Notice of Meeting of the Board of Directors of Associated Students Of
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the general public and to all of the Board of Directors of Associated Students of CSU Channel Islands, Inc., a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, that:
A meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Thursday, July 5, 2012 at 8:00 a.m., pursuant to Education Code Section 89921 et seq., at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union Conference Room, located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:
1) Call to Order: 8:00 A.M. a) Members Present: Missy Jarnagin, Ed Lebioda, Jillian Glassett, Tanya Yancheson, Lundon Templeton, Chantyl Vasquez, Alexandra Woerner, Dr. Cynthia Wyels, Chelsea Viñas, and Damien Peña. b) Members of the Public: Dr. Genevieve Evans Taylor, Jonathan Thomas, Diana Ballesteros, and Dave Chakraborty.
2) Approval of Minutes: May Meeting minutes; Mr. Lebioda motioned to approve, Ms. Jarnagin seconds. Motion passed.
3) Public Forum: No members of the public addressed the Board.
4) Financial Report: Overview of ASI May income statement. Ms. Jarnagin reminded board to turn in any invoices ASAP, also to mark appropriate expenses in the correct fiscal year (July 1st-June 30th). Ms. Jarnagin shared the balance sheet for the Student Union, the ASI03 report, and the ASI02 fundraising reports. If any questions or concerns arise, please contact Ms. Jarnagin.
5) Outstanding Business: No outstanding business.
6) New Business a. Vote on the 2012/13 ASI Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary: i. ASI Chair: a. Mr. Peña asked for clarification about the necessity of a nominee being present. Dr. Evans Taylor clarified that the candidate needs to be present in some form in order to propose him- or herself as an adequate candidate. Ms. Templeton nominated Mr. Keaster as chair and Mr. Ashley moved to approve. b. Mr. Peña suggested holding the vote for ASI Chair until the September meeting; Mr. Ashley motioned to move the elections until September, Ms. Templeton seconds. Mr. Lebioda makes a friendly amendment to change the meeting to August. Motion passed to move the election of ASI Chair until the August ASI Board meeting. ii. ASI Vice Chair: a. Ms. Viñas nominated Ms. Yancheson; Mr. Ashley seconds. Call for a vote by Dr. Evans Taylor. Motion passed. iii. ASI Treasurer: a. Ms. Jarnagin voted into treasurer position without acclamation. iv. ASI Secretary: a. Mr. Ashley moves to approve Ms. Thompson as secretary without acclamation. Motion passes.
b. Funding Request (AVP Mr. Chakraborty): Provides the Board with 3 construction plans for the central mall and A9 parking lot. Mr. Chakraborty informs the Board that the plan for the central mall is to close off traffic in front of the Student Union and create a fountain type structure in front of the Bell Tower with tiled and paved spaces. The Phase 2 plan for the central mall has a fountain and estimates to cost about $2 million. The Phase 1 plan does not include the fountain; however, it does include California native flowers in front of the Student Union. He estimates Phase 2 to cost half a million dollars. Even with the current donations and equipment the plan is $150,000 short. President Rush has created a task force to gather the rest of the funds; however, Mr. Chakraborty asks the Board for $25,000. He further informs the Board about the plans for the A9 parking lot. The parking lot with be converted into a courtyard; the Advancement Board has acquired a donation of $250,000 for this project. He explains that the money he is asking for will be used for the front of the Student Union and the A9 parking lot. He would like to get started by the end of July; however, he is still waiting for the completion of the funds. I. Dr. Evans Taylor: There are remaining funds for construction of the building of $225,000 for the Student Union building that can only be used for this type of request. II. Mr. Lebioda: Asks Dr. Evans Taylor about the other planned purchases for the building. III. Dr. Evans Taylor: Technology for the upstairs, changing indoor seating, outdoor patio furniture, creating two additional storage rooms, increasing seating space, and the backspace of the second floor of the building. IV. Mr. Lebioda: Inquires whether there is enough money to cover the planned purchases and the proposed reconstruction. V. Dr. Evans Taylor: Informs the Board that there is in fact enough for both. VI. Ms. Vinas: Inquires about the time span of the plans. VII. Mr. Chakraborty: Informs the Board that there is no fixed date due to the unknown status of future donations and the volunteer construction workers. VIII. Ms. Glassett: Inquiries about the effect the construction will have during the school year. IX. Mr. Chakraborty: Replies that the sidewalks will have fences; however, the CI community will have access. Mr. Lebioda makes a motion to provide funding of $25,000 to the construction of the central mall and A9 parking lot. Ms. Templeton seconds. Dr. Wyels opens up discussion in favor of the funding request. Mr. Peña makes a point to inform the students that their student body fee is being used for these plans. Motion passes.
c. ASI Articles of Incorporation (Dr. Evans Taylor): The Chancellor has to approve the Articles of Incorporation instead of the Board of Trustees. Before we can have it approved we need to make changes to have an updated version. Dr. Evans Taylor questions whether we have to change Joanne Coville as the incorporator. Ms. Jarnagin volunteers to find out this information. Mr. Ashley questions the 2003 year. Ms. Jarnagin volunteers to reference the Articles of Incorporation of the other auxiliaries on campus. Mr. Lebioda motions to revise and edit the Articles of Incorporation; Mr. Ashley seconds. Motion passes. d. Conflict of Interest (Christine Thompson): Dr. Evans Taylor disseminated the conflict of interest forms to the Board members for their review and signature. Ms. Thompson will follow up with further information via email. 7) Entity Reports a. Student Government: Mr. Ashley reported that they are in the process of interviewing for their executive positions. Six interviews have taken place and more are scheduled to take place in the near future. Furthermore, Mr. Ashley and Mr. Jordan will attend CSSA meeting at Cal State Long Beach. Lastly, Mr. Ashley along with Ms. Viñas, Mr. Jordan, and Ms. Horney will attend the CSU Student Leader Conference. b. Student Programming Board: Ms. Templeton reported that they are currently on the search for the Director of Operations. Additionally, they are planning events for the upcoming school year and have met with prospective participants for the upcoming Dolphinpalooza. c. Nautical Yearbook: Ms. Woerner reported that they are finishing the yearbook and should be scheduled for delivery in September. The search for an assistant director will take place in the fall. d. CI View: Ms. Vasquez finalized the orientation issue and was distributed throughout the past orientation dates. The September issue is currently being prepared.
8) Adjournment 8:58AM
Next ASI Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 2, 2012 at 8:00 AM in the Student Union Coville Conference Room. Respectfully submitted by Diana Ballesteros in Christine Thompson’s absence.