Mission Statement: To establish, uphold and enforce professional standards of excellence and communicate those standards to the public and educators for the benefit of Oregon’s students. Goals: • Establish high standards for educator preparation excellence and regularly review approved programs for delivery of adopted licensure standards. • Provide leadership for professional licensure standards including standards for: cultural inclusion; educator dispositions; subject-matter competency. • To provide timely high quality services to licensees, higher education, and the public. • Maintain and develop clear, concise and easy to understand administrative rules. • Establish high standards for educator professional conduct and regularly communicate those standards to the field.

The Commission meeting will be held at the Red Lion Hotel & Convention Center, 3301 Market Street NE, Salem, in the Mountain Rooms. Note: Facilities at the Red Lion Hotel Salem are accessible for persons with disabilities. Anyone requiring special accommodations or services due to disabilities should submit requests at least 24 hours prior to the meeting to: TSPC, 250 Division Street NE, Salem, OR 97301, or 503-373-1260.

STANDING COMMITTEES Executive Professional Practices Robert Sconce, Jr., Chair Bill Beck, Chair Milt Dennison, Vice-Chair Robert Sconce, Jr., Vice-Chair Bill Beck Linda Brown Shirley Madathil Anne Erwin Kathleen Sundell Gary Humphries Gary Humphries, Committee Chair

Program Approval Licensure Milt Dennison, Chair Gary Humphries, Chair Shirley Blanchard, Vice-Chair Shirley Madathil, Vice-Chair Judith Brizendine Mark Ankeny Linda Brown Lea Bates Mark Girod Bill Beck Jeff Matsumoto Olga Cobb Heidi Sipe Anne Erwin Kathleen Sundell

All times listed on the agenda are approximate. The Commission reserves the right to rearrange the agenda, except for legally posted hearing times, to conduct Commission business expeditiously and efficiently.

*** Please place cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate during Commission meeting. ***


1:00-5:00 p.m. WORK SESSION—Site Visit Training for Commissioners, TSPC Conference Room

6:00-9:00 p.m. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—Newport Seafood & Grill, 1717 Freeway Court, Salem OR

The Executive Committee will consider: 1. Agenda for Meeting 2. Legal Issues 3. Update on Staffing Changes 4. Budget Update 5. Joint Executive Committee Meeting 6. Other matters as time permits


8:30 a.m. FULL COMMISSION CONVENES—Red Lion, Mountain Rooms Call to Order Robert Sconce, Jr., Chair

1.0 PRELIMINARY BUSINESS 8:30-8:45 a.m. 1.1 Introduction and Comments of Agency and Organization Representatives and Guests

(Guest Comments Regarding Non-Agenda Items) Click to listen 1.2 Acceptance of Agenda

Action Item Click to listen ** 1.3 Approval of Minutes—May 12-13, 2011; February 2-3, 2012; April 26-27, 2012; and July 18-20, 2012 Action Item

1.4 Chair Sconce’s Report Click to listen

1.5 Executive Director Chamberlain’s Report Click to listen 1.6 Reports from Liaison Appointees:

State Board / OEIBGary Humphries, Vickie Chamberlain

Click to listen 1.7 Nominations for Chair, Vice-Chair and Executive Committee Linda Brown

Information Item Click to listen ** 1.8 Review of Correspondence and Information of Interest to Commissioners

2.0 LICENSURE REDESIGN REPORT 8:45-9:00 a.m. Robert Sconce, Jr., Chair 2.1 Report on October Meeting Information Item

3.0 COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF LICENSURE ISSUES 9:00-10:45 a.m. Gary Humphries, Licensure Chair 3.1 Candidates Reviewed for Alternative Assessment

Action Item Click to listen . 3.2 Alternative Assessment Repeal

Action Item……………………………………………………………. Click to listen

Data Classification Level – 1 Published -2- 3.3 Eliminating Basic Skills Coursework Transition Plan

Action Item……………………………………………………………. Click to listen 3.4 Elementary Math Specialist

Action Item Click to listen 3.5 New Speech Language Pathology Rules

Information/Discussion Item……………………………………………. Click to listen 3.6 Continuing Professional Development Rule Follow-up

Information/Discussion Item……………………………………………. Click to listen 3.7 Report on Restricted and Emergency Licenses

Information Item………………………………………………………… Click to listen

10:00–10:15 a.m. BREAK

3.8 Highly Qualified Collaboration with ODE

Information Item………………………………………………………… Click to listen 3.9 Teacher of Record Definition

Discussion Item…………………………………………………………. Click to listen 3.10 Licensure Processing Report

Information Item………………………………………………………… Click to listen 3.11 Review of Licensure Rules to Adopt from September 2012 Hearing

Discussion Item…………………………………………………………. Click to listen

4.0 CONSIDERATION OF PROGRAM APPROVAL ISSUES 10:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Milt Dennison, Program Approval Chair 4.1 Test Scores for New World Languages Tests (NES)

Action Item……………………………………………………………… Click to listen 4.2 Salem/Keizer Continuing School Counselor Program Targeted Visit

Action Item……………………………………………………………… Click to listen 4.3 Lewis & Clark Site Visit Report

Action Item……………………………………………………………… Click to listen ** 4.4 Willamette University Add World Language Chinese and Drop Latin Action Item 4.5 Western Oregon University Autism Specialist Program Approval

Action Item ……………………………………………………………… Click to listen

12:00-12:45 p.m. COMMISSION LUNCH—Red Lion, Jefferson II Room

4.6 George Fox University New Special Education Endorsement Program

Information Item Click to listen ** 4.7 Warner Pacific Progress Report Information Item 4.8 NCATE/CAEP Issues

Information Item………………………………………………………... Click to listen 4.9 Work Sample Workgroup/edTPA Pilot

Information Item………………………………………………………... Click to listen Data Classification Level – 1 Published -3- ** 4.10 Site Visit Schedule Information Item 4.11 Director of Program Approval Report

Information Item………………………………………………………... Click to listen 4.12 Review of Program Approval Rules to Adopt from September 2012 Hearing

Discussion Item…………………………………………………………. Click to listen

5.0 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES 2:30-2:30 p.m. Robert W. Sconce, Jr., Professional Practices Vice-Chair ** 5.1 Professional Practices Backlog Report Information Item

2:30–2:45 p.m. BREAK

6.0 COMMISSION BUSINESS 2:45-4:00 p.m. Robert Sconce, Jr., Chair 6.1 Budget Update and Personnel Actions Information Item Vickie Chamberlain Click to listen ** 6.2 ODE/TSPC Interagency Agreement Information Item ** 6.3 TSPC 2012 Affirmative Action Plan Information Item 6.4 Report on Iron Data/NIC Web Services

Information Item Click to listen 6.5 State Consortium for Educator Equity (SCEE) Report

Information Item Click to listen 6.6 Moving TSPC Servers to State Data Center

Information Item Click to listen 6.7 Report on Enterprise Security Policy Development

Information Item Click to listen 6.8 Report on Executive Appointments

Information Item Click to listen 6.9 Commission Meeting Dates for 2013-2014

Action Item Click to listen 6.10 Election of Chairperson Action ItemLinda Brown, Kathleen Sundell, Gary Humphries Click to listen 6.11 Election of Vice-Chairperson Action ItemLinda Brown, Kathleen Sundell, Gary Humphries Click to listen 6.12 Election of 2013 Executive Committee Action ItemLinda Brown, Kathleen Sundell, Gary Humphries Click to listen 6.13 Preference for Committee Assignments in 2013 Information Item Robert Sconce, Jr. Click to listen ** 6.14 TSPC Work Plans Information Item ** 6.15 TSPC Data Reports Information Item Data Classification Level – 1 Published -4- ** 6.16 Expenditure Report for September 2012 Information Item

7.0 ADMINISTRATIVE RULE PROPOSALS, ADOPTIONS AND REPORTS 4:00-4:30 p.m. Robert Sconce, Jr./Vickie Chamberlain 7.1 Licensure Rules to Hearing

Action Item…………………………………………………………….. Click to listen 7.2 Licensure Rules to Adopt from September 2012 Hearing

Action Item…………………………………………………………….. Click to listen 7.3 Program Approval Rules to Hearing

Action Item…………………………………………………………….. Click to listen 7.4 Program Approval Rules to Adopt from September 2012 Hearing

Action Item…………………………………………………………….. Click to listen 7.5 Petition to Amend Rules to Alter Application of HOUSSE to Veteran Teachers

Action Item…………………………………………………………….. Click to listen

8.0 CONSENT AGENDA 4:30-4:35 p.m. The policy procedures for the Consent Agenda are established by Policy 3522. The Executive Director recommends adoption by single consent motion the following listed items which are identified on the agenda by a double asterisk: 1.3, 1.8, 4.4, 4.7, 4.10, 5.2, 6.2, 6.3, 6.14, 6.15 and 6.16. Any of these items may be removed from the Consent Agenda upon the request of any Commissioner. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be

considered in the order they are listed on the agenda...... Click to listen

4:35 p.m. RECESS

Dinner on your own


8:00 a.m. RECONVENE—Red Lion Hotel, Bachelor/Washington Rooms

9.0 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES HEARINGS AND INVESTIGATION REPORTS 8:00-11:30 a.m. (EXECUTIVE SESSION)Robert W. Sconce, Jr., Professional Practices Vice-Chair

The Commission holds executive (non-public) sessions on the following matters: 1. receiving and discussing preliminary investigation reports on complaints and charges against licensed educators 2. taking action to dismiss the complaint or to charge the educator 3. deliberating the hearing record in disciplinary proceedings 4. consulting with counsel regarding litigation likely to be filed under ORS 192.660(2) (h) and; regarding privileged consultation regarding other legal matters under ORS 192.660(2)(f) 5. 60-day resignation notice hearing pursuant to ORS 342.553 6. consideration of Executive Director Performance

Adoption of an order resulting from a hearing must be done in public session. See ORS 192.660(2)(b) and ORS 342.175 to 342.190.

Data Classification Level – 1 Published -5- 10.0 CONSIDERATION OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES ISSUES 11:30-11:40 a.m. (PUBLIC SESSION)Robert W. Sconce, Jr., Professional Practices Vice-Chair

^ 10.1 Stipulated Order—Case #2010-11-0012 (Portland Public SD) Action Item ^ 10.2 Stipulated Order—Case #2009-03-0002 (Portland Public SD) Action Item ^ 10.3 Stipulated Order—Case #2009-01-0003 (Ontario SD) Action Item ^ 10.4 Stipulated Order—Case #2009-11-0010 (South Umpqua SD) Action Item ^ 10.5 Stipulated Order—Case #2011-04-0005 (Horizon Christian School) Action Item ^ 10.6 Stipulated Order—Case #2008-06-0001 (North Santiam SD) Action Item ^ 10.7 Stipulated Order—Case #2011-04-0001 (Oakland SD) Action Item ^ 10.8 Stipulated Order—Case #2012-01-0009 (Clackamas ESD) Action Item ^ 10.9 Stipulated Order—Case #2011-11-0004 (Beaverton/Lebanon SD) Action Item ^ 10.10 Stipulated Order—Case #2010-10-0021 (Tigard-Tualatin SD) Action Item ^ 10.11 Stipulated Order—Case #2010-04-0005 (Tigard-Tualatin SD) Action Item ^ 10.12 Stipulated Order—Case #2011-04-0021 (Sweet Home SD) Action Item ^ 10.13 Stipulated Order—Case #2010-11-0008 (Newberg SD) Action Item ^ 10.14 Stipulated Order—Case #2011-06-0004 (Beaverton SD) Action Item ^ 10.15 Stipulated Order—Case #2012-03-0017 (Yamhill Carlton SD) Action Item ^ 10.16 Stipulated Order—Case #2010-03-0004 (Hillsboro SD) Action Item

11.0 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES CONSENT AGENDA 11:40-11:45 a.m. The Executive Director recommends adoption by single consent motion the following listed items which are identified on the agenda by a tilde “^”: 10.1 through 10.16. Any of these items may be removed from the Consent Agenda upon the request of any Commissioner. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be considered in the order they are listed on the agenda.


11:45 a.m. ADJOURNMENT

Future meetings 1) February 7-8, 2013 – Keizer Renaissance Inn, Keizer 2) April 25-26, 2013 – Red Lion Hotel, Salem 3) July 24-26, 2013 – TBD

Data Classification Level – 1 Published -6-