Smyrna Elementary School Council and Foundation Tuesday, December 10, 2013 5:30 pm – Media Center

Board Members Present: Sean Murphy, Mary Dureuke, Leonissa Johnson, Melissa Rone, Zach Dunn, Brett Ward, Sarvia Ramirez, Ken Lunsford

Board Members Absent: Dawn Britt

Guests: Denise Raymond- Cobb Foundation (fundraising) (404) 825-9061 (cell)

1. CALL TO ORDER (5:33) Ken Lunsford



Wellness Committee Report: All students attend PE 2-3 times per week Running during each PE session; Upper grades – goal is to run 1 mile per month out on the mile track Recess daily, weather permitted Jump Rope for Heart – all grade levels (February) Jump rope demonstration in January for grades 3-5 Fitness Gram (Grades 3-5) Brain Gym Movement NFL Play 60 videos and units in PE SPARK Curriculum in PE classes Give Peas a Chance nutrition program – K-3 (Kaiser Permanente) Strong for Life (4 programs) Morning walking club Zumba once per week - grades 1-5 Classroom movement programs: Adventure to Fitness, Intelliboost, Mind in Motion Power Up for 30 websites provided to teachers Websites and information shared with staff on local events (i.e. Georgia state parks, Kennestone Wellness, local running events) Several staff members participating in walking groups together, some participating in Walk Georgia (walking areas have been measured indoors and out on the fields and hallways) After school clubs: Golf, soccer, cheerleading, karate, jitterbug

School Counseling Advisory Committee (2 handouts): 1. Introductions 2. School Counseling Program Overview a. Developed with ALL students in mind b. Addresses Academic, Personal/Social, and Career Development c. Based on Smyrna Elementary School data d. Delivered through direct and indirect services 3. Direct and Indirect Services 4. Ideas for 2013-14 Leonissa Johnson and Zach Dunn shared the School Counseling Program Mission, Program Goals and Interventions (career awareness lessons aligned to Georgia’s 17 Career Clusters; 5th grade career portfolios; 2 decrease percentage of students who do not meet standard in math on the CRCT by 10%), an overview of direct and indirect services, School Counseling Core Curriculum, as well as some data on services provided so far this school year. Referrals to outside agencies Community service coordination August-November 2013 – 5,975 contacts with students via core curriculum and small group counseling RTI meetings: 38 Teacher consultations: 103 504 Plan meetings: 3 504 Information: 121 Giving Tree: 44 families and 131 children Food pantry: 24 families

4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ken Lunsford Denise Raymond- Fundraising 101 Denise served on the initial foundation board for Nickajack ES, and chaired several fundraising events there. She also started the Griffin MS Foundation this school year. The best way to raise money is to start out with one big idea, put that idea out there, and do a capital campaign. Do only 2-3 events per year (so that you can distinguish between foundation and PTA). Do just a couple of things, and do them BIG. Ford, Rocky Mount, Nickajack and Addison are the most successful foundation fundraisers. She promotes finding corporate donors who are willing to match. At Nickajack, about 75% of the funds are derived from the capital campaign. The capital campaign consists of letters going home to parents with the specific purpose of the campaign (i.e. technology). The school can pay a fee to Denise and one other to plan and coordinate the whole capital campaign. If they raise between $5,000-10,000, we would pay a 10% fee; over $10,000, we would pay 20% fee. If we do not raise at least $5,000, we would not have to pay a fee. Denise would recommend limiting the duration of the fundraising campaign to 3-4 weeks. The most optimal time frames seem to be Open House in the fall and March. As a focus for the fundraising, anything related to education is the most effective (technology, staffing, etc). Ford’s foundation funds their school garden and science instructor. The events are fun and promote community involvement, but they are not the biggest source of funds. As an example of an event, Ford Elementary does a Jingle Jog as one of their fundraising events. McClure MS has sponsored swinging through the school, a golfing event (mini-golf through the school). Other ideas: Raffles, Adult only casino night at Taylor Brawner House (must pay security fee). Foundation events can include alcohol, but cannot be on school grounds. Nickajack foundation fundraisers: Capital campaign, fall festival/adult only kickball tournament, golf tournament in the spring. See Nickajack’s webpage for examples of how to advertise events and solicit donations (link). Denise strongly recommends that we set up a Smyrna Foundation Facebook page. Denise recommends using a different color pre-printed envelope for foundation donations ( Golf tournaments are good money makers.

5. NEW BUSINESS We will potentially hold a foundation capital campaign March 3-28 to raise funds for the school garden with a kick-off or celebratory event. We will meet on January 14, 2014 to firm up plans with Denise Raymond and Tracy Abel (Cobb Foundation). Ideas for fundraising: school garden, play shade for front playground, and PA equipment/inflatable movie screen. School Council has prioritized the funding for 1) school garden, then 2) entertainment equipment, and then 3) shade structure for front playground. Event ideas – Olympic games; softball tournament; adult casino night; sock hop; spring fling festival; golf tournament; American Idol-type event “Smyrna Stars” with prizes/judges. Bring additonal ideas for events to the next January 14th meeting.

Next Called Meeting – Tuesday, January 14, 2014 – Foundation fundraising with Denise & Tracy We will still meet on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, as previously scheduled.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00.

Respectfully submitted, 3 Melissa Rone, Secretary