The Caswell County Board of Education Met in Regular Session on Monday, June 12, 2006 s4
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The Caswell County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, August 24th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Whitley Administration Building. Members present: Chairman June Dailey, Vice Chairman Gladys Garland, Sylvia Johnson, Betty Sartin, David Byrd, Mel Battle and Ross Gwynn. Others present: Superintendent Dr. Douglas Barker, Assistant Superintendent Donna Hudson, Shannon White, Ryan Haire, Cynthia Smith, Kimberly Talton, Jonathan Russell, LeAnne Keel, Carmen Skidmore, Frank Scott, Sean McWherter, Jamie Buchanan, Emily Buchanan, Hamilton Freeman, Jill Ferguson, Clemens Sudol, Karen Holshouser, Karen Traynham, Marcella Moon, and Leigh Walker representing the Caswell Messenger. Connie Kimrey recorded the minutes.
The meeting was called to order and a moment of silence was observed.
David Byrd moved, seconded by Betty Sartin to approve the minutes of the August 10 th, 2009, meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to approve the agenda with additional fund-raising requests from Bartlett Yancey, additional Request for Transfer, Item F. Field Trip Request, and Item G, JV Volleyball Coach. The motion carried unanimously.
Dr. Barker welcomed Dr. Stone, Principal at Bartlett Yancey High School and members of her staff who were in attendance. New employees introduced themselves and stated which courses they are teaching. Chairman June Dailey welcomed them all as part of Caswell County Schools and expressed best wishes to them on the upcoming school year.
None at this time.
None at this time.
A. Adoption of Local (Current Expense) Budget
1 CASWELL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES August 24th, 2009 Dr. Barker reviewed information provided to board members in their packets on the adoption of Local (Current Expense) Budget.
David Byrd moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to extend the current spending resolution for an additional thirty-days and schedule a work-session to review budget information. The motion carried unanimously.
Caswell County Schools P. O. Box 160 Yanceyville, NC 27379 Phone (336) 694-4116 Finance Fax (336) 694-4441 Dr. Douglas N. Barker, Superintendent Donna R. Hudson, Asst. Superintendent Scott Powell, Finance Director
To: Caswell County Board of Education
From: Dr. Douglas N. Barker
Date: August 24, 2008
Subject: Continuance of Interim Spending Resolution
A resolution is required to permit expenditure of all funds between July 1 and the adoption of a budget by the Board of Education. This request is to authorize expenditures at the same level as previously approved for the 2007 – 2008 school year.
RESOLUTION: Be it, therefore, resolved that the Caswell County Board of Education authorizes an appropriation of funds at the same funding level as 2007 – 2008 for the purpose of paying salaries and usual and ordinary expenses for the period of July 1, 2008 until adoption of the budget for 2008 – 2009 or October 1, 2009, whichever comes first.
______June B. Dailey, Chairperson Douglas N. Barker, Superintendent
B. Fundraising Requests for BYHS
Dr. Barker reviewed additional Fundraising Requests submitted from the Cross Country Boys and Girls for a 5K Fun Run/Walk, requests from the BYHS Band (Booster Club) for a Benefit Motorcycle Ride, and requests from the FFA for a raffle and candy sale. Upon discussion, Dr. Barker recommended approval.
Mel Battle moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to approve Fundraising Requests. The motion carried unanimously.
BYHS Cross Country Boys & Girls 5K Fun Run/Walk Sept. 19th or Sept. 26 BYHS FFA Raffle During timeframe of Sept. 1 – Oct. 30th BYHS FFA Candy During timeframe of Sept. 1st – Sept. 15th BYHS Band (Boosters) Benefit Motorcycle Ride September 19th, 2009
2 CASWELL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES August 24th, 2009 C. Request for Transfer
Dr. Barker reviewed Requests for Transfer and recommended approval, as this was a renewal and intradistrict transfer.
Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Mel Battle to approve Requests for Transfer. The motion carried unanimously.
Renewal Woodall Jason Caswell to Rockingham (11th Grade) New Request Temple Austin Oakwood to North (4th Grade)
D. Contract – Info. Handler for Medicaid Fees
Dr. Barker reviewed contract information for Info. Handler to coordinate fees for services for Medicaid eligible students. Approximately $16,000(+) is expected to be received and will go back into the General Fund or Special Ed Funds. Upon discussion, Dr. Barker recommended approval.
Mel Battle moved seconded by Gladys Garland to approve Info. Handler for Medicaid Fees. The motion carried 6-1 with Byrd voting “No.”
NC Board Association $4.00/billable unit = $4,210.00 (estimate) Services from 8/25/09 to 6/30/2010
E. School Food Services Bids
Dr. Barker reviewed bids for School Food Services and recommended approval. Betty Sartin moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson. The motion carried unanimously.
Bread Interstate Brands Corp. (MERITA) $28,816.00 (SFS Recommendation) Dairy (Milk Only) Land-O-Sun Dairies (Pet Dairy) $96,176.58 (SFS Recommendation) Diary (Ice Cream Only) Land-O-Sun Dairies (Pet Dairy) $32,342.00 (SFS Recommendation) Bottle Water Clearwater Springs of Caswell $4,599.00 (SFS Recommendation) Chemical Supplies Diamond Paper Co., Inc. $7,709.42 (SFS Recommendation)
F. Field Trip Request 3 CASWELL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES August 24th, 2009
Dr. Barker reviewed a Field Trip Request from the BYHS Band on September 26th to visit George Washington High School in Danville, VA and recommended approval. David Byrd moved, seconded by Ross Gwynn. The motion carried unanimously.
G. JV Volleyball Coach
Dr. Barker reviewed a request for a JV Volleyball Coach at Bartlett Yancey High School. Upon discussion, it was suggested that this be posted for other applicants to apply if there is additional interest.
Upon review, Dr. Barker recommended approval. Mel Battle moved, seconded by David Byrd to approve JV Volleyball Coaching position and advertise position with salary of $500.00. The motion carried unanimously.
None at this time.
David Byrd made a motion to go into closed session at 7:40 p.m. for the purpose of considering a personnel action that involves an officer or employee of this Board (NC General Statute 143-318.11(a)(6); and for the purpose of discussing information that is privileged, confidential or not a public record (NC General Statute 143-318.11(a)(1) after a five-minute break. Gladys Garland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Ross Gwynn made a motion to return to open session at 9:45 p.m., Gladys Garland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Dr. Barker recommended approval of the personnel listing as presented with addition of listing distributed at meeting. Ross Gwynn moved, seconded by Gladys Garland to approve the first listing. The motion carried unanimously.
Mel Battle moved, seconded by Gladys Garland to approve Phoebe Eley as Assistant Principal, Bartlett Yancey High School. The motion carried unanimously.
Mel Battle moved, seconded by Ross Gwynn to approve Stacey Barnett as CTE Teacher at N.L. Dillard Middle School. The motion carried unanimously.
Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Mel Battle to approve Gladys Graves for Teacher Cadet and Yearbook Teacher (halftime) at Bartlett Yancey High School. The motion failed 4-3 (Dailey, Byrd, Sartin, Johnson voting “No”).
EMPLOYMENT South Elementary Crystal Blalock Bus Driver – Effective 8/25/09 Bartlett Yancey High School Cynthia Smith Replaces Kelly Shacochis – EC Teacher Bartlett Yancey High School LeAnne Keel Replaces Lillian Danieley – Math Teacher Bartlett Yancey High School Marcella Moon Replaces Catherine Raines – English Teacher Bartlett Yancey High School Phebe Eley Assistant Principal – Replaces Frank Fulton N.L. Dillard Middle School Richard Jones Replaces Dale Quick – PE Teacher N.L. Dillard Middle School Stacey Barnett Replaces Steve Williamson – CTE Teacher North Elementary Teresa Willis Bus Driver – Effective 8/25/09 SUBSTITUTE CHILD NUT. Eva Neal Effective 8/25/09 Hazelene Chandler Effective 8/25/09 Wanda Poteat Effective 8/25/09 SUBSTITUTE TEACHER ADDITION
5 CASWELL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES August 24th, 2009 Angela Lipscomb Effective 8/25/09 – Was employed as a teacher asst. Arleen Crews-Hollowell Effective 8/25/09 – Was employed as a teacher asst. Barbara Royster Effective 8/25/09 Edith Elmore Effective 8/25/09 Julie Bell Effective 8/25/09 – Was employed as a teacher asst. Maxine Reeves Effective 8/25/09 Nell Moore Effective 8/25/09 Patricia Jones Effective 8/25/09 – Was employed as a teacher asst. Rodney Orr Effective 8/25/09 Rosa Brandon Effective 8/25/09 Susan Regan Effective 8/25/09 Tammy Ward Effective 8/25/09 Taryn Mitchell Effective 8/25/09 – Was employed as a teacher asst. Virginia Lawson Effective 8/25/09 Wendy Beasley Effective 8/25/09 – Was employed as a teacher asst.
Chairman June Dailey reviewed information regarding the upcoming Annual Conference and noted that Caswell County Schools was eligible for four voting delegates.
David Byrd moved, seconded by Betty Sartin for David Byrd, June Dailey, Sylvia Johnson and Gladys Garland to be listed as voting delegates for the Annual Conference in November. The motion carried unanimously.
Chairman June Dailey reminded the board of the District 5 meeting which will be held on September 30 th at West Stokes High School, King, NC. All board members stated they planned to attend and Connie Kimrey will handle registration. Upon further discussion all members stated they planned to attend the Annual Conference in November held in Greensboro, NC and Connie Kimrey will register board members for this event as well.
Chairman June Dailey requested dates for a work session. Upon discussion it was agreed for a work session to be held on Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. to review the Local (Current Expense) and State budget. It was agreed to meet on September 14th after lunch for a work session to discuss policies and other items suggested from board members. This will be on the same day as the 9:00 a.m. board meeting. Members will visit a school, have lunch and meet for the work session upon returning from lunch. Chairman Dailey asked board members if they had items they would like to see added to the agenda to 6 CASWELL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES August 24th, 2009 please let Dr. Barker know or inform her of these additions. Dr. Barker added that if members had any items they would like to see added back to the budget prior to the budget work session to please let him know so these changes could be taken care of prior to the meeting.
Chairman June Dailey questioned members if they were satisfied with the current Superintendent Evaluation Form that was used last year and all agreed they were.
Mr. Battle questioned Dr. Barker how he would proceed with the Teacher Cadet and Yearbook position. Dr. Barker stated he would notify Mrs. Graves and a substitute would be called in until another individual applies for this position. These will be posted on the website tomorrow for vacancies. Mr. Battle expressed concerns of what message this may send across to the high school.
Chairman Dailey noted that a Resolution was needed for Matilda Dailey.
Dr. Barker was questioned on how the office is handling the Personnel Director position. Dr. Barker stated that everyone has stepped up to the plate to help out. Dr. Barker noted that two weeks ago the State unfroze this position. As soon as the money is determined on how much we have to pay the staff and money is allocated to hire this position plans are to re-advertise. Dr. Barker stated he plans to add the Advanced Learner/New Teacher Program as part of this position.
Mr. Battle questioned how the Alternative Program will be run this year as there is currently only one position filled. Dr. Barker stated that Lori Daniels and Mr. Thomas will be assisting the program for the first few days or so until it is up and running. A vacancy is currently posted for a Teacher.
David Byrd made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 p.m. Sylvia Johnson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, September 14 th , 2009 at 9:00 a.m. in the Whitley Administration Building.
______June B. Dailey Douglas N. Barker Chairman Superintendent