Psi Chi Call for Papers

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Psi Chi Call for Papers

Psi Chi Call for Papers Submissions are due before Midnight, Tuesday November 12, 2013

General Guidelines:  Any undergraduate researcher may submit papers—you do not need to be a member of Psi Chi.  The first author of the submission must be an undergraduate student. Graduate students should apply to the regular MPA program.  The submission must be an empirical research project, not a theoretical or review paper. Specifically, it must involve the collection of quantitative or qualitative data using sound research methods (experiments, self-reports, naturalistic observation, archival research, and case studies are all considered to be appropriate methods).  It is not necessary to have completed data collection, but the project must be fully developed and planned at the time of submission.  Researchers may be first author on no more than two submissions.

Carefully follow the instructions below: Submit your research via email with three attachments (Microsoft Word is preferred – or rtf). The three attachments and what to title them are described below:

Attachment 1 Name of "Attachment 1" document: First Author's Last Name, Basic Information. e.g. “Warden-basic.doc”

Basic Information a. Title of presentation b. Area (Choose one: Applied and I/O, Biological, Clinical, Cognitive, Developmental, Experimental, Health, Social, Other) c. Student authors' names and institutions d. First author's address, phone, and email e. Please indicate if the first author is a Psi Chi member f. Please confirm that the first author is an undergraduate student (graduate students should apply to the regular MPA program). g. Has the study described in your proposal been reviewed via the proper channels at your college/university regarding the protection of human participants or animals? If a review is forthcoming, please indicate by which you expect a review. h. Name of faculty sponsor i. Faculty sponsor's address, phone, and email To what extent did the faculty member contribute to this project? 1 = Not at All to 7 = Very much so.

______Attachment 2 – ONLY if the first author is a psi chi member. These are only printed for psi chi award winners. Name of "Attachment 2" document: First Author's Last Name, Short Abstract. (e.g. “Warden- shortabstract.doc”)

Please make the short abstract 50 words or less and include the following four items in your document:  The title using upper and lower case followed by a period. (Capitalize first letters only, but do not capitalize conjunctions, articles, or short prepositions.)  The authors' names in ALL CAPS with commas between all entries and an ampersand (&) between the penultimate and last entry. (These should be the student(s) who conducted the research, not the faculty sponsor.) Put institutional affiliation after the last author's name (unless each author has a different affiliation, in which case put the proper affiliation after each name). The institution is typed in upper and lower case.  The faculty sponsor's name in parentheses, followed by a comma and the words "Faculty Sponsor."  The short abstract. Example of Short Abstract:

Mastering the Art of Sudoku JESSICA WARDEN, HANNAH ANDERSON, & NATHAN FERGUSON Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (ELIZABETH MEINZ, Faculty Sponsor) The purpose of this study was to investigate fluid abilities, experience, and interest as predictors of Sudoku skill. A regression analysis showed experience and interest to be significant predictors of skill. Working memory and perceptual speed were not significant predictors. Results suggest skill is modifiable through experience and interest.


Attachment 3 Name of "Attachment 3" document: First Author's Last Name, Long Abstract (e.g. “Warden- longabstract.doc”)

This document should be a summary not to exceed 400 words. In addition to the abstract, one page of references and/or tables/figures (if needed) may be submitted. The tables, figures, or references do not count toward the 400-word total. If only references are included, they can be placed at the bottom of the abstract if space allows or included on an extra page. Use the following format:  Title of presentation  Area (Choose one: Applied and I/O, Clinical, Cognitive, Developmental, Experimental, Health, Social, Other)  Long abstract (double-spaced), addressing; -- Problem or major purpose -- Procedure -- Results (to date) or expected results* -- Conclusions and implications  References, tables, figures if needed Do NOT include authors' names or affiliations on the long abstract. This document is the one that will be sent out for masked review.

*Note: Psi Chi welcomes proposals for projects that are underway but not yet completed, as long as your project will be complete in time for the conference. If this applied to you, then we have two recommendations for your long abstract. First, describe how far along you are in the process. For example, you might say that you have received IRB approval and will begin data collection in 2 weeks, or perhaps you have already collected 10% of their data. Second, we recommend that you describe the analyses and results that you anticipate. For example, you might say "I plan to conduct a 2x3 ANOVA with Y as the dependent variable. The hypothesis indicates that we expect a significant interaction." Both of these steps will reassure the reviewers that you are serious about completing the project and will give a picture of how well the project is designed. Most important: students will not be penalized in the review process for having incomplete data. A submission will be judged on the extent to which it conforms to the proper form and length described above, the quality and originality of the study, and the clarity of the long abstract. Once you have all three documents prepared, you may email them as attachments in a single email to :

[email protected].

In the subject line of the email, please type the first author's last name and MPA submission. If you plan to submit two proposals, please include #1 and #2 in the subject line of your first and second emails, respectively. There is no need to type anything in the body of the email. Please do not send inquiries to this address--only send submissions.

If you have questions about your proposal or the program, please send them to [email protected]

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