Copyright © 2016 Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital. NHSmail Self-Migration Project Plan Guidance v.1 Published


Copyright © 2017 Health and Social Care Information Centre. 2 NHSmail Self-Migration Project Plan Guidance v.1 Published


This is a guidance document on how to use the NHSmail Self-Migration Project Plan. It is intended for organisations that plan to self-migrate to NHSmail.

2.Completion Guidance 1.1 Overview The NHSmail Self-Migration Project Plan encompasses the whole of the project life cycle and is aligned to the NHSmail Migration Checklist. Please read this document through before opening the project plan. The plan is available in both MS Project and MS Excel format (for those without MS Project). The links for the plan can be found at the end of this document.

1.2 Running Stages in Parallel The checklist refers to the following stages  Stage 1 – Initial Interest  Stage 2 – Initiation  Stage 3 – Running the Project  Stage 4 – Migration Readiness  Stage 5 – Roll Out  Stage 6 – Post Migration Review Stages 1-4 can be run in parallel, to reduce project timescales. Stages 5-6 must be run consecutively. Please note that the timelines listed are estimated on a migration project of approximately 5000 users. Each migrating organisation will need to review the plan against its own resources and dependencies before the true timeline of the project can be estimated. An organisation will not be able to start Stage 5, until all the items in stages 1-4 have been completed. Stage 5 cannot be started until Stage 4 is complete. Stage 6 cannot be started until Stage 5 is complete.

Reporting: Even though Stages 1-4 can be run in parallel, NHS Digital still requires notification of the completion of each of the stages, so that migration slots can be allocated and updated on the NHSmail pipeline.

Copyright © 2017 Health and Social Care Information Centre. 3 NHSmail Self-Migration Project Plan Guidance v.1 Published

1.3 How to use this Project Plan In the Excel version of the plan there are 4 Tabs.  Tab 1 – is a title sheet with basic instructions.  Tab 2 – is the Project Plan. Items which are indented indicate that they are sub-level tasks of the main tasks. Start / Finish / % Complete are fields that are to be completed as needed to track project progress. Guidance explains the notes for that task in the project plan.  Tab 3 – This is an example of a project timescale, when the project is run with Stages 1-4 run in parallel. It shows that when run in this manner, Stages 1-4 should take approx. a month and a half, with the rest of the project run consecutively. Please note that this is based on a dedicated, project team with no other responsibilities, consisting of 6-7 full time team members. If this resourcing is not available, the project will take longer than the indicated timeline,  Tab 4 – This shows the project when all stages are run consecutively. Activities are noted in working weeks – so stages are either rounded up or down.

The MS Project version’s timescale shows the project when Stages 1-3 are run in parallel. Indentation indicates a sub-task of that section.

3.Links to the Project Plan Please find the links below:

MS Project Format MS Excel Format

4.Contact Details If there are any questions about the content of this document or further guidance is required, please email [email protected] and the email will be passed onto the Project Manager supporting Self-Migrations.

Copyright © 2017 Health and Social Care Information Centre. 4