Bay Of Plenty Oil Spill Support

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Bay Of Plenty Oil Spill Support


We have listed below an extensive list of web links providing information to assist you, and those you support, through tough times following the Oil Spill Disaster and its ongoing consequences.

Waterbirds covered in oil are a common sight after an oil spill. The photo above is courtesy of New Zealand's WWF (Taken by Nigel Dickinson - WWF - Canon).

Scroll down this page to the sections most relevant to you, or those you support. We will update this page regularly with further information and links.You will see quite a range of information is from the USA as it was developed after their huge Oil Spill in 2010. Some provide local US contacts not relevant to NZ, but the content is very good.

If you would like to suggest a new link please phone 0800 299 100.

For All

Public Health Information for Bay of Plenty Residents - essential to read


For the latest news from Maritime New Zealand

Beach Clean Up Volunteers - register online or contact 0800 645 774.


For Wildlife Response phone and register on 0800 333 771.

Matakana Island iwi reponse and contacts


1 Tips for Coping with the Oil Spill Disaster: Managing Your Stress (Based on USA Oil Spill Experience)

Stressed Out? - some posters to print out with stress busitng ideas for all ages

Factors That Can Help Build Up Resilience - as offered on Radio NZ.

Helpful Links to Articles on Breathing - how to breathe to de-stress and relax in distressing circumstances

See also the range of special resilience and stress support resources.

For Parents and Families

Here is excellent information from communities in the USA who also had to deal with an oil spill disaster. Most of the information is useful to our New Zealand situaiton, but in some places you'll see they have local information that's not useful to us.

Tips for Talking to Children & Youth About the Oil Spill Disaster - A Guide for Parents and Educators (USA)

Tips for Talking to Children & Youth About the Oil Spill Disaster - Interventions at Home for Preschoolers to Adolescents Tips (USA)

How to Talk to Children About the Oil Spill (USA National Wildlife Service)

Parents Talking to Kids About the Oil Spill (USA)

Tips for Dealing with Grief Due to the Oil Spill Disaster (USA)

Answering children's questions about oil spills - a lot of this information is about other oil spills but the information is still very useful to know, to help you answer your child or teen's questions. Also look out for local information and news reports that can help you know more about our Bay of Plenty disaster situation. So, here are some helpful USA fact sheets:

The Big Oil Spill - by Ranger Rick of the US Wildlife Service (USA)

An Ocean of Oil - some excellent content for children and younger teens here (USA)

2 Protecting Your Child (USA tips - see also local BOP health information listed at the top of this page)

Great Tips for Children and Families - some stress busters when things are hard! - Post these on your wall or fridge at home! (written by Skylight for NZ's Upstart Magazine)

Something Has Happened. (NZ) An excellent activity book to help 3 - 6 year olds process what's happened. Is designed to be peronslaised to each child's own situation. (Widely used for children after Greymouth Mining disaster, Canterbury earthquakes and the Australian fires and floods.)

When Tough Stuff Happens. (NZ) An excellent activity book to help 3 - 6 year olds process what's happened. Is designed to be peronslaised to each child's own situation. (Widely used for children after Greymouth Mining disaster, Canterbury earthquakes and the Australian fires and floods.)

Stress in Children and Adolescents:Tips for Parents

Building Resiliency in Children

Resilience and Stress Support Resources Available

Tips for families in tough times

Understanding Child Traumatic Stress: A GUIDE FOR PARENTS

Disaster needs and repsonses in children - an overview but not specific to an oil spill disaster - this may have limited usefulness. (USA)

See the many different resilience building activities and links available in our children's and youth pages. Scroll through to see what looks good!

For Organisations, Employers or Managers

Tips for Oil Spill Disaster Response Workers: Managing and Preventing Stress for Managers and Workers (USA) Oil spill disaster response work in the Gulf Coast is physically and emotionally challenging, and exposure to environmental damage and

3 difficult working conditions may lead to increased stress among many oil spill disaster response workers.

Public Health Information for Bay of Plenty Residents - essential to read

To support grieving staff, their families, clients and customers after the oil spill - see the relevant other links on this page, and the one following:

Helpful Personal Grief Information

Useful information about understanding post traumatic stress and grief, and ways to cope with it and look after yourself and others.

After a Disaster: Self-care Tips for Dealing with Stress

Staying Hopeful in the Face of Tragedy - Red Cross - USA tips after US Oil Spill Disaster Coping with Traumatic Stress Reactions

For teachers at pre-schools and schools.

Helping Children Rebound: Strategies for Preschool Teachers (USA) This booklet presents teaching strategies that address the specific needs of children who have experienced the 2005 hurricane disasters, but the strategies are relevant to any teacher working with students affected by a natural disaster or traumatic event. It helps teachers purposefully observe what children do and say, reflect on their observations, and respond in supportive ways, such as dramatic play.

Tips for Talking to Students About the Oil Spill Disaster: A Guide for Teachers and School Administrators (USA)

An article of useful information explaining the impact of other oil spill disasters around the world on their local ecosystems - Oil Spills (USA)

An Ocean of Oil - some excellent content for children and younger teens here (USA)

SUPPORTING TEACHERS’ ABILITY TO TEACH IN STRESSFUL TIMES - Tips for Administrators and Teachers (USA) The Deepwater oil spill has affected

4 many schools along the Gulf Coast. Families and school staff experienced increased stress and decreased stability due to the impact of the US Oil Spill. Students are coming to school with greater needs, social emotional difficulties and, in some cases, behavioral problems. All this puts significant pressure on teachers. This tip sheet provides suggestions to help support teachers dealing with stress.

Something Has Happened. (NZ) An excellent activity book to help 3 - 6 year olds process what's happened. Is designed to be peronslaised to each child's own situation. (Widely used for children after Greymouth Mining disaster, Canterbury earthquakes and the Australian fires and floods.)

When Tough Stuff Happens. (NZ) An excellent activity book to help 3 - 6 year olds process what's happened. Is designed to be peronslaised to each child's own situation. (Widely used for children after Greymouth Mining disaster, Canterbury earthquakes and the Australian fires and floods.)

Stress and Coping: Guidelines for Teachers - USA. These guidelines provide teachers with age-specific methods and classroom activities for children and youth of all ages to assist them in coping with stress in the aftermath of a disaster of any kind.

Children, Stress, and Natural Disasters: A Guide for Teachers (USA) info and activities for children

Trauma Facts for Educators - what can be done at school to help a traumatised child?

Psychological and Behavioral Impact of Trauma: PRESCHOOL CHILDREN

Psychological and Behavioral Impact of Trauma: 5 - 7s

Psychological and Behavioral Impact of Trauma: 8-12

Psychological and Behavioral Impact of Trauma: High School Students

For Professionals and Support Workers

Oil Spill Bay of Plenty Health Information for Health Professionals - very helpful

5 For those assisting people of all ages affected by the oil spill disaster, please see the other section links specific to oil spill aftermaths, and you may also find this extensive web listing helpful. Disaster Mental Health

Disaster needs and repsonses in children - an overview but not specific to an oil spill disaster (USA)TOP ^

2A Green Street, Newtown, Wellington 6021, New Zealand. PO Box 7309, Newtown, Wellington 6242, New Zealand. Tel: +64 4 939 6767, Fax: +64 4 939 4759 2011 10


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