Jordan University of Science and Technology Faculty of Medicine Department of Pathology & Microbiology Semester 2006-2007 Course Information Course Title Immunology Course Code M232 Prerequisites Course Website Instructor Dr. Rakan El-Hamad Office Location M1-L1 Office Phone # 23703 Office Hours Monday: 12:30-14:00 Wednesday: 12:30-14:00 E-mail [email protected] Teaching Assistant(s) Course Description Study of human immunology & its applications in disease, diagnosis and treatment

Textbook Title Immunology for medical students Author(s) Nairn and Helbert Publisher Mosby Year 2002 Edition First Book Website Other references

Assessment Assessment Expected Due Date Percentage First Exam March 21st 30% Second Exam May 2nd 30% Final Exam May 24th 40% Assignments Participation Attendance

1 Course Objectives Percentage 1. Knowing the concept of "Lines of defense" and principles of immunology 10% 2. Knowing the function of the nonspecific immune response 20% 3. Understanding the specific immune response and its molecular basis 30% 4. Understanding the function of integration of the immune system 10% 5. Understanding the basics of immune system disorders 15% 6. Understanding the basics of lab immunology techniques 15%

Teaching & Learning Methods

1) Handouts 2) Overhead projector 3) Black board

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to Related Objective(s) Reference(s) 1 Chapter 2 and Handouts 1,2 Ch(1-2), Ch(19-21), Handouts 1-6 3,4 Ch(3-18), Ch22, Ch35, Handouts 5,6 6 Handouts 5 Ch(24-34), Handouts

Useful Resources

Course Content Week Topics Chapter in Textbook (handouts) 1

Additional Notes