Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers- Reader #2
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Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers- Reader #2 TLW = “The learner will” Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Section A- Fluency and Section A- Fluency and Section A- Fluency and Section A- Fluency and Section A- Fluency and Comprehension- Comprehension- Comprehension- Comprehension- Comprehension- 1/3 of the group time 1/3 of the group time 1/3 of the group time 1/3 of the group time 1/3 of the group time
Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers TE p. 83-88, Student Journal Writers p.83-88, Student Journal Writers TE p., 83-88, Student Journal Writers Reader #2, Thinker Journal Writers Reader #2, Thinker Reader #1 p. 1 Reader #2 p. 2 Reader #2 p. 3 box Book pages 5-8 box Book pages 5-8 Hop’n Pop Cheer Cards-Word and Hop’n Pop Cheer Cards-Word and Hop’n Pop Cheer Cards-Word and Hop’n Pop Cheer Cards-Word and Hop’n Pop Cheer Cards-Word and Picture Cards for you, me, see, and Picture Cards for you, me, see, and Picture Cards for Jack, Jilly, can, Picture Cards for Jack, Jilly, can, Picture Cards for Jack, Jilly, can, come, and Lesson Plan sheet available come, and Lesson Plan sheet available play, you, me, see, and come, and play, you, me, see, and come, and play, you, me, see, and come, and from the web site: from the web site: Lesson Plan sheet available from the Lesson Plan sheet available from the Lesson Plan sheet available from the http://www.cindycupp.com/forms.htm http://www.cindycupp.com/forms.htm web site: web site: web site: http://www.cindycupp.com/forms.htm http://www.cindycupp.com/forms.htm http://www.cindycupp.com/forms.htm Objectives: *TLW read sight words Objectives: TLW read sight words you, me, see, come. you, me, see, come. Objectives: TLW read sight words Objectives: TLW read sight words Objectives: TLW read sight words TLW recognize question marks, TLW recognize question marks, Jack, Jilly, can, play. Jack, Jilly, can, play, you, me, see, Jack, Jilly, can, play. periods, and exclamation points. periods, and exclamation points. TLW recognize question marks, come. TLW recognize question marks, TLW recognize commas. TLW recognize commas. periods, and exclamation points. TLW recognize question marks, periods, and exclamation points. TLW read sentences with fluency. TLW read sentences with fluency. TLW recognize commas. periods, and exclamation points. TLW recognize commas. TLW sound out the word bat. TLW self-correct reading errors. TLW read sentences with fluency. TLW recognize commas. TLW read sentences with fluency. TLW answer comprehension TLW self-correct reading errors. TLW read sentences with fluency. TLW identify what is missing in each Procedure: questions about the story. TLW answer comprehension TLW identify what is missing in each picture. **If students have limited English questions about the story. picture. TLW use picture clues to help vocabulary, the teacher and students Procedure: TLW use picture clues to help comprehension. will discuss the illustrations on pages Go over sight words: you, me, see, Procedure: comprehension. 8-14 in the back of this Reader. and come Go over sight words: Jack, Jilly, can, Procedure: Try this game for sight words: play, you, me, see, and come by doing Procedure: Go over sight words: Jack, Jilly, can, Introduction of Sight Words 5-8 “Pop-It-Pop-It!” the sight word cheer. Go over sight words: Jack, Jilly, can, play, you, me, see, and come by doing a. First – Application of phonics By Margie Snow – April 2005 Online play, you, me, see, and come by doing the sight word cheer. Directions are skills - Sound out the words Newsletter Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words- the sight word cheer. Directions are included in the plastic bag with the Students have very limited 10 minutes included in the plastic bag with the Cheer Cards. phonics skills at this time but The teacher will have index cards Materials: timer, Reader #2-p.4&5 Cheer Cards. they have learned the sounds for made up with sight words from the The teacher will then mix up the the letters m, c, and s. See if Jack and Jilly lesson. The students Objective: TLW read sight words The teacher will then mix up the words and the students will take turns students can apply these phonics will be divided into two groups, (A- with speed and accuracy. words and the students will take turns saying the eight words. skills to sound out the new sight team and B-team). A player from saying the eight words. words on page 1 before using the each team will start the game. The Play the easier version of Hop’n Pop The teacher then randomly calls on Hop’n Pop Cheer Cards. teacher will lay one card down at a by setting the timer on 0 and allowing The teacher then randomly calls on the students to read the sentences on time on the table and the student must students all the time they need to the students to read the sentences on ThinkerBox Book 1 pages 5-8. b. Second-Use Hop’n Pop Cheer hit the table and say the word complete the entire list. When each ThinkerBox Book 1 pages 5-8. Discuss the pictures and story. Cards student has finished saying the words Discuss the pictures and story. Reader 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday The teacher will select the Hop’n on the list, enter the number of Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words- Pop Cheer Cards and the correctly in a matter of seconds. seconds the student needed to say the 1/3 of the group time matching Picture Cards for words. The teacher should also enter Materials: timer, Reader #2 p.4&5. words 5-8. the number of errors in the space Students practice the cheer for provided at the bottom of pages four Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words- Objective: TLW read sight words these words. Directions are on and five. 1/3 of the group time with speed and accuracy. the back of the Cheer Cards. If that student cannot say the correct Materials: timer, Reader #2 p.4&5. word, the opponent has a free try. For example, if the student took 30 Record times on chart. Page 1-Students read aloud. Each student keeps the cards that seconds and made 4 errors, the Objective: TLW read sight words The teacher will want this he/she says correctly. At the end of teacher would enter a score of with speed and accuracy. to be a first read. the game the cards are counted. The 30-4. If a student beats Hop’n Pop too Students take turns reading team with the most points is easily, lower the time and the errors Record times on chart. Phonics Lesson #2 sentences on page 1 aloud. rewarded. (This game is a little like they need to beat Hop’n Pop for the Section C- Ten Minute Phonics As each child takes a turn, Slap Jack.) next attempt. Game -BANG! 1/3 of the group time the teacher may reread the Write the Jack and Jilly sight words Materials: Reader #2 p. 6-7, Alpha sentences to the student and The students will play the game Beat on cards and place them in a bag. Motion Card S, Ten Minute Tool Box model fluency and the Tiger for p. 2 and answer Sight Word Game Idea: Write the word “BANG!” on several Cards: Deck 1 – s, a Deck 2- am expression for the student. comprehension questions at the Game - Hop’n Stop cards and place those in the bag also. Dr. Cupp Readers and Journal Writers The student will then reread bottom of page. This is a game variation for Hop’n Pass the bag around the small group. Manual Part 1, p. 85-86, p. 16- the sentences. Pop. Students work as a team to The child selects a card and reads the Assessment. Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words- catch Hop’n Pop in their reading word. If the word is read correctly, 1/3 of the group time groups. Preparation: The teacher the child may keep the card and the Objective: Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words- needs a timer and a list of sight bag is passed to the next child. If a TLW recognize sounds, n, t, r, c, b, m, 1/3 of the group time Materials: timers, Reader #2 p.4 words. BANG! card is drawn, the child must and rimes am, an, and at. Materials: timers, Reader #2 p.4 Steps: put all of his or her cards back into TLW attempt to blend short a words: Objective: TLW read sight words 1. The timer is set for the Goal Time the bag. At the end of the game, the Sam, mat, rat, tan, sat, ran, cat. Objective: with speed and accuracy. for saying the sight words. child with the most cards wins the TLW read sight words with speed and 2. The timer is started and the first game! Do p. 6&7 accuracy. Procedure child goes down the first list of words p. 16-Assessment Directions are on Play the easier version of Hop’n Pop and says as many words as possible. top of page. Procedure: Explain to the children by setting the timer on 0 and allowing If the student makes an error, the Phonics Lesson #2 that they are trying to score points for students all the time they need to teacher stops the child and helps the Section C- Ten Minute Phonics Section D- Independent Time for their teams like baseball players. complete the entire list. When each student correct the error. The next 1/3 of the time Reader 2 - Group Every time someone beats Hop’n student has finished saying the words student then picks up where the first Materials: Reader #2 p. 6-7, Alpha Pop, his or her team gets a point. on the list, enter the number of student was stopped. The second Motion Card S, Ten Minute Tool Box Select games to play to review sight Explain that if they were on a baseball seconds the student needed to say the student says as many sight words as Cards: Deck 1 – s, a Deck 2- am words Jack, Jilly, can, play, you, me, team and someone struck out, they words. The teacher should also enter possible until an error is made. When Dr. Cupp Readers and Journal Writers see, and come and the phonics skills would tell their teammate “good try,” the number of errors in the space the second student makes an error, the Manual Part 1, p. 85-86. from Chart 2. and they should behave this way provided at the bottom of pages four error is corrected and the next student towards their Hop’n Pop teammates and five. picks up the game. Objective: Ex. as well. If someone does not beat TLW recognize sounds, n, t, r, c, b, The teacher might like to use word Hop’n Pop today, they will have For example, if the student took 30 Phonics Lesson #2 m, and rimes am, an, and at. family books. (Portal Elementary another try tomorrow. If anyone seconds and made 4 errors, the Section C- Ten Minute Phonics TLW attempt to blend short a words: Kindergarten teachers.) Idea from makes fun of someone else, he or she teacher would enter a score of 1/3 of the group time Sam, mat, rat, tan, sat, ran, cat. online Newsletter Archive. will not get a chance to play. Have 30-4. If a student beats Hop’n Pop too Materials: Reader #2 p. 6-7, Alpha Do p. 6&7 everyone turn to page 4 in their easily, lower the time and the errors Motion Card S, Ten Minute Tool Box Procedure: For sight words, the teacher might readers and follow along as the they need to beat Hop’n Pop for the Cards: Deck 1 – s, a Deck 2- am This page is NOT timed. like to make a Jack and Jilly vocabulary book and have the 2 Reader 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday designated person reads. next attempt. Dr. Cupp Readers and Journal Writers students draw a picture to go with the Manual Part 1, p. 85-86. words. The students could have their own picture dictionaries of the Cheer Phonics Lesson #2 Objectives: Section D- Independent Time for Cards to keep at their seats and add to Directions for Hop’n Pop – Section C- Ten Minute Phonics TLW recognize sounds, n, t, r, c, b, Reader 2 - Group as more words are learned. Play the easier version of Hop’n Pop 1/3 of the group time m, and rimes am, an, and at. by setting the timer on 0 and allowing Materials: Reader #2 p. 6-7, Alpha TLW attempt to blend short a words: GPS Correlations: students all the time they need to Motion Card S, Ten Minute Tool Box Sam, mat, rat, tan, sat, ran, cat. Materials: Reader 2 - Pages 14-15 ELAKR1 a-f complete the entire list. When each Cards: Deck 1 – s, a Deck 2- am ELAKR2 a-e student has finished saying the words Dr. Cupp Readers and Journal Writers Procedure: See p.85-86 Dr. Cupp Objective: TLW look for the missing ELAKR3 a, d, e on the list, enter the number of Manual Part 1, p. 85-86. Readers and Journal Writers Manual part of the picture. ELAKR4 a, b seconds the student needed to say the Part 1. (All phonics lessons are TLW draw a picture. ELAKR5 a, b words. The teacher should also enter scripted) TLW write sight words. ELAKR6 a, b, d,e, f, g, h the number of errors in the space ELAKWL a, b, d, e provided at the bottom of pages four Objectives: *** This time is left up to teacher to ELAKLSV a, b, c, d, e, f, g and five. TLW recognize sounds, n, t, r, c, b, use as he/she wishes with this group. m, and rimes am, an, and at. P. 6- For example, if the student took 30 TLW attempt to blend short a words: seconds and made 4 errors, the Sam, mat, rat, tan, sat, ran, cat. Students’ scores are recorded on the teacher would enter a score of bottom right corner of the Lesson GPS Correlations: 30-4. If a student beats Hop’n Pop too Procedure: See p. 85. Dr. Cupp Plan Sheet. ELAKR1 a-f easily, lower the time and the errors Readers and Journal Writers Manual ELAKR2 a-e they need to beat Hop’n Pop for the Part 1. (All phonics lessons are P. 7- Practice Sound Blending Words ELAKR3 a, d, e next attempt. scripted) Objective: TLW blend words using ELAKR4 a, b onset and rime. ELAKR5 a, b If a student catches Hop’n Pop, then P. 6- Procedure: ELAKR6 a, b, d, e, f, g, h the student moves to page 5 the next Hold up Alpha Motion Card S. Show This page is NOT timed. ELAKWL a, b, d, e day. uppercase S and lowercase s. Use p. 6 & 7 to play the game below. ELAKLSV a, b, c, d, e, f, g The letter s makes the sound you make when you pretend you are a “Gone Fishing” Hop'n Pop Hints snake sliding through the grass. by Myrna Bennett-April 2005 Online Newsletter Hold up the Tool Box Card for the Stop students if they start to yell their letters a and m. Sing the sound for Hop'n Pop words. Encourage short /a/ until it bumps into the /m/. Materials: Toolbox Deck #1- S, m, students to smoothly move from one Make sure your mouth is in the right r, t, s, r, c, b, B, T, N, and n; Deck #2- word to the next when they say Hop'n position for the /a/ sound. Sing it am, at, and an; Deck #3- Sam, mat, Pop. twice and then talk it. Do it together. rat, tan, sat, ran, and cat; chips to use as markers, and fish board. (Fish The teacher then takes the a card in board is a piece of poster board that Phonics Lesson #2 one hand and the m card in the other has pictures of different kinds of fish Section C- Ten Minute Phonics and moves the cards together and the on it.) 1/3 of the group time students say am. How to Play: Materials: Reader #2 p. 6-7, Alpha Place letters, onset and rime and word Motion Card S, Ten Minute Tool Box cards on the table bottom side up. A Cards: Deck 1 – s, a Deck 2- am The teacher puts copy of Reader 2 p.6 student draws from the top of the Dr. Cupp Readers and Journal Writers on Clipboard. Call on students one at deck, and then pronounces the word a time and have them say the sounds on the card. If the student gets the 3 Reader 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Manual Part 1, p. 85-86. and rimes as quickly as possible. Set the timer. If a student beats the timer, word right, he or she will place a chip Objective: draw a smiley face in the box at the on a fish that is on the board. If they TLW recognize sounds, n, t, r, c, b, top of his or her page. mispronounce the word, they do not m, and rimes am, an, and at. get a chip. At the end of the game, TLW attempt to blend short a words: Students’ scores are recorded on the students add up how many chips they Sam, mat, rat, tan, sat, ran, cat. bottom right corner of the Lesson have on their fish. Students have until Lesson 15 to be Plan Sheet. able to independently blend words together. Instead of using a timer, the teacher Independent Time for Reader #2 Procedure: See p. 85. Dr. Cupp might tap his or her foot to determine Group (Should this section not be set Readers and Journal Writers Manual if the student says all the sounds on aside in a gray box as well? Also, Part 1. (All phonics lessons are page 6 with a steady, even beat. If the what’s the Reader # 2 Group? scripted) student automatically knows these Haven’t seen that one before.) sounds, draw a smiley face in the box Materials: Pages 12-13 (of what?) P. 6- at the top of the page. Hold up Alpha Motion Card S. Show Objective: TLW look for the missing uppercase S and lowercase s. part of the picture. The letter s makes the sound you TLW draw a picture. make when you pretend you are a TLW write sight words. snake sliding through the grass. P. 7- Practice Sound Blending Words Objective: TLW blend words using *** This time is left up to teacher to Hold up the Tool Box Card for the onset and rime. use as he/she wishes with this group. letters a and m. Sing the sound for Procedure: short /a/ until it bumps into the /m/. This page is NOT timed. Make sure your mouth is in the right GPS Correlations: position for the /a/ sound. Sing it Section D- Independent Time for ELAKR1 a-f twice and then talk it. Do it together. Reader 2 - Group ELAKR2 a-e ELAKR3 a, d, e The teacher then takes the a card in Materials: Reader 1 - Pages 10-11 ELAKR4 a, b one hand and the m card in the other ELAKR5 a, b and moves the cards together and the ELAKR6 a, b, d, e, f, g, h students say am. Objective: TLW look for the missing ELAKWL a, b, d, e part of the picture. ELAKLSV a, b, c, d, e, f, g The teacher puts a copy of Reader 2 TLW draw a picture. p.6 on a clipboard. Call on students TLW write sight words. one at a time and have them say the sounds and rimes as quickly as *** This time is left up to teacher to possible. Set the timer. If a student use as he/she wishes with this group. beats the timer, draw a smiley face in the box at the top of his or her page. GPS Correlations: Instead of using a timer, the teacher ELAKR1 a-f might tap his or her foot to determine ELAKR2 a-e if the student says all the sounds on ELAKR3 a, d, e page 6 with a steady, even beat. If the ELAKR4 a, b student automatically knows these ELAKR5 a, b sounds, draw a smiley face in the box ELAKR6 a, b, d, f, g, h at the top of the page. ELAKWL a, b, d, e 4 Reader 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ELAKLSV a, b, c, d, e, f, g
Students’ scores are recorded on the bottom right corner of the Lesson Plan Sheet.
P. 7- Practice Sound Blending Words Objective: TLW blend words using onset and rime.
Procedure: This page is NOT timed. Directions are listed on top of p. 7. Students practice going across rows using onset and rime.
Game idea: Spotlight The teacher mixes up the cards from Tool Box Deck #1 (s, m, r, t, s, r, and c), Deck #2 (am, at, and an), and Deck #3 (Sam, mat, rat, tan, sat, ran, and cat). The teacher shines a flashlight on a student and shows him or her a card. The student quickly says the name or sound of the letter, rime, or short a word. The teacher mixes up the cards and the group says the letter names and sounds as quickly as possible.
Section D- Independent Time for Reader 2 - Group
Materials: Reader 2 - Pages 8-9
Objectives: TLW look for the missing part of the picture. TLW draw a picture. TLW write sight words.
*** This time is left up to the teacher to use as he/she wishes with this group.
5 Reader 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
GPS Correlations: ELAKR1 a-f ELAKR2 a-e ELAKR3 a, d, e ELAKR4 a, b ELAKR5 a, b ELAKR6 a, b, d, e, f, g, h ELAKWL a, b, d, e ELAKLSV a, b, c, d, e, f, g