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Nter Name of Your COLLEGE Or UNIVERSITY Here

[Enter name of your COLLEGE or UNIVERSITY here.]


[Enter college catalogue code here. EX: PSYC 1]

[Enter course name here. EX: Introduction to Psychology]

INSTRUCTOR: [Type instructor's name here.]

TERM: [Type season & year here.]

Course Description

This course is designed to…

Learning Objectives

Upon completing Introduction to this course, students will be able to:

 [Type Learning Objective/Outcome #1 of the course here.]  [Type Learning Objective/Outcome #2 of the course here.]  [Type Learning Objective/Outcome #3 of the course here.]

Required Materials

 Text: [Include Text Package ISBN]

 Online Ressources: [Enter Pearson Technology names & URLs]

 Course Web Site: [Pearson Custom URL]


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Learning levels and possible assignments:

 Basic Level Assignments (Recall)—These assignments measure basic subject comprehension from reading and lecture. o Study Plan assessments o Practice Tests o Multiple Choice and True/False Tests  Mid Level Assignments (Application)—These assignments require students to apply content from their assigned reading, lectures and class discussion to relevant situations, enabling learning to become ingrained on the experiential level. o Class Discussion o Group Presentations o Service Learning  High Level Assignments (Critical Thinking)—These assignments require students to generate new ideas base on assigned reading, lectures, class discussion and direct experience. o Discussion Board o Journal Writing o Essays o Research/Term Papers

Type of Assignment Description/Task Points Assignment Name Possible Recall Introduction Introduce yourself on the Introduction 20 points Discussion Board and post your picture. Grammar Do the comprehensive grammar 30 points Diagnostics diagnostic set in MyPearsonCafé—submit summary Study Plans You are required to complete 3 study 50 points plans for chapters designated below. You each must complete both the pre and post tests. (Total of 150 Only the post test score will be counted in points) your cumulative grade. Exams You will take a mid –term and final exam 100 points during the semester (multiple choice, each true/false formats). (Total of 200 points) Application Group You will be assigned to a group in class 100 points Presentations and required to present on two specific (50 points topics during the semester. One each) presentation must include original research. Service Learning: Your group will help a community service 200 points “Pay It Forward” organization by contributing something (50 for unique. You will present your experience proposal & as your final. 80 for presentation) Critical Discussion Board: You are required to participate in the class 100 points Thinking “The Giving Tree” discussion board four times throughout the (25 points semester. each) Reflection Journal Choose four articles to read and write a 100 points reflection including elements from your (25 points reading, class discussion and your own each) interpretation of the subject. Term Paper: Choose an artistic object or event to 100 points “Sociology of Arts review from a sociological perspective. (Rough & Humanities” Draft: 30 points, Tutor’s Comments: 30 points, Final Draft: 40 points)

 Total Points Possible: 800 o A= 720-800 pts./90-100% o B= 640-719 pts./80-89% o C= 560-639 pts./70-79% o D= 480-559 pts./60-69% o F= Below 480 pts/60%


Grade Content, Focus, Analysis and Critical Writing Style, Grammar, APA Use of Thinking Format (when assigned) Text/Research % 50% 30% 20% 90-100% Response Response exhibits strong Sentences are clear, concise, and successfully higher-order critical direct; tone is appropriate. answers the thinking and analysis Grammatical skills are strong with assignment (e.g., evaluation). almost no errors per page. Correct question(s); use of APA format when thoroughly uses the assigned. text and other literature. 80-89% Response answers Response generally Sentences are generally clear, the assignment exhibits higher-order concise, and direct; tone is question(s) with critical thinking and appropriate. Grammatical skills only minor analysis (e.g. true are competent with very few digressions; analysis). errors per page. Correct use of sufficiently uses the APA format when assigned. text and other literature.

70-79% Response answers Response exhibits limited Sentences are occasionally wordy the project higher-order critical or ambiguous; tone is too assignment(s) with thinking and analysis (e.g. informal. Grammatical skills are some digression; application of adequate with few errors per sufficiently uses the information). page. Adequate use of APA text and other format when assigned. literature.

60-69% Response answers Response exhibits Sentences are generally wordy the assignment simplistic or reductive and/or ambiguous; tone is too question(s) but thinking and analysis but informal. Grammatical skills are digresses does demonstrate inadequate, clarity and meaning significantly; comprehension. are impaired, numerous errors per insufficiently uses page. Inadequate use of APA the text and other format when assigned. literature.

0-59% Response Response exhibits Sentences unclear enough to insufficiently simplistic or reductive impair meaning; tone is answers the thinking and analysis and inappropriate and/or inconsistent. assignment demonstrates limited Grammatical skills are inadequate question(s); knowledge on the subject for college level. Unacceptable insufficiently uses matter. use of APA format when the text and other assigned. literature.

 Alternate/Extra Credit:  IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS:

Assignment Descriptions

Assignment Worksheets: Course Schedule

 Week #1 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #2 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #3 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #4 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #5 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #6 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:  Week #7 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #8 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #9 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #10 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #11 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #12 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:  Week #13 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #14 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 Week #15 (MM/DD/YY): Topic: o Reading: o Discussion: o Activity: o Assignment:

 FINAL: Student Rights and Responsibilities

Academic dishonesty defrauds all those who depend upon the integrity of the College, its courses, and its degrees and certificates, and therefore there is zero tolerance. Any questions regarding this matter, please refer to the Academic Dishonesty Policy on the Ohlone website. (Copies are available in the office of the Vice President, Educational Services/Deputy Superintendent)

The student has the right and shares the responsibility to exercise the freedom to learn.

The student is expected to engage in conduct in accordance with standards of the College that are designed to perpetuate its educational purposes. These procedures, along with applicable penalties for violation, are found in the Standards of Student Conduct and Discipline and Due Process Procedures. (Copies are available in the offices of the Vice President, Educational Services/Deputy Superintendent or Division Deans)

The student has the responsibility to be informed of all dates & policies pertaining to:

 Course Registration  Add, Drop and Withdrawal from a class  Exams  Instructor Office Hours  Attendance  Credit/No Credit grading preference (if applicable)


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