National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology

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National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology


SATURDAY – October 1, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 10: 15 a.m. – Opening Ceremony Breakfast – Sponsored by Super Cuts

The General Session was called to order by First-Vice President Bill Helton at 10:30 AM.

Leisa Stuart McElreath took the roll, and announced that 25 states, the District of Columbia and Guam answered the roll call.

Debra Norton presented the Conference Credentials report and advised that 22 states, the District of Columbia and Guam have voting privileges with the Associate Members from Arkansas, Kansas, North Carolina, Virginia and Washington authorized to vote by proxy on behalf of their respective States.

Leisa Stuart McElreath presented the Conference Rules. District of Columbia moves to approve, seconded by the Oklahoma. Motion carried.

Nebraska moves to approve the conference agenda authorizing the presiding officer to deviate from the agenda as warranted; seconded by the District of Columbia. Motion carried.

Florida moves to approve the 2015 conference minutes, District of Columbia seconded. Motion carried.

First-Vice President Helton announced President Thompson’s appointments for the Nominating Committee, Rosanne Kinley (SC-Region 1), Chair; Anwar Saleem (DC – Region 1), Kelli Kersey (AR-Region 2), LaFaye Austin (OK-Region 3) and Donna Aune (AZ – Region 4).

Leisa Stuart McElreath presented the Election Procedures. District of Columbia moves to approve the Election Procedures. Oklahoma seconded. Motion carried.

Darla Northway, Chairman of the Bylaws Committee, presented an overview of the proposed bylaw amendments. (Proposed bylaw amendments attached).

First-Vice President Helton introduced Robyn Barineau and Laurel Ritenbaugh Co-Chairmen of the Education Committee. The remaining committee members were introduced as follows: LaFaye Austin (OK), Adrienne Harvey (FL), Fran Poppel (FL), Robin Tabano, (FL), Rhonda Griffis (FL), Jared Sutherland (FL), Stephania Wilson (FL). An overview of the education program was presented and delegates were requested to complete the evaluation forms contained in the conference program and turn the evaluation forms in before leaving the conference.

TNT: Blasting your Career Over the Top – Best Practices of Top 20 Salon Professionals, Michael Cole, Loreal -

Learning to Learn, Learning to Earn, Learning to Live as a Top 20 Salon Professional.

Recess for Lunch at 1:00 PM – 2:15 P.M. – Sponsored by Aequo International

General Session reconvened at 2:30 p.m. COLUMBIA 1289673v1 “The Cosmetology Inspection Process: Are you in compliance? Timothy McGrath Field Office Manager, Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR) This presentation focused on the Florida DBPR’s Cosmetology Inspection program. Topics included licensing requirements, sanitation and safety requirements, enforcement methods and discipline.

“Chemical Safety for the artist: OSHA’s requirements” – Joan Spencer, Compliance Assistance Specialists, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration The safety of the products you use on your client is of the upmost importance, but what about you? While all products must be safe to use on clients, this does not necessarily make them safe for the artist because the artist is exposed to the chemicals more often and for much longer times than their client. This presentation covered the owner’s requirements to train their employees and exposed subcontractors on the hazards of the most common and/or harmful chemicals found in the beauty industry according to OSHA’s regulations.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

SUNDAY – October 2, 2016

Breakfast – 8:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. – Sponsored by Milady

President Thompson called the General Session to order at 9:30 AM.

Leisa Stuart McElreath called the roll. “Let’s Talk Skills” - Courtney Miller, State Director, Skills USA Florida Does the future cosmetology workforce have the skills needed to be successful? How are our educators helping students develop personal and workplace skills? How do we ensure the cosmetology industry continues to thrive? All of this and so much more!

“Human Trafficking” – Corporal Mike Victor, City of Tampa

“Professional Nails – Advancing the State of the Industry” - Jan Arnold, Co-Founder & Style Director, CND/Revlon Professional Brands

Recess for lunch from 12:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. - Sponsored by Pivot Point

General Session reconvened at 2:00 p.m.

President Thompson called for the Nominating Committee Report. Rosanne Kinley, Nominating Committee Chairman, presented the slate of officers nominated by the Committee:

Bill Helton, President (OK) Glenda Ledford, First-Vice President (AK) Sharon Young, Second-Vice President (DC) Sarah Hamrick, Secretary-Treasurer (WV) Marci Delaney, Region 1 Director (SC) Vicky McNally, Region 2 Director (WI) Jalainna Ellis, Region 3 Director (WY) Karla Clodfelter, Region 4 Director (AZ) Gina Stauss-Fast – Executive Director (MN) Susan Colard – Executive Director (WA)

COLUMBIA 1289673v1 Skit – Beauty School Dropout – Florida Board of Cosmetology

President’s Report. (Attached) President Thompson called for the Bylaws Committee Report. President Thompson turned the podium over to Mr. Corley. Roll call was taken; 22 states, with voting privileges, responded to the roll call (ID & MT no response).

Mr. Corley presented the amendment to Article IV, Section 2.B. A vote of the delegates, by written ballot, was taken and the results were unanimous with all 22 states voting to approve the proposed Bylaw amendment.

Mr. Corley presented the amendment to: Article V, Section 1.A, Article V, Section 1.C and Article VI, Section 6. A vote of the delegates, by written ballot, was taken and the results were unanimous with 22 states voting to approve the proposed Bylaw amendments.

Mr. Corley presented the amendment to Article VI, Section 4.A.3. A vote of the delegates, by written ballot, was taken and the results were unanimous with 22 states voting to approve the proposed Bylaw amendment.

Mr. Corley presented the amendment to Article VII by adding Section 3. A vote of the delegates, by written ballot, was taken and the results were unanimous with 22 states voting to approve the propose Bylaw amendment.

President Thompson called for the Honorary Membership Committee Report. Richard DeCarlo, Chairman of the Honorary Membership Committee advised that there was one applicant that applied for Honorary Membership, specifically Marie Nordboe from Nebraska. DeCarlo stated that Nordboe had accumulated more than the 100 points required to qualify as a candidate for Honorary Membership and he presented the breakdown of the points Ms. Nordboe had accumulated to meet the requirements. A vote of the delegates, by written ballot, was taken and Nordboe received 21 votes; with one abstention. Requiring a 2/3 majority vote, Ms. Nordboe nomination to become an Honorary member was approved.

President Thompson called for the Conference Site Committee Report. LaFaye Austin, Chairman of the Conference Site Committee, advised that there were 2 states that expressed an interest to host the 2018 conference, specifically Nevada (Las Vegas), and Washington (Seattle). Nevada was not in attendance at the conference but, Washington State gave a brief presentation. A vote by the delegates to select the site for the 2018 conference was conducted with Washington State receiving 21 votes with one abstention. Based on the votes by the delegates, the 2018 conference will be held in the state of Washington.

President Thompson acknowledged the July 25, 2016 passing of Larry Walthers (NV) who was a past President of NIC and past Chairman of the NEC. Past President, Michael Hill also paid tribute to Mr. Walters.

The Session was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

MONDAY October 3, 2016

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Breakfast – Sponsored by Great Clips

President Thompson called the General Session to order at 9:15 AM.

Leisa Stuart McElreath called the roll.

“10 things you can do to prevent cancer” – Nagi Kumar, Ph.D., Director, Cancer Chemoprevention, Division of Population Sciences & Genitourinary Oncology, Moffitt Cancer The most convincing evidence from current cancer research suggests that environmental exposures, lifestyle choices and other factors that could be changed or avoided account for between 70% and 90% of the gene mutations that

COLUMBIA 1289673v1 are important for cancers to form and progress. Dr. Kumar discussed the current research consensus and recommendations on lifestyle changes that can be made to prevent cancer. “Sun Safety and Recognition of Abnormal Skin Lesions” - Viktoriya Ladanova, Cutaneous Oncology Department, Moffitt Cancer Center

This session focused on sun-safety practices as well as recognizing abnormal skin lesions. The presentation also included statistics on skin cancers and multiple pictures of different cancer lesions for recognition.

President Thompson called for the Election of Officers. McElreath called the roll with 19 states responding to the roll call. (ID, MO, NC & OH did not respond to roll call). The podium was turned over to O.Wayne Corley to preside over the elections.

Office of President – The Nominating Committee nominated Bill Helton for the office of President. Mr. Corley called for nominations from the floor three times; hearing none the State of Oklahoma called for the nominations to cease, seconded by South Carolina. Bill Helton was elected President by acclamation.

Office of First-Vice President – The Nominating Committee nominated Glenda Ledford for the office of First-Vice President. Mr. Corley called for nominations from the floor three times; hearing none the State of Alaska called for the nominations to cease, seconded by Florida. Glenda Ledford was elected First-Vice President by acclamation.

Office of Second-Vice President – The Nominating Committee nominated Sharon Young for the office of Second- Vice President. Mr. Corley called for nominations from the floor three times; hearing none the District of Columbia called for the nominations to cease, seconded by Guam. Sharon Young was elected First-Vice President by acclamation.

Office of Secretary/Treasurer– The Nominating Committee nominated Sarah Hamrick for the office of Secretary/Treasurer. Mr. Corley called for nominations from the floor three times; hearing none the State of West Virginia called for the nominations to cease; seconded by Florida. Sarah Hamrick was elected Secretary/Treasurer by acclamation.

Office of Region 1 Director – The Nominating Committee nominated Marci Delaney for the office of Region 1 Director. Mr. Corley called for nominations from the floor three times; hearing none the State of South Carolina called for the nominations to cease; seconded by Oklahoma. Marci Delaney was elected Region I Director by acclamation.

Office of Region 2 Director – The Nominating Committee nominated Vicky McNally for the office of Region 2 Director. Mr. Corley called for nominations from the floor three times; hearing none the State of Wisconsin called for the nominations to cease. Vicky McNally was elected Region 2 Director by acclamation.

Office of Region 3 Director – The Nominating Committee nominated Jalainna Ellis for the office of Region 3 Director. Mr. Corley called for nominations from the floor three times; hearing none the State of Wyoming called for the nomination to cease; seconded by Arizona. Jalainna Ellis was elected Region 3 Director by acclamation.

Office of Region 4 Director – The Nominating Committee nominated Karla Clodfelter for the office of Region 4 Director. Mr. Corley called for nominations from the floor three times; hearing none the State of Arizona called for the nominations to cease; seconded by Hawaii. Karla Clodfelter was elected Region 4 Director by acclamation.

Office of Executive Director #1 – The Executive Directors selected Gina Stauss-Fast to serve as one of the two Executive Directors on the Executive Board and the Nominating Committee nominated Gina Stauss-Fast for the office of Executive Director. Gina Stauss-Fast was elected to the office of Executive Director by acclamation.

COLUMBIA 1289673v1 Office of Executive Director #2 – The Executive Directors selected Susan Colard to serve as the other Executive Directors to serve on the Executive Board and the Nominating Committee nominated Susan Colard for the office of Executive Director. Susan Colard was elected to the office of Executive Director by acclamation.

Unfinished Business. - None

New Business.

a) President Thompson announced the Lois Wiskur Newsletter Award Winners:

Single Signature Page award - South Dakota

Multiple page awards: Kansas – First Place West Virginia – Second Place

b) President Thompson announced the Aurie J. Gosnell 2016 Scholarship candidates:

Region 1 – Brittney Zeller, North Carolina Region 2 – Mycaela Lovelace, MI Region 3 – Avalyn Thomas, CO Region 4 – Elsa Estrada, CA

A resolution was read into the record by Leisa Stuart McElreath and was accepted by the delegates.

President Thompson adjourned the meeting at 1:00 p.m.

6:30 p.m. – Installation Banquet

The 2016/2017 Officers were installed. Leslie Roste with Barbicide/King Research received the Aurie J. Gosnell Award.

Incoming President Bill Helton adjourned the conference at 8:00 p.m.

Submitted by:

Debra Norton October 30, 2016

COLUMBIA 1289673v1 To: The NIC Executive Board, Members of the NEC, Delegates, and NIC staff. All of which are invaluable. From: Melanie Thompson, NIC President RE: 2016 Annual Conference President’s report Date: October 2016

First I would like to thank the Delegation of NIC for bestowing me the honor of their trust and support. Being the first President in the history of NIC to serve three consecutive years is an accolade I will treasure forever. My hope is that I served each of you with integrity and professionalism.

Being the President isn’t always easy. You must always keep your personal opinions separate from your professional obligations and decision-making even though it may not always make your peers happy. You must always be consistent in upholding the procedures and bylaws. You must remember that you are representing NIC at all times, not just at meetings or at conferences. Finally, you must always remember you are representing the entire Nation, not just your home state or region. I may not have been perfect but I can honestly say I did my best to fulfill my responsibilities during my time as President.

You know the old saying “ if you look hard enough for something, you’ll find it”? Typically this is used when referring to something being wrong. Well I would like to share a positive experience using this same saying, although I really didn’t have to look very hard at all.

Over the years many things have inspired me but little did I know how I would be inspired before this conference even officially got started. I met a woman in the elevator on Thursday morning who asked me where breakfast was being served. I did not recognize this woman so I directed her to the restaurant or front desk. Little did I know at the time that she was the Executive Director for the great State of Maryland and was attending our conference for the first time. During our new member orientation and welcome reception I made it a point of speaking to her and getting to know a little more about her. She explained that she had seen a line item on her State budget for “NIC” but had no idea what or who we were. She was already familiar with the National Association of Barber Boards but didn’t know of a National association for Cosmetologists. After doing her own research she discovered NIC and realized that was the same NIC listed on her budget. When her State was trying to remove NIC from their budget she fought to keep it there so she could attend our conference and learn more about who we were and what we did. So I had the privilege of meeting Shirley from Maryland who inspired me with her tenacity to learn more, her passion for this profession, and her bravery to fight for something she wasn’t certain would be beneficial. She inspired me to be more proactive and seek my own knowledge. Later in the evening while I was greeting everyone I came across a familiar and beautiful face, Tammy from South Dakota. Tammy was kind and gracious enough to share with me what an inspiration I had been to her. Considering I only get to see Tammy once a year during our conference I was surprised to hear I had inspired her. When I expressed my confusion she simply replied that I would be surprised to know how often she thought of me and what an inspiration I had been to her. I am incredibly thankful to have been an inspiration to such a beautiful and talented woman but I still have no idea what I have done to achieve such an honor. So you see,

COLUMBIA 1289673v1 inspiration can come from people or places when you least expect it. Be open enough to acknowledge and accept it.

The Executive Board and I have been very busy this past year.

The following is a summary of what we accomplished:

~Formed a Contract negotiation committee to revise the Vendor Minimum Qualification Agreement.

~Completely revised the Vendor Minimum Qualification Agreement. We clarified and detailed all security measures we require for anyone who administers our examination in order to protect our intellectual property. . We also strengthened the agreement to prohibit any approved State or vendor, who administers our examination, from competing with us. We made revisions that ensure each approved State or Vendor is provided our examination content in the same manner and will also administer our examination in the same manner. This promotes standardization.

~Finalized a revision to the Examination Administration manual. The revised manual includes electronic scoring for practical examinations as well as updates for check in procedures and verifying proper identification.

~All of our examinations have gone through a Job Analysis within the last five years. This means we are 100% up to date with our commitment to keeping our examinations current.

~There were 46 Workshops utilizing the expertise of 156 Subject matter experts. Of the 156, approximately ½ of them were new.

~We implemented an evaluation system to determine the productivity of the workshops. The SMT staff will evaluate the SME’s to identify their strengths and weaknesses, which helps to determine who should be invited to each workshop based on their strengths. The evaluation system also allows the SME’s to evaluate the facilitator from SMT so that we can ensure the facilitators assigned to work with NIC are well versed in our examinations and can achieve the tasks scheduled.

~We have 148 test forms across all disciplines.

~We are scheduled to release updates to the following in 2017:

Instructor, in process now Electrology, Summer 2017 Micropigmentation, possibly in fiscal year 2016-2017

~Exams we launched in 2016:

Body Piercing June, 2016 Cosmetology & Hair Design May, 2016 AP Esthetics May, 2016 Natural Hair Styling May, 2016 Tattooing (theory) June, 2016

COLUMBIA 1289673v1 ~In conjunction with SMT we have developed an electronic scoring system for the practical examinations. This will make scoring easier for the examiners but will also allow the examiners to note why a candidate may have received a “no” on a particular task. This is still in the beta testing phase but so far we have received positive feedback. We look forward to having it fully implemented.

Once again the delegates did their due diligence in electing the officers to serve on the Executive Board for 2016-2017. Bill Helton will take over as President. He will do an amazing job, as will the newly elected board members. I am excited to see all the wonderful things in store for NIC.

Thank you once again for allowing me the privilege of serving as your President.

Respectfully submitted,

Melanie C. Thompson


Stricken language would be deleted. Underlined language would be added.

1. Amend Article IV, Section 2.B to read as follows:

B. An Associate member shall be (1) One who is a board member of his or her respective state, district or territory but which state board has not become officially a member of the Council, (2) One who is an executive secretary or administrator director who is not otherwise a state board member and who shall be closely allied to the state board and who shall be responsible thereto, which state board shall be a member of the Council, or (3) One who is a past state board member of his or her respective state, district, or territory; provided, however, that, except as authorized in Article VI, Section 6 hereof, an Associate member shall have no voting privileges and shall not be permitted to make motions or nominations from the floor.

2. Amend Article V, Section 1.A to read as follows:

A. The officers of the Council shall be a president, the immediate past president, a first vice president, a second vice president, a secretary/treasurer, four regional directors and two board administratorsexecutive directors, all of whom, except the immediate past president, shall be elected by the general membership during the annual conference. In the 2015 elections cycle, the current board administrator and a new board administrator shall be elected. Thereafter, in subsequent electionsIn each election cycle, of the two board administratorsexecutive directors elected, at least one shall be a current board administratormember of the Executive Board .

3. Amend Article V, Section 1.C to read as follows:

C. Only Active members in good standing are eligible to be elected to an office, except that the board administratorsexecutive directors elected as members of the Executive Board shall be Associate members, as defined in Article IV, Section 2(B)(2) hereof.

4. Amend Article VI, Section 4.A.3 to read as follows:

3. be responsible for regional meetings, such as: regional conference location, agenda and conference facility if, regional meetings are authorized by the Executive Board;

COLUMBIA 1289673v1 5. Amend Article VI, Section 6, to read as follows:


The board administratorsexecutive directors elected as members of the Executive Board shall, in addition to their duties and responsibilities as members of the Executive Board, be responsible to all Associate members, as defined in Article IV, Section 2.B.2, for dissemination of information and help as needed and requested.

6. Amend Article VII, by adding Section 3 to read as follows:


Regional Meetings of the council may be called to be held at a location and date to be determined by the Executive Board.


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