01/02/12 Today S Reading Is from the Holy Bible, Sirach 6:5

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01/02/12 Today S Reading Is from the Holy Bible, Sirach 6:5

01/02/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Sirach 6:5

A gentle word makes many friends, an agreeable tongue calls forth gracious replies.

Today’s question: Given the option to do otherwise today; can you be gentle with another person?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/03/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Upanishads, Kena 4:4

…with regard to the gods: It is like a flash of lightning; it is like a wink of the eye.

Today’s reflection: Our encounters with spirit are often very brief moments, but somehow sustain us through times that are challenging. Let one of your moments of “spirit” sustain you, and dictate your actions with others.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/06/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Matthew 23:8

But you, do not let yourselves be called Master because you have only one Master, and all of you are brothers and sisters.

Today’s reflection & question: We can debate at length the existence of a “Master” but what about the second part of this scripture that says “you are all brothers and sisters”? How will you treat your brothers and sisters today?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/07/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Guru Granth 1113:226

You shall find the joy and the beauty of the Lord's Love and Affection; the Lord Himself shall shower you with His Grace.

Today’s reflection and question: We have all been blessed with moments of love and affection in our lives. What moments can you think of that you would call moments of grace and how can those help you throughout your day today?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/08/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Isaiah 40:8. Though the grass withers and the flower wilts, the word of our God stands forever.

Today’s reflection and question: Even as we work to meet our material needs, something calls us to a greater reality. What can you do today to restore the balance between passing concerns and your deepest, truest self?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/09/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bhagavad Gita 9:6

Understand that as the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, rests always in the sky, all created beings rest in Me.

Today’s reflection and question: We are each part of some greater unit; our family, a city, a country, the earth, etc. How will you respond to the greatness of all of life today? Perhaps the answer is that you can hold a sacred space just for yourself.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/10/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Proverbs 22:1.

A good name is more desirable than great riches, and high esteem, than gold and silver.

Today’s reflection: Sometimes we take for granted that others know the high regard we have for them. Take time today to let another know how much you appreciate them.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/13/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Qur’an 56:91

For him is the salutation, "Peace be unto thee", from the Companions of the Right Hand.

Today’s reflection & question: Peace is an offering to others we don’t often use in daily life. Where can you find the opportunity to extend peace to another person and even maybe be an example of peace?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/1 4/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Psalm 52:10. But I, like a green olive tree in the house of God, trust in the kindness of God forever and ever.

Today’s reflection: Trust grows when we find a home and put down roots. Even in times of drought we have the opportunity to be fully alive, because our roots are things that matter the most; they connect and feed us and grow deep.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/15/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Dhammapada 098

Calm is one's thought, calm one's speech and calm one's deed, who, truly knowing, is wholly freed, perfectly tranquil, and wise.

Today’s reflection: Sometimes we have people cross our paths who possess a great sense of calm. Try and center yourself today in a similar place or state of calm, then try and remain there—and see where your day takes you!

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/16/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Hebrews 11:1.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Today’s reflection: Each of us has the ability to increase the faith of those around us, by being an example of goodness and love. Use your awareness today to catch yourself when you are not evidence of goodness and love.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/17/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Upanishads, Prasna 1:7

That sun rises every day--the sun, which is the soul of all creatures, the soul of all forms, which is life and fire.

Today’s question: As the sun nourishes us and all life in many ways, how can you let it nourish you in some extra-special way today?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/20/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Proverbs 29:18.

Where there is no vision, the people perish.

Today’s reflection: It is hard to move forward when we are unsure of where we are going. Sometimes we need to take time to examine our hopes and dreams, to consult our inner wisdom and the wisdom of others in order to grow - and at times, revise our dreams and plans.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/21/14 Today’s reading if from the Holy Guru Granth 1175:402

Tranquility is not found by strict self-discipline.

Today’s reflection & question: There is often the need in our lives for help from something or someone outside of ourselves. When do you look for help from outside yourself, and when are you content just to use your own self-discipline?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/22/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Proverbs 15:1.

A mild answer calms wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Today’s reflection: By its very nature, healthcare can be stressful. Staying calm when others are stressed gives them a chance to steady themselves and gives us a chance to see how we might be helpful.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/23/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bhagavad Gita 18:64

Hear again My supreme word, the most secret of all. You are very dear to Me; therefore, I shall tell this for your benefit.

Today’s reflection: Each of us is a unique person while being part of larger communities of family, work and geographic communities. Strive to make a contribution to each of your communities today!

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/24/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Psalm 27:14.

Wait for the Lord with courage. Be stouthearted and wait for the Lord!

Today’s reflection: There is something wonderfully appealing about people who are stouthearted; especially those who do so while waiting. Notice today when your heart is fully committed to something or someone and pause a moment to give your heart thanks.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day. 01/27/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Qur’an 34:40

One day He will gather them all together, and say to the angels, “Was it you that these men used to worship?”

Today’s reflection & question: Sometimes we need hindsight to recognize people in our lives as having angelic behavior or quality. Who might you recognize at the end of your day today as an angel; if not for yourself perhaps for another person?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/28/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Wisdom 4:7

The upright, even if he dies before his time, will be at rest. Honorable age does not depend on length of days or the number of years.

Today’s reflection: The value of our lives is often a measure of the quality not the quantity. So in living your own truth, live it fully, and find the gem, a precious pearl, or a diamond in every moment you can!

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/29/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Dhammapada 325

If for company you find a wise and prudent friend, one who leads a good life, you should overcome all impediments and keep this person's company, joyously and mindfully.

Today’s reflection: Look for the company of a person today with any of these qualities: wise, prudent, or good; and try to take in their example on your own walk.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

01/30/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Mark 14:36

Yet not what I want, but what you want.

Today’s reflection & question: Sometimes our lives are all about being “in control” and even getting our own way. How can you surrender to the day and its events and still remain in a place of peace and openness?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day. 01/31/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Dhammapada 204

But happy is association with the wise, like meeting one's own kin.

Today’s reflection: Often we meet another person who is wise beyond their years or maybe a model for our own behavior. See who enters your path today that might serve as a model of wisdom for you!

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/03/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, John 6:63

It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh cannot help. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.

Today’s reflection: Some of us have had experiences we would consider those “of spirit”. Other times we forget these experiences or, more importantly, the power of them. Hold on today to your experience of spirit!

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/04/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Upanishads, Mundaka 2:9

Children, immersed in ignorance in various ways, flatter themselves, saying: We have accomplished life's purpose.

Today’s reflection: Children although they are limited in the amount of life experience they have had, can teach us many things about being in the present moment. Renew your own spirit today and look at life with your adult wisdom, but through the wonder of a child’s eyes.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/05/142 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Psalm 71:21

You will restore me and comfort me again.

Today’s reflection & question: Often we seek healing and comfort when we are ill or in distress of some kind. Can you be open to healing in whatever form it takes; perhaps physical, emotional or spiritual healing?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/06/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Jeremiah 23:4 I will appoint shepherds who will take care of them. No longer will they fear or be terrified. No one will be lost.

Today’s reflection & question: We often are asked by others to directly or indirectly be a companion to them. How can you today, assist another from being or feeling lost?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/07/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Guru Granth 1033:1828

Deep within the nucleus of their hearts, they worship and adore the Lord's Name; there is nothing else at all for them.

Today’s reflection & question: In our hearts is the ability to connect with everything and everyone in a profound and basic manner. What determines what is in your heart, and how do others view what they see of you?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/10/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Job 9:11

He passes by, but I do not see him; he moves on, but I do not notice him. If he snatches away, who can stop him?

Today’s reflection & question: Sometimes we miss things that might otherwise be called holy moments. Sometimes we see each and every moment as holy and full of life. What will you see today, as holy or a moment that you might say is spirit-filled?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/11/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bhagavad Gita 10:11

To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.

Today’s question: What determines the difference for you between knowledge and ignorance, and can you allow others to have different knowledge than you but still connect with them in a very deliberate heartfelt way?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day. 02/12/14 Tomorrow is World Day of the Sick. This day is set aside to honor and respect those who are sick, hold them in prayer, as well as recognize the part all caregivers have in helping the sick.

Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Psalm 23:4

Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me.

Today’s reflection: We can choose to live our lives and our challenges holding on to hope and faith, while still being involved in the challenges of others. Try and take a bit of another’s challenge just for today, and see how it feels to “walk in those shoes”.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/13/ 14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Matthew 7:13

Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many go that way.

Today’s question: What defines your choices in your spirit-filled life? Do you take the path formed only by others? Or stated another way: How is your path unique to and for you?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/14/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Qur’an, 49:13

O mankind. We created you from a single pair of male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other, not that you may despise each other.

Today’s reflection: We were each created by love. This scripture challenges us to love those different from us, just as we would love those most like us. Try and extend yourself to someone unlike yourself today, and give both of you an opportunity to grow!

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/17/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Psalm 101:1 I look to the faithful of the land; they alone can be my companions.

Today’s reflection and question: Our companions can be an enormous influence on our feelings and actions. To whom do you look to lift your spirits and inspire you to do your best?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/18/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Dhammapada, 211

People hold dear one who embodies virtue and insight, who is principled, has realized the Truth, and who does what one ought to be doing.

Today’s reflection: This scripture might challenge us to look at how we form our actions, based on circumstances that cross our path. Let your inner voice, the voice of love, dictate your actions.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/19/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Ephesians 4:25

Therefore, putting away falsehood, speak the truth, each one to his neighbor, for we are members of one body.

Today’s reflection: Sometimes we are afraid to speak the truth. We may gain courage if we shift our attention from the truth we wish to speak to the goals we share with another person and the common good we can achieve.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/20/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bhagavad Gita, 5:24

One whose happiness is within, who is active and rejoices within, and whose aim is inward, is actually the perfect mystic.

Today’s reflection: Try and keep your focus inward throughout your day today, finding your true spirit, allowing others to see you as a unique child of creation.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/21/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Upanishads, Prasna 1:7

That sun rises every day--the sun, which is the soul of all creatures, the soul of all forms, which is life and fire. Today’s question: What part will the regularity and beauty of the sunrise play in your day today? Can you let the light in, and then be the light for others?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/24/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Psalm 37:5-6.

Commit your way to the Lord; trust that God will act and make your integrity shine like the dawn, your justice like noonday.

Today’s question and reflection: Can you think of a time when you did the right thing, perhaps when it was awkward or difficult? In that moment your integrity shone through and your spirit was a spirit of love.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/25/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Guru Granth, 985:43

The cloth of the body may be torn to shreds, but still, this beautiful color of the Lord's Love does not fade away.

Today’s reflection: There are some things in our lives that we experience which touch our hearts which are not PHYSICAL in nature. They are often the things which relate to our spirit, faith or love. Seek things for your spirit today and experience life in all its fullness!

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/26/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Psalm 37:23-24

Those whose steps are guided by the Lord, whose way God approves, may stumble, but they will never fall, for the Lord holds their hand.

Today’s reflection: When we set off in a new direction, especially when the road is unfamiliar, we may find our path challenging. Be on the lookout today for someone who is taking that risk, and be ready with a helping hand.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/27/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Qur’an, 76:12

And because they were patient and constant, He will reward them with a garden and garments of silk. Today’s reflection & question: We are often tested with things that try our patience. Can you ride the tide of something testing you and by doing small things sacredly; find renewed zest for your own life?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

02/28/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, James 1:19

Know this, my dear brothers: everyone should be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of a man does not accomplish the righteousness of God.

Today’s reflection: Sometimes the best way to be an instrument of peace is simply to listen. Pause today whenever you can, to see what gifts you are in the presence of.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/03/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Dhammapada, 102

Better than a thousand useless words is one useful word, hearing which one attains peace.

Today’s reflection: This scripture speaks for itself in terms of recommending we keep our words simple. If we add keeping our actions heartfelt, we surely increase our chances of being at peace and holding that place.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/04/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Luke 9:24

For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.

Today’s reflection and question: When we relinquish control and when we live for something greater than ourselves, we paradoxically become more free and more fulfilled as individuals. In what small way today can you practice losing your life?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/05/14 Today is Ash Wednesday.

Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Romans 2:21

Well, then, you who teach others, why don’t you teach yourself? Today’s reflection: Ash Wednesday is celebrated as a day of prayer and repentance by many Christians. Think prayerfully today about the ways you might improve on your life and your relationships with others.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/06/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bhagavad Gita, 12:12

If you cannot take to this practice, then engage yourself in the cultivation of knowledge. Better than knowledge, however, is meditation.

Today’s reflection: We often obtain knowledge through life experiences that touch our hearts. Perhaps taking those experiences into a quiet meditation, even if it is only for a few moments, will enhance your day and your spirit.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/07/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Matthew 11:28

Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.

Today’s reflection and question: There is an inner restfulness that can come to us even when we are extremely busy. Where do you go and to whom do you turn to find that peace of mind?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/10/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Upanishads, Prasna 1:2

Then you may ask questions according to your desire. If we know, we shall tell you all.

Today’s question: Knowledge or experience that you have is not always the same as another person’s. Can you somehow accompany others today by just being present; trusting that they are walking this day, this part of their journey, for the first time?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/11/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Isaiah 12:1 Although you have been angry with me, your anger has been appeased and you have consoled me.

Today’s reflection: When we are centered in love we are able to look past our own anger in tough situations, to see that love really is the best answer in the long run.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/12/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Guru Granth, 991:83

If You wish to drink, then I shall get water for You; if You wish to eat, I shall grind the corn for You.

Today’s reflection & question: Sometimes what is asked of us is rather simple and easy. Other times it seems these same things are huge! Observe which tasks are easy or simple for you and which ones are difficult or involved and then ask yourself…why?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/13/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Proverbs 24:3

With wisdom a house is built. It is strengthened by prudence. Its granaries are filled by knowledge, with all that is good, precious and desirable.

Today’s reflection & question: With wisdom comes the ability to discern the things that matter the most in our lives. What things will you give your attention to today? Try and choose from those things you consider the most precious.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/14/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Qur’an, 98:7

Those who have faith and do righteous deeds, they are the best of creatures.

Today’s reflection: Today you will likely have opportunities to have faith and do what is right. See if you can remain present to those opportunities and live lovingly, for the benefit of all.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/17/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Isaiah 6:9

“Go and tell this people: Much as you hear, you do not understand; much as you see, you do not perceive.” Today’s question: Can you somehow increase your understanding and perception of another’s situation or challenge today, and see it from their perspective?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/18/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Isaiah 32:15

When at last the spirit is poured on us from on high, then will the desert become a garden, and this garden will be free as a fallow land.

Today’s reflection: When we receive gifts of a spiritual nature we often are able to keep many of life’s challenges in perspective. Remember gifts you receive, maybe today, maybe yesterday, and see what they provide for you!

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/19/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Dhammapada, 186

People, driven by fear, go for refuge to many places--to hills, woods, groves, trees and shrines.

Today’s reflection & question: Being frightened sends us to different physical places but may cause us to do some internal reflection or prayer. What happens to you when you are frightened and where do you go?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/20/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bhagavad Gita, 15:15

I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness.

Today’s reflection: If we make a list of those things that matter most in our lives, often the list contains things related to the remembrance or knowledge or forgetfulness of love. Open your heart to today’s wisdom and let love in, in whatever form it takes.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/21/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Ruth 1:16

Do not ask me to abandon or forsake you! For wherever you go I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge, your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Today’s reflection and question: The virtue of loyalty is a great force for good. How can you become more loyal to the things that matter most to you?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/24/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Qur’an 39:34

They shall have all that they wish for, in the presence of their Lord: such is the reward of those who do good

Today’s reflection: Often when we do something good for another person, we receive something much greater than whatever we gave. Give and receive in the name of love today.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/25/14Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Psalm 89:2

The promises of the Lord I will sing forever, proclaim your loyalty through all ages.

Today’s reflection: The gift of song is one way to tap into our inner reservoir of peace and joy. May you find moments today to burst into song.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/26/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Upanishads, Taittiriya 1:3:3

Next, with regard to knowledge: The teacher is the first form, the pupil is the second form, knowledge is the union, and the recitation is the medium.

Today’s reflection & question: Sometimes we are teachers and other times we are students. Can you use opportunities to be both teacher and student today and learn more about yourself and others in the process?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/27/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Galatians 6:9

Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up.

Today’s reflection: Sometimes we can become overwhelmed by all the good that needs to be done. Let us not lose faith and hope in small steps, and in the good that comes from performing each small task with attention and love. May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/28/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Guru Granth, 993:173

What other efforts can anyone make, when You bestow Your blessing?

Today’s reflection: We each have our own gifts to give to others. Give only blessings to others today, and see if the light within that person shines brighter!

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

03/31/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Isaiah 50:4

The Lord has given me a well-trained tongue, that I may know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them. Morning after morning he opens my ear that I may hear.

Today’s reflection: In order to be able to speak words of comfort, we first need to be able to hear what another person is saying. Keep your ears open today for opportunities to offer hope and encouragement.

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

3/31/12Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, John 13:14-15

If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.

Today’s reflection and question: A powerful person is often cited in leadership as one who serves with humility. Do you have a model of a servant leader; or perhaps…you yourself can me a great model?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

4/1/14 Today’s reading is from the Holy Qur’an; 27:19 "My Lord, direct me to be appreciative of the blessings You have bestowed upon me and my parents, and to do the righteous works that please You. Admit me by Your mercy into the company of Your righteous servants."

Today’s reflection & question: Our days are full of challenges that often take us out of the present moment and into a place where we spend a lot of time on what we don’t have. What do you do to account for and then acknowledge to others, YOUR blessings?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

Today is Good Friday. Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Psalm 31:17,25

Let your face shine upon your servant; save me in your kindness. Take courage and be stouthearted, all you who hope in the Lord.

Today’s reflection and question: On Good Friday we remember the death of Jesus; and many of us can also identify with personal loss in our own lives. When you experience loss in your own life, how do you move to a place of courage or even hope?

May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.

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