To Be Able to Speak, Read, and Recognize Basic Spanish

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To Be Able to Speak, Read, and Recognize Basic Spanish

SPANISH I Señor Ljevaja [email protected]

Goals  To be able to speak, read, and recognize basic Spanish  To recognize and appreciate cultural differences  To have fun! Materials

You will need a folder for notes, vocabulary, and handouts in this class.You will also need to bring notebook paper and a pen or pencil to class everyday. It may be helpful to get a three-ring binder to keep your paper and notebook in; it will help you be more organized for the class.

Assessment – Your results in this class will be reflected in a quarterly grade based on the following (points are approximate):  Pruebas (Quizzes)- 270 points  Exámenes (Tests)- 100 points  Interpersonal Communication Grade - 100 points  Homework & Daily Work- 100 points  La Conexión Española - 50 points The Spanish Connection What is the Interpersonal Communication Grade (100 pts)? This grade will be based on the Academic Content Standards for Foreign Language Learning. To meet the Interpersonal Communication standard you must be meeting the following criteria:  I let the teacher know when I do not understand something by signaling.  I use body language to show engagement in class communication  I respond appropriately to the teacher’s statements and questions  I suggest appropriate details to add to the story or discussion  I use SPANISH to communicate  I use conversation conventions (ex: don’t have side conversations, do not interrupt or disrupt the class conversation)

You begin with a 100-point, nine-week Interpersonal Communication Grade. When you are not meeting the standard you will receive a 5-point deduction called a “Págame” (Pay me). Págames:

1. You start with 100 points for a nine-week period

2. There are basically two rules to be able to meet the standard: a. Act engaged b. No English may be spoken without raising your hand. The discussions are in Spanish so you must make an effort to speak Spanish.

3. Rule violations cause you to lose 5 points. I will say your name and then págame.

4. I keep a list of students’ names so I can mark down infractions

5. You get 4 free make-ups. The first 2 are made up by making me a nice card. The card can say anything and be in English or Spanish; it should say something nice about me or my class. The next 2 make-ups can be made up through “gifts from the heart”. A gift from the heart can be a handshake or doing something nice like opening a door, if you see me carrying a bunch of stuff you can offer help, or any other nice gesture.

6. After the four free makeups, you can make up págames by writing 100-word essays. The essays must be in Spanish and can be copied as long as it is in your handwriting. Each essay makes up one págame.

7. There is a maximum of two págames per day. On the 3rd págame, you will sit in the hall and your parents will receive a phone call.

8. This system of participation is an easy way to earn 100% participation. This system is only negative if you choose to not make up your págames.

Homework & Daily work

 You earn credit for having homework done to the best of your ability and on time.  Possible homework assignments you may see include: o Write today’s story o Draw today’s story o Retell today’s story to a parent or read a story to a parent o Reading  Daily work includes any non-test grade. There will be a variety of different types of daily work that go into your Homework and Daily Work grade: o Speed writes: you write for 5 minutes without editing or picking up your writing utensil. You will be graded a point per word o Free Writes: You will write for 10 minutes. You can stop, edit and ask questions o In-class projects o Story retells

Quiz and test grades The quizzes are usually UNANNOUNCED. I will not announce them because cramming for a test the night before does not produce long-term memory. Tardy policy

You must be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. Walking through the door as the bell rings is a tardy. If you are late you must have a pass or be counted tardy. 3rd tardy = afterschool detention. On your 4th tardy you will be referred to the office.

Use of Class time and Leaving the Classroom The entire 47 or 90 minutes of class must be used solely for Spanish. Please make every effort to use the restroom before or after class, but if you really need to go during class, there will sometimes be a short two to three minute break in the middle of class. I will limit the trips during the break to two students. The benefits of this break are:  You get a brain break  You have the opportunity to talk and get to know somebody you may not know very well, building a community in our class  If you really need to use the restroom you can In order to leave during the break to go to the restroom, you will need to fill out the pass in your agenda and have Señor Ljevaja sign it. If you begin to abuse the bathroom break policy by intentionally going everyday or taking longer than needed just to get out of class, you will lose your privilege to get a hall pass.

Being Successful I want every student in my class to be successful. Because of that, I am available during class time and outside of school if you ever need help with anything. If you ever need to contact me outside of school you can email me at [email protected] CLASSROOM RULES 1. Listen with the intent to understand 2. No eating or drinking in class 3. Students are not allowed behind my desk 4. Cell-phones are not to be visible or in use without permission 5. No talking while I or classmate is talking 6. Keep your hands to yourself 7. Pick up and clean up after yourself

My behavior expectations for you are very high. It is important that you respect and follow the classroom rules and procedures on a daily basis.

IF YOU CHOOSE TO BREAK A RULE (classroom rules and school rules) If you choose to break a rule or show disrespect for me, the class, the rules or procedures:

1st offense – A verbal warning and conference with me after class 2nd offense –Lunch or afterschool detention 3rd offense –Lunch or afterschool detention and a phone call home 4th offense – Office referral

Severe Clause: Any student who fights or damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.

REWARDS AND INCENTIVES It is important to have a positive, comfortable learning environment. Students will be rewarded for several things in class, such as: having a positive attitude, being polite, following the classroom rules, and procedures. The incentives are as follows: o School Compliment Cards o Positive phone calls home o Earn good grades o Preferred Activity Time o Other incentives may be available on occasion. For example, a winning team may be given extra credit on a quiz or test.

Preferred Activity Time (P.A.T.)

When everybody in class does everything they are supposed to do: following the rules, procedures, etc. you can possibly earn the chance to have Preferred Activity Time. If your class has earned Preferred Activity Time, then on some Fridays, for part of the period or the entire period, the class can decide on an activity from a list of possible activities. These activities can vary from games or any other fun activity that has to do with Spanish. However, to earn P.A.T. it is very important that EVERYBODY in class follows the rules and procedures and is respectful in class. Dear parents:

I am thrilled to have your child in Spanish class this year! We are going to work hard, but we will have fun doing so. I am committed to helping your child succeed, and I want you to know that I have an open-door policy for both them and you. There are many different ways to be able to contact me if you ever have any questions, comments or concerns.

This Spanish class is different from many foreign language classes. There is a rationale behind almost everything I do, from my classroom rules to the activities we do in class. The American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages, as well as the revised Foreign Language Standards in Ohio, state that my students and I must speak the target language, Spanish, around 90% of the time in class. Being novice learners, the emphasis in this class will be on listening and reading as we acquire language through input (listening and reading). I will often be telling my students this year that “we learn to speak by listening, we learn to write by reading, and we learn to think by writing”. That quote sums up why we do so much listening and reading in this class.

Please read over this course packet with the grading policy, classroom procedures and rules. If you and your child sign the discipline plan and fill out the form and I receive it by August 31st, he or she will receive two extra credit points. If you have any questions about the information in this packet do not hesitate to contact me.

If you think you ever may be curious about what we are doing in class or you want to learn a little bit of Spanish, let me know if you would ever be interested in sitting in on a class so that we can arrange a day.

Please call or email me anytime at the information provided below.

Respectfully yours,

Señor Ljevaja Phone: 330-491-3800 ext. 3409 Email: [email protected]

------STUDENTS: I have read the classroom discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it while in room D109. Name ______Date ______

PARENTS: My child has discussed the discipline plan with me. I understand it and will support it.

Signature ______Date ______Phone number(s) ______Email ______Are you interested in sitting in on a class? Yes: ______No ______

TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering the discipline plan for room D109. Signature ______

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