Water Cycle WebQuest



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p.1  Click on the Study Jams site below:


Click on the link below: Play video http://water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle-kids-adv.html When video is done click on the close X button Click on the heading in the diagram to find the answer to the questions: 9. Click on Test Yourself ______(your score) 1. Ice Clouds - You see ice clouds all the time as ______

2. Clouds - They float because the air below them has weight, too ______Click on the link below and watch the video called "Thirstin's Water ______. Cycle" then fill in the blanks.

http://www3.epa.gov/safewater/kids/flash/flash_watercycle.html 3. Sun - This process allows liquid water to evaporate into ______

4. Condensation - Condensation happens because of temperature 10. Rain: ______.  Precipitation occurs when there is so much ______in the 5. Evaporation - The sun's energy breaks the ______that hold ______it cannot hold onto it anymore. liquid water's molecules together.  It will rain, ______, sleet, or ______. 6. Precipitation - When the cloud droplets combine to form heavier cloud  It fills up our ______, streams and drops which can no longer ______in the surrounding air, ______on the surface of the earth. it can start to rain, snow, and hail....all forms of precipitation. 11. Water Storage: 7. Animals - There is one creature on Earth that does have a very large impact on the water cycle—______. The natural water  The ______also soaks up some of the cycle changed once people came on the scene. ______, storing it in the ______until it is needed. 8. Evapotranspiration - But the big word is "Evapotranspiration", which is just a combination of "______" plus "______".  This storage area is called an ______. This just means that not only are plants transpiring water from their leaves, water is evaporating from the soil all around them, too. p.2 p.3  Many people pump ______directly from an ______aquifer and use it for their drinking ______. 12. Vapor:

 When the ______comes out and heats up the ______, it turns it into vapor or ______.  Helping to add vapor are the plants, ______and the land because they lose ______too.  This is called ______. 13. Clouds:

 When the ______in the air gets ______, it changes back into a ______to form ______.  This is called ______.  Those clouds get ______and we start all over again.

Click on the site below and take the Water Properties Quiz

14. http://water.usgs.gov/edu/activity-tf-properties.html

Watch the Water Cycle Song by Mr Parr below: https://youtu.be/o3BVa7PH_JE p.2 p.3