Water Quality Issues
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It is anticipated that users of this checklist will have a background in the various SER chapters, but users should especially consult the DEA website for the release of Chapter 9, Water Quality/Stormwater, under development at time of printing.
8) Have selections been made for the Design Program Pollution (DPP) and Treatment 7) Will the project involve a depressed section drained by a pump? If yes, are dry weather flows anticipated (e.g., drainage of the groundwater)? BMPs? Note: Final selection for the DPP and Treatment BMPs is often not selected by the Project Engineer until the PS&E phase. [Project Engineer, District NPDES] 1. Are there any seasonal construction restrictions or construction exclusion dates set forth by state or local regulatory agencies that are applicable to the project area?
[Project Engineer, District NPDES Stormwater Coordinator, District Construction Stormwater Coordinator] 2.1. HasWhat a isConstruction the acreage General of clearing Permit and “Riskgrubbing Assessment” activities? been conducted, and are there implications[Project Engineer] from that rating? Note: “Risk Assessment” was defined in the March 2008 2. draft What General is the acreage Construction of disturbed Permit soilreleased area not by theincluded SWRCB; above? only consider if directed by District NPDES or HQ Construction Stormwater unit. [Project Engineer] [Project Engineer, District NPDES Stormwater Coordinator, District Construction 3. Stormwater What is the Coordinator]acreage (plan view) of new cut and fill slopes greater than 2H:1V?. 12) [ProjectHas a Total Engineer] Maximum Daily Loading (TMDL) been established for the receiving waters? 3. Are there are any other construction activities anticipated not covered in the previous 4.Has Whatthe Department is the quantity been of named Imported as Borrow?a stakeholder and/or been assessed a Waste Load Allocation?questions that could raise potential stormwater runoff issues? [Project Engineer,Engineer] District NPDES Stormwater Coordinator] 4.5. CanIs storage a SWPPP or stockpiling be developed of earthwork and implemented or construction such materialsthat stormwater near water discharges bodies and authorizedor ESAs under non-storm consideration? water discharges will not adversely impact human health or the environment?[Project Engineer, District Construction Stormwater Coordinator, District ConsiderationEnvironmental] aid: Can a SWPPP be developed and implemented such that storm water 6. discharges Is a sand blasting and authorized operation non-storm over streams water or discharges water bodies shall expected? not cause or contribute to an exceedance of any applicable water quality standards contained in a Statewide Water Quality Control Plan and/or applicable Basin Plan? Refer to State Permit, Section C-2. [Project Engineer] [Project Engineer, District NPDES Stormwater Coordinator] 7. How many construction activities below groundwater and/or in water courses 5. Is the receiving water on the CWA Section 303(d) list as impaired for sediment, turbidity requiring dewatering or water diversion (includes use of cofferdams, pipe jacking, and/or temperature? etc.) are expected? Note: Testing of the groundwater should be conducted to determine quality of the effluent, and special permit(s) may be required by the RWQCB. See also SER VOL. 1, Chapters 14, 15 and 17 [Project Engineer, District NPDES Stormwater Coordinator, District Construction Stormwater Coordinator] 8. Are unpaved access roads expected to be used as part of the project? [Project Engineer, District NPDES Stormwater Coordinator, District Construction Stormwater Coordinator] BMP Retrofit Pilot Program - Final Report, REPORT ID CTSW - RT - 01 – 050, January 2004; available at the Department’s Design Intranet website: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/env/stormwater/ 1. http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/oppd/stormwtr/Studies/BMP-Retro-fit-Report.pdf
Appendices: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/env/stormwater/special/newsetup/_pdfs/new_technology/index.htm