Executive Committee Agenda April 9, 2008 9:30 a.m. River Valley Room

Orders of the Day: 9:30 a.m. Call to Order 9:30 a.m., First Item E.1. YMCA Tax Exemption Issue 11 a.m. P.1. TEC Edmonton 2007-08 Semi-Annual Report - Private 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch 3:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Recess 5:30 p.m. Adjournment

Members: S. Mandel, Chair R. Hayter, Vice-Chair J. Batty L. Sloan A. Sohi


A.1. Call to Order

A.2. Adoption of Agenda

Recommendation That the April 9, 2008, Executive Committee meeting agenda be adopted. Addenda require a Special Resolution. Deletions require a unanimous vote.

A.3. Adoption of Minutes

Recommendation That the March 18, 2008, Executive Committee meeting minutes be adopted.

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A.4. Protocol Items


B.1. Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items

B.2. Time Specifics and Decision to Hear Refer to Summary of Agenda Changes for any requests made.



Revised Item Report Title Department Due Date D.1. Zoning Bylaw Amendments and Planning & Dev. Apr. 23/08 Enforcement (J. Batty) D.2. Responsible Hospitality Edmonton – Corporate Svcs. May 7/08 Statistical Framework D.3. Revolving Industrial Servicing Fund Planning & Dev. May 21/08 D.4. Participatory Democracy Corporate Svcs. June 25/08


E.1. YMCA Tax Exemption Issue Time Specific: First Item at 9:30 a.m.

Administration Recommendation That Executive Committee recommend to City Council: That the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, send a letter to the Edmonton YMCA supporting a Private Member’s Bill to amend An Act to Provide for the Exemption of the Young Men’s Christian Association from Assessment and Taxation, S.A. 1964, c. 151 (the “YMCA Edmonton Act”).

Summary The YMCA Edmonton Act exempts from assessment and taxation all land and improvements at locations which were used by the YMCA in 1964. The YMCA is petitioning the provincial legislature (by way of a Private Member’s Bill) for an amendment to the YMCA Edmonton Act that would exempt all of the YMCA’s property at its existing and future

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Edmonton locations from municipal and school taxes. The YMCA has asked for the City’s written support for this amendment.

Delegation: R. Risling

E.2. Change Order - Emergency Vehicle Lighting and Equipment Parts Contract D881455 Kee-Lok Security Supplies Ltd.

Administration Recommendation That Contract D881455 Emergency Vehicle Lighting and Equipment Parts be increased to a cumulative value not to exceed $2,000,000 including GST, as outlined in the March 6, 2008, Corporate Services Department report 2008COF031.

Summary In accordance with City Administration Bylaw 12005, change orders that exceed $1,000,000 require approval from Committee of Council.

Delegation: D. Lajeunesse/J. Tustian

E.3. Open Tenders - $1,000,000 or Greater (Inclusive of GST) as at March 6, 2008

Administration Recommendation That Administration award the tender project as outlined in Attachment 1 of the March 6, 2008, Corporate Services Department report 2008COF044, and enter into all relevant agreements, such tenders to be in accordance with Administration’s normal tendering guidelines.

Summary This report requests Executive Committee approval on open tenders greater than $1,000,000.

Delegation: D. Lajeunesse/J. Tustian

E.4. Land Use Planning Framework for Mature Neighbourhoods

Administration Recommendation That the March 4, 2008, Planning and Development Department report 2008PDP011 be received for information.

Summary This report outlines the Planning and Development Department’s framework for land use planning in mature neighbourhoods.

Delegation: R. G. Klassen/P. Arendt/P. Ohm

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E.5. Procedure for Property Owners to Connect to City Services

Administration Recommendation That the March 18, 2008, Planning and Development Department report 2008PDG004 be received for information.

Summary This information report details the process that is available to Edmonton property owners that want to get their properties connected to City services.

Delegation: O. Gowda

E.6. Integration of Fort Road Redevelopment Plan

Administration Recommendation That the March 7, 2008, Planning and Development Department report 2008PDP003 be received for information.

Summary This report explains the application of the Community Revitalization Levy to allow for greater integration of the Fort Road Redevelopment Plan with the existing development within the Belvedere neighbourhood.

Delegation: P. Arendt


J.1. Closure of Dell Call Centre (A. Sohi/D. Thiele)

Administration Recommendation That the February 26, 2008, Corporate Services Department report 2008COL009 be received for information.

History At the February 13, 2008, City Council meeting, Councillors A. Sohi and D. Thiele made the following Inquiry: In view of the imminent closure of the Dell Call Centre from its location in Ward 6, we pose the following questions: 1. What is the status of the initial agreement between Dell, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation (EEDC) and the City of Edmonton?

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2. What does Dell owe to Edmonton taxpayers in back taxes? What avenues are available to the City of Edmonton to recoup these taxes? 3. Does Dell pay taxes on the building or does EEDC? What avenues are available to the City if EEDC or Dell fails to pay owed taxes? 4. With regard to the building, land, parking and amenities, what steps are being taken to secure the City’s interest in these and/or what processes or methods are open to take ownership of the Dell building? 5. What transition plans are in place to assist the 500+ employees who were or will be laid off (retraining, job placement, etc.)? Please have this report return to Executive Committee.

Summary This report provides a response to an Administrative Inquiry regarding the Closure of Dell Call Centre.

Delegation: K. Klaassen

J.2. Arlington Block - Update on the status of the Arlington Apartments (J. Batty/K. Leibovici)

Administration Recommendation That the March 11, 2008, Planning and Development Department report 2008PDP021 be received for information.

History At the February 13, 2008, City Council meeting, Councillors J. Batty and K. Leibovici made the following inquiry: Nearly three years ago the Arlington Block was severely damaged by fire. As a historically registered building, City Council ensured the remaining structure was secured, retained its historical designation and, at the request of the owner, the property was rezoned to a Direct Control. Please provide the following information: 1. When was the Arlington fire and what actions were taken by the building owner and the City at that time to secure the building? 2. When did the rezoning to Direct Control take place? What additional development opportunities came with this rezoning? 3. Has an application/development permit been submitted by the owner? Has the owner made requests to demolish the remaining structure since the rezoning?

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4. What is the current condition of the building? Has the City inspected the building to verify its condition in the past six months? 5. Has the owner undertaken any recent steps to further secure the building, particularly to prevent deterioration due to rain, cold and snow? 6. If City Council wished to rezone the building back to its zoning at the time of the fire, what would need to be done? Please have the report return to Executive Committee.

Summary This report provides a response to an Administrative Inquiry regarding the Arlington Apartment Block and its current status. Delegation: P. Arendt

J.3. Apartment Housing in Commercial Zones (B. Anderson)

Administration Recommendation That the March 5, 2008, Planning and Development report 2008PDP022 be received for information.

History At the February 13, 2008, City Council meeting, Councillor B. Anderson made the following inquiry: I would like Administration to prepare a report for Executive Committee outlining the steps involved in amending the Zoning Bylaw for the purpose of changing the “discretionary” designation of the Apartment Housing Use Class included in standard commercial zones to a “permitted” designation. Furthermore, that the report outline the potential positive and negative impacts of such an amendment. Summary This report responds to an inquiry regarding the steps involved in amending the Zoning Bylaw.

Delegation: R. G. Klassen/P. Arendt/P. Ohm


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P.1. TEC Edmonton 2007-08 Semi-Annual Report Time Specific: 11 a.m. To be discussed in private pursuant to section 16 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


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