Use the Map to Answer Questions 1 and 2

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Use the Map to Answer Questions 1 and 2

U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron. USI.2a 1. Which two continents are frequently combined as one land mass?

A V and II C III and VI

B VII and IV D I and II

USI.2b 2. The region located west of the Rocky Mountains and contains Death Valley is

F Great Plains G Basin and Range H Appalachian Mountains J Canadian Shield

USI.3a 3. Which environment best completes the graphic?

Great Sioux Plains

Iroquois ?

A Southwest desert C Pacific Northwest coast

B Arctic D Eastern Woodlands

USI.4a U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron. 4. Which phrase would complete this diagram?

Exchanged Improved maps goods and ideas

? Improved claimed land for navigational individual tools countries

F Dreams of Explorers H Accomplishments of explorers

G Reasons to explore J Obstacles of explorers

USI.4a 5. Which of the following is an obstacle to exploration?

A Poor Maps B Claim land C Improved navigational tools D Exchanging ideas

USI.4a U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron. 6. What does the letter C represent in the diagram above?

Spain France England

Francisco John Cabot Coronado B

Mississippi A River C Valley

F Western United States H Quebec

G Eastern Canada J Southwest United States

USI.4b 7. Which European country was known for conquering and enslaving Native Americans?

A Spain B English C French D Portugal

USI.4b 8. Which of the following was an area of conflict between Europeans and Native Americans?

F trade G crops H differences in culture J technologies

USI.4b 9. What would complete the graphic organizer below? U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron. Traded

established ? = settlements

learned farming techniques

A Spanish C French

B English D Portuguese

USI.5a 10. In which colony would one most likely find a Puritan?

F New York G Connecticut H Massachusetts Bay J Pennsylvania

USI.5a 11. Which colony hoped to experience economic freedom in the New World after leaving debtor’s prison.

A Georgia B Plymouth C Jamestown D Pennsylvania

USI.5b 12. Fishing and shipbuilding were used mainly in which region?

F Southern G Mid-Atlantic H Coastal J New England USI.5b 13. Large plantations, farms, and slavery are most likely found where?

A Mid-Atlantic U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron. B New England C California D South

USI.5c 14. Farmers relied on ______for labor.

F Indentured servants G Slaves H Artisans J Family members

USI.6a 15. What would be the best title for this graphic organizer?


help finance French and Indian War help maintain troops in the colonies

A Reasons for going to war with C France’s reasons for French and England Indian War

B England’s reasons for taxation D England’s reasons for Parliament

USI.6c 16. Which two men were most likely responsible for leading the event in the quote below?

Boston Colonists, December 16, 1773 “Boston harbor is a teapot tonight! The Mohawks are come!” U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron.

F George Washington and Benjamin Franklin G Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine H John Adams and Samuel Adams J Samuel Adams and Paul Revere

USI.6c 17. Which event completes the timeline?

1 2 3 4

Lexington Declaration of Battle of and Concord Independence Yorktown ?

A Treaty of Paris B Boston Massacre C Proclamation of 1763 D Battle of Saratoga

USI.6c 18. Thomas Jefferson was the major author what document?

F Articles of Confederation G Declaration of Independence H Proclamation of 1763 J Constitution

USI.7a 19. What document would complete the graphic organizer below? U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron.

A weak national no executive or government judicial branch

No power for one vote for Congress to tax each state or regulate

A The US Constitution C The Bill of Rights B The Articles of Confederation D The Virginia Company of London

USI.7b 20. The Judicial branch determines if laws are ______.

F democratic G logical H unbiased J constitutional

USI.7c 21. Which group believes in limits on states’ rights, a strong national government, and building big business?

A Federalists B Democratic Republicans C Democrats D Republicans

USI.7d 22. During whose administration was the Louisiana Purchase made?

F Jefferson G Adams H Madison J Washington

USI.7d 23. During whose administration was the federal court system established?

A Thomas Jefferson U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron. B John Adams C James Madison D George Washington

USI.7d 24. During whose administration was a warning issued to Europe telling them that North America was closed to colonization?

F Thomas Jefferson G James Monroe H George Washington J John Adams

USI.7d 25. During whose administration was the presidential election influenced for the first time by the establishment of political parties?

A Thomas Jefferson B James Monroe C John Adams D James Madison

USI.7d 26. During whose administration did European’s come to respect the United States at the conclusion of the War of 1812?

F Jefferson G Madison H Monroe J Washington

USI.7d 27. What is the name of the foreign policy statement referenced by the cartoon? U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron.

A The Quartering Act C The Adams-Onis Treaty B The Monroe Doctrine D Imperial Pact

USI. 8a 28. In which territory would you most likely settle if you were looking for gold?

F section A H section D G section B J section F

USI.8a 29. Which section on the map represents the United States in 1783? U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron.

A section A C section F B section E D section G

USI.8a 30. Which territory was given to the United States from Spain through a treaty?

F Louisiana Territory G Texas H United States J Florida

USI.8a 31. Which of the following was divided by the United States and Great Britain?

A Texas B California C Florida D Oregon

USI.8b 32. Oregon and Santa Fe are examples of -

F new western states G railroad companies H overland trails J newly settled towns

USI.8c 33. Jo Anderson and Cyrus McCormick invented which of the following?

A Cotton Gin U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron. B Steamboat C Reaper D Steam Locomotive

USI.8c 34. Robert Fulton’s invention was responsible for:

F increasing the productivity of the American farmer. G more for slave labor. H providing faster land transportation J connecting Southern plantations and farms to Northern industries

USI.8d 35. Abolitionists such as Harriet Tubman, William Lloyd Garrison, and Frederick Douglas believed all of the following about slavery EXCEPT:

A slavery was morally wrong B slavery was cruel and inhumane C slavery was not legal D slavery was a violation of the principles of democracy.

USI.8d 36. What movement stated “All men and women are created equal”?

F Temperance G Suffrage H Civil rights J Freedom

USI.8d 37. Which woman was NOT associated with the Suffrage Movement?

A Isabel Sojourner Truth B Susan B. Anthony C Elizabeth Cady Stanton D Clara Barton

USI.9a 38. What issue divided the nation and led to the Civil War?

F slavery G manufacturing H agricultural U.S. History 22.5 Week Unit V Name ______Date______Period______

Directions: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the correct bubble on the green side of your scantron. J explorers

USI.9a 39. The North was mainly an urban society where people ______.

A lived in small villages B lived on farms and plantations C opposed tariffs D held jobs

USI.9a 40. These protected factory owners, were favored in the North, and caused manufactured goods to be more expensive. What is being described?

F tariffs G manufactured goods H raw materials J cotton

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