Wang Shuyu; Xiong Zhe. 2004. the Preliminary Analysis of 5 Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Global
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Shuyu Wang
Wang Shuyu; Xiong Zhe. 2004. The Preliminary Analysis of 5 Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Global Climate Models Simulation of Regional Climate in Asia. Climatic and environmental research, 9(2): 240-249. In this paper, 5 Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Global Climate Models (AOGCM)’s abilities in simulating regional climate in East Asia were examined. Congbin Fu, Shuyu Wang, Zhe Xiong, et al. 2005. Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project for Asia. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 86, 257–266. This paper is a brief report of RMIP goals, implementation design, and some initial results from the first phase studies.
Congbin Fu
Congbin Fu, Shuyu Wang, Zhe Xiong, et al. 2005. Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project for Asia. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 86, 257–266. This paper is a brief report of RMIP goals, implementation design, and some initial results from the first phase studies. Deming Zhao, Congbin Fu, XiaoDong Yan. 2009. Testing the ability of RIEMS2.0 to simulate multi-year precipitation and air temperature in China. Chinese Science Bulletion. 54:3101-3111. In this paper, we compare simulated precipitation and air temperature at 2 m from 1980 to 2007 by RIEMS2.0 with the observed data, as well as discuss the differences from three cumulus parameterization schemes. Helin Wei
Helin Wei, Congbin Fu. 1998. Study of the sensitivity of a regional model in response to land cover change over northern China. Hydrological Process, 12:2249-2265. In this paper, a high resolution regional climate mode l is used to study the sensitivity of the regional model in response to land cover change in northern China. Helin Wei, William J.G., Charles J.V., et al. 2002. Calibration and Validation of a Regional Climate Model for Pan-Arctic Hydrologic Simulation. Journal of Climate, 15:3222-3236. This paper presents a 1-yr RCM simulation for the pan-Arctic to assess the quantitative performance of a version of the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU–NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5) being developed for studying the region’s land–atmosphere hydrologic cycle. Helin Wei, Youlong Xia, Kenneth E. M., et al. 2013. Improvement of the Noah land surface model for warm season processes: evaluation of water and energy flux simulation. Hydrological Process, 27:297-303. This paper presents a study to improve the Noah model by adding model parameterization processes such as including seasonal factor on leaf area index and root distribution and selecting optimal model parameters. Yun Qian Yun Qian, C.N. Long, H. Wang, et al. 2012. Evaluation of cloud fraction and its radiative effect simulated by IPCC AR4 global models against ARM surface observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(4):1785-1810. In this study, we evaluate Cloud Fraction (CF) simulated in the IPCC AR4 GCMs against ARM long-term ground-based measurements, with a focus on the vertical structure, total amount of cloud and its effect on cloud shortwave transmissivity. Yun Qian, Flanner M.G., Leung L.R., et al. 2011. Sensitivity studies on the impacts of Tibetan Plateau snowpack pollution on the Asian hydrological cycle and monsoon climate. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(5):1929-1948. In this study, a series of numerical experiments with a global climate model are designed to simulate radiative forcing of black carbon (BC) and dust in snow, and to assess the relative impacts of anthropogenic CO2 and carbon aceous particles in the atmosphere and snow on the snowpack over the Tibetan Plateau and subsequent impacts on the Asian monsoon climate and hydrological cycle. Yun Qian, Leung L.R., Ghan S.J., et al. 2003. Regional Climate Effects of Aerosols over China: Modeling and Observation. Tellus Series B, Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 55(4):914-934. In this paper, We present regional simulations of aerosol properties, direct radiative forcing and aerosol climatic effects over China, and compare the simulations with observed aerosol characteristics and climatic data over the region. Zhe Xiong
Zhe Xiong, Wang shuyu, Zeng zhaomei, et al. 2003. Analysis of simulated heavy rain over the Yangtze River over the Yangtze River valley during 11-30 June 1998 using RIEMS. advances in atmospheric sciences,20(5):815-824. In this paper, the rainfall in the period of 11-30 June, 1998 is selected to study RIEMS’s capability to reproduce heavy rain, the Westerly jet and Low-level jet, and the water vapor transport in the East Asia region. Zhe Xiong. 2004. Evolutionary character of climatology over East Asia by RIEMS. Climatic and environmental research, 9(2):295-302. In this paper, RIEMS's ability to simulate over East Asia climate is examined by using continue 10-year (from January 1987 to December 1996) integrated results. Jinming Feng
Jinming Feng,Congbin Fu. 2006. Inter-comparison of 10-year Precipitation simulated by several RCMs for Asia. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 23(4):531-542. In this paper, we will simulate and compare the monsoon precipitation from different model outputs according to the RMIP phase II requirements so as to analyze the simulation capacity of the RCMs. Jinming Feng, Lee D.K., Congbin Fu, et al. 2011. Comparison of four ensemble methods combining regional climate simulations over Asia. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 111:41-53. In this paper, multi-model ensemble results using 10-year simulations of five regional climate models (RCMs) from December 1988 to November 1998 over Asia are presented and compared. Deming Zhao
Deming Zhao, Congbin Fu, XiaoDong Yan. 2009. Testing the ability of RIEMS2.0 to simulate multi-year precipitation and air temperature in China. Chinese Science Bulletion. 54:3101-3111. In this paper, we compare simulated precipitation and air temperature at 2 m from 1980 to 2007 by RIEMS2.0 with the observed data, as well as discuss the differences from three cumulus parameterization schemes. Deming Zhao. 2013. Performance of Regional Integrated Environment Modeing System(RIEMS) in precipitation simulation over East Asia. Climate Dynamics, 10.1007/s00382-012-1660-1. In this paper, we use the model to simulate climate conditions in East Asia from 1978 to 2008 to further test the simulation capabilities of RIEMS2.0 in East Asia and to evaluate the model improvements and their applications. Li Dan
Li Dan, Jinjun Ji and Peiqun Zhang. 2005. The soil moisture of China in a high resolution climate-vegetation model. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 22(5):720-729. In this paper, a soil moisture simulation in China with a T213 resolution is compared to the observational data, and its relationship to precipitation is explored. Li Dan, Jinjun Ji, Xie Zhenghui, et al. 2011. Hydrological projections of climate change scenarios over the 3H region of China: A VIC model assessment. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2011JD017131. A hydrological evaluation using the VIC hydrological model under different climate scenarios was carried out to examine the potential sensitivity of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (3H) region of China to potential changes in future precipitation and temperature. Zhiwei Han
Zhiwei Han, Jiawei Li, Xiangao Xia, et al. 2012. Investigation of direct radiative effects of aerosols in dust storm season over East Asia with an online coupled regional climate-chemist ry- aerosol model. Atmospheric Environment, 54:688-699. In this paper, a new online coup led regional climate-chemistry-aerosol model (RIEMS- Chemaero) has been developed and applied to investigate direct radiative effects of dust aerosol and mixed aerosols over East Asia in March 2010. Zhiwei Han, Jiawei Li, Weidong Guo, et al. 2013. A study of dust radiative feedback on dust cycle and meteorology over East Asia by a coupled regional climate-chemistry-aerosol model. Atmospheric Environment, 68:54-63. This paper utilized an online coupled regional climate-chemistry-aerosol model (namely RIEMS- Chemaero) to investigate the direct radiative feedback of dust aerosol on dust cycle and meteorological elements over East Asia, with focus on a severe dust storm on 19-22 March 2010, which originated from the Gobi desert near the China-Mongolia border.
Bingkai Su
Bingkai Su, Jianping Tang, Zhong Zhong, et al. 2002. A research on high performance simulator for disaster weather and climate. Journal of NanJing University(Natural Sciences), 38(3):365-374. This paper introduce the high performance simulator for disaster and climate according to the research project in reference to the Beowulf modle. Tang Jianping, Su Bingkai, Zhao Ming, Zhao Deming, 2003, Simulation experiments on the MM5V3 coupled with land surface model BATS. Acta Meteorogica Sinica, 465-480. In this paper, the complex land surface modle BATS was coupled to the PSU/NCAR MM5V3, and the coupled model was used to simulate the heavy rain in summers of 1991 and 1998.
Ming Zhao
Ming Zhao, Jing Jiang, Bingkai Su, et al. 1995. An interactive model between soil-vegetation- atmosphere including surface layer. Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, 19(4):405-414. In this paper, an interactive model between soil-vegetation-atmosphere surface layer has been designed with some new characteristics on the basis of some similar models. Xinming Zeng, Zhao ming and Su BingKai.2000. A numerical study on effects of land-surface heterogeneity from “combined approach” on atmospheric process part Ⅰ:Principle and method. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 17(1):103-120. In this paper, we extend the independent variable of the probability density function to the single valued function of basic meteorological characteristic quantities, which can make the application of the combined approach more universial. Ming Zhao, Yong Jiang, Jianping Tang, et al. 2003. Effects of land surface process on heavy rain: A new RIEMS model. Journal of NanJing University(Natural Sciences), 39(3):365-374. The new RIEMS model and the original MM5 model are used to simulate two cases of heavy rain in the Yangtze-Huaihe area and to study the effects of land surface process on the heavy rain simulation. Meanwhile, the effects of the inclusion of BATS on the synoptic situation and meteorological fields are also analyzed. Hongnian Liu
Hongnian Liu, Jiang Weimei. 2004. A preliminary study on the heterogeneous chemical processes on the sruface of dust aerosol and its effect on climate, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 47(3):471- 478. In this paper, we set up a heterogeneous chemical model which includes dust emission and connects an advanced meso-scale meteorological-atmospheric chemical model system. Hongnian Liu, Li Zhang and Jian Wu. 2010. A modeling study of the climate effects of sulfate and carbonaceous aerosols over China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 27(6):1276-1288. In this paper, the RIEMS 2.0 model is used to simulate the distribution of sulfate, black carbon, and organic carbon aerosols over China in 1998.
Jianping Tang
Jianping Tang, Shi Song, Jian Wu. 2010. Impacts of the spectral nudging technique on simulation of the East Asian summer monsoon. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 101:41-51. This study assesses the performance of spectral nudging methodology in dynamical regional climate down-scaling for summer climate over East Asia. Jianping Tang, Chen Xing, Zhao Ming, et al. 2009. Numerical simulation of regional climate change under IPCC A2 Scenario in China. 23(1):29-42. Regional climate change in China under the IPCC A2 Scenario, was simulated for continuous 10- yr period by the MM5V3, using the output of an IPCC A2 run from CISRO Mark3 climate system model as lateral and surface boundary conditions. Yaocun Zhang
Yaocun Zhang, Massaki Takahashi and Lanli Guo. 2008. Analysis of the East Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet Simulated by CCSR/NIES/FRCGC Coupled Climate System Model. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 86(2): 257-278. The major features of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet in the upper troposphere simulated by the two versions of CCSR/NlES/FRCGC climate system model are examined by analyzing the differences between the coupled model simulations and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. Yaocun Zhang, Xueyuan Kuang, Guo Weidong, et al. 2006. Seasonal evolution of the uper- tropospheric westerly jet core over East Asia. Geophysical Research Letters,
L11708,doi:10.1029/2006GL026377. The location change of the westerly jet core at upper troposphere in June and July is investigated by using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. Jian Wu
Jian Wu, Congbin Fu, Xu Y, et al. Simulation of direct effects of black carbon aerosol on temperature and hydrological cycle in Asia by a regional climate model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,100:179-193. The simulation of direct radiative effect of black carbon ( BC) aerosol over Asia is carried out with application of Regional Climate Model RegCM3 over the period of 1993–2003 based on BC emission inventory in 2000. Jian Wu, Congbin Fu, Zhiwei Han, et al. 2010. Simulation of the direct effects of dust aerosol on climate in East Asia. Particuology, 8:301-307. The direct radiative forcing and regional climatic effects of dust aerosol over the East Asian region are investigated in this study using NCAR’s Community Atmospheric Model version 3.1. Xinming Zeng
Xinming Zeng, Zhao ming and Su BingKai.2000. A numerical study on effects of land-surface heterogeneity from “combined approach” on atmospheric process part Ⅰ:Principle and method. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 17(1):103-120. In this paper, we extend the independent variable of the probability density function to the single valued function of basic meteorological characteristic quantities, which can make the application of the combined approach more universial. Xinming Zeng, Zhao ming and Su BingKai.2000. A numerical study on effects of land-surface heterogeneity from “combined approach” on atmospheric process part Ⅱ:Coupling-model simulations. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 17(2):242-254. In this paper, we carried out the experiments of the coupling land-atmosphere model, in which the meso-scale model MM4 developed by Pennsylvania State University and National Center for Atmospheric Research was adopted as the atmospheric component. Lizhi Wang
Lizhi Wang, Jun Li, Fengxian Zhou.1998. Cloud classification of GMS-5 data and its application in rainfall estimation. Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, 22(3):371-378. This paper studies the cloud classification based on the spectral characteristics of the Geostationary Meteorological Satellite ( GMS- 5) observations at both day and night time. Min Chen
Min Chen, Zheng Yongguang, Wang hongqing, et al. 2005. Numerical simulation study on MCS of a heavy rainfall process in South China. Acta Meteorological Sinica, 63(3):313-324. In this paper, a simulation of a heavy rain process occurred in South China on 23 May 1998 was conducted using the PSU/NCAR MM5 model.