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Anatomy & Physiology One Year
Instructor: Email address: Date: 2006-2007
Text: Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology by Elaine N. Marieb Copyright 2006 Eighth Edition
Course Description: This course will emphasize the structure and function of the human body systems. The following topics will provide the foundation for the study of the body systems: levels of organization, life functions, and anatomical terminology. The main body systems that will be covered are: integument, skeletal, muscular, nervous and special senses, cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive. Diseases related to each body system and healthy choices will be incorporated into the course.
Course Outcomes: By the end of the course, the students will be able to: 1. understand basic scientific concepts and principles. 2. apply problem-solving techniques to everyday living situations. 3. develop an awareness of current scientific issues. 4. demonstrate safe laboratory techniques and competence in the use of laboratory materials and equipment. 5. use scientific communication skills such as reporting, graphing, summarizing, and analyzing. 6. show an overall knowledge of the human body systems and their functions. 7. demonstrate an appreciation for the human body by becoming aware of healthy life styles.
Major Course Assessments: 1. Written tests 5. Project work 2. Laboratory reports 6. Effort and attitude 3. Homework 7. Attendance 4. Small group activities 8. Adherence to laboratory safety rules Course Topics: NOTE: Diseases for each body system may be covered at the teacher’s discretion as time permits
First Nine Weeks *TEXTS: Chapters listed in the curriculum map correspond to the texts listed below. 1. Levels of Organization/Life Functions 2 weeks (The text should be chosen that is consistent with the student’s ability and background knowledge of anatomy.) 2. Anatomical Terminology and Directions 3 weeks 3. Integumentary System 2 weeks Texts referenced in this curriculum map: 4. Skeletal System 2 weeks Human Anatomy & Physiology (NOTE: chapters corresponding to this text Second Nine Weeks by Elaine Marieb are listed first and in bold type in the 1. Muscular System 2 weeks Pearson Education, Inc. curriculum map). 2. Nervous System 4 weeks © 2006 3. Senses 3 weeks Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology Third Nine Weeks by Frederic H. Martini 1. Endocrine System 3 weeks Pearson Education, Inc. 2. Blood 2 weeks © 2006 3. Circulatory System 4 weeks
Fourth Nine Weeks Additional suggested references: 1. Lymphatic System 2 weeks 1. Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual 2. Respiratory System 2 weeks 2. Anatomy Coloring Book 3. Digestive System 2 weeks 4. Urinary System 2 weeks 5. Reproductive Systems 1 week ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Science as Conceptual Illustrate with examples: The Science as Inquiry Inquiry assessment will be Mullis, I.V.S., Martin, M.O., Smith, T. A., PA Standards: 3.1.10 A-E; Inquiry:ESSENTIAL A Understanding:KEY SupportBUILDING or clarify BLOCK buildingAPPLICATION/ blocks should be includedASSESSMENT with the Garden,TEXT R.A.,& RESOURCES Gregory, K.D., Gonzalez, E.J., 3.2.10.A-DPA STANDARDS & LEARNINGprocess of logic CONCEPTrequires the student statements of integratedLABORATORY into each applicable lab/activity. Chrostowski, S.J., O’Conner, K.M. (2001). PAANCHORS Anchors: S11.A.1.1; that includes to extract and use facts/concepts with lab/activity where TIMMS Trends in Mathematics and Science S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; verification of scientific appropriate examples; applicable. Study: Assessment Frameworks and S11.B.3.2 answers to information and identify or provide specific Specifications 2003. The International Study questions about use/apply examples to illustrate Center, Lynch School of Education, Boston and explanations understanding of knowledge of general College. for natural objects, science concepts/ concepts. events, or principles to find phenomena solutions and develop explanations.
PA Standards: 3.1.10 A-E;
- Compare/Contrast/ u e u u t J n 3.2.10.A-D g A s Classify: Identify or describe similarities and PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; differences between groups S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; of organisms, materials, or S11.B.3.2 processes; distinguish, classify, or order individual objects, materials, organisms, and processes based on characteristics and properties.
ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Science as Conceptual Represent/Model: The Science as Inquiry Inquiry assessment will be Mullis, I.V.S., Martin, M.O., Smith, T. A., PA Standards: 3.1.10 A-E; Inquiry Understanding Use/draw diagrams and/or building blocks should be included with the Garden, R.A., Gregory, K.D., Gonzalez, E.J., 3.2.10.A-D (continued) (continued) models to demonstrate integrated into each applicable lab/activity. Chrostowski, S.J., O’Conner, K.M. (2001). PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; understanding of science lab/activity where TIMMS Trends in Mathematics and Science S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; concepts, structures, applicable. Study: Assessment Frameworks and S11.B.3.2 ESSENTIAL KEY relationships,BUILDING processes, BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT SpecificationsTEXT & RESOURCES 2003. The International Study PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT and biological/physical LABORATORY Center, Lynch School of Education, Boston ANCHORS systems and cycles (e.g., College. food webs, water cycle, mitosis, cells). Relate: Relate knowledge PA Standards: 3.1.10 A-E; of underlying 3.2.10.A-D biological/physical PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1;
- S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; u e u u concepts to the observed or t J n g A s S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; inferred properties / S11.B.3.2 behaviors/ uses of objects, organisms, and materials. Extract/ Apply PA Standards: 3.1.10 A-E; Information: 3.2.10.A-D Identify/extract/apply PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; relevant textual, tabular, or S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; graphical information in S11.B.3.2 light of science concepts/ principles.
ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Au gu st - Ju ne (continued) Inquiry Science as (continued) Inquiry Science as solutions. and evaluate their analyticaltechniques relationships,and formulas, appropriate equations, select and the apply for solving; problem and strategiesexplain and devisegraphs; interpret/use diagrams are involved; underlying principles determine what analyzea to problem requiredmay be to to science. Students complex relatedtasks in of more all the Analysis Reasoning and continued Understanding Conceptual : is involved
investigations. useconducting in procedures measurements/ to decisionsabout makerelationships; effect controlledandcause-and- to measured variables be and ofinvestigations terms in ofwell-designed characteristics the recognize hypotheses; describe/ or questions testing for scientific answering investigations appropriate Design/Plan: orprinciple, theory. law, underlying science concept, theunderstanding of demonstrating phenomena, naturalobservations or explanations for identify reasons/ Explain: demonstration of concepts. direct application/ solutions involving the orqualitative quantitative toand formulas find relationships, equations, Identify/use science Find Solutions: COURSE #4590 COURSE Provide or Provide or Design/plan applicable. where lab/activity intointegrated each building be blocks should The Science asInquiryScience Anatomy & PhysiologyAnatomy
ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICTERIE SCHOOL applicable lab/activity.applicable included the with Inquiry will assessment be CURRICULUM MAP College. Boston Lynch ofCenter, School Education, 2003. Specifications Assessment and Study: Frameworks in Trends andScience TIMMS Mathematics (2001). S.J.,Chrostowski, K.M. O’Conner, Gregory, R.A., E.J., K.D., Gonzalez, Garden, Martin, M.O.,Mullis, Smith,T.A., I.V.S., The International Study International The S11.B.3.2 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; Anchors: S11.A.1.1;PA 3.2.10.A-D Standards: A-E; PA 3.1.10 S11.B.3.2 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; Anchors: S11.A.1.1;PA 3.2.10.A-D Standards: A-E; PA 3.1.10 S11.B.3.2 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; Anchors: S11.A.1.1;PA 3.2.10.A-D Standards: A-E; PA 3.1.10 Au gu st - Ju ne (continued) Inquiry Science as LEARNING ESSENTIAL continued Analysis Reasoning and CONCEPT KEY : : data given or information. interpolate/extrapolatefrom solutions scienceto problems. summarize data trends, and concepts/proceduresin the patterns data,in describe/ integrate mathematical draw detectconclusions; the of domains science; derived values to necessary concepts and across themes /techniques datato to obtain understanding unified of mathematicalcomputations science; demonstrate appropriate areas of and scales; select/apply between concepts different in appropriate format,labeling, associations/connections graphs,and diagrams using related concepts; make scientific data tables,charts,in number different of factors or devices/ scales; represent require consideration a of procedures,and measurement solutions problems to that apparatus,equipment, tools, Integrate/Synthesis: appropriate applications of measurements,solve problems.demonstrating systematic reasoning observations processes to and used Data ofand inductive deductive give Collect/Analyze/Interpretsolve evidenceproblems; graphics visualizeto and/or understanding. interpret/use diagrams and evidenceand scientific solving strategies; physical in of conditions light develop/explainproblem- of in changes biological or problem-solving steps; predictions theabout effects relationships,concepts, and understanding; make theto relevant determine information conceptualand Problems: and/or of analysis scientific Analyze/Interpret/ Solve knowledge observationfrom testable cause assumptionsand using effect. formulate demonstrate hypothesesunderstanding of as answeredquestions/ investigation; hypotheses, by and questions conclusions canaddressthat be or concepts; to observationdraw formulate appropriate information understanding scienceexperiencefromof scienceof concepts evidence withand/or of Combine valid knowledge inferences the on basis Hypothesize/Predict: Draw Conclusions: BUILDING BLOCK Make and Make record COURSE #4590 COURSE Analyze problems Analyze Make Make Provide building be blocks should The LABORATORY APPLICATION/ applicable. where lab/activity intointegrated each Science asInquiryScience Anatomy & PhysiologyAnatomy
included the with Inquiry will assessment be ASSESSMENT applicable lab/activity.applicable CURRICULUM MAP College. Boston Lynch ofCenter, School Education, 2003. Specifications Assessment and Study: Frameworks in Trends andScience TIMMS Mathematics (2001). S.J.,Chrostowski, K.M. O’Conner, Gregory, R.A., E.J., K.D., Gonzalez, Garden, Martin, M.O.,Mullis, Smith,T.A., I.V.S., &RESOURCESTEXT The International Study International The
Au S11.B.3.2 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; Anchors: S11.A.1.1;PA 3.2.10.A-D S11.B.3.2 Standards: A-E; PA 3.1.10 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; Anchors: S11.A.1.1;PA 3.2.10.A-D Standards: A-E; PA 3.1.10 S11.B.3.2 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; Anchors: S11.A.1.1;PA 3.2.10.A-D Standards: A-E; PA 3.1.10 S11.B.3.2 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; Anchors: S11.A.1.1;PA 3.2.10.A-D Standards: A-E; PA 3.1.10 ANCHORS PA STANDARDS& gu st - Ju ne DISTRICT SCHOOL ERIE Au gu st - Ju ne COURSE #4590 COURSE Anatomy & PhysiologyAnatomy ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICTERIE SCHOOL CURRICULUM MAP ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS Science as Reasoning and Generalize Make/evaluate The Science as Inquiry Inquiry assessment will be Mullis, I.V.S., Martin, M.O., Smith, T. A., PA Standards: 3.1.10 A-E; Inquiry Analysis: general conclusions that go building blocks should be included with the Garden, R.A., Gregory, K.D., Gonzalez, E.J., 3.2.10.A-D (continued) continued beyond the experimental or integrated into each applicable lab/activity. Chrostowski, S.J., O’Conner, K.M. (2001). PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; given conditions, and apply lab/activity where TIMMS Trends in Mathematics and Science S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; conclusions to new situations; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; determine general formulas applicable. Study: Assessment Frameworks and S11.B.3.2 for expressing physical Specifications 2003. The International Study relationships. Center, Lynch School of Education, Boston Evaluate Weigh advantages College. PA Standards: 3.1.10 A-E; and disadvantages to make 3.2.10.A-D decisions about alternative PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1;
- processes, materials, and S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; u
e u u t J n g A s sources; consider scientific S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; and social factors to evaluate S11.B.3.2 the impact/consequences of science and technology in biological and physical systems; evaluate alternative explanations and problem- solving strategies and solutions; evaluate results of investigations with respect to sufficiency of data to support conclusions. Justify Use evidence and PA Standards: 3.1.10 A-E; scientific understanding to 3.2.10.A-D justify explanations PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; and problem solutions; S11.A.1.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.1; construct arguments to support S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.3.3; the reasonableness of S11.B.3.2 solutions to problems, conclusions from investigations or scientific explanations.
ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Page 1 ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES* PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS Levels of Understand the Define and compare Chapter 1 PA Standards: 3.1.10E Organization difference between anatomy & physiology PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3 anatomy & Chapter 1 physiology Discuss different types of Chapter 1 PA Standards: 3.1.10E anatomy PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3 Chapter 1 Discuss different branches Chapter 1 PA Standards: 3.1.10E of physiology PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3 Chapter 1 PA Standards: 3.1.10C
Understand the Define each level of Chapter 1
e u e t e u t r – s m PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3 b g S
A p changes in the organization levels of Chapter 1 organization from simplest to most complex Identify the organ systems Use diagrams and models Chapter 1 PA Standards: 3.1.10A; 3.3.10A of the body and the major to identify major organ PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; components and functions systems Chapter 1 S11.B.1.1 of each system Relate homeostasis Explain homeostasis Discuss examples of Chapter 1 PA Standards: 3.1.10A; 3.1.10E to human body homeostasis in the human PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; function body (ex. blood levels, Chapter 1 S11.A.1.3 temperature, etc.) Explain negative and Chapter 1 PA Standards: 3.1.10A; 3.1.10E positive feedback loops PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Chapter 1 S11.A.1.3 Give examples of negative Chapter 1 PA Standards: 3.1.10A; 3.1.10E and positive feedback loops PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; in the human body Chapter 1 S11.A.1.3
ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Page 2 ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES* PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS Identify superficial Identify anatomical Color and label diagrams; Chapter 1 PA Standards: 3.1.10E anatomy landmarks and regions; use text and models to PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3 anatomical position identify superficial Chapter 1 anatomy Identify body planes Color and label diagrams Chapter 1 PA Standards: 3.1.10E Chapter 1 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3 Identify body cavities Color and label diagrams Exam on Levels of Chapter 1 PA Standards: 3.1.10E Organization PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3 Chapter 1 Chemical Level of Understand atomic Describe an atom and how Draw atoms Chapter 2 PA Standards: 3.3.10B; 3.4.10A Organization structure and atomic structure affects PA Anchors: S11.A.3.2; e
e S11.C.1.1 e t r bonding interactions between atoms Chapter 2 m b S p Compare the ways in Draw molecules Chapter 2 PA Standards: 3.3.10B; 3.4.10A which atoms combine to PA Anchors: S11.A.3.2; form molecules and Chapter 2 S11.C.1.1 compounds Understand Define types of energy Discuss how energy is Chapter 2 PA Standards: 3.3.10B chemical reactions manufactured and used in PA Anchors: S11.B.1.1 the human body Chapter 2 Define types of chemical Relate types of chemical Chapter 2 PA Standards: 3.3.10B reactions reactions to examples in PA Anchors: S11.B.1.1 the human body Chapter 2 Distinguish Explain the properties of Identify the most abundant Chapter 2 PA Standards: 3.3.10B between inorganic inorganic compounds inorganic substances in the PA Anchors: S11.B.1.1 and organic body and their functions Chapter 2 compounds Explain the properties of Discuss the importance of Chapter 2 PA Standards: 3.3.10B water water to the body and its PA Anchors: S11.B.1.1 many functions Chapter 2 Discuss the structures and LAB: “Identifying Laboratory Report Chapter 2 PA Standards: 3.3.10B; functions of carbohydrates, Organic Compounds” 3.7.10A&B lipids, protein, nucleic Chapter 2 PA Anchors: S11.B.1.1; acids, and high-energy S11.A.2.2 compounds Exam on Chemical Level Chapter 2 of Organization ERIE Chapter 2 SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Page 3 ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES* PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS Cellular Level of Describe the Describe the chemical Discuss the various types Chapter 3 PA Standards: 3.3.10B Organization structure and nature of the cell of cell projections and cell PA Anchors: S11.B.1.1 function of cell membrane junctions Chapter 3 parts Describe the organelles of Color and label a cell Chapter 3 PA Standards: 3.3.10B a typical cell and indicate diagram PA Anchors: S11.B.1.1 the specific functions of Chapter 3 each Understand cell Explain diffusion and LAB: “Diffusion and Laboratory Report Chapter 3 PA Standards: 3.3.10B; processes osmosis as related to Osmosis” 3.7.10A&B human body cells Chapter 3 PA Anchors: S11.B.1.1; S11.A.2.2 Compare passive and Exam on cell structures, Chapter 3 PA Standards: 3.3.10B active transport functions, and processes Chapter 3 PA Anchors: S11.B.1.1 c e o r Understand nuclear Describe the structure and Model DNA structure Chapter 3 PA Standards: 3.3.10C t b O control of cell function DNA PA Anchors: S11.B.2.1 processes Chapter 3 Explain the steps of DNA Model DNA replication Chapter 3 PA Standards: 3.3.10C replication PA Anchors: S11.B.2.1 Chapter 3 Explain the significance of Chapter 3 PA Standards: 3.3.10C protein synthesis PA Anchors: S11.B.2.1 Chapter 3 Explain the steps of protein Model protein synthesis Chapter 3 PA Standards: 3.3.10C synthesis PA Anchors: S11.B.2.1 Chapter 3 Explain the steps of the cell LAB: “Stages of Mitosis Laboratory Report Chapter 3 PA Standards: 3.3.10C; cycle Animal Cells” 3.7.10A&B Chapter 3 PA Anchors: S11.B.2.1; S11.A.2.2 Explain the steps of Model stages of meiosis Exam on Cellular Level Chapters 3 & 27 PA Standards: 3.3.10C meiosis of Organization Chapters 3 & 28 PA Anchors: S11.B.2.1
ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Page 4 ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES* PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS Tissue Level of Identify the four Discuss the structure and LAB: “Epithelial Tissues Laboratory Report Chapter 4 PA Standards: 3.1.10C; Organization major tissues of the function of epithelial Using Prepared Slides” 3.7.10A&B human body tissues Chapter 4 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2 Discuss the structure and LAB: “Connective Tissues Laboratory Report Chapter 4 PA Standards: 3.1.10C; function of connective Using Prepared Slides” 3.7.10A&B tissues Chapter 4 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2 Discuss the structure and LAB: “Muscular Tissues Laboratory Report Chapter 4 PA Standards: 3.1.10C; function of muscular Using Prepared Slides” 3.7.10A&B tissues Chapter 4 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2 Discuss the structure and LAB: “Nervous Tissues Laboratory Report Chapter 4 PA Standards: 3.1.10C; function of nervous tissues Using Prepared Slides” 3.7.10A&B o e e r m v b PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3; N Chapter 4 S11.A.2.2 Explain how epithelial and Chapter 4 PA Standards: 3.1.10C connective tissues combine PA Anchors: S11.A.1.3 to form different types of Chapter 4 membranes Integumentary List the Describe the main Color and label diagrams Chapter 5 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E System components of the structural features of the of the integument PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; integumentary epidermis and explain the Chapter 5 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 system and functional significance of Use the skin model to describe their each identify parts structure and function Describe the main Color and label diagrams Chapter 5 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E structural features of the of the integument dermis and explain the Chapter 5 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; functional significance of Use the skin model to S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 each identify parts
ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Page 5 ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES* PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS Describe the main Chapter 5 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E structural features of the subcutaneous layer and Chapter 5 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; explain the functional S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 significance of each Describe the main features Color and label diagrams Exam on Tissue Level of Chapters 4 & 5 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E of accessory structures and of the integument Organization and explain the functional the Integumentary Chapters 4 & 5 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; significance of each Use the skin model to System S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 identify parts The Skeletal Explain the general Describe the function of Chapter 6 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E System characteristics of the skeletal system PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 bone Chapter 6 e o e – e e e r m m c v b b r D N Identify bones of the “Bone Sorting” activity Chapter 6 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E skeleton by their shape PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Chapter 6 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Identify the parts and Color and label diagram Laboratory Report Chapter 6 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; functions of a typical long 3.7.10A&B bone LAB: “Identify the Parts Chapter 6 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; of a Long Bone” S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2; S11.A.2.2 (chicken leg bone) Explain the major parts of LAB: “Parts and Functions Laboratory Report Chapter 6 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; bone tissue and their of Bone Tissue” 3.7.10A&B function Chapter 6 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2 Describe the parts Identify the bones of the Color and label diagrams Chapter 7 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E of the skeletal skeleton PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; system Use the hanging skeleton Chapters 7 & 8 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 and disarticulated skeleton to identify bones
ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Page 6 ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES* PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS Describe the Classify joints by their Use the hanging skeleton Exam on the Skeletal Chapters 6, 7, & 8 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E structure and connecting material and and joint models to identify System and PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; function of the degree of movement different types of joints Articulations Chapters 6, 7, 8, & 9 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 articulations in the body The Muscular Explain the general Describe the functions of Chapter 9 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E System characteristics of the muscular system PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; muscle Chapter 10 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Distinguish between the 3 LAB: “Parts and Functions Laboratory Report Chapter 9 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; e e 3.7.10A&B e types of muscular tissue of Muscular Tissue” r m c b D and discuss their functions Chapter 10 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2 Explain the steps of muscle ACTIVITY: “Act out Chapter 9 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E contraction Muscle Contraction” PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Chapter 10 Identify the major muscles Color and label diagrams; Chapter 10 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E of the body use models to locate PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; muscles; discuss shapes of Chapter 11 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 muscles Describe muscle actions Complete muscle action Exam on the Muscular Chapters 9 & 10 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E worksheet System PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Chapters 10 & 11 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 The Nervous Understand the Compare the central Use models to identify the Chapter 11 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E System divisions of the nervous system and the CNS and PNS PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; nervous system peripheral nervous system Chapter 12 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Compare the somatic and Chapter 11 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E the autonomic divisions PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Chapter 12 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3
ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Page 7 ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES* PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS Discuss the functions of the Chapter 11 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E nervous system PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Chapter 12 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Understand the Compare unipolar and Color and label diagrams Chapter 11 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E structure and mutlipolar neurons PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; function of neurons Chapter 12 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Understand the Explain the polarization, Draw diagrams of axons to Chapter 11 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E steps in nervous depolarization, and indicate the stages of PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; impulse repolarization along an nervous impulse Chapter 12 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 transmission axon transmission Describe the Identify the main structures Color and label diagrams Chapter 12 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E structure and and functions of the spinal PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1;
S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 e - r e e u
a functions of the cord Use models to identify the Chapter 13
y m a J c r b n D central and parts of the spinal cord peripheral nervous systems Identify the main areas of Color and label diagrams Chapter 13 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E the spinal nerves PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Chapter 13 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Identify the meninges of Color and label diagrams Chapter 12 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E the spinal cord PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Chapter 13 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Describe the components Color and label diagrams Chapter 13 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E of a spinal nerve PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Chapter 13 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 List the steps in a reflex arc LAB: “Reflex Arcs” Laboratory Report Chapter 13 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; 3.7.10A&B Chapter 13 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2
ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Page 8 ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES* PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS Identify the main parts and Color and label diagrams Chapter 12 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E functions of the brain Use models to identify the Chapter 14 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; parts of the brain S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Trace the flow of Color and label diagrams Chapter 12 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E cerebrospinal fluid through the ventricles and the Chapter 14 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; subarachnoid space S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Identify the 12 pair of Color and label diagrams Exam on the Nervous Chapters 11, 12, 13 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E cranial nerves and their System PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; functions Chapters 12, 13, 14 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Explain the Categorize sensory Chapter 13 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E
- r r e a u PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; a structure and receptors by their function y a J b u n F y r function of sensory Chapter 15 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 receptors Explain the Compare the sympathetic Chapter 14 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E structure and and parasympathetic function of the divisions of the autonomic Chapter 16 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; autonomic nervous nervous system S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 system Explain the List the steps involved in LAB: “Somatic Senses” Laboratory Report Chapter 15 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; mechanisms of touch, smell, and taste 3.7.10A&B touch, olfaction, LAB: “Taste and Smell” Laboratory Report Chapter 17 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; and gustation S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2; S11.A.2.2 The Special Senses Identify the parts of the 3 Color and label diagrams Chapter 15 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E layers of the eye Use models to identify PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; parts of the eye Chapter 17 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Trace the pathway of light LAB: “Vision” Laboratory Report Chapter 15 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; from the cornea to the 3.7.10A&B occipital lobe of the brain LAB: “Cow Eye Chapter 17 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Dissection” S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2
ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Page 9 ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES* PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS ESSENTIAL DescribeKEY the IdentifyBUILDING the parts BLOCK of the ColorAPPLICATION/ and label diagrams ASSESSMENT ChapterTEXT &15 RESOURCES* PA Standards: STANDARDS 3.1.10A,B,E & LEARNING structureCONCEPT and external, middle, and inner LABORATORY ANCHORS functions of the Explainear the homeostatic LAB:Use models “The toBuffering identify Gannon Science in Motion Chapter 17 17 PA Standards:Anchors: S11.A.1.1; 3.1.10A,B,E; parts of the ear capacity of the blood Capacityparts of the of eyeBlood” LAB 3.7.10A&BS11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Trace the pathway of sound Chapter 19 15 PA Standards:Anchors: S11.A.1.1; 3.1.10A,B,E from auricle to the S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2 temporal lobe of the brain Chapter 17 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Exam on the Endocrine Chapter 16 & 17 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Explain the how balance ExamSystem on the Specialand the SensesBlood Chapters 13, 14, 15 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E and equilibrium are Chapters 18 & 19 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; The Cardiovascular Understand the controlledDescribe the by chambers, the inner ear Color and label diagrams ChaptersChapter 15,18 16, 17 PAS11.A.3.1; Standards: S11.A.3.2; 3.1.10A,B,E S11.A.1.3 TheSystem Endocrine Describestructure and the Explainvalves, and the blood source vessels and of Color and label diagrams Chapter 16 PA Standards:Anchors: S11.A.1.1; 3.1.10A,B,E System structurefunctions ofand the heart functionthe heart of each hormone Use models to identify parts of Chapter 20 PAS11.A.3.1; Anchors: S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.1; S11.A.1.3 the heart functions of the Chapter 18 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Trace the pathway of blood PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E Chapter 18 c r e a
y endocrine glands - r h flow through the heart PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; b r M u F a Understand the Explain negative feedback Chapter 16 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E Chapter 20 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 control mechanisms systems as related to the PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Explain the steps of the LAB: “Blood Pressures” Gannon Science in Motion Chapter 18 S11.A.3.1;PA Standards: S11.A.3.2; 3.1.10A,B,E; S11.A.1.3 associated with cardiacproduction cycle and secretion of “Heart Rate” LABS Chapter 18 3.7.10A&B hormones hormones “EKG’s” Chapter 20 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Describe abnormalities Research endocrine Research reports Chapter 16 S11.A.3.1;PA Standards: S11.A.3.2; 3.1.10A,B,E S11.A.1.3; associated with the diseases S11.A.2.2PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Describe the structure endocrineCompare arteries, system veins, and Oral Presentations Chapter 18 19 PAS11.A.3.1; Standards: S11.A.3.2; 3.1.10A,B,E S11.A.1.3 The Blood Describeand functions the of Explaincapillaries the functions of Chapter 17 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E functionalblood vessels parts of plasma, blood cells, and Chapter 21 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.1.1; the blood platelets Chapter 19 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Trace the flow of blood Color and label diagrams PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E Laboratory Report Chapter 19 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; throughIdentify the the major 4 human blood blood LAB: “Simulated Blood Chapter 17 3.7.10A&B vesselsgroups ofand the their body respective UseTyping” models to identify the PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Chapter 21 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; (pulmonaryantigens and and antibodies systemic pathway of blood Chapter 19 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; circuits) S11.A.2.2 ExplainIdentify the Rh major factor organs and LAB: “Fetal “Simulated Pig Dissection” Rh Laboratory Report Chapter 17 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E;3.1.10A,B,E; structures in the fetal pig as 1. external anatomy 3.7.10A&B 3.7.10A&B related to the human body 2.Factor” general internal PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Chapter 19 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; anatomy S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3;S11.A.1.3 3. circulatory system S11.A.2.2
ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES* PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS The Lymphatic Understand the Explain the structure and Color and label diagrams Chapter 20 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E System structures and function of a lymph node functions of the Chapter 22 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; lymphatic system Identify the major locations of S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 lymph nodes Explain the pathway of Color and label diagrams Chapter 20 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E lymphatic fluid and its functions Chapter 22 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Discuss the significance of Chapter 20 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E
i l r r a c h – p A M accessory structures such as the spleen and the tonsils Chapter 22 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Understand basic Explain types of immune Exam on the Chapter 18, 19, & 20 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E immune responses responses and the components Cardiovascular involved System and the Chapters 20, 21, & 22 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Lymphatic System S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3
The Respiratory Understand the Identify the structures of Color and label diagrams Chapter 22 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E System structures and the respiratory system and functions of the their functions Use models to identify parts Chapter 23 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; respiratory system S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Explain the various types LABS: “Respiratory Laboratory Report Chapter 22 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; of respiratory volumes Volumes” 3.7.10A&B “The Effect of Chapter 23 Exercise on PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Respiration” S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2 Identify the major organs and LAB: “Fetal Pig PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; structures in the fetal pig as Dissection” 3.7.10A&B related to the human body 1. respiratory system PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2 The Digestive Understand the Identify the structures of the Color and label diagrams Chapter 23 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E System structures and digestive system and their functions of the functions Use models to identify parts Chapter 24 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; digestive system S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3
ESSENTIAL KEY BUILDING BLOCK APPLICATION/ ASSESSMENT TEXT & RESOURCES PA STANDARDS & LEARNING CONCEPT LABORATORY ANCHORS Understand the Explain the source, action, LAB: “Mechanical and Laboratory Report Chapter 23 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; function of digestive substrate and products of the Chemical Digestion” 3.7.10A&B enzymes major digestive enzymes Chapter 24 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; LAB: “Energy in Foods” Gannon Science in Motion S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; LAB S11.A.2.2 Identify the major organs and LAB: “Fetal Pig Exam on Respiratory and Chapter 22 & 23 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; structures in the fetal pig as Dissection’ Digestive Systems 3.7.10A&B related to the human body 1. digestive system Chapters 23 & 24 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3; S11.A.2.2 The Urinary System Understand the Identify the structures of the Color and label diagrams Chapter 25 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E structures and urinary system and their functions of the functions Chapter 26 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; urinary system S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Trace the pathway of blood Chapter 25 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E
l p y i
– through the kidney PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; r M a A Chapter 26 S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Explain the formation of urine Chapter 25 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E in the kidney and trace the pathway of elimination of Chapter 26 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; urine S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Explain the significance of LAB: “Simulated Urine Laboratory Report PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; urine testing in diagnosing Analysis” 3.7.10A&B certain metabolic diseases PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.2..2; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 Identify the major organs and LAB: “Fetal Pig PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; structures in the fetal pig as Dissection’ 3.7.10A&B related to the human body 1. urinary system PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; S11.A.2.2; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 The Reproductive Understand the Identify the structures of the Color and label diagrams Chapter 27 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E Systems structures and reproductive systems and their PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; functions of the functions Chapter 26 S11.A.2.2; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; Reproductive systems S11.A.1.3 Identify the major organs and LAB: “Fetal Pig Exam on the Urinary and Chapter 25 & 27 PA Standards: 3.1.10A,B,E; structures in the fetal pig as Dissection’ Reproductive Systems 3.7.10A&B related to the human body 1. reproductive systems Chapters 26 & 28 PA Anchors: S11.A.1.1; Fetal Pig Lab Practical S11.A.2.2; S11.A.3.1; S11.A.3.2; S11.A.1.3 ERIE SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE # 4590 Anatomy & Physiology CURRICULUM MAP Page 12
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