Tony Clines, Executive Secretary
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Tony Clines, Executive Secretary UIL Music Region 8 P.O. Box 23509, Waco, Texas 76702 254-644-5128, [email protected] August 15, 2013
TO: High School and Middle School Band Directors
SUBJECT: Concert and Sightreading Contest
All contest entries must be done online through our region’s web page at: I am confident that you will find the entry procedures simple and that they will save you time once you have become familiar with the process. All instructions are on the web page, but I will list some suggestions later in this communication to help you avoid some problems. Please read all of these suggestions. If you entered students in UIL Marching Contest or Solo and Ensemble Contest, you are already registered to do these entries. Otherwise you must reregister this year as all old files have been purged.
To prepare entries for Concert and Sightreading Contest, consult the current copies of the Constitution and Contest Rules and the Prescribed Music List. The Constitution and Contest Rules may be viewed on the Internet at the UIL website. The Prescribed Music List is included as part of our online entry process through our web page.
It is recommended that all directors bringing organizations to UIL Sightreading Contest familiarize themselves with the “Sightreading Criteria” for your classification available on the state UIL website.
The Prescribed Music List (PML) is available at no cost through the online entry system on our website. The PML is no longer updated every four years. It is updated on an ongoing basis. Be careful to not assume that something that was on the list in the past is still on the list. Verify that it is on the current list.
(From the Constitution and Contest Rules) Section 1102: GENERAL REGULATIONS (b) STUDENT ELIGIBILITY (1)(B) Exception. A student enrolled in more than one instrumental music class may participate in the group representing each class provided the student is performing on a different instrument.
At the option of the music director and local school officials, and with the approval of the UIL State Director of Music, music organizations representing new music programs and music organizations committed to the process of establishing a viable music program may enter as non-varsity groups in the conference to which they are assigned until such time that the organization earns a division one rating in concert performance.
+West Zone 1A-2A-3A Bands C.H. Yoe High School CONTEST DATE: March 5-6, 2014 Steven Moss, Contest Host ENTRY DEADLINE: February 3, 2014
+East Zone 1A-2A-3A Bands Groesbeck High School CONTEST DATES: March 5-6, 2014 Collin Anderson, Contest Host ENTRY DEADLINE: February 3, 2014
Class 4A & 5A High Schools (N/C/W Zones) Copperas Cove High School CONTEST DATE: April 8-9, 2014 Randy Kelley, Contest Host ENTRY DEADLINE: March 8, 2014
High School Bands (South Zone) College Station High School CONTEST DATE: April 10, 2014 Eric Eaks, Contest Host ENTRY DEADLINE: March 10, 2014
Middle School Bands (North Zone) Midway Middle School CONTEST DATES: April 10-11, 2014 Dawn Melton, Contest Host ENTRY DEADLINE: March 10, 2014
Middle School Bands (West Zone) Copperas Cove High School CONTEST DATE: April 10, 2014 Randy Kelley, Contest Host ENTRY DEADLINE: March 10, 2014
Middle School Bands (Central Zone) Belton High School CONTEST DATE: April 11, 2014 Scott Dudley, Contest Host ENTRY DEADLINE: March 11, 2014
Middle School Bands (South Zone) College Station High School CONTEST DATE: April 11, 2014 Eric Eaks, Contest Host ENTRY DEADLINE: March 11, 2014
ENTRY FEES FOR CONCERT BANDS: (Total includes region, state and recording fees.) 1A- 2A-3A Bands-$370 4A and 5A Bands-$470 Middle School Bands-$375
A school check for your entry fees made out to UIL Music Region 8 along with an “Organization Fee Tabulation Form” downloaded and printed from the UIL Region 8 website or the “Fee Invoice” printed from the online entry process MUST BE MAILED to Tony Clines, Executive Secretary, UIL Music Region 8, PO Box 23509, Waco, Texas 76702 and should be postmarked by the entry deadline date. Please do not bring entry fee checks with you to contest.
REMINDER TO DIRECTORS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL BANDS: Class C non-varsity bands may extend the summary explanation period for their conference by one minute in Sightreading.
Scheduling for each event is done by the Contest Host subject to review and approval by the Executive Secretary. Final approval in case of any controversies will be made by the Executive Committee. When possible, scheduling is done by classification starting with the lowest classification and progressing to the largest. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to schedule spring contests because of the many conflicts with other school events. In order to give consideration to any conflicts you may experience this spring, please consult your school’s official calendar as soon as possible and email your scheduling requests to the Executive Secretary and your Contest Host no later than the contest entry deadline. Any requests made after the schedule is published will not be considered.
While checking for conflicts, do not assume what day you might be scheduled for on contests that are more than one day. It would greatly help if we could know each day on which your organizations could perform.
Finally, by decree of the Executive Committee, transportation issues are not considered a legitimate conflict. It is the responsibility of each school to furnish transportation at the time necessary for their performing groups.
Listed here are the names and email addresses for this year’s contest hosts:
East Zone 1A-2A-3A Band—Collin Anderson [email protected]
West Zone 1A-2A-3A Band—Steven Moss [email protected]
N-C-W Zone 4A-5A Band—Randy Kelley [email protected]
West Zone MS Band—Randy Kelley [email protected]
North Zone MS Band—Dawn Melton [email protected]
Central Zone MS Band—Scott Dudley [email protected]
South Zone MS and HS Band—Eric Eaks [email protected]
MIDDLE SCHOOLS BY ZONE. If your school does not appear in this listing contact Tony Clines.
MIDDLE SCHOOL DIRECTORS: It is your responsibility to make sure your bands are entered in the correct classification. Classification is based on total enrollment of your campus for grades 7 and 8. Enrollment between 0 and 249 is class C. 250-649 is class CC. 650 and above is class CCC. Please check with your principal to determine what classification you should be in and notify me if it is different from what is listed below. SUGGESTIONS FOR ONLINE ENTRY
Go to our web site before you are ready to do your entries to familiarize yourself with the site and procedures. At the web site go to “ONLINE” ENTRY PROCEEDURE. There are two tabs under this heading, “ONLINE ENTRY” INSTRUCTIONS, and REGION “ONLINE ENTRY”. Click on the “INSTRUCTIONS” and you can view and print all of the instructions for registration and all entries.
You will have to register the first time you do online entries. If you entered students in UIL Marching Contest or Solo and Ensemble Contest, you are already registered and you are ready to complete Concert and Sightreading Contest entries. To register click on the REGION “ONLINE ENTRY” tab, click register, and fill out all of the information. You will select a login name. This needs to be the name of the director of the performing group you are registering because that will be the name listed on all the forms for that group. If you are registering a non-varsity group that is directed by a person other than the director of the parent varsity group, that person will need to register for a separate login name. You will also select a password. Write it down someplace in case you forget it.
When you are ready to enter an organization for Concert and Sightreading Contest, go to the web site and click on REGION “ONLINE ENTRY.” Click on Director Log In, type in your User (login) Name and password, select the form you wish to complete (Form 1, Form 4, or Form 5), and completely fill in all fields for the form you are completing. When the form is completely filled out click Submit and View Form and you can see your completed form. By clicking this, you have officially entered your group and I have your entry. Therefore, do not click Submit and View Form until you are sure you are ready to enter your organization. EVERY TIME YOU CLICK THIS TAB YOU ARE ENTERING THAT GROUP!!! You do not need to print Forms 4 and 5 to mail to me but you may want to print them for your own records. I will print those to give to your contest host. You will need to print one copy of the Form 1 cover page to be signed by an administrator. Attach to it a list of eligible students that will perform at the contest and either mail it to me or bring it with you to the contest.
On Forms 1, 4, and 5, use the pull-down arrows to save yourself time in typing and to assure that you don’t make mistakes.
Your order of performance on the printed contest program will be listed in the order that you list them on your Form 4. Click the PML tab on the Form 4 screen to review and make selections. To enter a selection, check the box beside the selection wanted, then click Close and the complete information for that selection will appear on your From 4. Information for selections not listed in the PML must be typed in. Comp/Arr and Title are the only fields that need to be completed for those selections not in the PML.
On Form 5, all you have to do is fill in “Select Contest” with the pull-down arrow after you have completed Form 4. Then click on Show Entries and you can view your entry Forms 4 and 5.
When you have completed your entries, MAIL YOUR ENTRY FEE to:
Tony Clines, Executive Secretary UIL Music Region 8 P.O. Box 23509 Waco, Texas 76702
Don’t forget to print Form 1, have it signed by an administrator, and attach a list of students participating in the contest and either mail it to me or bring it to the contest with you.
Members of the Region 8 Music Executive Committee are:
Robin Battershell, Chairperson Superintendent, Temple ISD Cindy Gunn Superintendent, Holland ISD Michael Hope Superintendent, Robinson ISD George Kazanas Superintendent, Midway ISD Keith Smith Superintendent, Madisonville ISD Sandra Talbert Superintendent, Lorena ISD Rhoda White Superintendent, Clifton ISD