Chapter 1: the Scientific Method (Pp.22-25)

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Chapter 1: the Scientific Method (Pp.22-25)

Chemistry I First Semester Review

The test will cover chapters 1-9 and 11. There will be 100 multiple choice questions on the test.

Chapter 1: The Scientific Method (pp.22-25)

Chapter 2: All sections in chapter 2. You should be able to describe matter in terms of its properties, physical and chemical. Distinguish between the three states of matter, decided if a sample of matter is a substance or mixture, homogeneous or heterogeneous. Know the difference between elements and compounds and know the symbols of the assigned elements.

Chapter 3: Concepts in this chapter that you should know are: scientific notation, accuracy and precision, significant figures, SI units of measurement and the metric prefixes, converting from Celsius to Kelvin and back to Celsius. You should also be able to calculate density problems. (Sections 1, 2, & 4 in this chapter). Key equations are on pg. 95.

Chapter 4: All sections in this chapter were covered. You should know the scientists instrumental in the determination of the modern atomic theory and their contributions. The structure of the atom and the subatomic particles. Know how to calculate the atomic mass of an element from its isotopes.

Chapter 5: In this chapter we learned how to write electron configurations. You should know how to: write electron configurations, determine the orbital notation, know Aufbau’s principle, Paulie’s Exclusion principle, and Hund’s rule. You should be able to calculate wavelength or frequency using c = λν.

Chapter 6: The Periodic Table – short hand electron configurations, metals, nonmetals, and periodic trends which include ionization energy and atomic radius. You should also know each of the names of the chemical families.

Chapter 7: Ionic Bonding-valence electrons, formation of ions, Lewis dot structures, and an ionic reaction.

Chapter 8: Covalent Bonding- More Lewis Dot Structures, polar and nonpolar bonding, electronegativity

Chapter 9: Chemical Names and Formulas; you need to know all your ions and their charges both from the periodic table and the list of polyatomic ions. Be able to name and write correct formulas for ionic and molecular compounds.

Chapter 11: Chemical Equations- You should be able to balance equations, type the reactions, and predict products. Chapter One: Introduction to Chemistry Vocabulary: 1. matter- 2. hypothesis- 3. observation- 4. inference- 5. theory-

Questions: 1. List the steps of the Scientific Method

Chapter Two: Matter and Change Vocabulary: 1. chemical change- 2. compound- 3. element- 4. heterogeneous mixture- 5. homogeneous mixture- 6. intensive property- 7. extensive property- 8. pure substance- 9. mixture- 10. physical change- Questions: 1. Name the three states of matter and give at least three properties of each.

2. List the key words which indicate when a physical change has taken place. Give an example of a physical change. 3. List the key words which indicate a chemical change has taken place. Give an example of a chemical change.

4. What are the four signs of a chemical reaction taking place?

5. Know the chemical symbols and correct spelling of the assigned elements. Some examples are:

a. Al j. zinc b. Cu k. uranium c. Fe l. sodium d. Be m. silicon e. Au n. tin f. P o. cobalt g. Cl p. helium h. I q. nickel i. K r. manganese

Chapter Three: Scientific Measurement

Vocabulary: 1. accuracy- 2. precision- 3. mass- 4. weight- 5. isotopes- 6. atomic mass-

Questions: 1. Calculate the volume o mercury with a density of 11.0 g/mL and has a mass of 440g.

2. Know your metric units and how to convert from one to another: For example, how many millimeters in 13.4 meters?

a. ______kg = 546 g b. ______L = 345 mL c. ______cm = 4.21 m d. ______mg = 0.0789 kg

3. How many significant figures in the following numbers? a. 0.00450 c. 250 b. 2.034 d. 4.5678 X 10-9

Chapter 4: Atomic Structure


1. protons- 2. neutrons- 3. electrons- 4. atomic number- 5. mass number- 6. nucleus- 7. ion-


1. Give the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons for the nuclide Na-23. 2. How many electrons are in the S2- ion? 3. Calculate the number of neutrons for each of the isotopes of hydrogen, H-1, H-2, and H-3.

4. Know each of the scientists we studied in this chapter, their discoveries, and the model of their atom. -Democritius -Dalton -Thomson -Rutherford -Chadwick

Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms Vocabulary: 1. energy level- 2. quantum- 3. atomic orbital- 4. electron configurations- 5. wavelength- 6. frequency- 7. ground state- 8. excited state-

Questions: 1. List the three rules in writing electron configurations (Hund’s, Paulie, and Aufbau)

2. Write the complete electron configuration for the following elements: a. Mg b. Br c. Ag

3. Calculate the wavelength of radiation with a frequency of 1.50 x 1013 Hz

4. What is the frequency of radiation with a wavelength of 5.00 x 10-8m?

5. What type of electromagnetic radiation has the highest energy? The lowest? Chapter 6: Periodic Table Vocabulary: 1. ionization energy 2. atomic radius Questions: 1. Write the group names of the following: a. IA b. IIA c. VIIA d. VIIIA 2. Write the short hand electron configuration for each of the following and give the number of valence electrons a. Na b. Cr c. Cl d. Kr e. Hg 3. Be able to explain the trends in ionization energy and atomic radius. Put the following in order of increasing ionization energy: P, S, As, Se

4. Put the following in order of decreasing radius: F, Cl, Br, I Chapter 7: Ionic and Metallic Bonding Vocabulary 1. valence electrons 2. octet rule 3. ionic bonds

Questions: 1. Write the Lewis Dot Structures for the following elemnts: a. Ca b. P c. I d. S

Chapter 8: Covalent Bonding Vocabulary 1. covalent bond 2. molecule 3. diatomic molecule 4. resonance 5. polar bond 6. nonpolar bond 7. electronegativity

Questions: 1. Draw the Lewis dot structures for the following molecular compounds:

a. CCl4

b. SF6

c. O2

- d. CN

e. SO3 2. Decide if the bonds are polar or nonpolar:

a. H-Br b. N-N c. P-Cl Chapter 9: Chemical Names and Formulas

Vocabulary: 1. anion- 2. cation- 3. binary compound- 4. acid- 5. base-

Questions: 1. Write the correct chemical formulas for the compounds a-i and write the names for j-o.

a. Sodium chloride j. BaSO4

b. Iron (II) bromide k. NH4NO3

c. Potassium oxide l. Mn2O3

d. Aluminum sulfide m. AgC2H3O2

e. Calcium hypochlorite n. PbCl2

f. Magnesium nitrate o. Zn(ClO3)2

g. Carbon dioxide p. HCl

h. Phosphorus pentachloride q. HNO3

i. Sulfur trioxide r. H2SO4

Chapter 11: Chemical Reactions Vocabulary: 1. reactant- 2. product- 3. coefficient- 4. skeleton equation- 5. balanced equation- 6. spectator ions- 7. net ionic equation- 8. exothermic- 9. endothermic- Questions: 1. Balance the following equations and give the type of reaction

a. _____C6H12O6 + _____O2 → ____CO2 + _____H2O Type: ______

b. _____Fe2S3 + _____HCl → _____FeCl3 + _____H2S Type: ______

2. Predict the products and balance:

a. _____C2H5OH + _____O2 → b. _____Zn + _____HCl →

c. _____Sr(OH)2 + _____HBr →

d. _____MgCO3→

3. Identify the spectator ions in the following complete ionic equations:

3+ - + - + - a. Al + Cl + K + OH → Al(OH)3 + K + Cl spectator ions: ______

2+ - + - + - b. Pb + NO3 + Na + Cl → PbCl2 + Na + Cl spectator ions: ______

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