Carvers Bay High School

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Carvers Bay High School

World History from 1300 Syllabus Mrs. Cooksey [email protected] 949-2355- School 256-1742 - Google Voice Course Description: The focus of World History will be to study the major civilizations of the past and their contributions to the world as it exists today in aspects that range from geography to the social and political issues. Critical thinking will be stressed in this course, with an emphasis on addressing the following questions: Why particular civilizations developed? Where and when did they develop? Why they became dominant? Why they declined? How they have continued to influence the development of human culture?

World History focuses on changes in world cultures in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americans from 14th Century to the present. The course begins with a study of the Renaissance and Reformation that molded modern Europe. Students will then study the Age of Exploration, Age of Revolutions, Imperialism, and continue with world conflicts including World War I, World War II, and the Cold War. The course ends with a study of the changes and advancements in the 20th Century in the U.S. and abroad.

Course Objectives:  Discuss the impact of interaction among major societies (trade, systems of international exchange, war and diplomacy).

 Examine the impact of technology and demography on people and the environment

 Evaluate the systems of social structure and gender structure

 Compare Cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies

Required Course Materials:  2” Three ring binder  loose-leaf notebook paper  10 Dividers or Tabs  1 composition or spiral notebook  Pencils and/or Pens, Colored Pencils

Units / Tab titles:  Unit 6: WWI

 Unit 1: Ren, Ref, Exploration  Unit 7: Dictators and WWII

 Unit 2: Age of Reason  Unit 8: Cold War

 Unit 3: Age of Revolutions  Unit 9: Civil Rights

 Unit 4: Am Civil War  Unit 10: Exam Review

 Unit 5: I.R. & Imperialism

Grading Policy: A 93-100 B 85-92 C 77-84 D 70-76 F 69 and below. ***NEW POLICY- The past policy of a 55 as a minimum grade for a Q1 and Q2 grade will no longer be a required policy throughout District 5. It is up to the teacher’s individual discretion whether they choose to continue or not. Classroom Rules:  Be Prompt – always be on time, when the door shuts you are considered tardy  Be Prepared – have your book, notebook, and writing utensils each day  Be patient – Remember there is only one teacher and many of you who each have different learning styles  Be polite – show respect for the teacher, fellow students, and all others who enter the classroom Consequences:  1st offense: verbal warning  2nd offense: Possible consequence including a second verbal warning, teacher assigned detention, and / or parental notification  3rd offense: referral to the office to be handled at the administrator’s discretion *Teachers and administrators reserve the right to use consequence not listed in the order above that better fit the behavior.

Passes out of Class: Please do not ask for a pass unless you have a true emergency. No passes will be given to go to lockers or another teacher. You will have 3 passes for each 9 weeks with incentives if you do not use them. These passes can be used for things such as restroom, water, or locker without penalty. If you use them all before the 9 weeks is up you must stay 10 minutes after school every time. Once passes have been used, repeated requests will result in parent contact to address the potential issue. * I students with special circumstances will be handled on an individual basis per doctor/ parent notification

Make-Up Work: Class work/ Homework: If you miss a day, you will need to pick up your make-up work from the “make-up work box” before class starts. All classwork & homework from the day you are absent will be due the next day. Any work you miss will receive the grade of zero until it is made up or turned in.

Tests/ Quizzes: All tests and quizzes must be taken in Mrs. Cooksey’s class or with another approved teacher should Mrs. Cooksey not be available. If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz a note will be taped to the white board with your name, topic you missed, and deadline to make it up. Only once this has been taken or the deadline has passed will the note be removed from the board.

** Students are responsible for making up assignments and only partial credit will be given beyond due dates. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher on the first chance to get make up work.

Extra Help: I am available each morning by 7:15 for extra help. Please get a pass prior to coming to ensure that you can come down the hall way. Rebel Success Center offers Social Studies help on Mondays from 3:30-5

Keeping up and keeping in contact: Please use my school website to stay up-to-date on classwork, homework, quizzes, test dates, and projects. All tentative test dates for the entire semester will be posted and will be adjusted as necessary should a unit need to have a time adjustment. If a student is out for several days, this will allow them to see what they have missed and what will be expected of them upon return. My website can be found by going to the BHS page and scrolling though “faculty” or My contact information, in addition to being located on this document, can also be found on my website.

Parents and students, I highly encourage you to use your Parent Portal and Student Portal information to access PowerSchool and check on your grades diligently. Access to this can be found from the BHS website at Academic Detention: Upon a student receiving more than 2 zeros in the grade book, they will be assigned “Academic Detention” with me for the upcoming THURSDAY afternoon. If the assignments are made up or turned in prior to that detention date, the detention will be dismissed. Should the student fail to attend my academic detention, they will receive a referral to the principal denoting that they have “failed to attend teacher assigned detention.” Please understand that this policy is in the sincere interest of my students in hope that they will all do their best and get their work in on time.

World History Contract

Your initials and signatures indicate that you have read through the syllabus carefully and that you understand Mrs. Cooksey’s rules and expectations in addition to the school rules.

______I understand that D5 is no longer implementing the 55 minimum grading policy.

______I understand that I will be given a 0 for any grade not turned in until that grade has been turned in within a set time period. ______I understand that late work will not receive full credit and points will be deducted proportionally based on how late the work has been turned in.

______I understand that I will be assigned academic detention if I have more than 2 zeros in the grade book.

______I understand that if I fail to attend an academic detention I will receive a referral which will result in a principal’s detention after school.

“Bring Your Own Device” Policy (BYOD) Please initial next to each statement concerning District 5’s New Electronic Device Policy acknowledging that you have read and understand each.

______“Students may use such devices before school, during class changes, during lunches, and after school.”

______“Students may use such devices during class time for INSTRUCTIONAL purposes with the expressed PERMISSION of the teacher.”

______“Should a student cause a disruption…the behavior will be addressed through the school discipline code according to the type and severity of the disruption.”

______“Devices may not be used in any area where personal privacy of others must be respected such as dressing or restrooms.”

______“The creation of videos or pictures IS NOT PERMITTED without prior approval of an administrator.”

______“The school is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any devices that are lost, stolen, or damaged while being used on school property.”

______(Print student name) (Sign student name)

______(Print parent name) (Sign parent name)

Note: This document will be reviewed with the student during class time. Failure to return a signed document to Mrs. Cooksey will not be accepted as an excuse for not following her expectations.

Contact Information: Parent’s/ Guardian’s names:______Home #:______Mother’s Work/Cell:______Mother’s Email:______Father’s Work/Cell:______Father’s Email:______

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