Funeral Sermon for a 95 Year Old Saint; a Good, Godly Lady

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Funeral Sermon for a 95 Year Old Saint; a Good, Godly Lady

Funeral sermon for a 95 year old saint; a good, godly lady

A Burning Lamp Proverbs 31:18 “…her candle goeth not out by night…”

I came home from visiting family and walked into the garage. I looked at the Lamp. It was originally an ornate Oil Lamp from Governor Atkins’ house in Social Hill, Arkansas. It has been converted to electricity, but still maintains its uniqueness.

How many (1) working hours have been extended, (2) how many minds have been enlightened, (3) how many decisions have been made, (4) how many family fellowships have been prolonged and enhanced by this burning lamp, which doesn’t go out just because it got dark all around?

Truly, surely, it must be said of this Proverbs 31 woman, as in verse 31…” let her own works praise her in the gates.” And they do! So although I feel extremely honored to have any part in a tribute to her life, I surely must feel like a thimble pouring out its bit to demonstrate the volume of the ocean, or a pint-sized paragraph trying to explain the volumes of information in the grandest library anywhere—

I am certainly not trying to sum up and give synopsis of 95 years in a few statements; but as a small window offers a view of an ever-widening panorama, so consider:

I. The burning lamp of her work! A. She was one of the hardest working women I ever knew

1. House, field, wherever, whatever – she is proof of the benefit of hard work! 2. She was blue denim and lace B. This world, and country, needs women like (name of deceased). Wouldn’t it be wonderful if she could have been on 60 Minutes, or Larry King, so the youth of America could see “here is the personification of (1) integrity, (2) dignity (decency), (3) honesty, (4) loyalty, (5) frugality, and (6) industry.

C. I couldn’t help but think while we stood helplessly by and watched her work, toil, labor for life, struggling yet striding ever forward – II Cor. 4:17, “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory!

O what rewards has she received! Rev. 14:13 “and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from hence forth – that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them!”

II. The burning lamp of her womanhood A. Her entrance into womanhood was accelerated by circumstances which cased her to early on begin a life of taking care of others.

B. Her womanhood was the epitome of motherhood. She not only loved her own children, but her stepchildren. Her pall bearers are grown-up children who she loved and taught in Sunday school.

C. She gave a mother’s love, spoke a mother’s language, and exemplified a mother’s loyalty.

D. She had a sense of humor. At age 95 she said she was afraid that all of her friends who had gone on to heaven will think she didn’t make it!

E. She was 1. Strong without being stiff 2. Serious without being stoic 3. Straight without being starchy 4. Fine without being fragile 5. Courageous without being careless 6. Principled without being prudish.

F. She was a diamond spirit, produced by her own intrinsic ingredients and by patience under pressure. She had a dazzling, durable diamond spirit, a soul overlaid by gold, overlaid with a body of worn wood, polished by use and time.

G. She made a difference in this life. She was woman of 1. Convictions 2. Commitments 3. Compassion 4. Confidence.

III. The burning lamp of her worship A. She and her husband heard about a meeting at a particular place. One night he was sick, she went, got saved, and was baptized in the Holy Ghost.

B. She was the best prayer warrior I ever knew. She prayed until God moved.

C. She was the first to arrive at church and the last to leave.

IV. The burning lamp of her witness A. As is said of John the Baptist in John 5:35, “a burning and shining light.”

B. She was a 1. Living epistle – there were no misspelled words. 2. Loving example – she witnessed with her walk as well as her talk 3. Loyal evangelist – she witnessed to a young boy recently and he said “I’d better run home and get ready right now!

C. She has left you a legacy and a lesson that lives on 1. Her memory won’t die 2. Her prayers are shelved in heaven and are active until the millennium 3. Her record in heaven is secure 4. Her influence lives on

Like the sweet scent of a rose that lingers long after the flower has been removed, so her life so sublime, although departed, leaves behind footprints in the sands of time. And so now we look down on the silent form of this burning lamp and see the effects

» In the hands – 95 years of helping » In the feet – 95 years of stepping » In the white hair – 95 years of caring » In the elegant bearing on her face – 95 years of tears tracing down etched lines of love » In her badge of merit – a heart with 95 years of loving and giving and a mind with 95 years of soundness.

And without flinching or fearing, she stepped over home (date). Though she lived 40 years plus in (town), this was not her home. She woke up in heaven in her room!

Rev. 21:23. “The city hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine upon it, for the glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof, and the nations shall walk in the midst of the light thereof! And there shall be no night there!”

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