Chapter 13 Section 3 Notes

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Chapter 13 Section 3 Notes

Chapter 13 Section 3 Notes

I. Warriors on Horseback A. Charles Martel observed the Muslim cavalry at the Battle of Tours B. Saddles and Stirrups 1. Developed in China and India by the 200’s but would not be developed in Europe until the 700’s C. The Warrior’s Role in Feudal Society 1. By 1000 Europe was a battleground of warring nobles 2. Knights became important to the nobles and granted them fiefs a. Served in battle for the nobles for 40 days b. These lands allowed the knights to devote their time to training

II. Knighthood and Chivalry A. Code of Chivalry demanded that a knight defend three masters 1. The lord 2. His heavenly Lord 3. His chosen lady B. He also protected the weak and poor C. War Games for Glory 1. Sons of nobles trained to be knights 2. Mock battles were called tournament D. Brutal Reality of Warfare 1. Bloodshed at Castles were intense a. The castles were fortresses designed for defense b. Attackers at castles used many tactics 1. Battering Rams 2. Siege Towers 3. Tortoise 4. Trebuchet c. Defenders of castles 1. Boiling water 2. Boiling oil 3. Archers with crossbows

III. The Literature of Chivalry A. By 1100 feudal warfare was glorified in literature 1. King Arthur and Camelot in England 2. The Song of Roland in France about knights in Charlemagne’s court 3. El Sid in Spain B. Love Poems and Songs 1. Troubadours were poet –musicians that sang songs of worship to women 2. Elanor of Aquitaine (1122-1204) was the most celebrated of the women a. As queen of England she was the mother to Richard the Lion- Hearted and King John

IV. The Shifting Role of Women A. Church viewed women as inferior to men B. Roles became limited to the home and convent 1. Powerless 2. Bearing children 3. Taking care of families C. Women in Power 1. Noblewomen could inherit an estate 2. When husband was off she acted in his position

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