Cowboy Pizza, Main Street, Imperial

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Cowboy Pizza, Main Street, Imperial

A community anti-alcohol and drug abuse coalition passionate in its work to prevent and reduce substance abuse through education and awareness.

TUESDAY, June 5, 2012 @ 11:00 a.m. Cowboy Pizza, Main Street, Imperial

1. Attendance: Linda Hardgrave P.R.I.D.E., Cindy Pharis P.R.I.D.E., Dr. Joel Holland Superintendent, Charlie Bouzek Freer Principal, Sharon Swan BOE President, Rachel Mongtomery IC Principal, Denise Fundston Principal Windsor Elementary, Chance Jesick SADD, Gavin Jesick IC student, Cassie Miller JCHD, Sarah Jankowski JCHD, Kristen Bengston NCADA, Austin Tanner College Student/community member, Larry Michaels SRO, Mike Holland Asst Principal IC, Rafi Amabile TREND, Roger Breer Parent/TREND.

The meeting was started by reading an email from Jack Claypoole, ONDCP. Cindy and Linda wanted to share this email regarding his feelings toward community coalitions and the work that is being done and recognizing all individuals making a difference in their community.

2. Old Buiness: a. PEP (Parent Engagement Project) STEP classes – Classs were completed and felt to be very successful. Discussion regarding possible future classes. Funding for this was through a small grant which paid the stipends for the instructor. The concensus was that it would be great to offer again if we can work out the details with instructors/stipends, etc. Kristen stated it is possible to get refunded, will check on that. Dr. Holland was asked about the possibility of the school taking this over. He suggested we come up with a proposal to the board and see what happens. It is felt that if there is a need for this type of instruction we should do our best to find a way to make it happen. b. COPS/UMSL Project – Charlie reported that this project was well accepted by the teachers and the students. He has been in conversation with UMSL regarding the next school year and has made arrangements for this to be started in the fall. Ms. Montgomery and Ms. Funstion showed interest in this curriculum for their building. At the IC 4th grade would be of interest since part of the students will have had Brain Power in 3rd grade at Freer. c. Ice Cream Scoop Social – Big success. Freer Elementary won by attendance without using percentage. The waittresses donated their tips and the people doing face painting donated half of their money collected. Mary’s Sweet Shoppe added $20 to make our profit $250.00. Great event. Ms. Montgomery has already stated – The IC will be taking the trophy back next year. Challenge accepted by Mr. Bouzek and Ms. Funston. “Added after the meeting – Also received $15.00 in donations which brings the total $265.00.” d. Movie Nights – Linda reported that over $700 has been raised from the City of Kimmswick, some of the shop owners and a couple of local businesses and of course the continued support of our WFPA. The May movie was well attended, approximately 200-250. One June 8 Harry and the Henderson’s will be shown and July 13 will be The Sandlot. September movie has not been determined yet. Everyone we have talked to so far think the summer movies are great. e. Captain Magic Basketball Camp: So far we have 51 students registered. Coach Dutton (HS) is still planning on helping. Reservations for Captain Magic will be made at The Pear Tree Inn in Arnold. 60 basketballs were donated by Dr. Mayfield (local chiropractor). a. Scholarships – Ginger Schutte contacted Linda Hardgrave regarding a couple of new students that were looking for activities and have challenging issues. It was brought up offering 2 scholarships so they could attend the BB Camp. Everyone agreed to offer these students the opportunity to attend. f. School picnic/parade, pie baking contest, Zumba Heroin Awareness: All of the activities that P.R.I.D.E. was involved in was great. It was felt overall the parade and picnic was again a supper success. Roger brought up the possibility of having building floats next year. Everyone like the idea. P.R.I.D.E. will continue the Pie Contest and possibly the Zumba. g. Kick’n for Character – Linda reported that this is a martial arts/character building evening program. It is for high schol and middle school students (11-18 years old). It was presented to the BOE and they gave their stamp of approval to move forward with the planning. P.R.I.D.E. will work with Tim Davis (owner/head instructor) to start this program some time in September (after Labor Day). The school will be furnishing a location for the classes. Right now the MS cafeteria has been reserved for Monday and Wednesday. There may be a time through the summer that a different location will have to be used and Dan Calbreath, Maintenance Director, told Linda he is trying to find a permanent location so it doesn’t have to be moved around. Until all of the construction is done plans for the MS Cafeteria will continue. Kick’n for Character is responsible for all of the letters and registration forms to go out to the students working with P.R.I.D.E. to get this done. It is a year round program. h. Back to School Bash – Freer – 8-10-12. Freer has already set a date. The event was explained to Ms. Montgomery and Ms. Funston. They definitely would be intersted in learning more. Ms. Montgomery also mentioned she wants to meet and attend a meeting with the WFPA as she has not had the opportunity to work with them as she was at the HS. Will continue to follow with WFPA’s plans so P.R.I.D.E. can participate as well. i. Cardinals School Program (Freer) – Charlie had given Linda dates to bring this program to his school. Ms. Montgomery and Ms. Funston are definitely interested as well. Linda will file the needed paperwork online. Dates that Charlie picked were 10- 26-12 and 1-11-13. It was realized the first date was not a good date, no school. It was changed to 10-25-12. Linda will follow-up and get paperwork corrected and file paperwork for the other two buildings. j. Let’s Face It (Tobacco) – This group was brought up at the last meeting. Linda offered to look into it and found out that they only work with St. Louis and St. Louis County. k. Business Luncheon – The date is November 6-2012 and will be held at the Blue Owl in Kimmswick.

3. Reports: a. Financial Report – Written report attached. Linda shared the fact that P.R.I.D.E. had a very good year financially, there had been a couple of extra fundraisers as well. A budget for the next year’s activities is also in the report and there will be money leftover with all of the budgeted items. GREAT YEAR! With that, Linda thanked our school district and everyone around the table for their continued support, without that we would not have had such success. The commmunity has really supported us as well. With that, Linda felt that it was important for P.R.I.D.E. to treat everyone to lunch today. It was well accepted. Thank you all.

b. SADD – Sending 4 students and one adult to Leadership Conference in August. c. TREND – Sending 10 students and 3 adult sponsors to Leadership Conference. d. NCADA – Kristen reported that she had paperwork if any needed for leadership conference. Also had flyers for the Strike Out Heroin awareness at local bowling alleys coming up on 6-23-12 and one of the locations is Imperial Bowl. She also remined us about Mini-Grants, TA’s and RDF funding availability. e. SFJC – Cassie reported about her continued work regarding smoke free ordinances in some of the municipalities. f. District Liaison – Reported his ongoing work with UMSL and the Brain Power curriculum planning for the next school year. g. TipLine – One call in May, turned out MS principal was aware of the student involved but has not found anything.

4. New Business a. Mini Grants, TA/RDF Funding Opportunities – Kristen will be working with P.R.I.D.E. to be sure and apply for the money available for events, projects, and programs as soon as we figure out what we want to do. One of these funding sources was used last year for the 6th Grade Meet and Greet. It is possible funding will be requested for this again. b. HALO for Windsor Early Childhood Development – Linda reported that she is to have a conversation with Sherri Strausser about bringing HALO to Windsor’s Early Childhood. Linda has also talked with a couple of local preschools to do the same. It was a very successful program. The feedback from the parents and Head Start staff was positive. The curriculum is available through P.R.I.D.E. There will be several Kindergarten students coming from the Windsor Head Start that have gone through the HALO project. c. Brain Power – As stated above, Brain Power will be back at Freer and possibly the IC and WE. d. TREND 6th Grade Meet and Greet – Need to meet with Dr. Rickermann about the planning. e. Building registrations/open houses – It was reported that P.R.I.D.E. attends as many of these as possible. At the HS it will be a different this year but there will be an opportunity for P.R.I.D.E. to have an informational booth for the high school students. Will attend as many registrations/open houses as possible. Open House dates – IC 8- 13 5:30-8 pm; WE 8-13 5:30-7 pm; Freer 8-13 5:30-7:45 pm; 8-16 6-7:45 pm. Registration dates/times at HS – returning students (8-8-12), Srs 8-11 am; Jrs 12-3 pm; Freshman Orientation 8-13 9 am – 2 pm.; MS 8th 8-1, 10 am-12 noon & 3-6 pm; 7th 8-2 10 am-12 noon & 3-6 pm; 6th 10 am-12 noon & 3-6 pm. f. Red Ribbon Youth Leadership Training – NCADA sponsors this event. Dr. Rickermann has already told Linda we will be able to send a group of students again. g. September Movie Night (CASA Family Day) – There were many ideas talked about to honor this National Day – instead of just one day maybe the week prior to CASA Family Day have activities bringing awareness to the idea of Dining with Your Family. It was suggested to maybe get Chartwell’s involved, theme nights, speakers, student involvement. Will continue to brainstorm about this. a. Bubble Bus – Linda will check with the company and see if they are availble for the September movie night. h. P.R.I.D.E. Night Out – Again, many suggestions about what type of activities to have, for what age group, etc. Rachel shared that some parents may not want to send their children to one location and adults to another location. Frilly & Miller were brought up. Will continue the planning and discussions about what we can have to bring both the students and their parents to this event. It was suggested that we definitely get students involved.

5. Conversation, thoughts, ideas from administrators and others.

6. Next Meeting – August 7, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. (No July meeting), P.R.I.D.E. Office West Wing of Extension Center. ”You cannot do all the good the world needs, but the world needs all you can do.”

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