Snap Domestic Pesticide Retailer Survey 2009
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NAME of BUSINESS Address, Town or city:
1. Do you sell the following reduced-risk pesticide products? The list starts from the PMRA reduced-risk list for domestic products (RR2006-03) with addition of recognized reduced-risk products. Please circle appropriate response.
Name Use PMRA registration # Mechanical barriers YES NO COPPER STOPPER SLUG & SNAIL EXCLUDER YES NO Row Cover – REEMAY AGRIBON other YES NO Diatomaceous earth (insecticide) many YES NO Tree Bands kits
Traps & Lures YES NO Indian Meal Moth Traps YES NO Apple Maggot Traps YES NO Codling Moth Traps YES NO Yellow Sticky Traps YES NO Ot er pest insect traps and/or lures YES NO Slug & Snail Traps with Organic Bait YES NO Victor Roach Magnet
Beneficial Insects- Biological Controls YES NO Beneficial nematodes for lawns grubs, fleas, iris borer etc YES NO Ladybugs YES NO Green Lacewings YES NO Whitefly parasite – Encarsia Formosa YES NO Aphid predator - Aphidoletes
Natural and Organic Fertilizers YES NO SPOT CARE - Lawn Care Fertilizer (MUSHROOM TREATMENT) YES NO Seaweed Fertilizer YES NO Fish Fertilizers YES NO Organic Fertilizers eg Raingrow etc YES NO Organic Lawn and /or Garden Fertilizers
Herbicide YES NO Finalsan (fatty acids) control of grass, chickweeds, dandelion, groundsel, plantain, round-leaved mallow and others) YES NO TOPGUN - Natural Weed Killer (Fatty acids) YES NO Acetic acid (vinegar) many YES NO Corn gluten meal (emergent - also fertilizer) 27491, 27727, 28396
Insecticide YES NO Btk (caterpillars) 24536, 27251, YES NO Bti (e.g. Aquabac) (mosquitoes) 27374 YES NO Borax (ants) e.g. ANT ATTACK many YES NO Formic acid (mites) 27836 YES NO Insecticidal soap (without mixed in permethrin, sumethrin, etc) many YES NO Iron phosphate (slugs) 26102, 26240, 28375 YES NO Slug & Snail Bait (slugs)
Repellents YES NO Black Pepper Oil 25789, 25829 YES NO Capsaicin many YES NO Soybean oil (insect repellent) 25749, 25750, 25751,25752 YES NO p-menthane-3,8-diol (botanical insect repellent) 27194 YES NO Natural Mosquito or Fly repellent (replaces DEET) YES NO Scent A Gone, Cridder Ridder. Plantskydd YES NO Garlic Barrier (area mosquito repellent) (1) 1. “The PMRA has decided that the use of garlic as an area mosquito repellent does not pose any environmental or health concerns and that the requirement to register these products will not be insisted upon. The PMRA does not object to the marketing and use of garlic as an area mosquito repellent as a pest control product in Canada and no enforce- ment action will be taken.” (PMRA info-serve Feb.14. 2007, 12:38 Robert Martin, Regulatory Information Officer)
Others YES NO DE-MOSS - Natural Moss and Algae Killer (soap) YES NO DEFENDER- Natural Fungicide (sulfur) YES NO NEEM SHINE AND NEEM AID YES NO Agricultural lime
2. Which benefits do you see in selling reduced-risk pesticide products?
3. Which barriers do you see in selling reduced-risk pesticide products?
4. Do you use shelf signs or prompts to encourage use of reduced-risk products?
YES NO If yes, what kind of prompts or signs?
5. In your store, are these products presented in a separate display?
6. a) Realizing that training and licensing is not currently required for domestic products sales, have any of your staff obtained a vendor’s license? YES NO b) If so, how many? c) Is any of your staff knowledgeable or trained in reduced-risk pesticides? YES NO d) If so, how many?
7. It has been mentioned to SNAP that pesticides sales do not really contribute greatly to your overall profit, care to comment? Any other comments?
Thank you very much for taking this survey.
Please return to Saskatchewan Network for Alternatives to Pesticides Inc, (SNAP) 15 Olson Place, Regina, SK, S4S 2J6 Tel (306) 584-2835 [email protected]