Program Components

Section 1: Introduction and Purpose

Closing the gap in school performance between students in different economic, ethnic and racial groups is perhaps the major challenge facing US education today. From one perspective the lower average academic performance by minority and economically disadvantaged students represents a major economic loss to the nation as a whole, and certainly translates into a lifetime of lower earnings for most of the underachievers. From another perspective, the differential rates in average academic achievement by the different ethnic, racial, and economic groups in the US translates into a tragic postponement of attaining one of the most cherished values of this nation—that all persons are created equal and have equal opportunity to achieve the benefits that this nation has to offer and to have equal voice in its affairs. This goal cannot be reached as long as such glaring discrepancies in school achievement exist among the different major socioeconomic groups. It was hoped that the elimination of legally segregated schools would eventually reduce if not eliminate inter-group differences in school performance. Certainly there has been progress, but data collected in recent decades continue to show large differences. As a result there has been a new surge of efforts to reform and improve education across the United States. The report A Nation at Risk (National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983) is often cited as providing the stimulus for these efforts. Perhaps aided in a significant way by the advent of economical computerized record-keeping and data- retrieval technology, reform efforts have been accompanied by an expansion in student testing. This increase in testing by schools and school districts in most states has provided the means to constantly monitor the performance and progress of all students in very detailed fashion. These data have given new emphasis to the issue of disparities in school performance among various ethnic, racial, and economic groups as these differences are now documented in great detail and their relative magnitudes recorded annually. Clear, graphic documentation of the performance gaps following from the widespread availability of test-based performance data has been accompanied by widespread adoption of statewide accountability systems. These systems have been designed to

1 Effective Mathematics Program Components focus attention on low performing schools and to try to bring about improvements in their performance. One of the expected benefits of these accountability systems is the potential to identify schools and school districts that exhibit outstanding performance, to determine the factors contributing to the higher performance, and to encourage the lower performers to adopt similar practices. Research that helps to close this gap by determining which school characteristics relate to improved performance is sorely needed, but in many areas, and in particular when focused on mathematics instruction, there is not a large body of reliable findings to direct educators. A recent report from the National Research Council (2001) noted the limited availability of experimental research related to determining methods that raise academic achievement, while another report from the What Works Clearinghouse (2004) highlights the lack of a research basis for most mathematics programs. The purpose of this study is to use data generated by statewide accountability systems to explore mathematics assessment performance and to differentiate among schools and school districts based upon the implementation of particular practices at various organizational levels. Starting from prior work, the current study will explore the relationship between instructional characteristics and practices that may help explain the differences between high and low performing schools. Interviews and questionnaires were used to gather site-specific and district data from school districts, associated campus leaders and teachers to help identify such effective practices. However, this effort should be viewed only as a pilot study because of the relatively small numbers of school districts included. The original funding for this study was intended to permit data collection within two states. As the work in California and North Carolina was being organized however, support was obtained from the State of Texas (Regional Service Center IV) to carry out a similar study within Texas, also focusing on mathematics. The report that follows describes and utilizes the data gathered across the three states. Section two outlines the conceptual definitions by which the study questionnaire was designed. Section three details the survey development process and data collection including sampling, survey administration and participation stipends. In Section 4 the use of Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM) is described, especially as used in selecting

2 Effective Mathematics Program Components districts in each state to be included in the study. In Sections 5, 6, and 7 the survey data results are analyzed for each of California, North Carolina, and Texas, respectively. In Section 8 data from California are used to demonstrate how different passing rate thresholds used to determine student success on the state’s standardized tests can affect the usefulness of the reported data for research purposes. Section 9 presents a brief analysis based upon the data for all three states, taking advantage of the larger sample size. There is also a discussion of some of the problems inherent in the use of multi-state data. Finally, a summary and conclusions are presented in Section 10.

Section 2: Overview of the study and the Ten Components of Effective Schools The practices assessed in carrying out the purpose of this study are referred to as The Ten Components of Effective Schools, or the Ten Components, for short. The efficacy of the Ten Components for improving performance will be tested here with student performance measures for elementary and middle school mathematics collected in three different states—California, North Carolina, and Texas. All of these states have been involved in comprehensive statewide testing of all students in grades 3 through 8, and have incorporated the testing regime into their respective accountability systems. The content framework for the practices considered was modeled on a study carried out earlier in Texas, but which focused on test results in reading (Toenjes & Garst, 2002). This study involved assessing the same Ten Components upon which this current study focuses, but with campus reading results on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS; see for a full description of TAAS) as the dependent variable. Most of the data for the Texas study were obtained by expert interviewers using a structured interview instrument tailored to each of the three institutional levels—teachers, school principals and reading coordinators, and district superintendents and curriculum specialists. The original interview instruments were designed to assess the degree of implementation of each of the Ten Components at each level: the school, principal and district. This study, however, focuses specifically on mathematics performance as impacted by the three levels of practice and does so across three states with mature accountability systems in place. This math study differs from the reading study by the sampling of a more geographically diverse population of schools

3 Effective Mathematics Program Components and by the data collection process. Administered surveys rather than expert interviewing were used to reach the broader state samples in a more timely and economic fashion that allowed for more uniform assessment. The procedures and results from California, North Carolina and Texas are reported in separate sections (Sections 5, 6, and 7, respectively) and the results then compared. In the final sections of this report the data will be pooled, thus providing a larger number of observations with which to test certain hypotheses. It will also provide an opportunity to better understand the problems inherent in such data mergers. A discussion of data compatibility is included and the method used to transform the campus student performance data from the three states into compatible measures is described. In addition, the inclusion of certain data from Texas, combined with the corresponding data from North Carolina and California, may provide insights into some of the issues which will arise with the interstate comparison of student performance data based upon different assessment regimes (discussed in Sections 8 and 9).

Ten Components of Effective Schools

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has promoted a list of ten characteristics that it maintains are implemented in whole or in part at the most successful schools in Texas. As already mentioned, the list of these components was formalized by Dr. Doug Carnine1. Anecdotal observations and some preliminary studies support the contention that adoption of these practices contribute to school success. The description of the ten components from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website is reproduced below (see; note that the components here are in a different order to reflect our data coding). While many factors contribute to the overall success of mathematics instruction, studies show that effective math instruction for all students requires a total school effort and cannot be accomplished without the active, knowledgeable support of school administrators at both the district and campus level. Factors that contribute to the success for all students in mathematics include the following:

4 Effective Mathematics Program Components

1. Sound Administrative Practices: District leaders prioritize resources to support an effective mathematics program capable of bringing all students to high levels of performance.

 Communicate the expectation that achievement for all students will replicate that of the highest performing schools with comparable students. Translate expectations into specific goals. Leaders provide acknowledgement to those who achieve high levels of student achievement.  Structure the administrative role as supporting instruction rather than enforcing compliance. Administrators work with school teams to plan and support improvement in performance. Prioritize district and campus budgets so that needed resources are available for all components of the math program such as: lead teachers, materials, and/or teachers to provide supplemental instruction.  District and campus leaders take actions as necessary to ensure adequate student progress and monitoring. The math program is monitored through visits to schools and/or classrooms and analysis of student assessment data. Leaders have adequate time and/or staff to accomplish this goal.  Create an environment conducive to instruction and success. For example: campuses initiate a proactive school-wide management program to facilitate cooperative and responsible behavior from students. A motivational system is in place for all students- those struggling and those who do well. Students are placed where they will succeed and the system encourages student performance and effort.

2. Aligned Curriculum: The curriculum is aligned between the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, teaching objectives, textbooks, materials, and assessment.

3. Ongoing Assessment and Planning: Student learning is assessed throughout the school year and results are used to plan and group students for instruction and to provide feedback to students and parents.

4. Immediate Intervention for Students Experiencing Difficulty Mastering Concepts: Students who experience difficulty are identified in a timely manner and intensive interventions are designed to remediate their deficiencies. Extra instruction targets their specific instructional needs.

5. Increased and Effective Use of Instructional Time: Sufficient time is designated for math instruction each day to ensure that all students reach high levels of achievement in mathematics. 60 to 90 minutes per day is allotted for students performing at or above grade level and additional instructional time is allotted for students having difficulty mastering math concepts. Additional instructional time is provided through before/after school classes, tutoring, Saturday classes, summer programs, and extra instruction during the school day in small group settings.

5 Effective Mathematics Program Components

6. Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content: Teachers have a good, clear understanding of the mathematics content they teach and are carefully selected for their teaching assignments.2

7. Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques: Instructional materials and techniques are part of a carefully planned math program that is structured to meet the individual needs of students. These instructional materials are consistent with what is used in districts with high levels of achievement in math.

8. Differentiated Instruction: Schools and classrooms are organized so that students with similar needs receive effective instruction through flexible skill grouping.

9. Focused Professional Development: Professional Development is an on-going priority and is focused intensely on student needs identified through TAAS3 and district assessments.

10. End-of-Year Analysis of Student Performance: End-of-year student performance is measured with state and/or national tests to analyze program effectiveness.

 Gather data from the beginning and end of the school year on a variety of assessment instruments, including TAAS, to determine program effectiveness and make plans for yearly improvement efforts.  Compare campus performance on TAAS with comparable higher performing schools to set expectations for improvement efforts.  Establish communication links between elementary, middle and high school regarding student preparation for Algebra 1. Determine which concepts, if any, need more attention at each level.

Previous Studies

Work exploring these ten components has shown promise in more limited explorations completed in recent years. Toenjes and Garst (2000) set out to determine whether eight district practices were associated with district average student math performance. The major practices included district administration, academic oversight of campuses, accountability for administrators, curriculum alignment with state standards, implementation of remediation for low-performing students, and alignment of professional development with student performance on state standardized tests. Teachers, school administrators, and district administrators were interviewed by the same

6 Effective Mathematics Program Components interviewer, their responses to specific questions analyzed and compared, and finally a single score established for each district. This score was intended to represent the relative extent to which all 8 practices had been implemented in each district. When the districts were rank-ordered on the basis of their scores, those with higher scores had received the State of Texas accountability rating of Recognized, whereas those with lower total scores received the lower Acceptable rating. A number of qualitative findings were also reported in this study. These included the following:  All middle schools and high schools surveyed reported that alignment team meetings across grades and campuses are taking place. The frequency and agendas of these meetings vary from general discussions about campus problems to in-depth coordination of curriculum designs.

 Five of the 16 middle school campuses visited have hired experienced math teachers to fill instructional specialist positions in math.

 Three of the 25 campuses visited free teachers for 2 periods a day; one for routine conference duties and one for math teacher meetings.

 All but two of the 9 high schools visited provide to low-performing students at least 90 minutes of math per day extending throughout the entire school year.

 Teachers and administrators track scores of low-performing students very closely on some campuses. On other campuses no records are kept.

 On some campuses in some districts giving up an elective is required for students who are identified as low-performing.

 On other campuses some administrators interviewed stated it is not possible to have mandatory programs for low-performing students because constraints imposed by electives and sports are impossible to overcome.

 For the 15 middle school campuses visited, which had consistent attendance boundaries the last two years, enrollment in Algebra I has increased by 46 percent in the current school year as compared to last year.4

This study involved only 8 Texas school districts. While the study was not designed to determine the association between any individual practice and improved student performance, on average a greater degree of implementation of these practices

7 Effective Mathematics Program Components was associated, for the entire district, with higher state accountability ratings. In short, these practices might be called the Eight Components of Effective Districts. In “Survey of Texas Reading Programs Based on the Ten Components of Best Practice, Grades K-8”, Toenjes and Garst (2002) attempted to determine if a greater degree of implementation of each of the Ten Components of Effective Schools identified by Carnine was associated with better student reading performance. Data were collected from 8 school districts, and 52 schools and 104 teachers in those districts. The criterion for selecting districts was based on a district-wide measure reflecting average pass rates on the State of Texas’ TAAS reading test, correcting for the proportion of economically disadvantaged students attending the various campuses in each district. One of the Ten Components, component 9 (Focused Professional Development, which means promoting teacher collaboration and training based on student performance), was found to be statistically significant. One of the elements within component 1 (Sound Administrative Practices) was significant when used alone. This component was the degree to which individual school principals were granted certain budgetary authority. Both of the factors found to be associated with improved district-wide student performance, corrected for poverty, are activities that are likely best organized and instituted by the district administration. Certainly delegation of budgetary authority can only occur with district approval, and teacher professional development is normally a district function. In addition to negative effects of larger proportions of economically disadvantaged students, it was also found that a measure of high student mobility among campuses dampened average school performance. In Texas students who change campuses frequently while remaining in the same district must be included in the end-of- year accountability test results. Another study that attempted to use accountability system data to identify effective school practices is reported by Thomas, Warren + Associates (2003), hereafter TWA. This Massachusetts study focused on improvement over time. Only schools were included which had administered the MCAS test each year for the previous four years to at least 50 students. Schools which had demonstrated above average increases in the proportion of students in the Proficient and Advanced mathematics MCAS levels and also above average rates of decrease in the percent of students in the Warning level were

8 Effective Mathematics Program Components designated as IPAW schools. Those in the sample not meeting these requirements were thus the non-IPAW schools. There were 213 schools studied altogether, with 71 being IPAW schools, of which 65 actually participated. Various school practices and characteristics were noted with the goal being to determine if they were present to a significantly greater degree in the IPAW schools than in the other set of schools. Examples of statistically significant factors present in the IPAW schools include the following: IPAW Factor Description of Factor Schools

T4. Instructor indicated that s/he was “well prepared” to design Yes Lessons and unit assessments T11. “Math achievement in grades” identified as an important factor Yes Considered in math placement T23. Instructor supplemented math text with computers Yes T24. Instructor supplemented math text with calculators No T39. Students were assessed with tests or quizzes at least once Yes Per week in 2001-025

There are many more such interesting observations in TWA. It should also be noted that schools were distinguished on the basis of whether the parent districts were “Large”; the percentage of students receiving subsidized lunches was 36 percent for both IPAW and non-IPAW schools; only 12 percent of the students in the IPAW schools were enrolled in LEP programs, as opposed to 23 percent of the students in the non-IPAW schools. The common feature in the three studies briefly reviewed above is that they all attempted to use the data provided by the respective accountability systems to identify practices that are associated with higher student performance. A difference between the TWA study and those of Toenjes and Garst is that TWA focuses on improvement in school performance, while Toenjes and Garst focused on absolute levels of school and district performance in a single year, but “corrected for” the proportions of economically disadvantaged students tested.6

9 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Section 3: Survey Design, Format, and Procedures

The purpose of the interview and data gathering process was to try to quantify the extent to which schools and school districts in the states being investigated have already implemented the various elements of the Ten Components. Teachers, principals, and district office personnel who are directly responsible for the mathematics curriculum were asked to complete parallel instruments assessing aspects of the Ten Components and how they were implemented in their school and district. The subsequent analysis of the resulting data will attempt to determine whether schools and school districts that have more completely implemented the Ten Components are indeed showing superior student performance as measured by results on the mathematics tests (e.g., California Standards Test; see for a description).

All three instruments focus on practices that were selected to operationally capture the Ten Components. At the district level participants are asked to reflect on district wide policy, district office practice and principal practice. While implementation is considered at the teacher level for several of the components, the district instrument mostly focuses on district and principal behaviors. The principal survey addresses district expectations and support, yet is mostly focused on site (principal and teacher) delivery with expanded detail of site intervention practices. The teacher survey predominantly captures teacher practice across the components, if not perceptions of district support and principal oversight. All three surveys are based upon perceptions of practice and policy.

The surveys include twenty-seven to forty-one likert scaled questions with opportunities throughout to write-in alternative responses. Some categorical questions are provided as well as open ended questions which allow district experts and principals to comment on particular successes and challenges at their level of delivery. The North Carolina surveys are slightly different from the California and Texas versions in that several items were added to cover variations in assessment strategies that differ across the states. North Carolina adds end-of grade assessments and tests that are state norm- referenced, and the focus on assessment at the beginning and end of year varies by state. All three states do employ criterion-referenced testing.

10 Effective Mathematics Program Components

The initial draft of the surveys used to structure the data collection process followed from materials developed from Toenjes and Garst (2002) that explored the Ten Components and their association with reading instruction. The materials for the previous study were different not only in content but also because they were in a format for a structured interview. In the present study, this work was extended by moving, in content, to a focus on mathematics instruction, and by changing to a survey format that would allow responses to be collected from a larger set of participants in a more economical fashion. The survey forms were pre-tested using a number of education professionals. A superintendent, two assistant superintendents, two former school principals and eleven teaching interns completed the surveys and provided feedback that led to further minor revisions in the instruments. The final versions of the surveys appear in Appendix 1. Surveys were mailed one week prior to administration to the school sites and district offices. Phone calls one to two days prior to the scheduled meeting verified the date and time at each site. On the chosen day, surveys for the teachers were administered at school in conjunction with a faculty meeting during non-instructional time, typically after school. The meetings for the teachers were scheduled for 30 to 45 minutes. At each school the researcher gave a 10 to 15 minute presentation to explain the study, answer the questions, and to validate the staff for the important information they were providing. Most teachers completed the survey in 15 minutes, while principals and district office personnel completed the surveys on their own. In California and North Carolina, attaining districts to participate proved to be difficult, and a financial incentive was offered for participation ($200 per school participating). Overall, 50% of the districts contacted agreed to participate for a total of 12 districts and 63 schools across the two states. In most cases district personnel reviewed all three survey instruments prior to agreeing to participate. The purpose of the interview and data gathering process in Texas was the same as in California and North Carolina, yet funding and administration were performed separately, and some variance in procedures resulted. Generally the procedures were the same, with a researcher meeting with individuals or small groups who filled out the questionnaires themselves. In the case of one school district, the survey form was provided and submitted electronically. An informative cover letter accompanied the questionnaire

11 Effective Mathematics Program Components form. In a few cases the survey forms, along with a cover letter, were left for teachers not able to meet with the researcher. More details about the data gathering process can be found in Toenjes, Lewis, and Walne (2003).

Section 4: Selection of School Districts and the Use of Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM)

In considering which school districts (LEAs) to be included in the study from each state several criteria were used. First, the study was primarily interested in schools and LEAs that contained large proportions of economically disadvantaged students. Second, it was preferred to include schools and LEAs with significant proportions of minority students (Most often schools that satisfied the first criterion also satisfied the second.). Third, only districts with at least six elementary and middle schools were to be considered. And fourth, it was intended to identify LEAs that exhibited higher than average or lower than average student performance. The following discussion should clarify the rationale for the last two criteria. Data from North Carolina are used in this discussion. Figure 1 North Carolina Elementary and Middle Schools

The distribution of 1663 elementary and middle schools is shown in Figure 1. The vertical axis represents percentage of students in grades 3 through 8 who achieved at

12 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Level III or above on the North Carolina test (for an overview of North Carolina’s testing and accountability program, see The horizontal axis represents the percentage of students at each campus who were eligible for the federal free or reduced-price lunch program. This graph is typical of the relationship observed in other years, in North Carolina, as well as in several other states. It shows a noticeable decrease in average performance as the percent of economically disadvantaged (ED) students increases. It also exhibits substantial variability in this relationship. In particular, many schools with very high proportions of ED students do very well, not only better than other schools with comparable proportions of low income students, but better than many schools with much lower rates of ED students. While the points plotted in Figure 1 are symmetrically distributed around the regression line (the thicker downward-sloping line), this is not necessarily true for the schools in any specific district. An example of a district where most of its schools do better than predicted by their proportions of ED students is shown in Figure 2 (left-hand graph). Of the 15 elementary and middle schools in this district, only two of them fall below the heavy line which represents the average relationship between math performance and proportion of ED students for all such campuses in the state. Figure 2 Example of High-Performing District, North Carolina, 2002

13 Effective Mathematics Program Components

The elementary and middle schools for another district are highlighted in Figure 3. In this case, most of the nineteen schools do less well than predicted. An assumption behind this study is that there exist differences in policies and operating procedures between such districts that will explain at least part of these observed differences in student performance by the schools in these districts, relative to predicted performances.

Figure 3 Example of a Lower Performing District, North Carolina, 2002

One approach to ranking school districts is to calculate the mean campus residual, district-by-district, where the residuals are the distances above or below the regression line, as in Figures 2 and 3. Using this criterion, the district whose schools are shown in Figure 2 would have a substantial positive mean residual, while the district whose schools are shown in Figure 3 would have a substantial negative mean residual. A problem arises with this simple procedure, however, when it is recognized that districts with fewer campuses would be more likely to have extreme values of this measure than would districts with larger numbers of campuses.

Application of Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM) Methods to Rank School Districts

In recent years sophisticated methods have been developed to deal with the hierarchical nature of public school data. The technique is referred to as hierarchical

14 Effective Mathematics Program Components linear models, or HLM.7 From the HLM perspective, there are unique statistical characteristics of data collected at, for example, the individual pupil level, pupils grouped into classrooms, classrooms into schools, and schools into districts. HLM methods are designed to take account of the uniqueness of data pertinent to each of these levels and to identify the non-random as well as the random components at each level. HLM includes features that can overcome the problem mentioned above of establishing a performance measure for districts even though they have quite different numbers of schools. In addition, HLM provides a natural framework within which to bring in new variables developed from the survey data that may help “explain” some of the observed differences in district performance measured in this way, as exemplified by the two districts represented in Figures 2 and 3. A final advantage of the framework provided by HLM is that it makes explicit the proportion of total variance attributable to each level, such as schools and school districts, as in the previous figures. This permits assigning a theoretical maximum of the amount of variance at each level that might be “explained” by the independent variables at that level. In the present case, some proportion of the variance can be attributed to the district level. The process of doing so will hence indicate the significance, in a practical sense, of the variation at this level to be explained. As variables are introduced to explain the variance at each level, the effectiveness of each is directly estimated. In summary, HLM can contribute to the following: 1. Establish a measure of effectiveness for school districts; 2. Identify factors that help explain variations in district effectiveness; 3. Suggest the significance of the variance to be explained at the district as opposed to the school level. A natural extension, if student level data were being used, would be to disaggregate the variance to each of the student, school, and district levels.

The first step in applying HLM here is to use it to rank school districts, based on the performance of the schools in each district. This will be done within the HLM framework using notation established by Bryk and Raudenbush (1992).

15 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Level 1 (Campus)

(I) PPMij = B0j + B1(EDij) + rij. Level 2 (District)

(II) B0j = g00 + u0j.

(III) B1 = g10.

PPMij: Percentage of students in school i in district j passing the math test. EDij: Proportion of enrolled students in school i in district j who are eligible for the federally-subsidized lunch program.

th B0j: Intercept of Level I (campus) equation, in j district.

B1: Slope of Level I (campus) equation, the same in all districts.

g00: Non-stochastic portion of intercept.

g10: Non-stochastic slope (same for all districts).

rij: Level 1 error term, assumed to be normally distributed and with constant variance (s2) across all districts.

u0j: Random effect for district j, assumed to have a mean of zero and

variance t00.

The inclusion of ED (poverty measure) in the level 1 equation results in s2 becoming the measure of the unexplained variance among campuses after correcting for variations in poverty (ED). Similarly, at level 2, t00 is a measure of the variation in mean student performance among districts. Equation II above does not attempt to explain this variation, while estimating u0j for each of the districts (j). The HLM software program, fitting these equations, merely establishes the magnitude of this inter-district variation.

Later, below, variables will be introduced to capture or explain part of t00. In doing so, the amount of remaining level two variation will be estimated, thus permitting the quantification of the level 2 variance reduction due to the introduced variables.

In estimating uoj for each district, given that B1 (the slope) is common to all districts

(as modeled here), the procedure in effect estimates a distinct intercept, B0j, for each district. This, then, is the measure of district performance, based on the performance of

16 Effective Mathematics Program Components all of the campuses, elementary and intermediate, in each district.8 When additional variables are introduced, variables which will be derived from data obtained from the district-level interviews, those variables will be used to try to identify the source of the differences in average performance between districts. Equations I, II, and III were fitted for 117 districts in North Carolina. The dependent variable, PPM, was the percentage of students tested who achieved at Level III or higher on the mathematics end-of-grade tests, grades 3 through 8. The independent variable of

Equation I--EDij—was the percentage of students in these schools that were eligible for the federal free or reduced-price lunch program. Equation II, a Level 2 or district level equation, estimates the intercept for each district. This term has two parts: goo, common to all districts, and uoj, unique to each district. It is uoj which is used as a measure of district performance. Equation III, in this case, indicates that Equation I has a common slope for all districts. The slope does not have a district-unique stochastic component, as does the intercept, which was estimated by Equation II. It was mentioned earlier that a difficulty with using the simple mean of the school residuals for each district was that no account was taken of increasing variance in this measure for districts with small numbers of schools. In estimating the uojs within the HLM framework, such an adjustment is made. Referred to as a “shrinkage estimator”9 the relationship between uoj and nj is described by the two following equations:

uoj = kju*oj ;

2 kj = too / (too + s /nj), where nj is the number of schools in district j.

In this last equation, as nj gets large, kj approaches 1. For small nj, kj would be smaller.

In view of this adjustment, and to give a somewhat meaningful name to the uojs, they will be referred to as Modified Mean Residuals, or MMRs, for short. To emphasize,

th MMRj is the district performance measure here for the j district. The resulting MMRs are plotted against the average proportion of ED students for each district in the right-hand graphs of Figures 2 and 3. The value which is highlighted in the right-hand graph in Figure 2 represents the MMR for the district whose schools are

17 Effective Mathematics Program Components individually highlighted in the left-hand graph in Figure 2, and similarly for the district highlighted in Figure 3. The other, smaller points shown in the right-hand graphs in Figures 2 and 3 are the MMRs for the other school districts in North Carolina. These graphs clearly show the relationship between the MMR measures for the high and low performing districts featured, and the range in values of the MMRs throughout the state.

Figure 4 Example of Mid-Performance District, North Carolina, 2002

A final example, shown in Figure 4, represents the case of a district for which the MMR is close to zero. As can be seen there, the schools in that district are fairly symmetrically distributed about the regression line in the left-hand graph, and the MMR for the district is very close to the 0.0 value on the vertical axis, in the right-hand graph. Similar calculations were carried for LEAs in California and Texas. In both states, the MMRs were used to rank districts. On the basis of these rankings districts with medium to high proportions of ED and minority students were selected as initial choices to be invited to participate in the study, with some of them from the high-performing end, and others from the lower-performing end of the MMR-based ranking. Not all of the districts initially chosen were able to participate, so others further away from the extreme values of the MMRs were approached.

18 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Section 5: Analysis of California Survey Data Questionnaires were administered to three distinct groups in seven school districts and to several schools within each of those districts. The intent was to obtain information from three different levels within each district regarding the extent of implementation of the Ten Components. The following table summarizes the numbers of valid questionnaires. Table 1 Numbers of Questionnaires from Districts, Schools, and Teachers California

Number of Number of District District Number of School Number of Designation Administrators Schools Administrators Teachers 1 1 5 5 33 2 1 5 5 38 3 2 5 5 63 4 1 5 5 38 5 1 5 5 59 6 1 7 7 91 7 2 5 5 41 n=7 n=9 n=37 n=37 n=363

As the school is the smallest unit of analysis herein (as opposed to the classroom) the teacher data was summarized to the school level by calculating the means of the individual responses, where appropriate. To get a teacher score for each of the Ten Components, these school averages for each item were then averaged across the questionnaire items within each component. The number of usable items on the questionnaires within each component varied considerably, from a minimum of 1 item to a maximum of 10 items, across the Ten Components on the three different surveys—district personnel, school principals, and teachers. As there was just one principal per school, averaging only occurred within each of the Ten Components at the school administration level. Most of the item responses on the questionnaires consisted of values in the range 1 – 5, expressing the degree to which the respondent felt that the practice in question was being carried out at his or her school or within his or her school district. The responses for Component 5 (Increased and Effective Use of Instructional Time) in the case of teachers was not usable.10 The implicit

19 Effective Mathematics Program Components assumption is that there should be a positive correlation between student performance and the extent of implementation of the practices described in the questions. There should therefore also be positive correlations between the average responses for a given component and the results obtained for the other components. Pearson bivariate correlation coefficients were calculated using the questionnaire data summarized as just described. Several comparisons of the coefficient coefficients are presented. Correlations among teacher-level component scores for the 37 schools are shown in Table 2. Seven of the 9 components are significantly correlated (p = 0.05 or less) with at least 5 others, while C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content) and C8 (Differentiated Instruction) were significantly correlated with 3 others. Perhaps more interesting is the degree to which the individual components correlate with measures of student performance. Correlation coefficients of the 9 components, based on the teacher surveys, and 4 different measures of student mathematics performance, are presented in Table 3. PPM_P refers to the percentage of students meeting the Proficient standard on the mathematics portion of the California Standards Test, PPM_B refers to the percentage meeting the Basic standard, and PPM_BB the percentage meeting the Below Basic standard. As can be seen, the higher the standard, the greater the number of components which are significantly correlated to it. Thus, there are 6 significant correlations between average component responses by teachers and passing rates based on the Proficient standard, 5 when the Basic standard is used, and just 4 when the Below Basic standard is applied. The fourth performance measure shown in Table 3, labeled PCTL_B, is the percentile rank for sample schools, based on the Basic standard, and calculated from data for all elementary and middle schools in the state. Note that PMM_B and PCTL_B are correlated at a 0.988 level, which would appear to justify the substitution of the latter for the former when desired. PCTL_B is introduced to provide the most consistent measure that can be used for comparing results between the three states.11

20 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 2


c1_t c2_t c3_t c4_t c6_t c7_t c8_t c9_t c10_t c1_t Pearson Correlation 1 .321* .417** .599** .210 .560** .187 .517** .435** Sig. (1-tailed) .026 .005 .000 .106 .000 .134 .001 .004 c2_t Pearson Correlation .321* 1 .328* .440** .345* .291* .206 .609** .212 Sig. (1-tailed) .026 .024 .003 .018 .040 .111 .000 .104 c3_t Pearson Correlation .417** .328* 1 .365* -.006 .362* .429** .363* .549** Sig. (1-tailed) .005 .024 .013 .485 .014 .004 .014 .000 c4_t Pearson Correlation .599** .440** .365* 1 .342* .335* .322* .589** .304* Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .003 .013 .019 .021 .026 .000 .034 c6_t Pearson Correlation .210 .345* -.006 .342* 1 .210 .026 .375* -.114 Sig. (1-tailed) .106 .018 .485 .019 .106 .439 .011 .251 c7_t Pearson Correlation .560** .291* .362* .335* .210 1 .222 .263 .436** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .040 .014 .021 .106 .094 .058 .003 c8_t Pearson Correlation .187 .206 .429** .322* .026 .222 1 .372* .206 Sig. (1-tailed) .134 .111 .004 .026 .439 .094 .012 .111 c9_t Pearson Correlation .517** .609** .363* .589** .375* .263 .372* 1 .446** Sig. (1-tailed) .001 .000 .014 .000 .011 .058 .012 .003 c10_t Pearson Correlation .435** .212 .549** .304* -.114 .436** .206 .446** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .004 .104 .000 .034 .251 .003 .111 .003 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). N=37

21 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 3


ppm_bb ppm_b ppm_p pctl_b c1_t Pearson Correlation .394** .576** .623** .576** Sig. (1-tailed) .008 .000 .000 .000 c2_t Pearson Correlation .301* .267 .296* .269 Sig. (1-tailed) .035 .055 .037 .054 c3_t Pearson Correlation .208 .224 .267 .158 Sig. (1-tailed) .109 .091 .055 .175 c4_t Pearson Correlation .270 .400** .436** .384** Sig. (1-tailed) .053 .007 .004 .009 c6_t Pearson Correlation -.029 -.031 -.042 -.020 Sig. (1-tailed) .432 .427 .403 .454 c7_t Pearson Correlation .359* .388** .432** .386** Sig. (1-tailed) .014 .009 .004 .009 c8_t Pearson Correlation .009 .080 .144 .046 Sig. (1-tailed) .479 .320 .198 .394 c9_t Pearson Correlation .232 .301* .329* .289* Sig. (1-tailed) .084 .035 .023 .042 c10_t Pearson Correlation .328* .452** .458** .417** Sig. (1-tailed) .024 .003 .002 .005 ppm_bb Pearson Correlation 1 .880** .823** .866** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 ppm_b Pearson Correlation .880** 1 .968** .988** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 ppm_p Pearson Correlation .823** .968** 1 .968** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 pctl_b Pearson Correlation .866** .988** .968** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). N = 37

Referring to Table 3, we can see how the components relate to the various performance measures. Focusing on the competency levels at or above the indicated proficiency threshold, we see that Components 1 (Sound Administrative Practices), 7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques), and 10 (End-of-Year Analysis) are significantly correlated with student performance based on all 3 proficiency standards. In addition, Component 2 (Aligned Curriculum) is significantly correlated with performance based on

22 Effective Mathematics Program Components the Below Basic and the Proficient standard, Components 4 and 9 are significantly correlated with performance based on the Basic and the Proficient standards.

Similar correlation coefficients were calculated based upon data collected from the principals in the 37 schools. Table 4 shows the correlation coefficients among the Ten Components themselves (and in this case all 10 are in fact present), while Table 5 again shows how each of them are correlated with the three performance measures. The intercorrelations among the Ten Components, based on the principals’ data, are at least as great as those based on the teachers’ data, with the exception of C5 (Increased and Effective Use of Instructional Time) (which was not present for teachers)12. The correlation between the components and the student performance measures are comparable but slightly different from those presented for teachers in Table 3. Using the principals’ data, Components 1 (Sound Administrative Practices), 2 (Aligned Curriculum), 6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content), and 7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques) are significantly correlated with all of the performance measures (as seen in Table 5). A third set of measures for each component was obtained by averaging the separate component values that were derived from teacher and principal data. This would be, in a sense, the most complete school measure for each component. The intercorrelation among this set of correlation coefficients are presented in Table 6, with their correlations to the student performance measures shown in Table 7. In the case of C5 (Increased and Effective Use of Instructional Time), the value based on the principal data was used, as there was no value for C5 based on teacher data with which to average it. Using these estimates of component values, all except C5 are significantly correlated with at least 8 of the others, while Components 7, 8 (Differentiated Instruction), 9 (Focused Professional Development) and 10 (End-of-Year Analysis) are significantly correlated with each of the remaining 9, including C5. The correlations of these last estimates of the Ten Components with the student performance measures are similar to the previous set. As shown in Table 7, Components 1, 2, 7, 9 and 10 are significantly correlated with all four of the measures. C4 (Immediate Intervention) is significantly correlated with proficiency at the Basic level and C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content) at the Below Basic level.

23 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 4


c1_p c2_p c3_p c4_p c5_p c6_p c7_p c8_p c9_p c10_p c1_p Pearson Correlation 1 .599** .232 .424** .213 .414** .298* .504** .401** .499** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .084 .004 .114 .005 .037 .001 .007 .001 c2_p Pearson Correlation .599** 1 .462** .285* .200 .359* .526** .454** .237 .419** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .002 .044 .128 .015 .000 .002 .079 .005 c3_p Pearson Correlation .232 .462** 1 .274 .168 .464** .386** .395** .351* .457** Sig. (1-tailed) .084 .002 .050 .171 .002 .009 .008 .017 .002 c4_p Pearson Correlation .424** .285* .274 1 -.048 .494** .231 .425** .423** .539** Sig. (1-tailed) .004 .044 .050 .394 .001 .085 .004 .005 .000 c5_p Pearson Correlation .213 .200 .168 -.048 1 -.040 .130 .385* .244 .259 Sig. (1-tailed) .114 .128 .171 .394 .411 .231 .012 .082 .070 c6_p Pearson Correlation .414** .359* .464** .494** -.040 1 .530** .491** .512** .462** Sig. (1-tailed) .005 .015 .002 .001 .411 .000 .001 .001 .002 c7_p Pearson Correlation .298* .526** .386** .231 .130 .530** 1 .545** .375* .471** Sig. (1-tailed) .037 .000 .009 .085 .231 .000 .000 .011 .002 c8_p Pearson Correlation .504** .454** .395** .425** .385* .491** .545** 1 .518** .624** Sig. (1-tailed) .001 .002 .008 .004 .012 .001 .000 .001 .000 c9_p Pearson Correlation .401** .237 .351* .423** .244 .512** .375* .518** 1 .491** Sig. (1-tailed) .007 .079 .017 .005 .082 .001 .011 .001 .001 c10_p Pearson Correlation .499** .419** .457** .539** .259 .462** .471** .624** .491** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .001 .005 .002 .000 .070 .002 .002 .000 .001 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 37

24 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 5


ppm_bb ppm_b ppm_p pctl_b c1_p Pearson Correlation .399** .394** .404** .385** Sig. (1-tailed) .007 .008 .007 .009 c2_p Pearson Correlation .382** .510** .534** .530** Sig. (1-tailed) .010 .001 .000 .000 c3_p Pearson Correlation .040 .092 .075 .072 Sig. (1-tailed) .407 .294 .329 .336 c4_p Pearson Correlation .049 .047 -.009 .024 Sig. (1-tailed) .387 .391 .479 .443 c5_p Pearson Correlation .117 .091 .086 .105 Sig. (1-tailed) .256 .305 .314 .277 c6_p Pearson Correlation .421** .366* .353* .347* Sig. (1-tailed) .005 .013 .016 .018 c7_p Pearson Correlation .502** .517** .491** .525** Sig. (1-tailed) .001 .001 .001 .000 c8_p Pearson Correlation .157 .168 .183 .146 Sig. (1-tailed) .177 .160 .139 .194 c9_p Pearson Correlation .262 .242 .227 .223 Sig. (1-tailed) .059 .075 .088 .092 c10_p Pearson Correlation .212 .208 .172 .193 Sig. (1-tailed) .104 .109 .154 .126 ppm_bb Pearson Correlation 1 .880** .823** .866** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 ppm_b Pearson Correlation .880** 1 .968** .988** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 ppm_p Pearson Correlation .823** .968** 1 .968** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 pctl_b Pearson Correlation .866** .988** .968** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 37 except c5_p = 34

25 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 6


c1_tp c2_tp c3_tp c4_tp c5_tp c6_tp c7_tp c8_tp c9_tp c10_tp c1_tp Pearson Correlation 1 .715** .419** .587** .280 .425** .504** .526** .465** .510** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .005 .000 .055 .004 .001 .000 .002 .001 c2_tp Pearson Correlation .715** 1 .511** .497** .270 .492** .691** .430** .408** .444** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .001 .001 .062 .001 .000 .004 .006 .003 c3_tp Pearson Correlation .419** .511** 1 .340* .208 .387** .437** .418** .415** .472** Sig. (1-tailed) .005 .001 .020 .118 .009 .003 .005 .005 .002 c4_tp Pearson Correlation .587** .497** .340* 1 -.003 .582** .340* .500** .533** .577** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .001 .020 .493 .000 .020 .001 .000 .000 c5_tp Pearson Correlation .280 .270 .208 -.003 1 .012 .309* .469** .319* .295* Sig. (1-tailed) .055 .062 .118 .493 .473 .038 .003 .033 .045 c6_tp Pearson Correlation .425** .492** .387** .582** .012 1 .537** .415** .514** .457** Sig. (1-tailed) .004 .001 .009 .000 .473 .000 .005 .001 .002 c7_tp Pearson Correlation .504** .691** .437** .340* .309* .537** 1 .505** .372* .605** Sig. (1-tailed) .001 .000 .003 .020 .038 .000 .001 .012 .000 c8_tp Pearson Correlation .526** .430** .418** .500** .469** .415** .505** 1 .561** .553** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .004 .005 .001 .003 .005 .001 .000 .000 c9_tp Pearson Correlation .465** .408** .415** .533** .319* .514** .372* .561** 1 .531** Sig. (1-tailed) .002 .006 .005 .000 .033 .001 .012 .000 .000 c10_tp Pearson Correlation .510** .444** .472** .577** .295* .457** .605** .553** .531** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .001 .003 .002 .000 .045 .002 .000 .000 .000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 37

26 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 7


ppm_bb ppm_b ppm_p pctl_b c1_tp Pearson Correlation .497** .596** .628** .589** Sig. (1-tailed) .001 .000 .000 .000 c2_tp Pearson Correlation .424** .517** .547** .534** Sig. (1-tailed) .004 .001 .000 .000 c3_tp Pearson Correlation .116 .164 .168 .121 Sig. (1-tailed) .248 .166 .161 .238 c4_tp Pearson Correlation .196 .277* .269 .255 Sig. (1-tailed) .123 .048 .054 .064 c5_tp Pearson Correlation .117 .091 .086 .105 Sig. (1-tailed) .256 .305 .314 .277 c6_tp Pearson Correlation .300* .258 .244 .248 Sig. (1-tailed) .036 .062 .073 .069 c7_tp Pearson Correlation .552** .579** .586** .583** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 c8_tp Pearson Correlation .131 .165 .201 .135 Sig. (1-tailed) .221 .164 .116 .212 c9_tp Pearson Correlation .289* .302* .302* .283* Sig. (1-tailed) .041 .035 .035 .045 c10_tp Pearson Correlation .334* .386** .357* .357* Sig. (1-tailed) .022 .009 .015 .015 ppm_bb Pearson Correlation 1 .880** .823** .866** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 ppm_b Pearson Correlation .880** 1 .968** .988** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 ppm_p Pearson Correlation .823** .968** 1 .968** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 pctl_b Pearson Correlation .866** .988** .968** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 37, ecept for c5_to B = 34

A summary of some of the correlation coefficients introduced above is contained in Table 8. Column 1 shows those for each component derived from teachers’ data with student performance using the Basic criterion. Column 2 shows the corresponding correlation coefficients based on principals’ data, and column 4 shows the correlation

27 Effective Mathematics Program Components coefficients corresponding to each component based on the averages of teacher and principal responses. These numbers appeared separately in Tables 3, 5, and 7 above.

Table 8 Summary, Correlation Coefficients Between Ten Components and Student Performance Measure and Between Teacher and Principal Component Measures--California

Cor. Coef. Cor. Coef. Cor. Coef. Btwn Teacher- Btwn Teacher Btwn Principal Principal Components Components Cor. Coef. Components Component and Student and Student Btwn Teacher and Student Performance Performance and Principal Performance (PPM_B) (PPM_B) Components (PPM_B) (Sig.) (Sig) (Sig) (Sig) (Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) (Col 4) 1 .576** .394* .268 .596** .000 .008 .055 .000 2 .267 .510** .312* .517** .055 .001 .030 .001 3 .224 .092 .314* .164 .091 .294 .030 .166 4 .400** .047 .459** .277* .007 .391 .002 .048 5 .091 .091 -- -- .305 .305 6 -.031 .366* .460** .258 .428 .013 .002 .062 7 .388** .517** .251 .579** .009 .001 .067 .000 8 .080 .168 .357* .165 .320 .160 .015 .164 9 .301* .242 .462** .302* .035 .075 .002 .035 10 .452** .208 .017 .386* .003 .109 .461 .009 ** Correlation is significant at the .01 level (1-tailed) * Correlation is significant at the .05 level (1-tailed)

Column 3 contains new information. The numbers in this column are the correlation coefficients calculated with teachers’ responses (averaged) to each component as one of the variables, and the responses of principals to each component as the other variable. In

28 Effective Mathematics Program Components short, high values (close to 1) in column 3 would represent a very high degree of consistency between teachers’ assessments of the degree of implementation of the Ten Components and those of the principals at their respective schools. As seen, the correlations for 6 of the components are statistically significant. For two others—C1 (Sound Administrative Practices) and C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques) -- the significance values are 0.055 and 0.067. C10 (End-of-Year Analysis) is far from significant with a value of 0.461. Given that the numbers of teachers’ questionnaires averaged just under 10 per school, while there was just a single principal’s questionnaire for each school, these results seem reasonably indicative of within-school coherence of attitudes among teachers and principals, although a greater degree of correlation would have been desirable. Having established a certain degree of consistency among the various measures for each component, and having demonstrated that a percentile rank of student performance can be substituted for the percentage of students tested who achieve the Basic level of competence, these data will now be used in attempting to explain the variation in school and school district performance. Ordinary least-squares regression was used to determine how well the estimated component values explain variation in student performance at the campus level. The independent variables used will be the component values described above, calculated as the simple averages of those based upon teachers’ and principals’ data. In addition, in the first regression the variable named FRL will also be included as an independent variable. FRL represents the percentage of economically disadvantaged students at a campus, as determined by their eligibility for the federal free or reduced-price lunch program. The dependent variable used was PCTL_B, the percentile rank for each school based on passing the mathematics portion of the California Standards Test, using the Basic criterion as the level of performance. The resulting table of coefficients is shown in Table 9. Due to several instances of missing data, the total number of observations was just 33. Trying to estimate 11 coefficients plus the intercept with 33 observations is a stretch. Two of the slope coefficients were significant, those for C1 (Sound Administrative Practices) and FRL. The adjusted R-squared was 0.632. The collinearity statistic—VIF

29 Effective Mathematics Program Components

—never approaches the conservative recommended value of 10. This indicates that although there is a fair degree of intercorrelation among the Ten Components, as discussed above, they do not appear to be linearly dependent.

Table 9


Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF (Constant) -103.899 38.805 -2.677 .014 C1_TP 36.109 10.296 .584 3.507 .002 .402 2.485 C2_TP 5.037 9.379 .098 .537 .597 .338 2.961 C3_TP -1.950 8.387 -.036 -.233 .818 .457 2.188 C4_TP 15.470 29.653 .098 .522 .607 .315 3.178 C5_TP .058 .122 .071 .477 .638 .510 1.960 C6_TP -7.486 4.992 -.221 -1.500 .148 .513 1.949 C7_TP 15.274 9.443 .351 1.618 .120 .236 4.233 C8_TP -10.307 7.214 -.276 -1.429 .167 .299 3.343 C9_TP 2.323 8.260 .044 .281 .781 .452 2.212 C10_TP -2.031 15.847 -.026 -.128 .899 .270 3.701 FRL -.548 .172 -.471 -3.181 .004 .509 1.966 a. Dependent Variable: PCTL_B

If stepwise regression is used, with the same set of variables, just one component is retained, C1 (Sound Administrative Practices) again, along with FRL. These results are presented in Table 10. All coefficients are highly significant. The adjusted r-squared is slightly greater at 0.67.

Table 10

30 Effective Mathematics Program Components


Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity Coefficients Coefficients Statistics Toleran Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. ce VIF 1 (Constant) -104.436 33.325 -3.134 .004 C1_TP 36.411 8.842 .589 4.118 .000 1.000 1.000 2 (Constant) -72.464 25.189 -2.877 .007 C1_TP 39.333 6.514 .636 6.038 .000 .993 1.007 FRL -.653 .122 -.561 -5.328 .000 .993 1.007 a. Dependent Variable: PCTL_B

A third regression was performed, again stepwise, but two additional variables were put into the pool—NOT_HSG, an estimate of the percentage of parents who are not high school graduates, and SMOB, a measure of the degree of campus mobility (students who change schools during the academic year).13 Both of these additional variables were retained by the stepwise procedure, and FRL as well as C1 (Sound Administrative Practices) were still included also. The adjusted r-squared increased to 0.72. If C1 is deliberately removed from the regression, and then reinserted, the adjusted r-squared improves from 0.30, without it, to the 0.72 with it. It thus appears that the differing quality of school administration, measured by responses to the items within this component, account for a remarkable 40 percent of the intercampus variation in student performance at the school level, as measured by the Basic criterion. The final stage in the analysis of the California survey data will be to use HLM to determine how the remaining unexplained variance is split between the campus level and the district level. Application of Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) Analysis to California Data

Although constrained by having just seven school districts for which the survey data are available, HLM was used to attempt to determine if an appreciable amount of the observed campus variance in student performance might be due to variations at the district level, as distinct from the campus level, and, if possible, to explain any such inter- district variance. In the following discussion, it should be kept in mind that HLM analysis depends crucially upon the recognition that entities are grouped together. In the present

31 Effective Mathematics Program Components case, several schools are grouped within each of the school districts. Separate school level (level 1) and district level (level 2) data sets are constructed which reflect this feature of the school system, and which are utilized by the HLM computer software in distinguishing effects at each level. The steps followed can best be described within the context of a series of equation sets that represent the models fitted by the HLM analysis at increasing degrees of complexity, i.e., as additional terms and equations are added. The equations are distinguished as being either those pertaining to level 1 (schools) or level 2 (school districts).

Table 11 shows the results for a sequence of 5 different models. The first, Model 1, is really not a model at all, but can be cast into the HLM equation framework. That is, equation 1(a) indicates that the dependent variable, PCTL_B, is being “predicted” by B0j plus an error term, rij. As a reminder, recall that subscript i refers to a school within the district j. Equation 1(b), the level 2 equation in HLM parlance, merely asserts that B0j of equation 1(a) is made up only of a constant, namely g00. In effect, then, the HLM program, in this case, in determining a value for the constant B0j, is calculating the mean of PCTL_Bij for all schools and all districts in the sample. The variance of the random term rij is the same as the variance of PCTL_B, and is shown to be 526.6. This, then, is the total variance of the school-based test scores, which were expressed in percentile terms (with PCTL_B being used as the dependent variable, rather than PPM itself). The equations for Model 2 of Table 11 differ from those for Model 1 only by the addition of a random term, u0j, to equation 2(b). This is a crucial difference, however, for it is this term that captures the extent to which the intercept of equation 2(a), B0j, differs among the 7 districts. Note the variance is now divided between schools (level 1) and school districts (level 2). Note also that all variance is still “unexplained”, in that no independent variables have yet been introduced at either level. The unexplained variance at the school level is shown to be 418.7, and that at the district level is 123.7, hence, 22.8 percent of the total unexplained variation in passing rates, measured in percentile terms, is accounted for by district level phenomena.

32 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 11 Hierarchical Linear Model Results, California

Level 2 Significance Unexplained Pct Deg. of HLM Equations (p-values) Variance Variance Freedom

FRL Cj Lev. Lev. Lev. Lev. 1 2 1 2 Model 1 Level 1 (a) PCTL_B = B0j + rij Level 2 526.6 36 (b) B0j = g00 Model 2 Level 1 (a) PCTL_B = B0j + rij Level 2 418.7 123.7 22.8% 36 6 (b) B0j = g00 + u0j Model 3 Level 1 (a) PCTL_B = B0j +B1FRLij+ rij Level 2 .002 309.7 121.7 28.2% 35 6 (b) B0j = g00 + u0j (c) B1 = g10 Model 4 Level 1 (a) PCTL_B = B0j +B1FRLij+ rij Level 2 .002 .596 310.2 146.4 32.1% 34 5 (b) B0j = g00 + g01C1_DISTj + u0j (c) B1 = g10

Model 5 Level 1 (a) PCTL_B = B0j +B1FRLij+ rij Level 2 .000 .017 298.4 0.3 0.0% 34 5 (b) B0j = g00 + g01C1_TPAj + u0j (c) B1 = g10

33 Effective Mathematics Program Components

The effects of introducing the percentage of students in each school who are economically disadvantaged (FRL) is shown in Model 3 in Table 11. Note that a term including FRL has been added to equation 3(a). This results in another level 2 equation,

3(c), showing that B1 is represented by the constant (slope) coefficient, g10. Represented in this way, this slope coefficient for FRL is assumed to be the same for all schools in all districts. The introduction of FRL at level 1 has now accounted for some of the variance of PCTL_B, with the amount of unexplained variance attributed to level 1 now at 309.7, and that at level 2 at 121.7. The unexplained variance at level 2 is now 28.2 percent of the total remaining unexplained variance. The t-value for the slope coefficient of FRL, B1, is statistically significant, having a p-value of 0.002. Note also that although the introduction of FRL in the level 1 equation reduced level 1 unexplained variance from 418.7 to 309.7; the level 2 unexplained interdistrict variance decreased only slightly, from 123.7 to 121.7. When expressed as a percentage of remaining unexplained variance, however, it increased from 22.8 percent to 28.2 percent. The next step involves introducing one of the district level components to try to account for some of the unexplained variation between districts. The results of the first attempt are presented in Table 11 as Model 4. The new variable in equation 4(b), designated as C1_DIST, was derived by averaging the responses of the district administration to the items in C1 (Sound Administrative Practices). As can be seen, the inclusion of this level 2 variable did not explain any of the interdistrict variance. In fact, due to the reduction in the degrees of freedom from 6 to 5, the estimated unexplained variance actually increased, from 121.7 to 146.4. Nor is the estimated coefficient associated with C1_DIST significant, having a p-value of just 0.596. These results were disappointing. As an alternative, component values for the district level were calculated by averaging the component values for schools, by district. Substituting the values so derived for the first component, designated C1_TPA, into equation 5(b) (Model 5, Table 11) results in a considerable improvement. The level 1 unexplained variance remains essentially unchanged, as expected, but level 2 unexplained variance decreased from 121.7 using Model 3 to only 0.3 with Model 5, somewhat astonishingly.

34 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 5 District Performance Measures v Component 1

This last result obviously suggests a high degree of correlation between the average values of C1_TPA and the measures of district performance. In the current case, the measure of each district’s performance is precisely the values established for uoj in Model 3, which we have referred to as “modified mean residuals” (MMRs). A scatterplot of these MMRs plotted against the values of C1_TPA, as used in Model 5, is shown in Figure 5. The association between the two variables is inescapable.

35 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 12


DISTRICT DISTRICT COMPONENTS, COMPONENTS, BASED ON BASED ON TEACHER AND DISTRICT PRINCIPAL LEVEL SURVEYS SURVEYS (Col 1) (Col 2) c1 .889** .000 Sig. (1-tailed) .004 .500 c2 .951** .689* Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .044 c3 .675* .147 Sig. (1-tailed) .048 .377 c4 .744* .206 Sig. (1-tailed) .028 .329 c5 .259 .215 Sig. (1-tailed) .288 .322 c6 .732* -.300 Sig. (1-tailed) .031 .257 c7 .906** -.495 Sig. (1-tailed) .002 .129 c8 .170 .117 Sig. (1-tailed) .358 .401 c9 .152 -.651 Sig. (1-tailed) .373 .057 c10 .914** .071 Sig. (1-tailed) .002 .440 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 7

The differences in alignment between the other district components, when determined using the two different methods as described above, was explored using their correlations with the district performance measures, MMRs, for each component. These correlation components are presented in Table 12. In column 2 the estimates of component values based only on the district level surveys are presented, while column 1 shows those that relied upon the district level components which came from averaging the teacher and principal survey results to the district level. It is obvious why C1_TPA is so much more effective in explaining variance in PCTL_M than is C1_DIST. The correlation between

36 Effective Mathematics Program Components

MMR and C1_TPA for the 7 districts is 0.889, while that for C1_DIST is exactly 0.0, signifying absolutely no correlation between MMR and C1_DIST. The highly significant correlation coefficients in column 1 for C2 (Aligned Curriculum), is even greater than that for C1 (Sound Administrative Practices), which was used in Model 5 (see Table 11). And those for C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques) and C10 (End-of-Year Analysis) are also greater. In addition, the significance levels for C3 (Ongoing Assessment), C4 (Immediate Intervention) and C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content) are beneath the 0.05 level, at 0.048, 0.028 and 0.031, respectively. In contrast, none of the correlation coefficients in column 2 except C2 are statistically significant. A scatterplot matrix is shown in Figure 6. The variables MMR_M3, C1, C2, C7, and C10 are all plotted against one another in pairs. The top row shows MMR_M3 on the vertical axis and the various components on the horizontal axis in each of the 4 diagrams. The suffix “M3” is added to MMR to indicated that these are the district performance measures obtained from Model 3, as represented in Table 11. As a reminder, this model estimated how much unexplained variance could be attributed to level 1 (schools) and how much to level 2 (districts) after adjusting for the proportions of economically disadvantaged students in each school. The patterns of association between MMR_M3 and each of the four components shown in Figure 6 are compelling and consistent. This suggests that all of the district practices represented by these components are likely candidates for policies to improve school performance through district influences. Districts with the highest marks on these components are those whose schools, on average, do better than predicted, in comparison with schools in the districts with the lowest marks for these four components, as recorded by teachers and principals included in the survey.

37 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 6 District Performance Measure (MMR_M3) Plotted Against Four District Level Components

38 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Section 6: Analysis of North Carolina Survey Data Questionnaires in North Carolina were administered in 5 school districts. The following table summarizes the numbers of valid questionnaires. Table 13 Numbers of Questionnaires from Districts, Schools, and Teachers

Number of Number of District District Number of School Number of Designation Administrators Schools Administrators Teachers 1 1 5 5 53 2 1 6 6 22 3 1 6 6 40 4 1 6 6 27 5 1 3 3 28 n=5 n=5 n=26 n=26 n=170 Note: Teacher surveys were collected from 29 schools, but only 26 principals returned questionnaires. As a consequence, some tables below will reflect 29 observations, others only 26.

The same procedures were used as in the California section above to summarize the survey results by school for each of the Ten Components. That is, teacher data were summarized to the school level by calculating the means of the individual responses. To get a teacher score for each of the Ten Components, these school averages for each item were then averaged across the questionnaire items within each component.14 Correlations among teacher-level component scores for 26 schools are shown in Table 14. Six of the 9 components are significantly correlated (0.05) with at least 5 others. C8 (Differentiated Instruction) and C10 (End-of-Year Analysis) were significantly correlated with 4 others, C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content) with 3 others. As observed in Table 15, the performance measures PPM and PCTL_M are not significantly positively correlated with any of the nine components for which the calculations were made, although C9 (Focused Professional Development) showed a significant negative correlation with the performance measures.15 The correlation between PPM and PCTL_M is 0.929, indicating good congruence between the two.

39 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 14


c1_t c2_t c3_t c4_t c6_t c7_t c8_t c9_t c10_t c1_t Pearson Correlation 1 .480** .295 .414* .461** .435** .043 .654** .083 Sig. (1-tailed) .004 .060 .013 .006 .009 .412 .000 .334 c2_t Pearson Correlation .480** 1 .628** .625** .368* .425* .456** .396* .299 Sig. (1-tailed) .004 .000 .000 .025 .011 .006 .017 .058 c3_t Pearson Correlation .295 .628** 1 .811** .149 .429* .687** .358* .474** Sig. (1-tailed) .060 .000 .000 .220 .010 .000 .028 .005 c4_t Pearson Correlation .414* .625** .811** 1 .221 .476** .685** .445** .345* Sig. (1-tailed) .013 .000 .000 .125 .005 .000 .008 .033 c6_t Pearson Correlation .461** .368* .149 .221 1 .290 -.013 .581** .144 Sig. (1-tailed) .006 .025 .220 .125 .063 .474 .000 .229 c7_t Pearson Correlation .435** .425* .429* .476** .290 1 .039 .534** .236 Sig. (1-tailed) .009 .011 .010 .005 .063 .420 .001 .108 c8_t Pearson Correlation .043 .456** .687** .685** -.013 .039 1 .175 .331* Sig. (1-tailed) .412 .006 .000 .000 .474 .420 .182 .040 c9_t Pearson Correlation .654** .396* .358* .445** .581** .534** .175 1 .349* Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .017 .028 .008 .000 .001 .182 .032 c10_t Pearson Correlation .083 .299 .474** .345* .144 .236 .331* .349* 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .334 .058 .005 .033 .229 .108 .040 .032 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 29

40 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 15


ppm pctl_m c1_t Pearson Correlation .052 .126 Sig. (1-tailed) .394 .257 c2_t Pearson Correlation .221 .186 Sig. (1-tailed) .125 .166 c3_t Pearson Correlation .020 .083 Sig. (1-tailed) .458 .335 c4_t Pearson Correlation .005 .092 Sig. (1-tailed) .490 .317 c6_t Pearson Correlation -.030 -.035 Sig. (1-tailed) .438 .429 c7_t Pearson Correlation .069 .152 Sig. (1-tailed) .362 .215 c8_t Pearson Correlation -.050 -.054 Sig. (1-tailed) .399 .391 c9_t Pearson Correlation -.355* -.345* Sig. (1-tailed) .029 .033 c10_t Pearson Correlation -.160 -.273 Sig. (1-tailed) .204 .076 ppm Pearson Correlation 1 .929** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 pctl_m Pearson Correlation .929** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 29

Similar correlation coefficients were calculated based upon data collected from the principals in 26 schools. Table 16 shows the correlation coefficients among the Ten Components themselves (and in this case all 10 are in fact present), while Table 17 again shows how each of them is correlated with the performance measures.

41 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 16


c1_p c2_p c3_p c4_p c5_p c6_p c7_p c8_p c9_p c10_p c1_p Pearson Correlation 1 .068 .215 .331* -.012 .067 .308 .235 -.051 -.092 Sig. (1-tailed) .371 .145 .049 .476 .372 .063 .124 .403 .328 c2_p Pearson Correlation .068 1 .082 -.268 -.088 -.145 .036 -.067 .148 -.033 Sig. (1-tailed) .371 .346 .093 .335 .240 .430 .373 .235 .437 c3_p Pearson Correlation .215 .082 1 .202 .067 .312 .374* .230 .455** .244 Sig. (1-tailed) .145 .346 .161 .372 .060 .030 .129 .010 .115 c4_p Pearson Correlation .331* -.268 .202 1 .375* .141 -.041 .346* .107 .319 Sig. (1-tailed) .049 .093 .161 .030 .247 .421 .042 .302 .056 c5_p Pearson Correlation -.012 -.088 .067 .375* 1 -.021 .141 -.041 -.115 .170 Sig. (1-tailed) .476 .335 .372 .030 .459 .246 .420 .287 .203 c6_p Pearson Correlation .067 -.145 .312 .141 -.021 1 .547** .523** .593** .648** Sig. (1-tailed) .372 .240 .060 .247 .459 .002 .003 .001 .000 c7_p Pearson Correlation .308 .036 .374* -.041 .141 .547** 1 .207 .237 .161 Sig. (1-tailed) .063 .430 .030 .421 .246 .002 .155 .122 .217 c8_p Pearson Correlation .235 -.067 .230 .346* -.041 .523** .207 1 .288 .472** Sig. (1-tailed) .124 .373 .129 .042 .420 .003 .155 .077 .007 c9_p Pearson Correlation -.051 .148 .455** .107 -.115 .593** .237 .288 1 .607** Sig. (1-tailed) .403 .235 .010 .302 .287 .001 .122 .077 .000 c10_p Pearson Correlation -.092 -.033 .244 .319 .170 .648** .161 .472** .607** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .328 .437 .115 .056 .203 .000 .217 .007 .000 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). N = 26

42 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 17


ppm pctl_m c1_p Pearson Correlation -.161 -.264 Sig. (1-tailed) .216 .096 c2_p Pearson Correlation -.052 -.093 Sig. (1-tailed) .401 .326 c3_p Pearson Correlation -.070 -.036 Sig. (1-tailed) .366 .431 c4_p Pearson Correlation -.227 -.164 Sig. (1-tailed) .133 .211 c5_p Pearson Correlation -.029 -.120 Sig. (1-tailed) .444 .279 c6_p Pearson Correlation .103 .040 Sig. (1-tailed) .308 .423 c7_p Pearson Correlation .141 .083 Sig. (1-tailed) .246 .343 c8_p Pearson Correlation -.376* -.492** Sig. (1-tailed) .029 .005 c9_p Pearson Correlation .037 .060 Sig. (1-tailed) .429 .386 c10_p Pearson Correlation .161 .111 Sig. (1-tailed) .215 .294 ppm Pearson Correlation 1 .929** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 pctl_m Pearson Correlation .929** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). N = 26

43 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 18


c10_ c1_ptavg c2_ptavg c3_ptavg c4_ptavg c5_ptavg c6_ptavg c7_ptavg c8_ptavg c9_ptavg ptavg c1_ptavg Pearson Correlation 1 .316* .437** .288 -.104 .294 .214 .379* .504** .219 Sig. (1-tailed) .048 .009 .065 .306 .061 .133 .021 .003 .127 c2_ptavg Pearson Correlation .316* 1 .165 .518** -.236 -.200 .132 .361* .051 .050 Sig. (1-tailed) .048 .195 .002 .123 .149 .248 .027 .397 .398 c3_ptavg Pearson Correlation .437** .165 1 .349* -.011 .181 .501** .434** .400* .209 Sig. (1-tailed) .009 .195 .032 .480 .174 .003 .009 .016 .139 c4_ptavg Pearson Correlation .288 .518** .349* 1 -.106 -.175 .233 .526** .168 .373* Sig. (1-tailed) .065 .002 .032 .304 .182 .112 .002 .191 .023 c5_ptavg Pearson Correlation -.104 -.236 -.011 -.106 1 .027 .144 -.150 .059 .236 Sig. (1-tailed) .306 .123 .480 .304 .448 .241 .233 .388 .123 c6_ptavg Pearson Correlation .294 -.200 .181 -.175 .027 1 .414* .160 .545** .479** Sig. (1-tailed) .061 .149 .174 .182 .448 .013 .204 .001 .004 c7_ptavg Pearson Correlation .214 .132 .501** .233 .144 .414* 1 .261 .321* .472** Sig. (1-tailed) .133 .248 .003 .112 .241 .013 .086 .045 .005 c8_ptavg Pearson Correlation .379* .361* .434** .526** -.150 .160 .261 1 .230 .541** Sig. (1-tailed) .021 .027 .009 .002 .233 .204 .086 .115 .001 c9_ptavg Pearson Correlation .504** .051 .400* .168 .059 .545** .321* .230 1 .441** Sig. (1-tailed) .003 .397 .016 .191 .388 .001 .045 .115 .008 c10_ Pearson Correlation .219 .050 .209 .373* .236 .479** .472** .541** .441** 1 ptavg Sig. (1-tailed) .127 .398 .139 .023 .123 .004 .005 .001 .008 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). N = 29

44 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 19


ppm pctl_m c1_pt Pearson Correlation -.035 -.070 Sig. (1-tailed) .428 .359 c2_pt Pearson Correlation .188 .102 Sig. (1-tailed) .165 .300 c3_pt Pearson Correlation -.026 .030 Sig. (1-tailed) .447 .439 c4_pt Pearson Correlation .181 .156 Sig. (1-tailed) .173 .209 c5_pt Pearson Correlation -.029 -.120 Sig. (1-tailed) .444 .279 c6_pt Pearson Correlation -.009 -.042 Sig. (1-tailed) .481 .414 c7_pt Pearson Correlation .176 .180 Sig. (1-tailed) .180 .175 c8_pt Pearson Correlation -.214 -.308 Sig. (1-tailed) .132 .052 c9_pt Pearson Correlation -.221 -.219 Sig. (1-tailed) .124 .127 c10_pt Pearson Correlation .093 -.013 Sig. (1-tailed) .316 .473 ppm Pearson Correlation 1 .929** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 pctl_m Pearson Correlation .929** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). N = 29

There is considerably less interrcorrelaton among the Ten Components based on principals’ responses to the survey than there was among teachers. For the principals, (Table 16) only C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content) was significantly correlated with as many as 4 other components, whereas in the case of teachers (Table 14) 6 of the components were correlated with at least 5 of the others. One of the components in Table 16, C2, was not significantly correlated with any other component, and C1 and C5 were significantly correlated with only one other.

45 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Referring to Table 17, there is only one instance of significant correlation between the values for one of the components and the student performance measures, and this for C8 (Differentiated Instruction). Unfortunately, the correlation coefficients are negative (as large as -0.492 when associated with the percentile-based measure), indicating that higher ratings on Grouping for Instruction by principals is somewhat associated with lower average student performance. A third set of measures for each component was obtained by averaging the separate component values which were derived from teacher and principal data. The results based upon component values obtained by averaging those for teachers and principals are presented in Tables 18 and 19. Using these estimates of component values, Table 18 shows that 4 of the components are significantly correlated with at least 5 others, 3 are significantly correlated with 4 others, and C5 (Increased and Effective Use of Instructional Time) is not significantly correlated with any of the other components. In Table 19 it is observed that in no case is one of the components derived by averaging those based on both teacher and principal survey data significantly correlated with a measure of student performance. The results presented in Tables 14 – 19 lead to the conclusion that teacher and principals’ responses to the survey items are considerably less regular than were those from the California surveys (Tables 2 – 7 above).16 Following the earlier discussion for California’s survey results, ordinary least-squares regression was used to determine how well the estimated component values explain variation in student performance at the campus level. The independent variables used will be the component values described above, calculated as the simple averages of those based upon teachers’ data and principals’ data. In addition, in the first regression the variable named FRL was included as an independent variable. FRL represents the percentage of economically disadvantaged students at a campus, as determined by their eligibility for the federal free or reduced-price lunch program. The dependent variable used was PCTL_M, the percentile rank for each school based on achieving Level III on North Carolina’s end-of-course math test, in the elementary and middle-school grade levels.

46 Effective Mathematics Program Components

When all 10 components plus FRL were used in a regression equation none of the coefficients was significant. When the stepwise procedure was used only FRL was retained, with a coefficient value of –0.553 (t-value = –3.247, p = 0.003). The adjusted r- square was 0.276. All-in-all, the results of the campus level analysis, using the survey data as described, appears unimpressive. It remains to be seen if these data help explain any of the interdistrict variation that might be present. For that analysis, the HLM framework will again be used. Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) Analysis of North Carolina Data Data from just 5 school districts were obtained in North Carolina. Consequently, the analysis is even more tenuous than was that for California earlier (above), where there were data for 7 school districts. The same sequence of HLM models was fitted for the North Carolina data as was carried out earlier for California. The results for California were summarized in Table 11. Those for North Carolina are presented in Table 20. Once again, Model 1 is forced into the HLM framework, but is in actuality merely the ordinary calculation of the variance of the dependent variable, PCTL_M. This variance, expressed as the variance of the random term rij about the mean of PCTL_M, is 381.3. The equations for Model 2 of Table 20 differ from those for Model 1 only by the addition of a random term, u0j, to equation 2(b). As explained earlier, however, this is a crucial difference, for it is this term that captures the extent to which the intercept of equation

2(a), B0j, differs among the 5 districts. The variance is now divided between schools (level 1) and school districts (level 2). All variance is still “unexplained”, in that no independent variables have yet been introduced at either level. The unexplained variance at the school level is shown to be 325.9, and that at the district level is 65.8. Therefore, 16.8 percent of the total unexplained variation in passing rates, measured in percentile terms, is accounted for by district level phenomena.

47 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 20 Hierarchical Linear Model Results, North Carolina

Level 2 Significance Unexplained Pct Deg. of HLM Equations (p-values) Variance Variance Freedom

FRL Cj Lev. Lev. Lev. Lev. 1 2 1 2 Model 1 Level 1 (a) PCTL_M = B0j + rij Level 2 381.3 28 (b) B0j = g00 Model 2 Level 1 (a) PCTL_M = B0j + rij Level 2 325.9 65.8 16.8% 28 4 (b) B0j = g00 + u0j Model 3 Level 1 (a) PCTL_M = B0j +B1FRLij+ rij Level 2 .002 243.3 23.6 8.8% 27 4 (b) B0j = g00 + u0j (c) B1 = g10 Model 4 Level 1 (a) PCTL_M = B0j +B1FRLij+ rij Level 2 .000 .067 238.6 0.7 0.3% 26 3 (b) B0j = g00 + g01C1_TPDj + u0j (c) B1 = g10

Model 5 Level 1 (a) PCTL_M = B0j +B1FRLij+ rij Level 2 .002 .140 236.1 0.1 0.0% 26 3 (b) B0j = g00 + g01C6_TPDj + u0j (c) B1 = g10

48 Effective Mathematics Program Components

The effects of introducing the percentage of students in each school who are economically disadvantaged (FRL) is shown in Model 3 in Table 20. Note that a term including FRL has been added to equation 3(a). This results in another level 2 equation,

3(c), showing that B1 is represented by the constant (slope) coefficient, g10. Represented in this way, this slope coefficient for FRL is assumed to be the same for all schools in all districts. The introduction of FRL in the level 1 equation reduced level 1 unexplained variance from 325.9 to 243.3. The level 2 unexplained interdistrict variance decreased from 65.8 to 23.6. Expressed as a percentage of remaining unexplained variance, it decreased from

16.8 percent to only 8.8 percent. The t-values for the slope coefficient of FRL, B1, is statistically significant, having a p-value of 0.002. The next step involves introducing one of the district level components to try to account for some of the unexplained variation between districts. Models 4 and 5 attempt this. The results of the first attempt are presented in Table 20 as Model 4. The new variable in equation 4(b), designation C1_TPD (Sound Administrative Practices), was calculated by averaging teacher and principal component values, as described earlier, for component 1. As can be seen, the inclusion of this level 2 variable virtually eliminates the remaining level 2 variance, dropping it from Model 3’s 23.6 to Model 4’s 0.7. Level 1 variance decreased only marginally, to 238.6, which is not surprising in that no additional level 2 variables were introduced. The p-value for the coefficient associated with the level 2 explanatory variable, g01, was 0.067. Note that there remained only 3 degrees of freedom associated with level 2. These results are tenuous, but are certainly consistent with the hypothesis that more proficient administrative practices in schools and school districts are associated with higher student performance in mathematics. To investigate the possibility that additional teacher-principal components might be positively associated with district performance the correlation coefficients between each of them and MMR_M3 were calculated. These results are presented in Table 21. It appears that C6_TPD (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content) might also be able to explain some of the level 2 variance in inter-district performance.

49 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 21


Corr. Coeffs. c1_tpd Pearson Correlation .701 Sig. (1-tailed) .094 c2_tpd Pearson Correlation .106 Sig. (1-tailed) .433 c3_tpd Pearson Correlation .664 Sig. (1-tailed) .111 c4_tpd Pearson Correlation -.051 Sig. (1-tailed) .467 c5_tpd Pearson Correlation .139 Sig. (1-tailed) .412 c6_tpd Pearson Correlation .793 Sig. (1-tailed) .055 c7_tpd Pearson Correlation -.152 Sig. (1-tailed) .404 c8_tpd Pearson Correlation .253 Sig. (1-tailed) .341 c9_tpd Pearson Correlation -.588 Sig. (1-tailed) .148 c10_tpd Pearson Correlation -.375 Sig. (1-tailed) .267

N = 5

In the final section in Table 20, for Model 5, C6_TPD is substituted into equation 5(b). While the p-value associated with this coefficient is only 0.140, certainly not meeting the customary threshold of 0.05, the level 2 unexplained variance is even more fully accounted for, with only 0.1 remaining. Scatterplots showing the relationship between the measure of district performance, MMR_M3 and each of the components C1_TPD and C6_TPD are presented in Figures 7 and 8. While acknowledging again the precariousness of any conclusions based upon observations on only 5 school districts in North Carolina, the positive relationship between the measure of district performance on the vertical axes in these graphs with these two estimates of the quality of district administrative practices (horizontal axes) is certainly encouraging.

50 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 7 District Performance v Administrative Procedures

In viewing these graphs the reader should take note of the horizontal scales. They differ from Figure 7 to Figure 8, and in both cases encompass a relatively short scale. Only small differences in the value of one or two of the components, in either case, might change the character of the perceived relationship. However, the reader is reminded that the values for each of the components used in these graphs, as in the calculations for Models 4 and 5, resulted from averaging the survey responses for 6 to 7 teachers in each school, averaging the teachers’ averages with those of the principals in each school, followed by averaging 5 or 6 schools within each district, to arrive at C1_TPD and C6_TPD. It is unlikely that different responses by a very small number of respondents would change these results very much. For some reason, as mentioned above, there was less variation in most component values for North Carolina than for the other two states in the study (see Table 36 below).

51 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 8 District Performance v Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content


4 ) 3 M _ 3 3 R 4 M M

( 2


N 1 A M

R 0

O 1 5 F R

E -1 P


I -2 R T S

I -3 D 2 -4



52 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Section 7: Analysis of Texas Survey Data Survey questionnaires in Texas were administered in 6 school districts. The following table summarizes the numbers of valid questionnaires.

Table 22 Numbers of Questionnaires from Districts, Schools, and Teachers State of Texas

Number of Number of District District Number of School Number of Designation Administrators Schools Administrators Teachers 1 3 3 3 70 2 3 4 3 37 3 2 6 6 68 4 4 5 5 37 5 3 11 11 82 6 5 7 7 48 n=6 n=20 n=36 n=35 n=342

The correlation coefficients between the components for the teachers’ survey results are presented in Table 23. As mentioned previously, results for C5 (Increased and Effective Use of Instructional Time) at the teacher level were discarded. As can be observed in Table 23, there is indeed a high degree of intercorrelation among these nine component means. Of the 36 possible different correlation coefficients, 31 are significant at the 0.05 level or better, with 29 being significant at the 0.01 level.

53 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 23


c1_t c2_t c3_t c4_t c6_t c7_t c8_t c9_t c10_t c1_t Pearson Correlation 1 .707** .661** .650** .605** .651** .246 .437** .082 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .061 .002 .306 c2_t Pearson Correlation .707** 1 .592** .600** .499** .624** .257 .509** -.076 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .053 .000 .319 c3_t Pearson Correlation .661** .592** 1 .708** .643** .647** .396** .372** .200 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .005 .008 .105 c4_t Pearson Correlation .650** .600** .708** 1 .734** .785** .477** .785** .492** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .000 .001 c6_t Pearson Correlation .605** .499** .643** .734** 1 .881** .445** .579** .498** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .002 .000 .000 c7_t Pearson Correlation .651** .624** .647** .785** .881** 1 .489** .545** .285* Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .000 .036 c8_t Pearson Correlation .246 .257 .396** .477** .445** .489** 1 .420** .347* Sig. (1-tailed) .061 .053 .005 .001 .002 .001 .003 .013 c9_t Pearson Correlation .437** .509** .372** .785** .579** .545** .420** 1 .585** Sig. (1-tailed) .002 .000 .008 .000 .000 .000 .003 .000 c10_t Pearson Correlation .082 -.076 .200 .492** .498** .285* .347* .585** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .306 .319 .105 .001 .000 .036 .013 .000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 41

54 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 24


PPM PPMPCTL c1_t Pearson Correlation .248 .253 Sig. (1-tailed) .061 .058 c2_t Pearson Correlation .017 .047 Sig. (1-tailed) .458 .388 c3_t Pearson Correlation .073 .150 Sig. (1-tailed) .328 .178 c4_t Pearson Correlation .069 .180 Sig. (1-tailed) .335 .133 c6_t Pearson Correlation -.031 .026 Sig. (1-tailed) .424 .437 c7_t Pearson Correlation -.080 -.014 Sig. (1-tailed) .312 .466 c8_t Pearson Correlation -.241 -.159 Sig. (1-tailed) .067 .164 c9_t Pearson Correlation .085 .164 Sig. (1-tailed) .301 .155 c10_t Pearson Correlation .005 .070 Sig. (1-tailed) .487 .333 PPM Pearson Correlation 1 .934** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 PPMPCTL Pearson Correlation .934** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). N = 40

When the school-level teacher-based component values are correlated with the student performance measure PPM (percent of students passing the TAAS17 mathematics test), none are significant, as shown in Table 24. The same exercise was carried out for the component values based on the principals’ survey results. The correlation coefficients among the principals’ responses, summarized to the Ten Components, are also substantial, and are presented in Table 25. As can be seen there, 32 of the 45 correlation coefficients are significant at the 0.05 level or better, with 22 at the 0.01 level.

55 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 25


c10_ c1_p c2_p c3_p c4_p c5_p c6_p c7_p c8_p c9_p p c1_p Pearson Correlation 1 .198 .535** .434** .305* .248 .443** .470** .409** .390* Sig. (1-tailed) .131 .001 .005 .045 .078 .004 .003 .008 .014 c2_p Pearson Correlation .198 1 .386* .266 .124 .066 .298* .081 .479** -.032 Sig. (1-tailed) .131 .012 .064 .250 .355 .044 .325 .002 .431 c3_p Pearson Correlation .535** .386* 1 .405** .331* .347* .635** .524** .677** .559** Sig. (1-tailed) .001 .012 .009 .032 .022 .000 .001 .000 .000 c4_p Pearson Correlation .434** .266 .405** 1 .342* .202 .310* .294* .580** .247 Sig. (1-tailed) .005 .064 .009 .028 .126 .037 .046 .000 .087 c5_p Pearson Correlation .305* .124 .331* .342* 1 .240 .382* .256 .289 .293 Sig. (1-tailed) .045 .250 .032 .028 .093 .015 .079 .055 .058 c6_p Pearson Correlation .248 .066 .347* .202 .240 1 .672** .697** .479** .573** Sig. (1-tailed) .078 .355 .022 .126 .093 .000 .000 .002 .000 c7_p Pearson Correlation .443** .298* .635** .310* .382* .672** 1 .715** .682** .599** Sig. (1-tailed) .004 .044 .000 .037 .015 .000 .000 .000 .000 c8_p Pearson Correlation .470** .081 .524** .294* .256 .697** .715** 1 .557** .560** Sig. (1-tailed) .003 .325 .001 .046 .079 .000 .000 .000 .000 c9_p Pearson Correlation .409** .479** .677** .580** .289 .479** .682** .557** 1 .458** Sig. (1-tailed) .008 .002 .000 .000 .055 .002 .000 .000 .004 c10_p Pearson Correlation .390* -.032 .559** .247 .293 .573** .599** .560** .458** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .014 .431 .000 .087 .058 .000 .000 .000 .004 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 30 - 34

56 Effective Mathematics Program Components

The correlation between the principal-based component values and the measures of student performance are shown in Table 26. In this instance four of the components—C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content), C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques), C8 (Differentiated Instruction), and C9 (Focused Professional Development)—are significantly correlated with both of these performance measures at the 0.05 level or better. Table 26


PPM PPMPCTL c1_p Pearson Correlation .240 .165 Sig. (1-tailed) .090 .180 c2_p Pearson Correlation .277 .207 Sig. (1-tailed) .060 .123 c3_p Pearson Correlation .209 .252 Sig. (1-tailed) .122 .079 c4_p Pearson Correlation .229 .143 Sig. (1-tailed) .100 .214 c5_p Pearson Correlation .270 .190 Sig. (1-tailed) .071 .153 c6_p Pearson Correlation .526** .585** Sig. (1-tailed) .001 .000 c7_p Pearson Correlation .417** .497** Sig. (1-tailed) .008 .002 c8_p Pearson Correlation .374* .477** Sig. (1-tailed) .016 .003 c9_p Pearson Correlation .354* .393* Sig. (1-tailed) .022 .012 c10_p Pearson Correlation .296 .300 Sig. (1-tailed) .053 .051 PPM Pearson Correlation 1 .934** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 PPMPCTL Pearson Correlation .934** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 31 - 33

57 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 27


c1_tp c2_tp c3_tp c4_tp c5_tp c6_tp c7_tp c8_tp c9_tp c10_tp c1_tp Pearson Correlation 1 .451** .518** .256 .431** .352* .448** .408** .441** .237 Sig. (1-tailed) .002 .000 .053 .007 .012 .002 .004 .002 .068 c2_tp Pearson Correlation .451** 1 .543** .333* .242 .249 .408** .176 .500** -.033 Sig. (1-tailed) .002 .000 .017 .091 .058 .004 .136 .000 .418 c3_tp Pearson Correlation .518** .543** 1 .125 .329* .492** .630** .511** .587** .457** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .000 .217 .033 .001 .000 .000 .000 .001 c4_tp Pearson Correlation .256 .333* .125 1 .389* .205 .363** .200 .213 .214 Sig. (1-tailed) .053 .017 .217 .014 .099 .010 .105 .091 .089 c5_tp Pearson Correlation .431** .242 .329* .389* 1 .265 .412** .259 .420** .263 Sig. (1-tailed) .007 .091 .033 .014 .071 .010 .077 .008 .073 c6_tp Pearson Correlation .352* .249 .492** .205 .265 1 .727** .659** .474** .469** Sig. (1-tailed) .012 .058 .001 .099 .071 .000 .000 .001 .001 c7_tp Pearson Correlation .448** .408** .630** .363** .412** .727** 1 .689** .633** .549** Sig. (1-tailed) .002 .004 .000 .010 .010 .000 .000 .000 .000 c8_tp Pearson Correlation .408** .176 .511** .200 .259 .659** .689** 1 .500** .503** Sig. (1-tailed) .004 .136 .000 .105 .077 .000 .000 .000 .000 c9_tp Pearson Correlation .441** .500** .587** .213 .420** .474** .633** .500** 1 .442** Sig. (1-tailed) .002 .000 .000 .091 .008 .001 .000 .000 .002 c10_tp Pearson Correlation .237 -.033 .457** .214 .263 .469** .549** .503** .442** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .068 .418 .001 .089 .073 .001 .000 .000 .002 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 41 (Except c5_tp, N = 32)

58 Effective Mathematics Program Components

As mentioned earlier, the final measure for each component at the school level was obtained by averaging those for teachers and principals. The correlation results based on the teacher-principal averages are presented in Table 27. In this case, 31 of the 45 correlation coefficients are significant at 0.05 or better, with 27 being significant at the 0.01 level. In addition, 3 components are significantly correlated with PPM, and 6 with PPMPCTL (Table 28).

Table 28


PPM PPMPCTL c1_tp Pearson Correlation .405** .358* Sig. (1-tailed) .005 .012 c2_tp Pearson Correlation .249 .225 Sig. (1-tailed) .061 .081 c3_tp Pearson Correlation .194 .279* Sig. (1-tailed) .115 .041 c4_tp Pearson Correlation .226 .218 Sig. (1-tailed) .080 .088 c5_tp Pearson Correlation .270 .190 Sig. (1-tailed) .071 .153 c6_tp Pearson Correlation .417** .482** Sig. (1-tailed) .004 .001 c7_tp Pearson Correlation .294* .379** Sig. (1-tailed) .033 .008 c8_tp Pearson Correlation .186 .301* Sig. (1-tailed) .125 .029 c9_tp Pearson Correlation .257 .325* Sig. (1-tailed) .055 .020 c10_tp Pearson Correlation .181 .204 Sig. (1-tailed) .131 .103 PPM Pearson Correlation 1 .934** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 PPMPCTL Pearson Correlation .934** 1 Sig. (1-tailed) .000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 40 (for c5_tp, N = 31)

59 Effective Mathematics Program Components

An additional way to view the survey results is to calculate the correlation coefficients between average teacher responses and principal responses, component by component. Consistency would seem to argue that there is some correlation between the responses of these two groups of individuals. The results are presented in Table 29.

Table 29 Correlation Coefficients between Teacher and Principal Component Values--Texas Correlation Significance Component Degrees of Freedom Coefficients (1-tailed) C1 34 -0.205 0.123 C2 34 0.257 0.071 C3 34 -0.020 0.456 C4 34 0.018 0.459 C6 34 0.028 0.438 C7 34 0.163 0.179 C8 34 0.110 0.268 C9 34 0.383* 0.013 C10 32 0.119 0.258 * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed).

As can be observed, only C9 (Focused Professional Development) shows a significant degree of correlation between responses for teachers and principals. This generally low degree of correlation between the teacher and principal responses on the questionnaires is reason for caution in subsequent analyses using these data. Recall that values for components at the school level which will be used in the analyses will be comprised of the average of teachers’ and principals’ values, which Table 29 shows are poorly correlated.

School Level Regression Results The values for the Ten Components derived from the surveys, averaged across teachers and principals as described above, were used as independent variables in equations that attempted to predict campus level PPM. Most of the components were not significant, but two were. In an equation with the values of C1 (Sound Administrative Practices), C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content), and the measure of

60 Effective Mathematics Program Components economic disadvantage, FRL (proportion of students receiving free or reduced-price lunches), the following results were obtained (see Table 30).

Table 30 Regression Coefficient Table

Unstandardized Standardized Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 60.731 11.903 5.102 .000 FRL -.110 .052 -.290 -2.120 .041 C1_TP 5.005 2.392 .307 2.093 .044 C6_TP 4.192 2.180 .283 1.923 .062 Dependent Variable: PPM Adj. R-squared: 0.276

C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content) is marginally significant, with a significance value of 0.062. These results indicate that C1 (Sound Administrative Practices) and C6 explain at least part of the inter-school differences in student performance.

Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM) Analysis of the Texas data Although severely constrained by having only six school districts for which the survey data are available, HLM was used to attempt to determine if an appreciable amount of the observed campus variance in student performance might be due to variations at the district level, as distinct from the campus level, and, if possible, to explain any such inter-district variance. A significant amount of district level variance did appear to exist, but the initial attempts to account for any of it by using the values of the Ten Components derived from the district-level surveys were not successful. It was then decided to average, by district, the teacher-principal component values, used above in the regression analysis, and to substitute these averages for the district-level component values. These alternative estimates of district-level components proved to be considerably more fruitful. Those results are discussed next.

61 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Once again, the steps followed can best be described within the context of a series of equation sets that represent the models fitted by the HLM analysis at increasing degrees of complexity, i.e., as additional terms and equations are added. As stated before, the equations are distinguished as being either those pertaining to level 1 (schools) or level 2 (school districts). Table 31 Hierarchical Linear Model Results State of Texas

Level 2 Significance Unexplained Pct Deg. of HLM Equations (p-values) Variance Variance Freedom

FRL Cj Lev. Lev. Lev. Lev. 1 2 1 2 Model 1 Level 1 (a) PPMPTL = B0j + rij Level 2 824.5 39 (b) B0j = g00 Model 2 Level 1 (a) PPMPTL = B0j + rij Level 2 616.3 269.0 30.4% 39 5 (b) B0j = g00 + u0j Model 3 Level 1 (a) PPMPTL = B0j +B1FRLij+ rij Level 2 .090 594.6 222.9 27.3% 38 5 (b) B0j = g00 + u0j (c) B1 = g10 Model 4 Level 1 (a) PPMPTL = B0j +B1FRLij+ rij Level 2 .092 .022 540.6 0.1 0.0% 37 4 (b) B0j = g00 + g01C1j + u0j (c) B1 = g10

Table 31 shows the HLM results for a sequence of 4 different models. The first, Model 1, is really not a model at all, but can be cast into the HLM equation framework. That is, equation 1(a) indicates that the dependent variable, PPMPTL, is being

62 Effective Mathematics Program Components

“predicted” by B0j plus an error term, rij. As a reminder, recall that subscript i refers to a school within the district j. Equation 1(b), the level 2 equation, merely asserts that B0j of equation 1(a) is made up only of a constant, namely g00. In effect, then, the HLM program, in this case, in determining a value for the constant B0j, is calculating the mean of PPMPTLij for all schools and all districts in the sample. The variance of the random term rij is the same as the variance of PPMPTL, and is shown to be 824.5. This, then, is the total variance of the school-based test scores, which were expressed in percentile terms (with PPMPTL being used as the dependent variable, rather than PPM itself). The equations for Model 2 of Table 31 differ from those for Model 1 only by the addition of a random term, u0j, to equation 2(b), as described earlier. The unexplained variance at the school level is shown to be 616.3, and that at the district level is 269.0, Hence, 30.4 percent of the total unexplained variation in passing rates, measured in percentile terms, is accounted for by district level phenomena. The effects of introducing at the school level the percentage of students who are economically disadvantaged (FRL) is shown in Model 3 in Table 31. Note that a term including FRL has been added to equation 3(a). This results in another level 2 equation,

3(c), showing that B1 is represented by the constant (slope) coefficient, g10. The introduction of FRL at level 1 has now accounted for some of the variance of PPMPTL, with the amount of unexplained variance attributed to level 1 now at 594.6, and that at level 2 at 222.9. The unexplained variance at level 2 is now 27.3 percent of the total remaining unexplained variance. The t-values for the slope coefficient of FRL,

B1j, is not statistically significant, having a p-value of 0.09. This is consistent with the fact that most of the schools and school districts in the Texas sample have high proportions of economically disadvantaged students. Values for the first of the Ten Components, C1 (Sound Administrative Practices), is introduced in the next case, referred to as Model 4 in Table 31. Note that a term has been added to equation 4(b) representing this, namely g01C1j. The unexplained variance at level 1 has been reduced to 540.6. But the major effect is at level 2, where virtually all of the remaining level 2 variance has been eliminated. Note that although the p-value for the level 1 slope coefficient associated with FRL is still 0.092, that for the level 2 coefficient g00, associated with C1, is 0.022, which is quite significant.

63 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Each of the other components were substituted for C1 (Sound Administrative Practices) in level 2 (equation 4(b) in Model 4 of Table 31), and the same calculations carried out. These results, as well as those already shown in Table 31, are summarized in Table 32. It appears that several of the other Ten Components would also account for most of the level 2 variance, most notably C2 (Aligned Curriculum), C3 (Ongoing Assessment), C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques), and C8 (Differentiated Instruction), with C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content) and C9 (Focused Professional Development) also statistically significant. The component which fares least well is C10 (End-of-Year Analysis). Since all districts in Texas, by statute, perform end of year testing in math, this component should not be expected to explain differences among school districts.

64 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 32 Summary of HLM Calculations with Each of the Ten Components Used Separately as District Level Independent Variable

p-values Unexplained Degrees Component Variance of Freedom FRL Used FRL Cj Lev 1 Lev 2 Lev 1 Lev 2 1 824.5 39 2 616.3 269.0 39 5 3 x .090 594.6 222.9 38 5 4 x C1 .092 .022 540.6 0.1 37 4 5 x C2 .155 .034 577.7 0.5 37 4 6 x C3 .378 .034 580.7 0.3 37 4 7 x C4 .022 .065 602.4 51.3 37 4 8 x C5 .203 .160 593.0 135.5 37 4 9 x C6 .028 .044 590.7 26.9 37 4 10 x C7 .079 .032 570.1 0.4 37 4 11 x C8 .019 .032 570.6 0.6 37 4 12 x C9 .173 .039 594.6 5.2 37 4 13 x C10 .107 .574 594.4 270.6 37 4

Note: In row 2 the stochastic level 2 intercept, u0j, was added. Results in the first 4 rows also shown in Table 31.

The value of these results can be illustrated visually, using the framework established when discussing the methods used to select districts for inclusion in the study (Section 4 above). The MMRs for the districts included in this study are plotted in Figure 9, with FRL on the horizontal axis. While there seems to be some stratification to the pattern, the correlation coefficient between the variables is just –0.13, and is quite insignificant, with a significance value of 0.806. However, when those original MMRs (obtained using elementary and middle school campuses in most districts in the state) are plotted against the C1 (Sound Administrative Practices) values obtained from the survey results they fall into a pronounced linear pattern, as can be observed in Figure 10. The correlation coefficient between the original MMRs and the survey-derived C1 (Sound Administrative Practices) is 0.949, with a significance value of 0.004.

65 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 9 District Performance Measures v Percent Low Income Students

Figure 10 District Performance Measures v Values for Component 1

66 Effective Mathematics Program Components

The results of plotting the MMRs which were derived by using data only from the schools and school districts in the sample against the C1 values are even more striking, as shown in Figure 11. Even though only 6 school districts were included in this study, the relationship between C1 (Sound Administrative Practices) and the school district performance measures (MMRs) appears very strong. Similar patterns are obtained using the values associated with C2 (Aligned Curriculum), C3 (Ongoing Assessment), C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content), C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques), and C8 (Differentiated Instruction) as well.

Figure 11 District Performance Measures v Component 1

67 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Section 8: Relationship between student performance, proportion of economically disadvantaged students, and test difficulty—three states

The discussion in Section 4 built upon observations made with respect to the scatter plot of school performance versus percent economically disadvantaged students, as shown in Figure 1 for North Carolina. Before proceeding with the statistical analysis based on data from all 3 states, diagrams similar to Figure 1, but for California and Texas, will be compared to that for North Carolina. The diagrams for all three states are shown in Figures 12, 13, and 14. North Carolina data are plotted again in Figure 12. Similar plots are shown for Texas (Figure 13) and California (Figure 14). As stated earlier, the campus performance measure used for North Carolina, and used in the scatterplot in Figure 12, was the percentage of students in all grades of each school whose math scaled score was above the cutoff value for Level III. This is the measure used in North Carolina to determine whether students are performing adequately or not. The performance measure used in plotting the Texas schools shown in Figure 13 was based on the percentage of students who achieved the passing score or better on the 2002 TAAS. The regression line shown in the scatterplot for Texas is noticeably higher and less steep than the one shown for North Carolina. This suggests that, on average, a higher proportion of students in Texas schools achieve the TAAS passing level than is the case in North Carolina for the proportion of students who achieved Level III or higher. In both states it appears that schools with extremely low proportions of economically disadvantaged students were hitting the ceiling. The net result is a much weaker apparent relationship between poverty and academic performance in Texas than in North Carolina.

68 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 12 North Carolina Elementary and Middle Schools, 2002

Figure 13 Texas Elementary and Middle Schools, 2002

Figure 14 California Elementary and Middle Schools, 2002

69 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Turning to California, as represented in Figure 14, the inverse relationship between poverty and school performance is at least as strong as in North Carolina. In addition, there appears to be even greater remaining variance around the regression line in the California data than in the North Carolina data. It is important to note that the criterion for “passing” applied to the campus performance measures used in creating the scatterplot in Figure 14 was that students get a score on the CCS math test at or above a level labeled “Basic”. California divides performance domains into the four classes: Advanced, Proficient, Basic, Below Basic. It is interesting and instructive to create scatterplots for California schools using each of two additional criteria, namely student performance at or above Proficient, and also at or above Below Basic. The scatterplots for California schools based on all three criteria are shown in Figure 15, graphs A, B, and C. Figure 15-A used the performance criterion of “equal to or greater than Below Basic”, Figure 15-B reflects performance “equal to or greater than Basic”, and Figure 15-C is based on performance “equal to or greater than Proficient”. The ordinary least-squares slopes of these three relationships are presented in Table 33. The implication of these slopes can be stated as follows. Compared to a typical school with no ED students, a school with 100 percent ED students would have a pass rate 11 percent lower (graph A), 36 percent lower (graph B), or 42 percent lower (graph C). Two of these comparisons represent very large differences in school performance and major differences in the achievement gap between high-poverty and low-poverty schools. Using the Below Basic criterion, it appears that most California elementary and middle schools are doing quite well, and that most of the achievement gap between low income and high income schools has been eliminated. But if the same tests, administered to the same students in each of the schools, are scored using either the Basic or the Proficient criterion, the remaining gap between extreme low income and extreme high income schools would be several times greater—36 or 42 percentage point differences, as opposed to only an 11 point difference using the Below Basic criterion.

70 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 15 California Elementary and Middle Schools, 2002 Three Different Assessment Criteria

Graph A: Percent at or above “Below Basic”

Graph B: Percent at or above “Basic”

Graph C: Percent at or above “Proficient”

71 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 33 Slopes of Regression Lines, Figures 8-A, 8-B, 8-C Relationship shown in Slope Coefficient t-value Figure 8-A -0.107 -59.5 Figure 8-B -0.359 -82.4 Figure 8-C -0.420 -81.6

Another aspect of the effects of using different criteria on the same test to declare “proficiency” is that the total variance to be explained decreases with a less demanding criterion, and the variance remaining after taking into consideration ED is divided differently between the campus level and the district level. This is illustrated for the three California cases, presented in Table 34.

Table 34 California Elementary and Middle Schools, Grades 2 through 7 Allocation of Variance between Campus and District Using Three Different Performance Criteria

Equal or exceed Equal or exceed Equal or exceed Variance Proficient Basic Below Basic Campus 100.2 76.3 14.3 District 63.7 33.9 3.3 Pct. District 38.9% 30.6% 19.8%

This observation is relevant to the analysis above (Sections 5 – 7) where it was attempted to assess which district operational practices explain why schools in some districts perform better than those in other districts. If a low cutoff score is used to determine the percentage of students who achieve the target level of competency then it will be less likely that effective policies, at either the district or school level, can be identified. For example, in an extreme case, all schools would be assessed as performing equally well. In such an instance, it would not matter that different schools used different teaching practices or had other program differences. If it does matter which programs are used and how they are implemented, the effects of variations in programs cannot be

72 Effective Mathematics Program Components determined. This situation would result if the assessment test is so easy, or scored so leniently, that all schools appear to be performing equally well. Another manifestation of the effects of applying different threshold levels in evaluating student success is the impact on the frequency distribution of schools with various percentages of pass rates. The histograms based on the same data used in constructing the scatterplots of Figure 15 are shown in Figure 16. Note the overall average school passing rates associated with each histogram (Mean scores). The average passing rate using the Below Basic criterion was 94 percent. Using the Basic criterion the average passing rate was just 71 percent. And using the toughest criterion, the Proficient measure, the average passing rate was just 41 percent.18 The comparable histogram for the North Carolina and Texas pass rates that were used in constructing Figures 12 and 13 are shown in Figure 17. Note the similarity in the shapes of the histogram for Texas (Figure 17-B) and California, when the Below Basic criterion of students success is used in the latter state (Figure 16-A). Unlike the California Department of Education the Texas Education Agency does not post Texas TAAS results with alternate passing criteria. Therefore, in Section 9 below, where Texas’ data are combined with those for North Carolina and California, the Texas school performance measures based on the Percent Passing the TAAS Math test will necessarily be used. All analyses involving the California data will utilize the school success measure based on the Basic level of competence, and for North Carolina the school success measure will be based on achieving Level III.

73 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 16 Distributions of Passing Rates among California Elementary and Middle Schools under Three Different Assessment Standards—2002

74 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 17 Distributions of Rates of Achieving Specific Standards Among North Carolina and Texas Elementary and Middle Schools—2002

75 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Section 9: Multi-State Analysis—California, North Carolina, and Texas

Following from the previous discussion, even with the potential problems inherent in any attempt to combine data from three different systems, we may be able to accomplish a more powerful analysis through the grouping of the merged data from California, North Carolina and Texas. There are obvious differences in the data for the three states. The schools in Texas tended to have higher passing rates and greater proportions of students classified as economically disadvantaged than the schools in North Carolina and California. Those differences can be seen in Figure 18, where percent pass rates and percent economically disadvantaged for each school in the sample are plotted.

Figure 18




80 H T A

M 70


T 60 C P




76 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Because the average pass rates differ by state (see Figures 16-B, 17-A, and 17-B) some adjustment was required. The pass rates were converted to z-scores (and multiplied by 100) for the schools, on a state-by-state basis. This gave a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 100 for the performance measures of schools in each state. Figure 19 shows the relation between the original pass rates (horizontal axis) and the resulting z- scores (vertical axis).

Figure 19



) 200 M P P Z (


E 100 R O C S - Z

0 H T A M


S -100 A P

T C P -200 STATE NC TX CA -300 Note: (Z-scores multiplied by 100)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PCT PASS MATH (PM_02)

Plotting the z-scores for performance against the percent of economically disadvantaged students (Figure 20) shows a somewhat more homogenous picture, but the higher rate of poor students in Texas is clearly evident. The simple means of the campus percentages of economically disadvantaged students, by state, are: Texas 79%; California 65%; North Carolina 60%.

77 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 20



S 200 E R O C S - Z 100 E T A T S

, H

T 0 A M

S S A P -100 T STATE N



E CA P -200



HLM was used to determine the modified mean residuals (MMRs) for each of the 18 districts represented in the combined data set. Recall the MMRs are measures of district academic performance. The correlation coefficients between the MMRs and the average value for each component, by school, are presented in Table 35. As can be seen there, 9 of the 10 correlation coefficients are significant, with 6 of them significant at the 0.01 level. The greatest correlation was associated with C1 (Sound Administrative Practices), again suggesting its importance as perhaps a necessary condition for implementing the other practices associated with higher student performance.

78 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 35


MMR (SCHOOL Z-SCORES) c1_tpa Pearson Correlation .794** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 c2_tpa Pearson Correlation .761** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 c3_tpa Pearson Correlation .734** Sig. (1-tailed) .000 c4_tpa Pearson Correlation .335 Sig. (1-tailed) .087 c5_tpa Pearson Correlation .402* Sig. (1-tailed) .049 c6_tpa Pearson Correlation .590** Sig. (1-tailed) .005 c7_tpa Pearson Correlation .661** Sig. (1-tailed) .001 c8_tpa Pearson Correlation .443* Sig. (1-tailed) .033 c9_tpa Pearson Correlation .530* Sig. (1-tailed) .012 c10_tpa Pearson Correlation .557** Sig. (1-tailed) .008 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed). N = 18

To further illustrate the pattern of association between individual components and district performance (MMR), a series of figures that chart several of the Ten Components whose values were derived from the merged data, plotted against the modified mean residuals (MMR), are presented. For comparison purposes, the data points are also distinguished by state. Figure 21 highlights the strong relationship between the district performance measure and Component 1 (Sound Administrative Practices). Note the extremely small range for the average school values for Component 1 for North Carolina’s schools. Smaller charts showing similar information for Components 1, 2, 3, and 7 are displayed in Figure 22.

79 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 21


R 60 M M ( 40 E C

N 20 A M

R 0 O F

R -20 E P




T -60 CA S I D -80

3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 COMPONENT 1 (C1_TPA)

The responses to most questions in the survey required responses on a 1 to 5 scale, but there were some systematic differences among the 3 states when the responses were averaged, by component, to the district level. First, there was a smaller variance by respondents in North Carolina for most of the Ten Components. Ignoring C5 (Increased

80 Effective Mathematics Program Components and Effective Use of Instructional Time) (which was not based on a 1 to 5 scale) districts in North Carolina showed a smaller standard deviation for 7 of the 9 components. This is reflected clearly in Figure 21, for component 1. The other noticeable feature of the district level averages of these 9 components is that the mean values for the Texas districts are higher than those for North Carolina and California in eight of the nine cases, with North Carolina and Texas tied in the case of component 7. These means and standard deviations, by state by component, are displayed in Table 36.

81 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Figure 22


CALIF, TEXAS, NORTH CAROLINA 3 m _ r m m a p t _ 1 c a p t _ 2 c


p TX t _

3 CA c a p t _ 7 c

mmr_m3 c1_tpa c2_tpa c3_tpa c7_tpa

The strong associations reported in Table 35 and shown in Figures 21 and 22, based on the merged data from the 3 states, should be viewed with some caution. The higher average poverty rates and higher test passing rates would tend to cause the district performance measures (MMRs) to be greater for Texas districts. In addition, the average of the district-level component scores was higher for eight components in the Texas districts than those in the other two states (see Table 36). These two factors might bias the distributions seen in Figures 21 and 22 and the correlation coefficients in Table 35. It is not known why the average responses to the survey questions were higher in Texas for 8 of the 9 components which used the 1 – 5 response scale (and tied for one more). One possibility is that the higher pass rates in Texas are related to real higher student achievement which in turn is related to more intensive implementation of the Ten Components. In this case the higher average component scores in Texas would accurately reflect teacher and principal responses regarding implementation of them. Another possibility is that the higher pass rates in Texas might be due to a less difficult test or a

82 Effective Mathematics Program Components

lower cut-off score for passing and the higher judgments on the survey instruments spurious. In short, why would the responses in different states be systematically different? This question needs to be addressed in designing any future interstate studies of this type where multi-state pooling of such information would occur.

Table 36


Max Min. Std. State Component Mean Mean Std. Deviation Deviation NC C1 3.93 0.052 ** NC C2 4.09 0.105 ** NC C3 3.84 0.074 ** NC C4 2.26 0.294 NC C6 3.81 0.135 ** NC C7 4.43 ** 0.082 ** NC C8 3.74 0.219 ** NC C9 3.20 0.120 ** NC C10 3.97 0.151 TX C1 4.18 ** 0.251 TX C2 4.17 ** 0.295 TX C3 4.22 ** 0.225 TX C4 2.58 ** 0.408 ** TX C6 4.40 ** 0.233 TX C7 4.43 ** 0.276 TX C8 4.06 ** 0.238 TX C9 3.78 ** 0.306 TX C10 4.12 ** 0.151 CA C1 3.78 0.297 CA C2 4.13 0.364 CA C3 3.85 0.265 CA C4 1.10 0.078 CA C6 3.41 0.500 CA C7 4.13 0.362 CA C8 3.38 0.320 CA C9 3.14 0.149 CA C10 4.08 0.157 **

83 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Table 37 Hierarchical Linear Model Results, Three States

Level 2 Significance Unexplained Pct Deg. of HLM Equations (p-values) Variance Variance Freedom

FRL Cj Lev. Lev. Lev. Lev. 1 2 1 2 Model 1 Level 1 (a) ZPPM = B0j + rij Level 2 9810 105 (b) B0j = g00 Model 2 Level 1 (a) ZPPM = B0j + rij Level 2 8101 1860 18.7% 105 17 (b) B0j = g00 + u0j Model 3 Level 1 (a) ZPPM = B0j +B1FRLij+ rij Level 2 .000 6589 1876 22.2% 104 17 (b) B0j = g00 + u0j (c) B1 = g10 Model 4 Level 1 (a) ZPPM = B0j +B1FRLij+ rij Level 2 .000 .000 6574 16 0.2% 103 16 (b) B0j = g00 + g01C1_TPAj + u0j (c) B1 = g10

Model 5 Level 1 (a) ZPPM = B0j +B1FRLij+ rij Level 2 .000 6465 14 0.2% 102 15 (b) B0j = g00 + g01C1_TPAj .001 + g02C2_TPAj .008 + u0j (c) B1 = g10

84 Effective Mathematics Program Components

The HLM results for the combined data are presented in Table 37. The analysis is analogous to that of the individual state analyses presented previously (Tables 11, 20, and 31). Model 1(Table 37) indicates that the total variance is 9,810, and Model 2 shows that 18.7 percent of this variance is attributable to differences among districts. In Model 3 FRL (percent of students eligible for federally-subsidized free or reduced-price lunches) is used as an explanatory variable at the school level (level 1). This reduces the Level 1 variance from 8,101 to 6,589, leaving 22.2 percent of the remaining variance at the district level. In Model 4 Component 1 (Sound Administrative Practices) is used to explain level 2 variance. Inclusion of this variable almost completely eliminates the remaining level 2 variance (from 1,876 to 16). In Model 5, a second variable was added to explain level 2 variance, namely Component 2 (Aligned Curriculum). Both C1 and C2 were statistically significant. It is likely that C3 (Ongoing Assessment) and C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques) would have similar ability to account for the district-level variance, based upon their correlations with student performance (see Table 36). The same caution expressed earlier regarding possible biases inherent in the merging of the data from all three states, however, should be heeded in interpreting these results.

Section 10: Summary and Conclusions

The Ten Components of Effective Schools has been honed by Dr. Douglas Carnine and others into a working definition of what behaviors good schools and school systems should exhibit. The main purpose of this study was to see if a questionnaire-based data gathering process could capture information adequate to help assess the efficacy of the Ten Components. In that regard these pilot results seem quite promising. Districts and schools were selected which had large proportions of economically disadvantaged students, as these are the students who tend to be most at risk and which provide the greatest challenges to our public schools. Initially we presented the findings for each state separately. First, correlation and linear regression analyses were used to see which of the Ten Components were associated with the more successful schools, leaving aside district influence. Second, using HLM, the district-level aggregates derived from the survey data were used to

85 Effective Mathematics Program Components determine which of the components were most strongly associated with higher than predicted performance among the school districts in the sample. Finally, we combined the data across the states to get a better picture of the predictive value of the ten components on a larger scale.

For North Carolina, the results were not too promising. The lack of variance between schools and a smaller sample perhaps hampered our exploration efforts. For example, in Table 20, Model 3 (which allows for effects of various proportions of economically disadvantaged students) only 9 percent of the remaining variance was at the interdistrict level. This made it quite difficult to detect the effects of variations in district policies upon school performance. In addition, there may also have been some differences in the methods employed to collect the data in North Carolina, which would account for the lesser amount of variation in response to the survey questions.

A final factor at play in the case of North Carolina is that none of the five districts that ultimately agreed to participate in the study was a high-performing district. As shown in Figure 7 above, two of the five North Carolina districts appear to be high- performing. But using data for all districts in North Carolina, none of those that participated were high-performing, in relation to other North Carolina districts. Although there was a good spread—two were average, two low, and one very low—the lack of one or more truly high-performing districts meant that the survey data were without the presumably higher ratings that would have been given by the personnel at such a district. This may account for the diminished spread in the average Ten Component scores found for North Carolina (See Table 36) and for at least part of the less definitive results found there.

In California, the association between the components as measured by the teacher and principal surveys and performance on the mathematics portion of the California Standards Test showed a strong pattern of positive relationships. For teachers, six components –C1 (Sound Administrative Practices), C2 (Aligned Curriculum), C4 (Immediate Intervention), C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques), C9 (Focused Professional Development), C10 (End of Year Analysis of Student Performance) – were significantly linked to basic and proficient performance levels on the test. In addition, the linkage was stronger for proficient than for the basic level.

86 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Results gathered from principals reinforced the teachers’ perceptions as C1 (Sound Administrative Practices), C2 (Aligned Curriculum), C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content), and C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques) were correlated with assessment outcomes. When teacher and administrator views were combined to create a school-level view, five components -- C1 (Sound Administrative Practices), C2 (Aligned Curriculum), C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques), C9 (Focused Professional Development), and C10 (End of Year Analysis of Student Performance)-- yielded significant correlations with test performance, and two additional components -- C4 (Immediate Intervention), C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content) -- showed a trend towards a significant relationship with performance outcomes. The Ten Components were also strongly associated with mathematics proficiency at the district level. Seven of the Ten Components — C1 (Sound Administrative Practices), C2 (Aligned Curriculum), C3 (Ongoing Assessment), C4 (Immediate Intervention), C6 (Teacher Knowledge), C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques), C10 (End of Year Analysis of Student Performance) demonstrated moderate to strong correlations with performance on California’s Mathematics Test.

At the school level, all of the components are positively related, with nine significantly correlated to the majority of the other components. In other words, if a school scores high on one component, scores on the other components are likely to be high as well.

For Texas, we also found some interesting patterns in the data. At the school level, when we used teachers’ data we saw a fairly consistent pattern of relationships between the components but little relation to outcome variables. While the estimated values of the Ten Components themselves were fairly highly correlated with each other, none were significantly correlated with student performance as measured by the percentage of students tested who passed the state mandated TAAS Mathematics Test (PPM) in 2002. Based upon the data obtained from the principals at the same schools, the intercorrelation among estimates for the extent of implementation of the Ten Components was also fairly high—32 of the 45 possible pairs of correlation coefficients were significant at the 0.05 level or better. In addition, four of the components were significantly correlated with

87 Effective Mathematics Program Components

PPM, namely C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content), C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques), C8 (Differentiated Instruction), and C9 (Focused Professional Development).

When estimated values of the extent of implementation of the Ten Components were calculated by combining those derived from teachers and principals into single measures, the resulting measures were more highly correlated with one another than were those derived from teacher and principal data taken separately. In addition, six of the components were significantly correlated with student performance—C1 (Sound Administrative Practices), C3 (Ongoing Assessment), C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content), C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques), C8 (Differentiated Instruction) and C9 (Focused Professional Development)—using the percentile rank measure of the percentage of students passing the mathematics test. The teacher-principal combined versions of the estimated values for the Ten Components were used as explanatory variables in a regression equation. The results were that C1 (Sound Administrative Practices) and C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content), along with economic disadvantage, were statistically significant, although C6 was only marginally so with a p-value of 0.062. The suggestion here is that C1 tends to trump the others. Indeed, it may be likely that effective administrative practices are necessary before the Ten Components can be effectively implemented, even at the school level. At the school district level, taken singly, seven of the Ten Components each accounted for the vast majority of the unexplained interdistrict variation remaining after taking into account the proportion of economically disadvantaged students at the school level (Table 32). These consisted of C1 (Sound Administrative Practices), C2 (Aligned Curriculum), C3 (Ongoing Assessment), C6 (Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Content), C7 (Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques), C8 (Differentiated Instruction), and C9 (Focused Professional Development). With only 4 degrees of freedom remaining for district level variables with one of them included, it was not considered possible to introduce more than one at a time. The high degree of consistency between estimated values for C1 and the estimates of district performance was remarkable (as illustrated in Figure 11). The two school districts in the upper-right-hand portion of Figure 11 should feel proud of their accomplishments. These districts are

88 Effective Mathematics Program Components commonly recognized as being outstanding with regard to student performance and administrative energy and zeal. It speaks well for the survey used herein that these districts ranked high in terms of implementation of the Ten Components, particularly C1, which reflects over-all effective administrative practices. Analyses utilizing data for all 3 states were somewhat more robust than the individual state analyses. For example, 9 of the 10 components were significantly correlated with the district measure of student performance. Only C4 (Immediate Intervention) failed to qualify, but its significance level was still a fairly respectable 0.087. The high degree of correlation between most of the Ten Components and the district performance measure ensured that those components would be effective in accounting for interdistrict variance using HLM. In Section 8 it was suggested that tougher tests or higher passing thresholds might make it more likely that meaningful relationships will be found between average campus pass rates and various potential causal factors. Excessively demanding tests, with extremely low pass rates would also prohibit identifying characteristics of the local education program that enhance learning. It may be that California’s approach to reporting school-level results is superior, in terms of facilitating analysis. Researchers can choose whichever criterion for “passing” is most useful, but a less severe standard can be used for public recognition purposes. Ideally, the test results should not only provide motivation for staff and students without being demoralizing, but they should also provide critical data to researchers, including teachers and administrators, to help identify those practices and programs that are most effective, and to discontinue those that are ineffective. Also, in Section 9 we reviewed some of the problems that will be encountered when trying to combine data collected in multiple states. While it might be impossible to overcome some of these problems, the responses gathered here demonstrate what might be gained if we compare across results states. It is concluded that the data gathered from teachers and principals, reflecting their opinion as to the degree of consistency of practices in their schools and school districts with those described by the Ten Components of Effective Schools, lends strong support to the importance of the Ten Components in improving student achievement. The survey results seem most promising in explaining variations in the effectiveness of entire school

89 Effective Mathematics Program Components districts. It is felt that the procedures described in this paper for measuring the effectiveness of school districts are indeed useful in characterizing their differences. It also appears that the survey instrument and methods employed in its use as described herein are effective in measuring the extent of alignment of actual district and school practices with the Ten Components. The findings in this report are largely focused on school district performance. Yet common sense suggests that learning actually occurs in the classroom under the tutelage of the teacher. Critics frequently contend that funds not directed to the classroom are generally wasted. Some states even have special restrictions on the proportion of total funds which can be spent for district or school administration. Recognition of the positive role of the school district in bringing about better student performance in all schools in a district also means that proposals for hard upper limits to the proportion of district funds that can be used for administrative purposes may not be warranted, at least in the absence of an examination of the various administration functions in promoting learning itself. Different districts may have different strategies as to the relative size of the district educational activities as opposed to those at the school level. The school district, under the guidance of the board of supervisors and the superintendent, makes the decisions that affect all schools, teachers, and pupils throughout the district. In their book The Teaching Gap, Stigler and Hiebert (1999) focused on mathematics teaching practices as recorded on videotape among 231 eighth grade teachers in Germany, Japan, and the United States. They closely analyzed and compared teachers’ practices in the 3 countries. They pointed out, for example, certain characteristics of teaching found in Japan that might usefully be adopted in the U.S. But in considering how U.S. teachers might be encouraged to adopt those practices, Stigler and Hiebert proposed that such major change would probably have to be designed and implemented by the school district administration. Only the district itself, they argued, would have the authority and resources to carry out the planning and reallocation of resources, especially teachers’ time, that would be necessary to implement and sustain major improvements.19

90 Effective Mathematics Program Components

It is argued here that school district administrations in the more successful districts included in this study have taken the lead in implementing district-wide adaptation of their schools and teachers to respond successfully to the state-mandated accountability systems. The Ten Components of Successful Schools appear to be beneficial if adopted, and it seems that the school district has great influence over the degree to which these practices are implemented. The findings reported above suggest that the school district is critical in ensuring that whatever best practices are identified will be adopted and supported throughout the district. These findings also suggest that the district influence goes well beyond merely providing facilities, transportation, and other infrastructure. The district is an active agent in the educational process itself. Finally, the authors wish to express their gratitude to the many public school teachers and administrators who volunteered some of their valuable time to participate in this study. Without their help this would not be possible, and we hope that it can help us all better understand practices and their relations to important outcomes.

91 Effective Mathematics Program Components


Aitkin, M., & Longford, N. (1986). “Statistical modeling issues in school effectiveness studies.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 149(4), 1-43.

Bryk, A. & Raudenbush, S. W. (1992). Hierarchical Linear Models: Applications and Data Analysis Methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Kane, T., Staiger, D. O., & Geppert, J. (2002). “Randomly Accountable.” Hoover Institution: Stanford. Available at

Ma, L. (1999). Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

National Research Council (2001). Adding it up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Raudenbush, S. W., & Bryk, A. (2002), Hierarchical Linear Models: Applications and Data Analysis Methods (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Stigler, J. W., & Hiebert, J. (1999). The Teaching Gap: Best Ideas from the World’s Teachers for Improving Education in the Classroom. New York: The Free Press.

Toenjes, L. A., &Garst, J. E. (2000). Identifying High Performing Texas Schools and School Districts and Their Methods of Success. Report prepared for the Texas Education Agency.

Toenjes, L. A., & Garst, J. E. (2002). Survey of Texas Reading Programs Based on the Ten Components of Best Practice, Grades K – 8. Report prepared for the Texas Education Agency.

Toenjes, L.A. Lewis, J. C. & Walne, M.B. (2003). Identifying Components of Effective Mathematics Programs in Texas. Report prepared for the Texas Education Agency.

Thomas, Warren + Associates (2003). An Examination of School-Based Factors Affecting the Grade 8 Mathematics MCAS Performance. Northampton, MA.

What Works Clearinghouse (2004). Topic report - Curriculum-based interventions for increasing K-12 math achievement—middle school. Retrieved December 5, 2004 from

92 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Appendix 1: State Questionnaires – California and Texas

District District Student Population Name of Superintendent (or Director of Curriculum & Instruction) completing this survey: Position/Title______Years Experience in This Position ______Number of Teachers District Economically Disadvantaged Percent District Mobility Rate


Please complete this questionnaire by using the below scale where appropriate and circling your response.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

1. District Office Administrative Practices a) Our district provides written policies or guidelines for the mathematics program. SD D U A SA

b) Our district has written procedures for helping struggling mathematics students reach grade level performance. SD D U A SA

c) District instructional personnel visit each school regularly to provide support for mathematics instruction SD D U A SA

d) Administrative personnel provide feedback to each principal about their school’s mathematics instruction. SD D U A SA

e) When mathematics scores are not acceptable, a district administrator visits that school to monitor improvement efforts. SD D U A SA

2. Curriculum Alignment a) Our district mathematics program has a written set of curriculum guidelines for grades 4-8 based on the state mathematics standards. SD D U A SA

93 Effective Mathematics Program Components

3. Assessment a) Our schools conduct mathematics assessments in grades 4-8 when the school year begins. SD D U A SA

b) Our principals prepare regular student progress reports for grades 4 through 8 in mathematics. SD D U A SA

c) Periodic math assessment scores for every campus are made SD D U A SA available to all principals.

d) Our principals meet with individual teachers regarding SD D U A SA their students’ performance scores in mathematics.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

4. Interventions for At-Risk Students a) Our district provides a continuum of services to meet the individual needs of struggling mathematics students in grades 4-8. SD D U A SA

b) Our district has a written list of services for students needing additional support in math. SD D U A SA

c) Our principals have available a written instructional plan for each at-risk mathematics student in grades 4-8. SD D U A SA

5. Instructional Time a) Our district requires a minimum number of minutes in mathematics instruction per day that each child should receive. SD D U A SA If so, list the number of minutes by grade ______

b) Our district prescribes the amount of extra mathematics instruction a struggling mathematics student should receive during each school day? SD D U A SA

If so, list the number of minutes ______

6. Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy a) All of our district grade 4 – 8 mathematics teachers must obtain professional development in math annually. SD D U A SA

b) The district monitors the professional development hours or courses that each teacher attends annually. SD D U A SA

94 Effective Mathematics Program Components

7. Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques a) The mathematics program (for grades 4-8) in this district is SD D U A SA structured to emphasize depth of coverage.

b) The mathematics program (for grades 4-8) in this district is structured to emphasize breadth of coverage. SD D U A SA

8. Grouping for Instruction a) District math teachers (for grades 4-8) use flexible grouping (a process for grouping and regrouping students based upon SD D U A SA performance).

9. Professional Development a) How often does your district provide training to principals in Every Every effective mathematics program implementation? (please circle Rarely, Only with text 3-4 1-2 response.) if ever book adoption years years b) Our principals provide time for mathematics teachers to plan together by grade level during the school day. SD D U A SA

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

9. Professional development (continued) c) Mathematics specialists are available in our district to give demonstration lessons and in-classroom assistance to math teachers SD D U A SA in grade 4-8.

d) Our principals provide mentoring and mathematics instructional support for all teachers. SD D U A SA

e) Our principals provide instructional support for teachers who are not producing satisfactory gains in student performance. SD D U A SA

10. End of Year Analysis of Student Performance (Grades 4-8) a) Our students take an annual assessment in mathematics that is a national norm-referenced test. SD D U A SA

b) Our students take an annual assessment in mathematics that is a criterion-referenced test. SD D U A SA

c) Our district makes annual data driven modifications to the mathematics program for all schools. SD D U A SA

95 Effective Mathematics Program Components

11. Open Ended Questions a) What is your district’s most serious problem in mathematics and how did you identify it?

b) What areas have you identified as needing improvement in the district mathematics program?

c) What is your district’s greatest success or discovery in math instruction?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

96 Effective Mathematics Program Components


District School Name Principal Name Position/Title ______Years Experience as a Principal ______Grades Student Population Economically Disadvantaged % Number of Teachers Student Racial Composition:

Please complete this questionnaire by using the below scale where appropriate and circling your response.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

1. Administrative and Instructional Practices a) Our district office provides written policies or guidelines for the mathematics program. SD D U A SA

b) How often do you observe in classrooms during Once a Once a Once a Seldom Daily mathematics instruction? semester month week

c) How often does an assistant principal observe in classrooms Once a Once a Once a during mathematics instruction? Seldom Daily semester month week d) How often does a math skill specialist observe in classrooms Once a Once a Once a during mathematics instruction? Seldom Daily semester month week e) Our math teachers receive individual feedback based on observations of their teaching and their students’ performance SD D U A SA scores.

f) I meet regularly with the superintendent or our district SD D U A SA specialist to examine my school’s math scores.

g) Our teachers follow the state guidelines for math instruction very closely. SD D U A SA

h) I know who the at-risk math students are on our campus. SD D U A SA 2. Curriculum Alignment a) Our mathematics program has written curriculum guidelines for each grade based on the state standards for mathematics. SD D U A SA

b) If yes to (a) above, who writes the curriculum guidelines District Textbook Teachers District 97 Effective Mathematics Program Components

for each grade? Math Publishers hired Coordinator experts


SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

Please circle your response.

2. Curriculum Alignment (Continued) c) Our elementary and middle school math curricula are coordinated so students are prepared for success in the SD D U A SA following grade. 3. Assessment a) A mathematics assessment is given to all students in grades 4-8 at the start of the year. SD D U A SA

If yes to 3 (a) above, which assessment tools do you use at the start of each year for grades 4 through 8?

b) Our teachers use assessment data from the start of each school year to identify students who may have difficulty reaching grade level math standards. SD D U A SA

c) Our grade level teachers give the same interim assessments to determine student progress during the year. SD D U A SA

d) Our teachers disaggregate performance data to determine the areas students have and have not mastered. SD D U A SA

e) Our grade level teachers meet regularly to discuss teaching strategies. SD D U A SA

f) Our grade level teachers meet regularly to discuss student scores. SD D U A SA

g) I receive mathematics assessment data throughout the year from all teachers. SD D U A SA

h) I report interim student assessment data to the central administrative office at least twice per year. SD D U A SA

98 Effective Mathematics Program Components

If yes to 3 (h) above, how does the district office use your math assessment scores?

i) Interim math test results for the other elementary (or middle) SD D U A SA schools in our district are made public.

4. Interventions for At-Risk Mathematics Students Extra instructional services for struggling math students at our school include (please check any that apply by grade):

a) Extra math instruction during the school day a) Extra small group time in a pull-out program. Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____ b) Tutoring. Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

c) An elective math class for students who need Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____ remedial instruction

d) A required math class for students who need Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____ remedial instruction

e) Other (please specify):______Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 ______

99 Effective Mathematics Program Components

b) Extra math instruction outside of the school day

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____ b) An extended day program. Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

e) Other (please specify):______Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 ______

c) Extra mathematics instruction is generally provided by (please check any that apply by grade):

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____ b) Teacher’s aid. Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

f) Other (please specify):______Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 ______

d) Please list extra instructional services provided for special education students by grade. Who generally provides the instruction?

100 Effective Mathematics Program Components

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

Please circle your response.

5. Instructional Time a) How many minutes of mathematics instruction are provided during each school day for (Please fill-in number of minutes for each grade that you are familiar.):

Grade: 4____ 5_____ 6_____ 7_____ 8_____

b) How much extra instructional time is provided to struggling math students during the school day for:

Grade: 4____ 5_____ 6_____ 7_____ 8_____

6. Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy a) All of our mathematics teachers have been well trained to teach math. SD D U A SA

b) All of our mathematics teachers complete professional development in math annually. SD D U A SA

7. Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques a) Our instructional materials are based on the state standards for mathematics. SD D U A SA

b) Our math program covers (high-priority) state standards in depth. SD D U A SA

c) Our math instruction is paced so at least 90% of the students have an opportunity to master prerequisite skills before moving SD D U A SA to more advanced concepts.

d) Our teachers provide practice time so at least 90% of the students can develop proficiency in operations. SD D U A SA

8. Grouping for Instruction a) Our school provides sufficient math groups (or courses) to meet all student abilities. SD D U A SA

b) Most of our mathematics teachers provide instruction in small groups based on student achievement results. SD D U A SA

c) Most of our teachers use flexible grouping (a process for grouping and regrouping students based on performance). SD D U A SA

101 Effective Mathematics Program Components

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

Please circle your response.

9. Professional Development a) Our mathematics teachers meet regularly within grades during school hours. SD D U A SA

b) Instructional resource personnel are available to give demonstration lessons and in-class assistance to all SD D U A SA mathematics teachers.

c) The district office provides mathematics specialist(s) for the schools in our district. SD D U A SA

d) Our teachers attend workshops and visit other classrooms during school time. SD D U A SA

e) The instructional support that we provide to teachers having difficulty is effective. SD D U A SA

f) We have a mathematics specialist on our campus. SD D U A SA

g) If yes to (f) above, on average how many hours does the Less than 10-19 20-29 30-40 specialist(s) spend at your site weekly? (Please circle one or 10 hours hours hours hours specify other.)


h) What type of mentoring do you provide new mathematics New teachers Each new The on-sight teachers? (Please circle one or specify other.) work closely math teacher skills specialist with other is assigned a mentors new teachers mentor math teachers


10. End of Year Analysis of Student Performance a) Our students take an end-of-year assessment in mathematics that is a national norm-referenced test. SD D U A SA

b) Annual data driven modifications are made to the mathematics program on our campus. SD D U A SA

c) Our campus has site based decision-making teams that study the mathematics data to identify areas for improvement. SD D U A SA

102 Effective Mathematics Program Components

d) Each teacher is expected to analyze student performance and adjust their instruction accordingly. SD D U A SA

e) Modifications to the mathematics program are primarily the responsibility of the district office. SD D U A SA

11. Open-ended Questions

a) Please identify what you consider to be your school’s most serious problem(s) in mathematics? How was this problem identified?

b) What has been your school’s greatest discovery or success in math instruction?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

103 Effective Mathematics Program Components


Please complete this questionnaire by using the below scale where appropriate and circling your response.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

1. Administrative Practices a) Our district provides written policies or guidelines for the mathematics program. SD D U A SA b) My principal is knowledgeable about math instruction. SD D U A SA c) My principal closely monitors math performance at our school. SD D U A SA d) I feel valued as a math teacher at this school. SD D U A SA 2. Curriculum Alignment a) Our math program is consistent with the state standards. SD D U A SA b) The mathematics teachers in our district make sure the curriculum is coordinated so students are prepared for success SD D U A SA in the following grade. 3. Assessment a) I assess all of my students at the beginning of the school year in mathematics. SD D U A SA b) I identify at-risk mathematics students from the assessment results I collect at the beginning of the year. SD D U A SA

c) I chart each at-risk student’s deficiencies in math. SD D U A SA d) I give ongoing assessments to track my students’ progress in mathematics. SD D U A SA e) I record each at-risk math student’s progress. SD D U A SA f) I assess students’ mathematics computation skills twice a week or more. SD D U A SA g) My principal regularly receives a copy of my students’ assessment results. SD D U A SA

h) Our grade level mathematics teachers give the same interim assessments during the year. SD D U A SA

i) Our grade level mathematics teachers meet regularly to discuss assessment results. SD D U A SA

104 Effective Mathematics Program Components

j) Our grade level mathematics teachers agree on what students should be able to do to meet the state standards. SD D U A SA

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

4. Interventions a) Our school provides a continuum of services for at-risk mathematics students. SD D U A SA

b) Our programs for at-risk math students meet individual student needs. SD D U A SA

c) Which of the following services does your school provide for at-risk math students? (Please check services offered and list others.) _____ Extra small group time in a pull-out program

_____Before school tutoring

_____After school tutoring

_____Tutoring during the school day

_____Peer tutoring

_____An elective math class for students who need remedial instruction.

_____A required math class for students who need remedial instruction.

_____After-school classes.

_____Saturday classes.

_____Summer school

Other:______d) Extra instruction for struggling math students is provided by certified teachers. SD D U A SA

e) Tutors (or others) that work with a struggling math student are aware of that student’s specific learning needs. SD D U A SA

f) I refer students who do not make progress in math for special education testing. SD D U A SA

g) I try different materials when a student is not making progress in math. SD D U A SA

h) When a student is not making progress in math, I conduct an SD D U A SA assessment to identify the problem.

105 Effective Mathematics Program Components

i) I get help from a resource teacher when a student is not SD D U A SA making progress in math.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

5. Instructional Time a) How many minutes of mathematics instruction are provided to students in your grade(s) during each school day? Please list grade level(s) and minutes:______

b) How many minutes of extra mathematics instruction are provided to your struggling mathematics students during each school day? Please list grade level(s) and minutes:______

c) How many minutes of extra mathematics instruction are provided to your struggling mathematics students outside the school day? Please list grade level(s) and minutes:______

6. Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy a) I attend professional development seminars on teaching mathematics at least once per year. SD D U A SA

b) My district provides substitutes so I can attend training held during school hours. SD D U A SA

7. Instructional Materials & Teaching Techniques a) I have curriculum guidelines in math from my district that are keyed to the state standards. SD D U A SA

b) I have instructional materials that are consistent with the state mathematics standards. Please list textbooks:______SD D U A SA

c) I use supplemental mathematics materials or programs. Please list materials:______SD D U A SA

8. Grouping for Math Instruction a) I work with students in small groups. SD D U A SA b) I regularly use flexible grouping, where I group and regroup students based upon performance. SD D U A SA

9. Professional Development a) Professional development that improves my teaching of math is available to me. SD D U A SA

106 Effective Mathematics Program Components

b) The principal uses classroom observation to provide me with feedback in teaching math. SD D U A SA

c) The principal uses student math performance to provide me with feedback in teaching math. SD D U A SA

d) Mathematics teachers for my grade level have time to plan SD D U A SA together during the school day.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

e) Instructional resource personnel provide math demonstration SD D U A SA lessons and in-class assistance at our school.

f) Instructional resource personnel help me improve student SD D U A SA performance.

g) There is someone available to help me when I have SD D U A SA questions about teaching math.

10. End of Year Analysis a) In addition to the state test, I give an end-of-year assessment in mathematics. SD D U A SA

b) I make regular modifications to my teaching based on SD D U A SA student performance.

c) I use annual test results to modify my instruction. SD D U A SA

1) District Name ______

2) School Name ______10) Undergraduate degree(s) a) Major(s)______3) Number of years teaching experience_____ b) Minor(s)______4) Type of certification(s) ______11) Graduate Degree(s) a) Masters______5) Total Number of Math Classes You Teach ______b) Ed.D, Ph.D.______

6) Total Number of Students You Teach ______

107 Effective Mathematics Program Components

7) Number of Math Classes of Each Type: 12) Mathematics Courses Taken in College (Check ___ ESL ___ Bilingual those that apply) ___ Low-Performing ___ GT or Honors a) ___ College Algebra b) ___ Geometry ___ Special Ed ___ Regular (All student c) ___ Finite Math d) ___ Trigonometry levels) e) ___ Calculus f ) ___ Probability and Statistics g) ___ Logic Other______h) Were the above math classes taken in a 8) Grade(s) you are presently teaching: ______department of mathematics? ___ yes ___ no ___ mixed 9) Type of instruction: a) ___ Self-Contained b) ___ Departmentalized c) ___Team Teacher d) ___Resource Teacher e) Other ______

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

108 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Appendix 1 (continued) – North Carolina Questionnaires DISTRICT OFFICE QUESTIONNAIRE OF District District Student Population Name of Superintendent (or Director of Curriculum & Position/Title: Instruction) completing this survey:

Number of Teachers Years Experience in This Position : District Economically Disadvantaged Percent District Mobility Rate


Please complete this questionnaire by using the below scale where appropriate and circling your response.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

1. District Office Administrative Practices a) Our district provides written policies or guidelines for the mathematics program. SD D U A SA

b) Our district has written procedures for helping struggling mathematics students reach grade level performance. SD D U A SA

c) District instructional personnel visit each school regularly to provide support for mathematics instruction SD D U A SA

d) Administrative personnel provide feedback to each principal about their school’s mathematics instruction. SD D U A SA

e) When mathematics scores are not acceptable, a district administrator visits that school to monitor improvement efforts. SD D U A SA

2. Curriculum Alignment a) Our district mathematics program has a written set of curriculum guidelines for grades 4-8 based on the state mathematics standards. SD D U A SA

3. Assessment ai) Our schools conduct mathematics assessments in grades 4-8 when the school year begins. SD D U A SA aii) Our schools conduct mathematics assessments in grades 4-8 when the school year ends. SD D U A SA b) Our principals prepare regular student progress reports for grades 4 through 8 in mathematics. SD D U A SA

109 Effective Mathematics Program Components

c) Periodic math assessment scores for every campus are made available to all principals. SD D U A SA

d) Our principals meet with individual teachers regarding SD D U A SA their students’ performance scores in mathematics.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

4. Interventions for At-Risk Students a) Our district provides a continuum of services to meet the individual needs of struggling mathematics students in grades 4-8. SD D U A SA

b) Our district has a written list of services for students needing additional support in math. SD D U A SA

c) Our principals have available a written instructional plan for each at-risk mathematics student in grades 4-8. SD D U A SA

5. Instructional Time a) Our district requires a minimum number of minutes in mathematics instruction per day that each child should receive. SD D U A SA If so, list the number of minutes by grade ______

b) Our district prescribes the amount of extra mathematics instruction a struggling mathematics student should receive during each school day? SD D U A SA

If so, list the number of minutes ______

6. Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy a) All of our district grade 4 – 8 mathematics teachers must obtain professional development in math annually. SD D U A SA

b) The district monitors the professional development hours or courses that each teacher attends annually. SD D U A SA

7. Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques a) The mathematics program (for grades 4-8) in this district is SD D U A SA structured to emphasize depth of coverage.

b) The mathematics program (for grades 4-8) in this district is structured to emphasize breadth of coverage. SD D U A SA

9. Grouping for Instruction a) District math teachers (for grades 4-8) use flexible grouping (a process for grouping and regrouping students based upon SD D U A SA performance).

110 Effective Mathematics Program Components

9. Professional Development a) How often does your district provide training to principals in Every Every effective mathematics program implementation? (please circle Rarely, Only with text 3-4 1-2 response.) if ever book adoption years years b) Our principals provide time for mathematics teachers to plan together by grade level during the school day. SD D U A SA

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

9. Professional development (continued) c) Mathematics specialists are available in our district to give demonstration lessons and in-classroom assistance to math teachers SD D U A SA in grade 4-8.

d) Our principals provide mentoring and mathematics instructional support for all teachers. SD D U A SA

e) Our principals provide instructional support for teachers who are not producing satisfactory gains in student performance. SD D U A SA

10. End of Year Analysis of Student Performance (Grades 4-8) ai) Our students take an annual assessment in mathematics that is a national norm-referenced test. SD D U A SA

aii) Our students take an end-of-grade test in mathematics that is a state norm-referenced test. SD D U A SA

b) Our students take an annual assessment in mathematics that is a criterion-referenced test. SD D U A SA

c) Our district makes annual data driven modifications to the mathematics program for all schools. SD D U A SA

111 Effective Mathematics Program Components

11. Open Ended Questions b) What is your district’s most serious problem in mathematics and how did you identify it?

11. Open Ended Questions (continued) b) What areas have you identified as needing improvement in the district mathematics program?

112 Effective Mathematics Program Components c) What is your district’s greatest success or discovery in math instruction?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

113 Effective Mathematics Program Components


District School Name Principal Name Position/Title ______Years Experience as a Principal ______Grades Student Population Economically Disadvantaged % Number of Teachers Student Racial Composition:

Please complete this questionnaire by using the below scale where appropriate and circling your response.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

1. Administrative and Instructional Practices a) Our district office provides written policies or guidelines for the mathematics program. SD D U A SA

b) How often do you observe in classrooms during Once a Once a Once a Seldom Daily mathematics instruction? semester month week

c) How often does an assistant principal observe in classrooms Once a Once a Once a during mathematics instruction? Seldom Daily semester month week d) How often does a math skill specialist observe in classrooms Once a Once a Once a during mathematics instruction? Seldom Daily semester month week e) Our math teachers receive individual feedback based on observations of their teaching and their students’ performance SD D U A SA scores.

f) I meet regularly with the superintendent or our district SD D U A SA specialist to examine my school’s math scores.

g) Our teachers follow the state guidelines for math instruction very closely. SD D U A SA

h) I know who the at-risk math students are on our campus. SD D U A SA 2. Curriculum Alignment a) Our mathematics program has written curriculum guidelines SD D U A SA

114 Effective Mathematics Program Components

for each grade based on the state standards for mathematics.

b) If yes to (a) above, who writes the curriculum guidelines District Textbook Teachers District for each grade? Math Publishers hired Coordinator experts


SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

Please circle your response.

2. Curriculum Alignment (Continued) c) Our elementary and middle school math curricula are coordinated so students are prepared for success in the SD D U A SA following grade. 3. Assessment ai) A mathematics assessment is given to all students in grades 4-8 at the start of the year. SD D U A SA

aii) A mathematics assessment is given to all students in grades 4-8 at the end of the year. SD D U A SA

If yes to 3 (a) or 3 (b) above, which assessment tools do you use at the start and/or end of each year for grades 4 through 8?

b) Our teachers use assessment data to identify students who may have difficulty reaching grade level math standards. SD D U A SA

c) Our grade level teachers give the same interim assessments to determine student progress during the year. SD D U A SA

d) Our teachers disaggregate performance data to determine the areas students have and have not mastered. SD D U A SA

e) Our grade level teachers meet regularly to discuss teaching strategies. SD D U A SA

f) Our grade level teachers meet regularly to discuss student SD D U A SA

115 Effective Mathematics Program Components


g) I receive mathematics assessment data throughout the year from all teachers. SD D U A SA

h) I report interim student assessment data to the central administrative office at least twice per year. SD D U A SA

If yes to 3 (h) above, how does the district office use your math assessment scores?

i) Interim math test results for the other elementary (or middle) SD D U A SA schools in our district are made public.

4. Interventions for At-Risk Mathematics Students Extra instructional services for struggling math students at our school include (please check any that apply by grade):

a) Extra math instruction during the school day a) Extra small group time in a pull-out program. Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____ b) Tutoring. Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

c) An elective math class for students who need Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____ remedial instruction

d) A required math class for students who need Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____ remedial instruction

e) Other (please specify):______Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 ______

b) Extra math instruction outside of the school day

116 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____ b) An extended day program. Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

e) Other (please specify):______Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 ______

117 Effective Mathematics Program Components

c) Extra mathematics instruction is generally provided by (please check any that apply by grade):

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____ b) Teacher’s aid. Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 _____

f) Other (please specify):______Grade: 4 ____ 5 _____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 ______

d) Please list extra instructional services provided for special education students by grade. Who generally provides the instruction?

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

Please circle your response.

5. Instructional Time a) How many minutes of mathematics instruction are provided during each school day for (Please fill-in number of minutes for each grade that you are familiar.):

Grade: 4____ 5_____ 6_____ 7_____ 8_____

b) How much extra instructional time is provided to struggling math students during the school day for:

Grade: 4____ 5_____ 6_____ 7_____ 8_____

6. Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy a) All of our mathematics teachers have been well trained to teach math. SD D U A SA

b) All of our mathematics teachers complete professional development in math annually. SD D U A SA

7. Instructional Materials and Teaching Techniques a) Our instructional materials are based on the state standards for mathematics. SD D U A SA

118 Effective Mathematics Program Components

b) Our math program covers (high-priority) state standards in depth. SD D U A SA

c) Our math instruction is paced so at least 90% of the students have an opportunity to master prerequisite skills before moving SD D U A SA to more advanced concepts.

d) Our teachers provide practice time so at least 90% of the students can develop proficiency in operations. SD D U A SA

8. Grouping for Instruction a) Our school provides sufficient math groups (or courses) to meet all student abilities. SD D U A SA

b) Most of our mathematics teachers provide instruction in small groups based on student achievement results. SD D U A SA

c) Most of our teachers use flexible grouping (a process for grouping and regrouping students based on performance). SD D U A SA

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

Please circle your response.

9. Professional Development a) Our mathematics teachers meet regularly within grades during school hours. SD D U A SA

b) Instructional resource personnel are available to give demonstration lessons and in-class assistance to all SD D U A SA mathematics teachers.

c) The district office provides mathematics specialist(s) for the schools in our district. SD D U A SA

d) Our teachers attend workshops and visit other classrooms during school time. SD D U A SA

e) The instructional support that we provide to teachers having difficulty is effective. SD D U A SA

f) We have a mathematics specialist on our campus. SD D U A SA g) If yes to (f) above, on average how many hours does the Less than 10-19 20-29 30-40 specialist(s) spend at your site weekly? (Please circle one or 10 hours hours hours hours specify other.)

119 Effective Mathematics Program Components


h) What type of mentoring do you provide new mathematics New teachers Each new The on-sight teachers? (Please circle one or specify other.) work closely math teacher skills specialist with other is assigned a mentors new teachers mentor math teachers


10. End of Year Analysis of Student Performance ai) Our students take an end-of-year assessment in mathematics that is a national norm-referenced test. SD D U A SA

aii) Our students take an end-of-grade test in mathematics that is a state norm-referenced test. SD D U A SA

b) Annual data driven modifications are made to the mathematics program on our campus. SD D U A SA

c) Our campus has site based decision-making teams that study the mathematics data to identify areas for improvement. SD D U A SA

d) Each teacher is expected to analyze student performance and SD D U A SA adjust their instruction accordingly.

e) Modifications to the mathematics program are primarily the SD D U A SA responsibility of the district office.

11. Open-ended Questions

a) Please identify what you consider to be your school’s most serious problem(s) in mathematics? How was this problem identified?

b) What has been your school’s greatest discovery or success in math instruction?

120 Effective Mathematics Program Components

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

121 Effective Mathematics Program Components


Please complete this questionnaire by using the below scale where appropriate and circling your response.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

1. Administrative Practices a) Our district provides written policies or guidelines for the mathematics program. SD D U A SA b) My principal is knowledgeable about math instruction. SD D U A SA c) My principal closely monitors math performance at our school. SD D U A SA d) I feel valued as a math teacher at this school. SD D U A SA 2. Curriculum Alignment a) Our math program is consistent with the state standards. SD D U A SA b) The mathematics teachers in our district make sure the curriculum is coordinated so students are prepared for success SD D U A SA in the following grade. 3. Assessment ai) I assess all of my students at the beginning of the school year in mathematics. SD D U A SA aii) I assess all of my students at the end of the school year in mathematics. SD D U A SA bi) I identify at-risk mathematics students from the assessment results I collect at the beginning of the year. SD D U A SA

bii) I identify at-risk mathematics students from the assessment results I receive from the previous school year. SD D U A SA

c) I chart each at-risk student’s deficiencies in math. SD D U A SA d) I give ongoing assessments to track my students’ progress in mathematics. SD D U A SA e) I record each at-risk math student’s progress. SD D U A SA

122 Effective Mathematics Program Components

f) I assess students’ mathematics computation skills twice a week or more. SD D U A SA g) My principal regularly receives a copy of my students’ assessment results. SD D U A SA

h) Our grade level mathematics teachers give the same interim assessments during the year. SD D U A SA

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

3. Assessment (continued) i) Our grade level mathematics teachers meet regularly to discuss assessment results. SD D U A SA

j) Our grade level mathematics teachers agree on what students should be able to do to meet the state standards. SD D U A SA

4. Interventions a) Our school provides a continuum of services for at-risk mathematics students. SD D U A SA

b) Our programs for at-risk math students meet individual student needs. SD D U A SA c) Which of the following services does your school provide for at-risk math students? (Please check services offered and list others.)

123 Effective Mathematics Program Components

_____ Extra small group time in a pull-out program

_____Before school tutoring

_____After school tutoring

_____Tutoring during the school day

_____Peer tutoring

_____An elective math class for students who need remedial instruction.

_____A required math class for students who need remedial instruction.

_____After-school classes.

_____Saturday classes.

_____Summer school

Other:______d) Extra instruction for struggling math students is provided by certified teachers. SD D U A SA

e) Tutors (or others) that work with a struggling math student are aware of that student’s specific learning needs. SD D U A SA

f) I refer students who do not make progress in math for special education testing. SD D U A SA

g) I try different materials when a student is not making progress in math. SD D U A SA

h) When a student is not making progress in math, I conduct an SD D U A SA assessment to identify the problem.

i) I get help from a instructional specialist when a student is not SD D U A SA making progress in math.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

5. Instructional Time a) How many minutes of mathematics instruction are provided to students in your grade(s) during each school day? Please list grade level(s) and minutes:______

124 Effective Mathematics Program Components

b) How many minutes of extra mathematics instruction are provided to your struggling mathematics students during each school day? Please list grade level(s) and minutes:______

c) How many minutes of extra mathematics instruction are provided to your struggling mathematics students outside the school day? Please list grade level(s) and minutes:______

6. Teacher Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy a) I attend professional development seminars on teaching mathematics at least once per year. SD D U A SA

b) My district provides substitutes so I can attend training held during school hours. SD D U A SA

7. Instructional Materials & Teaching Techniques a) I have curriculum guidelines in math from my district that are keyed to the state standards. SD D U A SA

b) I have instructional materials that are consistent with the state mathematics standards. Please list textbooks:______SD D U A SA ______

c) I use supplemental mathematics materials or programs. Please list materials:______SD D U A SA ______

125 Effective Mathematics Program Components

8. Grouping for Math Instruction a) I work with students in small groups. SD D U A SA b) I regularly use flexible grouping, where I group and regroup students based upon performance. SD D U A SA

9. Professional Development a) Professional development that improves my teaching of math is available to me. SD D U A SA

b) The principal uses classroom observation to provide me with feedback in teaching math. SD D U A SA

c) The principal uses student math performance to provide me with feedback in teaching math. SD D U A SA

d) Mathematics teachers for my grade level have time to plan SD D U A SA together during the school day.

SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; U = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA = Strongly Agree

9. Professional Development (continued) e) Instructional resource personnel provide math demonstration SD D U A SA lessons and in-class assistance at our school.

f) Instructional resource personnel help me improve student SD D U A SA performance.

g) There is someone available to help me when I have SD D U A SA questions about teaching math.

10. End of Year Analysis a) In addition to the state test, I give an end-of-year assessment in mathematics. SD D U A SA

b) I make regular modifications to my teaching based on SD D U A SA student performance.

c) I use annual test results to modify my instruction. SD D U A SA

1) District Name ______

2) School Name ______10) Undergraduate degree(s) a) Major(s)______3) Number of years teaching experience_____ b) Minor(s)______4) Type of certification(s) ______11) Graduate Degree(s) a) Masters______5) Total Number of Math Classes You Teach ______b) Ed.D., Ph.D.______

126 Effective Mathematics Program Components

6) Total Number of Students You Teach ______7) Number of Math Classes of Each Type: 12) Mathematics Courses Taken in College (Check ___ ESL ___ Bilingual those that apply) ___ Low-Performing ___ GT or Honors a) ___ College Algebra b) ___ Geometry ___ Special Ed ___ Regular (All student c) ___ Finite Math d) ___ Trigonometry levels) e) ___ Calculus f ) ___ Probability and Statistics g) ___ Logic Other______h) Were the above math classes taken in a 8) Grade(s) you are presently teaching: ______department of mathematics? ___ yes ___ no ___ mixed 9) Type of instruction: a) ___ Self-Contained b) ___ Departmentalized c) ___Team Teacher d) ___Resource Teacher e) Other ______

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

127 Effective Mathematics Program Components


128 1 Douglas Carnine, PhD, is a professor of education at the University of Oregon and director of the National Center to Improve the Tools of Educators (NCITE).

2 The original version of component 6 was labeled “Math Pedagogy”.

3 The TAAS (Texas Assessment of Academic Skills) was the Texas statewide standardized test in place from 1994 to 2002. It has now been superseded by the TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills), based on more rigorous standards.

4 Toenjes & Garst (2000), p. ii.

5 Thomas, Warren + Associates (2003), pp. 10 – 15.

6 Under the Texas accountability system the focus was for schools and districts to achieve a minimum pass rate on the state’s criterion referenced TAAS test. Ratings were based on the percentage of students meeting the minimum requirement on the reading, writing, and mathematics tests. Under a system based on meeting year-to-year growth goals, the measurement of growth depends upon the level achieved in each of the two years, current and most recent. Chance variation in pass rates in each year, say an abnormally high rate followed the next year by an unusually (but not improbable) low rate would often result in negative growth. This could occur even for schools or districts whose overall, average achievement level is quite high. This instability in growth rates is more severe for small schools or those whose sub-group populations are small in number, if sub-groups are independently assessed. See Kane, Staiger, & Geppert (2002) for a succinct discussion of these effects.

7 The standard reference on hierarchical linear models, especially as applied to education research, is Bryk and Raudenbush (1992). A paper with particular relevance to the problem of assessing schools, or in the current study of assessing school districts, is Aitken and Longford (1986).

8 It is the estimate of u0j for each district j that is referred to as the modified mean residual (MMR) in the text herein. The estimated variance of the uijs is denoted too above. As Bryk and Raudenbush observe, if the level 1 explanatory variable EDij is removed from Equation I, then estimating Equations I – III is in effect performing a One-Way ANOVA 2 with Random Effects (Bryk and Raudenbush (1992), p. 17). In doing so, s is the estimate of the level 1 variance, too the estimate of the level 2 variance. With this model, t00/(t00 + s2) represents the proportion of variance that is between the level 2 units. In the current case, this would represent the proportion of total campus variation in reading scores attributable to inter-district differences.

9Bryk and Raudenbush (1992), p. 125.

10The major exception to this scale of 1 – 5 was in Component 5 (Increased and Effective Use of Instructional Time), where the respondent was asked to indicate numbers of minutes of mathematics instruction provided both during the school day and outside the school day. On the teachers’ questionnaire the wording for items pertaining to Component 5 elicited responses that resulted in estimates of instructional time that could not be separated out by grade level. Rather than try to estimate the grade level breakdown, this component was not used for teachers. As it turned out, the responses by principals and district-level administrators did not prove to be an effective predictor of student performance either.

11 It was originally thought that it might be easier to combine the results for all three states using the percentile measure of campus performance. As will be seen below, however, z-score transforms of the campus pass rates later seemed to be a more straightforward solution to this problem.

12 See note10.

13Students not having parents with at least a high school education or who must change schools frequently during the academic year generally are thought to be more difficult to educate than students with more highly educated parents and those whose living conditions are stable.

14 See note 10.

15 The passing criterion represented by PPM for North Carolina is what that state terms “Level III”. Level II is defined as “Students performing at this level consistently demonstrate mastery of grade level subject matter and skills and are well prepared for the next grade level.” 16 Evidence presented in Table 36 shows that there was considerably less variance in the response to the survey in North Carolina than in California and Texas. Other things equal, this makes it less likely to account for variations in school or district performance with these variables.

17 The Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) was first administered to grades 3-8 and 10 in the spring of 1994. The TAAS was a criterion referenced test designed to test the material in the statewide curriculum adopted by the State Board of Education. Mathematics and reading were tested in all of the indicated grade levels each year, with writing tested only in grades 4,8 and 10. In school year 2002-2003 the TAAS was replaced by a more demanding test, the TAKS. The mathematics portion will be taken annually by all students in grades 3-11. Algebra will be included in the mandatory exit exam (grade 11) for the first time. The test results for schools and school districts, by subject matter, for all years beginning with 1994 are available for downloading from the Texas Education Agency’s Website (

18 There is a real dilemma here. If the passing criterion is set low enough so that most students pass, then the school average passing rates are less useful from the point of view of performing school-based analysis of the data for purposes of trying to determine what procedures help improve average student performance. Increasing the passing threshold, though it might help researchers, would result in school failure rates that might not be acceptable to the public. This would be especially true if the result of failure is retention in grade or denial of graduation. While only a conjecture, it is also likely that tougher passing standards would increase the apparent gap between different economic and social groups of students, and might also affect the rate of improvement in passing rates following the imposition of an accountability system. States imposing tougher standards might have more difficulty in meeting improvement goals as well as exhibiting high failure rates.

19 In addition to concluding that the school district was the logical place to undertake reform, Stigler and Hiebert had some specific reform in mind. Their comparisons of teaching practices in Japan, Germany, and the U.S. led them to conclude that the reason no improvement has been seen in the effectiveness of U.S. teaching was because there was no mechanism that allows U.S. teachers to learn from each other or even from their own mistakes. They described an institutionalized system of teacher improvement among Japanese teachers that has existed for some fifty years. In the case of mathematics, which was their focus, the teachers in each school undertake a study of one or more particular mathematics topics or “lessons” each year. They spend a great deal of time and effort in meeting together to discus how the topic can be taught more effectively, observe each other trying out their new approaches in the classroom, and finally write up the results so teachers in other schools might benefit from their experience.

The observation by Stigler and Hiebert that U.S. teachers did not seem to improve very much with additional experience is also reflected in the work of Liping Ma (1999). Ma emphasized that the Chinese teachers she interviewed in her study comparing U.S. and Chinese elementary math teachers are given time and opportunity each day to meet and discuss their classes. An important difference between U.S. and Chinese elementary teachers interviewed was that the Chinese teachers specialized in teaching mathematics. The math teachers in each school typically shared a common office space, which greatly facilitated frequent interaction. Ma found that, unlike their U.S. counterparts, more experienced Chinese teachers exhibited more effective teaching skills than the less experienced teachers.

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