Revolution & Civil War in Russia 26.5 839-845

1. What was 1913 the anniversary of? 2. In what year does the first revolution begin?

The March Revolution Ends Tsarism 3. Who controlled the economy and government in pre-revolutionary Russia? 4. How did Nicholas enforce his power after the revolution of 1905? 5. Who did the Marxists hope to ignite into revolution? 6. Explain how World War I hurt Russia. (give several reasons) 7. What major mistake did Nicholas II make? 8. Who is Rasputin? 9. What caused the tsar to abdicate? 10. What type of government did the Duma set up? 11. What are soviets? 12. Who are the Bolsheviks and who leads them? 13. Explain the issue with the calendar.

Lenin & the Bolsheviks 14. Why did Lenin hate the tsarist government? 15. Who did Lenin marry? 16. How did Lenin’s vision differ from Karl Marx’s vision of revolution? 17. What does Bolsheviks mean? 18. What was the vision of the Mensheviks? 19. Why did Germany want Lenin to return to Russia in 1917?

The November Revolution Brings the Bolsheviks to Power 20. Who is Leon Trotsky? 21. Who was the leader of the provisional government? 22. What were the mistakes of the provisional government? 23. Who are the Red Guards and what do they do? 24. What did the Bolsheviks do once they were in power? 25. What did the new flag look like and what did symbolize?

Russia Plunges in Civil War 26. What did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk do? 27. Who made up the Reds and who made up the Whites? 28. Why did the Allies intervene? 29. What did this intervention lead to? 30. What did the Communists do to the tsar and his family? 31. What was the Cheka? 32. Explain “war communism”. 33. Why is Trotsky important to the Communist cause? 34. Why were the Reds able to triumph?

Building the Communist Soviet Union 35. What does USSR stand for? 36. What was the reality in the new USSR? 37. Explain Lenin’s NEP. 38. How is it different from “pure communism”. 39. Who fights for power when Lenin dies? 40. Who wins?