Discerning the Body

-Introduction -Sun. class – Paul at Corinth and his correspondence with them -As I’ve pointed out – Corinth was a very sin-filled city. Yet, the Gospel made a tremendous impact. Amongst all the sinfulness, the church began and grew. -So, these Christians in Corinth had to undergo a process of change and growth. -There was much that they had to overcome – 1 Cor. 6:9-11. -So, of course, the experienced some difficulties along the way. (issues in 1 Corinthians)

-Lord’s Supper – 1 Cor. 11:17-34 -vs 17 – “I do not commend you” – contrasted to vs 2 -Notice the repeated phrase – “when you come together” (vs 17, 18, 20, 33) -vs 18 – first place – divisions; vs 19 – factions -vs 20 – What you are doing is not the Lord’s Supper -vs 23-28 – basically straightforward -vs 29-32 – more challenging verses

-Remembering the Purpose of the Lord’s Supper -Matt. 26:26-28 -“Do this in remembrance of me” (vs 24,25) -vs 26 “as often” – How often? – “when you come together” – Acts 20:7 -The emphasis of these verses are the purpose – Remembrance of Jesus -body and blood; victory through His resurrection -comment regarding resurrection and baptism – Rom. 6:3-4 -vs 27 – avoiding an “unworthy manner” -“Unworthy” is not being applied to the person partaking. None of us are worthy. “Unworthy” is being applied to the manner is which one partakes. -vs 28 – examine himself – How? Remember the context – examine the manner in which he partakes – “and so eat…and drink” – In the proper manner – in remembrance. -God has placed an emphasis upon Jesus – both in the O.T. and N.T. The Lord’s Supper places an emphasis on Jesus in that aspect of our worship.

-Discerning the Body -Obviously, the Corinthians were not properly observing the Lord’s Supper. It seems that they were bringing they banqueting and feasting common in their society into the worship service. -Today, we live in an entertainment-rich society. And, much of that is being brought into worship in the religious world around us. Often times, so-called “worship” is entertainment of self rather than worship of the Almighty God. -But, there was something else wrong in Corinth which involves this passage. -Paul was telling them: “There is still something wrong in the way that you are doing this wrong.” Even doing it wrong, they were wrong. -vs 21-22 -“each one;” “one…another;” “humiliate those…” – Divisions and factions -Paraphrase: You’re coming together but not thinking about one another. -Shall I commend you in this? No, I will not. -Now then, back to verses 29 and following: -Up to this point: body and blood – (vs 24 – body, vs 25 – blood, vs 27 – both) -vs 28 – so eat…bread (body) and drink the cup (blood) -Is it possible, that in verse 29, Paul transitions back to their feasting? -This is where the topic of “love” feasts enters into the equation. But, in their so- called “love” feast (if that’s what were talking about here), there wasn’t much love. -They were leaving out their Christian principles. -concept of our pot-luck meals – each contributes to the whole – all eat equally -Paul isn’t telling them that it is ok to replace the Lord’s Supper with a meal as long as they kept Christian principles in tact. He already addressed that. -However, he is not saying that they could not eat at the same location where they worshipped; for us, the building. -What about churches that met in houses? (1 Cor. 16:19, Rom. 16:5, Col. 4:15, Philem. 2) -The key is: separating the common meals from the worship service – In Corinth, this blending together seemingly came out of the Lord’s Supper. -Paul was saying, “If you can’t separate the two, eat at home.” -Don’t violate conscience – 1 Cor. 8; Rom. 14

-Closing and Invitation -So, could vs 29 – discerning the body” be a return to verses 21-22? Discerning the Lord’s body in the partaking of the Lord’s Supper – discerning the body (the congregation as a whole) in all else. -If this is the case in this passage, we are reminded that we will be held accountable for our attitude and approach to our brothers and sisters in Christ. -That’s another area in which we are so fortunate here at 26th – unity and love of the brethren.