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Rainshadow Community Charter High School s1

enCompass Academy 2016-17 English

English 1A Pacing Guide

Week Unit Standards Assessments 1 Goals W9-10.2-Writing 1. Goal setting informative/explanatory texts worksheet S&L1- Set rules and define 2. Goals essay & individual roles to engage in a PowerPoint range of collaborative discussions 3. Graphic Organizer on on topics, texts, and issues, building Proper Essay pre- on others’ ideas and expressing writing and outlining their own clearly and persuasively. to go with lesson on formatting an essay

2 Words are Powerful- RL.9-10.10- Read and comprehend 1. Irony and Ambiguity The Lady and the Tiger literature proficiently with 2. Figurative language scaffolding as needed and literary terms RL.9-10.4- Demonstrate an 3. Wednesday Writer’s understanding of figurative Workshop-Story language and word relationships, prediction and analyze nuances in word meanings with similar denotations and interpret figures of speech in context. 3 Words are Powerful SL.9-10.6- Continue to use precise 1. Figurative Language language by adapting speech to a PowerPoint variety of contexts and tasks, 2. Alliteration demonstrating command of formal 3. Hooks in Music English when indicated or 4. Imagery appropriate. 5. Wednesday Writer’s RL.9-10.4- Demonstrate an Workshop-Song understanding of figurative lyrics using figurative language and word relationships, language and analyze nuances in word 6. Weekly Vocabulary meanings with similar denotations 7. Listenwise and interpret figures of speech in context. 4 Words are Powerful W.9-10.10- Write routinely over 1. The simile extended time frames, and shorter 2. The metaphor time frames for a range of 3. Line breaking- why discipline-specific tasks, purposes, there? and audiences. 4. Rhythm RL.9-10.4- Demonstrate an 5. Wednesday Writer’s understanding of figurative Workshop-Picture language and word relationships, Prompts and Free and analyze nuances in word Write enCompass Academy 2016-17 English

meanings with similar denotations and interpret figures of speech in context. L.9-10.5-Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. 5 Words are Powerful in W.9-10.2- Write 1. Figurative Language Music informative/explanatory texts using and Literary Term a formal style, and objective tone, Quiz precise language & domain-specific 2. Presentation on song vocabulary. Develop the topic with of choice with written sufficient facts, extended explanation definitions, concrete details, (expository essay) quotations or other information & 3. Wednesday Writer’s examples appropriate to the Workshop audience’s knowledge of the topic using transitions to create cohesion. Include formatting with headings, graphics, and multimedia to aid comprehension. SL.9-10.5- Continue to make strategic use of multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. L.9-10.6- Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level. 6 Fables W.9-10.7- Conduct research 1. Fables PowerPoint projects to answer a question or 2. Researching/web solve a problem; narrow or broaden quest fables the inquiry when appropriate. 3. Aesop’s fables 4. Finding the moral 5. Wednesday Writer’s Workshop: Roll-a- Fable

7 Fables L.9-10.5- Demonstrate an 1. Identifying and understanding of figurative analyzing morals enCompass Academy 2016-17 English

language and word relationships, 2. Compare/Contrast and analyze nuances in word with current events meanings with similar denotations 3. Wednesday Writer’s and interpret figures of speech in Workshop-Picture context. Prediction

8 The Alchemist Unit RL.9-10.1-Cite strong and thorough 4. Alchemy- what is it? UbD Framework textual evidence to support analysis 5. Finding meaning in of what the text says explicitly as simple things project Alchemy Philosophy- well as inferences drawn from the 6. Stages of a Hero’s text. journey Essential Questions: SL.9-10.1c- Draw on research 7. Andalusia map- -What makes a hero a evidence and pose questions that terrain & religion hero? propel a thoughtful, well-reasoned 8. Wednesday Writer’s -To what extent should exchange of ideas and relate the Workshop-Thematic people follow their current discussions to broader short Personal Legends, or themes/ideas while actively dreams/goals/aspirations incorporating others into the -How does fear constrict discussion and making new and/or empower? connections in light of the evidence -What amount of and reasoning presented. control do people have over their own fate?

9 Islam RL.9-10.2- Determine a central idea 1. Five pillars of Islam- of a text and analyze its compare/contrast to development over the course of the Christianity text, including how it emerges and 2. Pilgrimage is shaped and refined by specific 3. Allegory details; provide an objective 4. Symbolism summary of the text. 5. Wednesday Writer’s RI.9-10.3- Analyze how the author Workshop unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them 10 The Alchemist L.9-10.4- Determine the meaning of 1. Read pages 1-51 words & phrases, analyze how the 2. Vocabulary #1 cumulative impact of specific word 3. Wednesday Writer’s choices on meaning and tone Workshop RL.9-10.5- Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to enCompass Academy 2016-17 English

structure a text, order events within it and manipulate time and create such effects as mystery, tensions of surprise L.9-10.4- Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple- meaning words and phrases based on reading and content choosing from a flexibility from a range of strategies. Reference materials should be both print & digital. 11 The Alchemist RL.9-10.1- Cite strong and 1. Soul of the world thorough textual evidence to 2. Vocabulary #2 support analysis of what the text 3. Expository Essay of says explicitly as well as inferences Five Pillars drawn from the text 4. Pages 51-83 L.9-10.4- Determine or clarify the 5. Wednesday Writer’s meaning of unknown and multiple- Workshop meaning words and phrases based on reading and content choosing from a flexibility from a range of strategies. Reference materials should be both print & digital. 12 The Alchemist RL.9-10.2- Determine a theme or 1. The Twelve Keys of a central idea of a text Basil Valentine RL.9-10.6- Analyze a particular 2. Omens point of view or cultural experience 3. Vocabulary #3 reflected in a work of literature 4. A Thousand and One from outside the United States, Nights drawing on a wide reading of world 5. Allusion literature. 6. Page 84-127 RL.9-10.9- Analyze how an author 7. Wednesday Writer’s draws on and transforms source Workshop material in a specific work L.9-10.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple- meaning words and phrases based on reading and content choosing from a flexibility from a range of strategies. Reference materials should be both print & digital. 12 Narrative/The W.9-10.3- Write narratives using 1. Narrative- Time I had Alchemist formal style and narrative technique lost control that engage and orient the reader 2. Vocabulary #4 showing the relationships among 3. Wednesday Writer’s enCompass Academy 2016-17 English

experiences and events; provide a Workshop conclusion that follows from and reflects on the narrated event, L.9-10.1- Include the use of a conjunctive adverb when combining two or more closely related independent clauses. L.9-10.4- Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple- meaning words and phrases based on reading and content choosing from a flexibility from a range of strategies. Reference materials should be both print & digital. 13 The Alchemist LT3- Analyze how complex 1. Read 127- end characters develop over the course 2. Final exam on The of the text Alchemist EW4- Determine or clarify the 3. Wednesday Writer’s meaning of unknown and multiple- Workshop meaning words and phrases based on reading and content choosing from a flexibility from a range of strategies. Reference materials should be both print & digital. 14 Compare/contrast EW1- Demonstrate command of the 1. Connect Narcissus to conventions of standard English The Alchemist grammar and usage emphasizing 2. Compare/contrast The parallel structure, and including Alchemist to Plato’s specific types of phrases and Allegory of the Cave clauses to convey specific meanings 3. Wednesday Writer’s and add variety and interest to Workshop writing or presentations.

15 Final book project W2- Write informative/explanatory 1. Work on final book texts using a formal style, and project objective tone, precise language, 2. Wednesday Writer’s and domain-specific vocabulary. Workshop Develop the topic with sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic and using transitions to create cohesion. Include formatting with headings, enCompass Academy 2016-17 English

graphics, and multimedia to aid comprehension. 16 Life lessons W4- Continue using the writing 1. Life lessons taken process with a more defined from The Alchemist. emphasis on the craft of writing. Essay on critical life lessons, graphic organizer, rough draft 2. Wednesday Writer’s Workshop

17 Life lessons W4- Continue using the writing 1. Peer edit of essay process with a more defined 2. Final draft emphasis on the craft of writing. 3. Wednesday Writer’s W5- Focus on how well purpose Workshop and audience have been addressed.

18 Portfolios W6- Use technology, including the 1. Portfolio Internet, to produce, publish, and Presentations update individual or shared writing projects, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly & dynamically. W4- Continue to use public speaking techniques to present information, clearly, concisely, and logically with organization, development, substance, and style that are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.

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