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Alert! Alert! Alert!

DONALD L. KINOSZ DAVID A. REGOLI Department of Public Affairs Accounts & Finance

FRANK TROZZI, JR IRENE J. KARRS RICHARD W. LIPPERT Parks & Public Property Streets & Public Improvements Public Safety City


VOLUME 16 ISSUE 1 December 2005

ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! came about as a result of the efforts of business operator decided to no longer At the December 12th Council Meeting the Senator Sean Logan and his staff. This maintain that business. At the same time decision was made to continue to recycle grant will go a long way in opening the the lake which was man-made was plastics designated with a #1 and #2. This possibility of taking a former “boney drained. The lake had been steadily losing means there will be no change in 2006 for dump” and converting it to a vibrant volume from leakage and silt buildup and all materials currently recycled. Recycled enterprise that produces both jobs and presented more of a hazard than a value. materials are glass bottles, cans, newsprint revenues. The lake bed is currently being stabilized and #1 and #2 plastics. The 2006 and the entire plot of land being cleaned as Recycling schedule is included in this Crossroads Plaza (Corner of Craigdell weather permits. At that point the newsletter. Road and Leechburg Road) – A developer developer will consider his options on the is continuing to formulate plans to expand next course of action. Stay tuned. Messages from the Mayor that shopping center. As reported in the media, he has accumulated several Major Park Improvements – As NO TAX INCREASE FOR 2006!! properties along Leechburg Road. The Councilman Trozzi discussed in the last developer still has many steps to continue newsletter there have been significant NO INCREASE IN forward including items such as submitting improvements in all of our major parks. SEWAGE RATES FOR 2006!! plans and receiving approvals from For those that don’t know, the parks are Planning, Zoning, PennDOT, etc. Burrell Lake Park on Delberta Road, Taxes Hopefully things will go smoothly and the Veterans Park, next to City Hall and Wolf expansion will occur. I have heard many Pack Park at the bottom of Wildlife Lodge As you can see there will be no tax rumors on who the tenants will be but to Road. There are excellent walking trails, increase for the year 2006. This was made the best of my knowledge there are picnic sites, etc. possible by a combination of items. Cost multiple discussions but nothing is firm at containment was one of the biggest and this point. And the geese are gone from Burrell Lake takes year round efforts by each of the Park. Council members. Grants were another Wards/Penneys – Nothing new to report. major factor. We are also aggressively Negotiations are continuing. These can working closely with surrounding very lengthy. Begin now to plan your picnics, parties, communities to share resources and hold etc. Spaces get reserved quickly. down capital costs. And finally user fees Hillcrest Plaza – Ames – Eckerds – were increased where it made sense for the Likewise nothing new to report. There AK Forum – Over the last two years a fee to balance the costs incurred. have been several visits by potential regional group of representatives from tenants for both of the empty sites. I don’t social service organizations, clergy, Sewage Rates know any names. Remember I don’t own government, industry and residents have the properties, but do assist in providing come together to tackle some of our social The sewage rates will not increase in 2006. any information the developers/owners or socio-economic issues for the region. As with taxes, this was possible through a need. combination of items. Once again cost The Forum played a significant role in containment, upgrading and/or elimination As always, we have some excellent retail identifying providers and needs and of costly pump stations was a major factor. shops and eating establishments right here facilitating their interaction around the Also the Municipal Sanitary Authority of in Lower Burrell. These businesses are floods of last year. That work is nearing New Kensington, who treats our sewage, very dependent on your support if they are its final stages but is still continuing. was able to refinance at some very to survive. favorable rates and realize some of the The next project is attacking issues related improved performance with plant upgrades “Shop Lower Burrell First” to aging in the area. To that end a meeting made over the last couple of years. for providers of services was held in Rabbit Foot Lake/Gippers – I have November to identify what is available Business Development received a number of calls on what is with needs. Several areas were identified going on at Rabbit Foot Lake and Gippers. to improve delivery of services and A $175,000 planning grant for This site is directly opposite the Valley educate those in need. The Forum is development of a commercial site in Sports Complex and is along Craigdell working those issues. Watch the media for Kinloch where the former Gateway Road . The developer has informed me information on services available and how Theater was has been approved. This that he demolished Gippers when the to access them. The Forum is designed to City News play a coordination role so everything upon us and we need to give thanks possible will be done to keep you and be thankful for our friends and Lower Burrell Citizens informed. family and for all the things we’ve Police Academy accomplished throughout the year. We Social Security Medicare Prescription also need to be mindful of the many On March 30, 2006, the Lower Burrell Plan – Are you confused about the new challenges and opportunities ahead. Police Department will begin its annual Medicare D Prescription Plan? So am I. Citizens Police Academy. Exact dates are To help the VFW Post 92 is holding a March 30th, April 6th, 20th, 27th, May 4th, st As we reflect on this year’s meeting on December 21 , 2005 from 2:00 11th, 18th, and 25th. The Academy is based P.M. to 4:00 P.M. to answer, or attempt to accomplishments I want to thank all on the theory that the more we know about answer your questions and guide you the wonderful people involved with one another the more we can help one through deciding what is best for you. the City and specifically with our another. This community service program Parks. We are extremely lucky to have is designed to promote “Partnerships Soliciting on Roads, Streets, Highways – so many friends and great volunteers Through Education”. During the By now you have probably noticed that who donate their time, professional Academy’s eight week sessions you will some familiar solicitations did not occur services, and money. We should all be provided a wide range of information this year on Leechburg Road. Particularly feel thankful because we live in such a intended to help you better understand the the Firemen Boot Drive for the Salvation goals and objectives, rules and wonderful City surrounded by so Army and the Lions Club for Community responsibilities and legal parameters under Charities. This occurred because we found many people who genuinely care which the Police Department functions. If out that we were in violation of the about each other and about the quality interested in attending the Citizens Police Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code and of life in Lower Burrell. Academy, applications can be picked up at were not permitted to give permission. the Lower Burrell Police Department, call This could have put the City in a serious I am personally thankful to be 724-339-4287, ext. 262, or complete the liability situation. associated with such an experienced application at the end of this newsletter and knowledgeable administration, and mail it to City of Lower Burrell Police These organizations still are and perhaps and a caring and dedicated staff of Department, Attn: John Marhefka, 2800 Bethel St., Lower Burrell, PA 15068. more than ever in need of your financial employees. And thank you Parks support. So if you see them soliciting at Commission and Recycling Task various businesses or door to door, dig a little deeper and be generous. The work Force members. These folks are true Public Works they do is invaluable. volunteers who give up their time in By Councilwoman Irene Karrs the evenings with little or no Hope Haven – By the time you receive recognition. Snow! Snow! Snow! this it may already be gone, but Hope Haven (formerly Villela’s Motel for us old I hope everyone is as proud and Your patience during the winter timers) will be demolished. This was thankful as I am to live in such a season is always appreciated. The made possible through a public-private wonderful City. Thank you and happy Public Works Department strives to partnership and will now change the holidays. deliver a level of service that is not property from a “blight” to a viable productive site. easily matched. Please review the following matters so that we can meet our goals. Merry Christmas and a Happy and A Message from Prosperous New Year to everyone! Lower Burrell Police Department 1) When a snowstorm is approaching As of December 31, 2005 Detective and you have off street parking, please A Message from Lieutenant Richard Ogurchock will retire remove your vehicles from the street. Councilman Trozzi from the Police Department. Richard If our trucks cannot get through your began his career with the Lower Burrell street without possible damage to your Hello and happy holidays from the Police Department November 1, 1981. vehicles or ours, your street will not be City of Lower Burrell. I want to start plowed. out by thanking the residents of this Rich has done a great job for the City. We wish him the best of luck as he enters a City for your continued support of the 2) If you have a basketball hoop new phase in his life. As a result of this Lower Burrell Parks and the many retirement Robert Galvanek has been mounted near the street, either remove suggestions and ideas we receive promoted to the rank of Detective it or turn it around so that it doesn’t throughout the year. Please keep the Lieutenant and Scott Cardenas has been hang over the street. When the beds of ideas and suggestions coming. promoted to the rank of Detective the trucks are lifted to spread cinders Sergeant. Our Detectives can be reached or salt, they will catch anything that is This is an exciting and magical time of at 724-339-4287, extension 211. overhanging the edge of the street. year no matter how old you are or what you believe. The Holidays are City News

3) If you have a non-emergency development that has occurred. The I am sure that most people can request for service that isn’t related to station has also had many breakdowns appreciate, as I do, the Team approach snow removal, we ask that you delay and the maintenance costs were to City Governance and commitment in calling us until after the snowstorm constantly increasing. It was also to the residents of Lower Burrell. has passed. We are now in a two-shift determined that the current 1,800 foot work schedule, which leaves us long discharge line was too small and I thoroughly embraced the without men to handle non-emergency required replacement. opportunity and time that I had to help requests. shape the direction of Lower Burrell. An initial cost estimate for this work I encourage everyone to continue to 4) A major problem we have was found to be approximately provide support to your local regarding snow removal concerns $200,000 including engineering and government by attending the meetings, residents who continue to push snow construction costs. In an effort to asking questions, and being involved. from their driveway onto the street. minimize these costs it was decided Often they simply leave this snow that City personnel would perform Again, thank you and see at the next directly in the middle of a driving most of the work. The City Engineer go around! lane. Existing City Ordinance states, developed specifications for the major “No person shall deposit or cause to equipment. This was then publicly bid be deposited any snow or ice on or and the equipment was provided by How did they know? immediately next to a fire hydrant or Smith and Loveless though their local on a sidewalk, roadway or loading dealer, W.C. Weil, Inc. The City Did you ever wonder how someone and unloading areas of a public personnel have since installed this was privy to events occurring in the transportation system.” equipment and replaced the discharge city prior to any public line. The station was recently placed announcement? The answer is simple. If you have any questions, please it into operation and is working well They subscribe to the city’s electronic contact our office at 724-334-0690. should be able to operate for 20 to 30 distribution of the newsletter. Join in years with only regular maintenance. and be better informed by receiving We wish one and all a safe and happy the newsletter before it goes to print. holiday season! The budget for this upgrade was estimated to be $75,000 using our own To enroll, respond to Sewer Department workers. We are happy to report that [email protected] we are under budget. This is an Type newsletter in the subject line and This has been a challenging year for instant savings of $125,000 to the provide your name, address and e-mail the Sewer Department. We have Sewer Department budget. We feel address. All information is performed several major repair that this is further evidence to the confidential and our site is spam free. projects that were made necessary due dedication of our workers and our to the destruction of the flooding of concern in controlling costs. September 17 of last year. The funding for most of these projects came from FEMA. We used our own A Message from Public Safety manpower and equipment to stretch Councilman Richard W. Lippert the funding so that it was not necessary to use our own funds. We I wanted to take this brief but timely are happy to report that all of these opportunity to thank the citizens of repairs are now completed and were Lower Burrell for all of the support below budget. We are now moving that was provided to me during my forward with our previously scheduled tenure on City Council as the Director repairs. of Public Safety. I also want to publicly thank the Fire Departments In 2004, prior to the flooding, it was for the immeasurable commitment to deemed necessary to completely the public safety of the residents of upgrade one of our sewage pump Lower Burrell. To the current Council stations that is located along Pucketey members and all of the City Church Road. This station was employees, I have learned so much originally constructed to service the from your expertise and leadership area east of the High School. Since characteristics. then the area has greatly expanded and the station was undersized for the City News

Lower Burrell Citizen Police Academy Application




Social Security:______

Date of Birth:______

Signature acknowledges consent to a background investigation by the Lower Burrell Police Department.


City of Lower Burrell PRSRT STD 2800 Bethel St. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Lower Burrell, PA 15068-3227 NEW KENSINGTON, PA Phone: (724) 335-9875 Fax: (724) 335-9881 PERMIT NO. 332

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