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The Schlesinger Institute Summer Program 2010 Week 1: Introduction & Shabbat issues
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday כ "ו 8 כ "ה 7 כ "ד 6 כ "ג 5 כ " בבתמוז July 4 9:00 – Rabbi David Ostroff Dr. Maier Becker 10:00 Treatment of Patients on When Science and Dr. Benni Gesundheit Education Coordinator Shabbat (Jews-Gentiles), Halacha Collide; Maimonides [1135-1205] - July 8-10 Welcome to the Seminar Categories of the Sick on Reconciliation Rabbi, Philosopher and North Weekend Shabbat In Memory of Joseph Physician Lectures by ז"ל Muschel 10:15 – Dr. Daniel Eisenberg Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Halperin Dr. Benni Gesundheit 11:15 Dr. Bezalel Perel Jewish Medical Ethics – Dr. Bezalel Perel Web based on-line course in In Memory of Joseph Introduction Documentation on ז"ל First Aid on Shabbat Jewish Medical Ethics Muschel In Memory of Joseph Muschel Shabbat ( ז"ל 11:30 – Rabbi Yair Shachor 1. Why was Hezkiyahu 12:30 Prof. David Fink Prof. David Fink Prof. David Fink Violating Shabbat to save a allowed to hide the Supplemental studies Supplemental studies limb such as a severed Supplemental studies In Memory of Alisa sefer refuos? In Memory of Joseph Muschel finger or dislocated In Memory of Joseph Muschel ז"ל ז"ל Flatow ז"ל shoulder 12:30 – 2. Understanding the 14:00 beracha of "refaenu." 14:00 – Prof. Rael Strous 15:00 Most Important Halachic Prof. David Fink Prof. Jonathan Halevy Mr. Israel Belfer Decisions in medicine of 3. Self endangerment to Supplemental studies The Israeli healthcare system Grama the Tzitz Eliezer z"l save others from ז"ל In Memory of Alisa Flatow In Memory of Joseph contagious disease ז"ל Muschel 15:15 – Rabbi David Ostroff 16:15 Mrs. Marla Hruni Treatment of Patients on Rabbi Moshe Peleg Rabbi Moshe Peleg Tour of Shaare Zedek Medical Shabbat (Jews-Gentiles), The Torah Observant Medications & Medical care on center Categories of the Sick on Hospital Shabbat Shabbat – part 2 8 The Schlesinger Institute Summer Program 2010 Week 2: GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS & EARLY LIFE ISSUES Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 'ד 15 'ג 14 'ב 13 א ' באב 12 כ "ט 11 9:00 – 10:00 9:00-10:30 Dr. Daniel Eisenberg 9:00-10:30 Dr. Daniel Eisenberg Prof. Daniel Sinclair Use of PGD to Intentionally Prof. Arthur Eidelman R. Moshe Feinstein: The Produce Disabled Children Rounds: HIV / AIDS Quintessential Biomedical Posek Neonatology 10:15 – 10:45-11:45 Rabbi Dr. Mordechai 11:15 10:45-11:45 Halperin Rabbi Shabtai Rappoport Rabbi Gideon Weitzman Rabbi Yair Shachor Introduction to (Male) Genetic Screening Abortion cloning Infertility 11:30 – 12:00-13:00 Rabbi Gideon Weitzman 12:30 Prof. David Fink Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Rabbi Shabtai Rappoport Stem cell research Supplemental studies Halperin Halachic Issues Umbilical cord blood contraception In Multiple Fetuses ז"ל In Memory of Alisa Flatow
12:30 – Gush Etzyon & Hebron 14:00 14:00 – tour 14:00-15:30 Rabbi Dr. Mordechai 15:00 Dr. Baruch Brooks Halperin Dr. Daniel Eisenberg Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Biopsy, Autopsy & Anatomical Ethical and Halachic Halperin Circumcision: New Dissection Dilemmas in ART Introduction to (Female) Historical, Infertility Medical, Legal and Halachic Aspects 15:15 – Dr. Baruch Brooks 16:15 Dr. Daniel Eisenberg Ethical and Halachic Shomer Shabbos residencies Dilemmas in ART Dr. Chana Catane 15:45-16:45 Case Study Dr. Nathan Cherney IVF, Surrogate 16:30 – Dr. Deena Zimmerman Palliative care Motherhood, Ovum 17:30 Delivery & Breastfeeding on Shabbat Donation Combining Medicine and Halacha - the role of the Yoetzet Halacha
9 The Schlesinger Institute Summer Program 2010 Week 3: PSYCHIATRY & PHYSICIAN-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday י "א 22 'י 21 'ט 20 'ח 19 'ז 18 9:00 – 10:00 Dr. Maier Becker Dr. Hillel Davis 9:00-10:30 Medical Mistakes and The Psychopathology of Extreme Prof. Dov Frimer Prof. Shmuel Kottek Religious Behavior: OCD and Malpractice Abortion and the Right to Bikkur Cholim In Memory of Joseph תשעה באב Other Causes Self- Defense ז"ל Muschel 10:15 – Prof. Joshua 11:15 Rabbi Moshe Peleg Dr. Hillel Davis 10:45-11:45 Werblowsky Death, Cohanim and the Suicide, Depression & Halacha N0 CLASSES The Interface between Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Chevra Kadisha Psychiatry and Halacha Halperin 11:30 – 11:30-13:00 Fasting on Yom Kippur, 17 Prof. Joshua 12:30 Prof. Joshua Werblowsky Prof. Abraham Abraham Tammuz and Tisha B’Av Werblowsky Child Abuse Being a Jewish Physician Psychotherapy & Halacha 12:30 – 14:00 14:00 – 13:30-15:00 15:00 Mr. Gabriel Strenger Prof. Rael Strous Prof. David Fink 14:00-15:30 The Mourning for the Supplemental studies The Shoteh and Psychosis in Churban as an Existential In Memory of Alisa Halacha Mr. Gabriel Strenger ז"ל Given of the Human Flatow Condition Psycho-Analysis and Religion; The Belief in 15:15 – Prof. Rael Strous God in Mental Health Prof. David Fink 16:15 Homosexuality: Hashkafic, and Sickness Supplemental studies Halachic and Biological In Memory of Joseph ז"ל considerations Muschel
10 The Schlesinger Institute Summer Program 2010 Week 4: End of life issues
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday י "ח 29 י "ז 28 ט "ז 27 ט "ו 26 י "ד 25 9:00 – 10:00 Dr. Chaya Greenberger Rabbi Shabtai Rappoport Philosophical and Halachic 9:00-11:00 Organ Transplantations Rabbi Shabtai Rappoport Ramifications In Memory of Alisa Shabbat and Fertility ז"ל of Pain and Suffering Flatow Late Start Prof. Abraham Steinberg 10:15 – Determination of death 10:15-11:45 Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Rabbi Dr. Mordechai 11:15 Halperin Rabbi Shabtai Rappoport Halperin Dr. Yehuda van Dijk Treatment of the Terminally In Memory of Alisa Flatow Euthanasia Lifesaving outside of ז"ל Geriatric Rounds Ill: Withholding Medical Israel Treatment 11:30 – 12:00-13:00 Prof. David Fink 12:30 Prof. David Fink Prof. David Fink Prof. David Fink Supplemental studies Supplemental studies Supplemental studies Individual Evaluations Supplemental studies In Memory of Alisa Flatow In Memory of Alisa Flatow In Memory of Joseph In Memory of Joseph Muschel ז"ל Muschel ז"ל ז"ל ז"ל 12:30 – 14:00 14:00 – Prof. David Fink 15:00 Prof. Shimon Glick Prof. Shimon Glick SYNTHESIS OF PROGRAM Triage and the Allocation of Dr. Todd Zalut Truth-telling In Memory of Joseph Scarce Resources Rounds: ER Jerusalem Tour ז"ל Muschel :Being a Physician in Israel 15:15 – Farewell Dinner Questions & Answers 16:15 Prof. Shimon Glick Dr. Bezalel Perel Human Experimentation DNR