Kirk Langley Parish Council
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Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on
Tuesday 19th January 2016 at 7.15pm
In the Village Hall, Kirk Langley
Members are requested to attend the above mentioned meeting. If anyone is unable to attend would they please convey their formal apologies for non-attendance to the Clerk as soon as possible.
At the start of the meeting a period of not more than 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments about Parish Council matters.
NOTE: councillors should only listen to the issues raised. If these are simply reporting lights out/manhole covers etc then they can be dealt with. However if there is anything raised that needs discussion and/or a financial decision then it must be an agenda item for the next meeting.
If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or Borough Council member is in attendance the public will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.
1. To receive apologies for non-attendance
2. Declaration of Members’ Interest
To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest. If an interest becomes apparent to a member during the course of a meeting that has not been disclosed under this item, the member must immediately disclose it. Members may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is prejudicial. A personal interest is prejudicial if a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard it as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member’s judgement of the public interest.
3. Members of the Public Questions
4. Police Matters
5. Reports from County and Borough Councillors
6. To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 2016 7. Matters arising from the Minutes
Clerk’s Actions - attached
8. Correspondence – attached
9. Chairman and Members’ Questions / Announcements
a) Formal co-option of Mr Phil Wallis as a Councillor
a, Applications
TRE/2015/0163 Forge Cottage, 3 Moor Lane Wilkinson PERMITTED
Remove ash tree
AVA/2015/1207 6 Poles Road, Kirk Langley Ascott
Alterations and single storey extension to existing building
b, Decisions
AVA/2015/1023 Howardson Works Ashbourne Road PERMITTED
Extension to form powder coating and oven drying facility
AVA/2015/1093 32 Poles Road Isherwood
Two storey extension to front of detached dwelling (Re-submission) PERMITTED
AVA/2015/0742 Hillside farm, Windy Arbour S Morton
Replacement of all external windows and doors WITHDRAWN
AVA/2015/ 0880 Brooklands Farm Ashbourne Road Jeemiah PERMITTED
Formation of a menage and the conversion of existing agricultural buildings to be used to stable horses
AVA/2015/0916 Rose Cottage 21 Ashbourne Road Yeomans PERMITTED
Erection of new two storey four bedroom dwelling
c, General
Planning Enforcement Enquiry – Mr Gillespie Field off Flagshaw Lane
Acknowledgment received 9.12.15
b) Accounts for third quarter
c) Precept
d) HSBC Bank Mandate
e) Internal Auditor
f) Estimates for mowing along Moor Lane for 2016
g) Village Website
h) Staff Annual Appraisal
12. Village Matters
a) Playground Inspection
b) Defibrillator (SG)
c) Live and Local – February 4th ‘After Hours Quintet’
13. DALC
01/2016 Index of last year’s most important documents
02/2016 Financial Regulations to change/ New Councillor Training
14. Items for next agenda
15. Date of the next meeting – next Scheduled meeting is Tuesday 1st March2016
Clerk to Kirk Langley Parish Council