English 5, 2Nd Ed. Lesson Plan Overview
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Chapter 1: Sentences Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary 1 Sentences & 4–6 1 Fragments sentence 2 Types of 6–7 2 compound sentence Sentences 3 Simple Subjects 8–9 3 declarative sentence 4 Simple Predicates 10–11 4 interrogative sentence 5 Subject of 12–13 5 imperative sentence Imperative Sentences exclamatory sentence 6 Compounds: 14–15, S75–S77 6 complete subject Subjects, Predicates, & simple subject Sentences 7 Prepositions 16–17, S78 7 compound subject 8 Object of the 18–19, S78 8 complete predicate Preposition 9 Prepositional 20–21, S78 9 simple predicate Phrases compound predicate 10 Chapter 1 Review 22–23 10–11 conjunction Bridge: Growing Grain preposition object of the preposition prepositional phrase Chapter 2: Writing a Compare-Contrast Essay Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary Bridge: Linking 25 Literature to Writing paragraph 11 Paragraphs That 28–29 introduction Make Sense 12 Compare-Contrast 30–31 topic sentence Essays comparison 13 Descriptive Words 32–33 contrast 14 Compare-Contrast 34–35, S79 Essay: Planning conclusion 15 Compare-Contrast 36–37, S79 Essay: Drafting comparing words 16 Compare-Contrast 38–39 contrasting words Essay: Revising 17 Compare-Contrast 40–41 descriptive words Essay: Proofreading synonyms 18 Compare-Contrast 42–43 antonyms Essay: Publishing 19 Chapter 2 Review 44–45, S80 12–13 T-chart 20 Cumulative Review 46–47 Venn diagram Writing Process planning drafting revising proofreading publishing Chapter 3: Nouns Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary 21 Nouns: Common & 50–51, S81 14 Proper noun 22 Proper Nouns: 52–53 15 common noun Capitalization Rules proper noun 23 Abbreviations 54–55 16 abbreviation 24 Common Nouns: 56–57 17 Singular & Plural singular noun 25 Common Nouns: 58–59 18 plural noun Special Plurals 26 Possessive Nouns: 60–61 19 possessive noun Singular plural possessive noun 27 Possessive Nouns: 62–63 20 Plural singular possessive noun 28 Language Link: 64–65, S82–S83 21 (Punctuation) commas Using Commas 29 Chapter 3 Review 66–67 22–23 30 Cumulative Review 68–69 Bridge: Visiting 70 Natural History Museums Chapter 4: Writing a Persuasive Business Letter Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary Bridge: Linking 71 Literature to Writing persuade 31 Persuasive Writing 74–75 tactics 32 Dishonest Tactics 76–77 opinion 33 Parts of a Business 78–79 Letter reason 34 Persuasive 80–81 facts and examples Business Letter: Planning precise wording 35 Persuasive 82–83 polite tone Business Letter: Drafting plain facts 36 Persuasive 84–85 Business Letter: proper form Revising heading 37 Persuasive 86–87, S84 Business Letter: inside address Proofreading 38 Persuasive 88–89 greeting Business Letter: body Publishing 39 Chapter 4 Review 90–91, S85 24–25 closing 40 Cumulative Review 92–93 signature purpose audience mailing address return address Writing Process planning drafting revising proofreading publishing Chapter 5: Verbs Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary 41 Action Verbs & 96–97 26 Linking Verbs verb 42 Linking Verbs 98–99 27 action verb 43 Direct Objects 100–101 28 linking verb 44 Sentence Patterns 102–3 29 predicate noun 45 Main Verbs & 104–5 30 Helping Verbs predicate adjective 46 Using Helping 106–7 31 diagram Verbs 47 Contractions & 108–9 32 sensory word Double Negatives 48 Language Link: 110–11 33 prepositional phrase (Usage) Confusing preposition Verbs 49 Chapter 5 Review 112–13 34–35 object of the preposition 50 Cumulative Review 114–15 direct object Bridge: Playing 116 Hockey sentence pattern main verb helping verb contraction double negative Chapter 6: Writing a Diamante & a Sense Poem Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary Bridge: Linking 117 Literature to Writing thesaurus 51 Using a Thesaurus 120–21 diamante 52 Diamantes 122–23 sense poem 53 Diamante: Planning 124–25 & Drafting word web 54 Diamante: Revising 126–27 Writing Process & Proofreading 55 Sense Poems 128–29 planning 56 Sense Poem: 130–31 drafting Planning & Drafting 57 Sense Poem: 132–33 revising Revising & proofreading Proofreading 58 Sense Poem: 134–35 publishing Publishing
59 Chapter 6 Review 136–37 36–37 60 Cumulative Review 138–39 Chapter 7: Study & Reference Skills Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary 61 Parts of a Book 142–43 38 title page 62 Library 144–45 39 63 Dictionaries 146–47 40 copyright page index 64 More About 148–49 41 table of contents Dictionaries 65 Encyclopedias 150–51 42 glossary bibliography 66 Atlas, Almanac, & 152–53 43 electronic card catalog Textbooks 67 Periodicals 154–55, S91 44 nonfiction 68 Taking Notes from 156–57 45 fiction an Article 69 Chapter 7 Review 158–59, S92 46–47 call number biography dictionary 70 Cumulative Review 160–61 Bridge: Sightseeing 162 in Alexandria, Egypt
guide words entry word etymology encyclopedia volume keyword atlas key/legend map scale almanac periodical Chapter 8: Writing a Personal Narrative Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary Bridge: Linking 163 Literature to Writing run-on sentence 71 Revising Run-on 166–67 joining word Sentences 72 A Personal 168–69 narrative writing Narrative personal narrative 73 Good Openings & 170–71 Closings first-person point of view 74 Personal Narrative: 172–73 description Planning 75 Personal Narrative: 174–75 paragraph Drafting 76 Personal Narrative: 176–77 Writing Process Revising planning 77 Personal Narrative: 178–79 Proofreading drafting 78 Personal Narrative: 180–81 revising Publishing proofreading
79 Chapter 8 Review 182–83, S93 48–49 publishing 80 Cumulative Review 184–85 Chapter 9: Pronouns Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary 81 Singular & Plural 188–89 50 Pronouns pronoun 82 Subject Pronouns 190–91 51 singular pronoun 83 Object Pronouns 192–93 52 plural pronoun 84 Compound 194–95, S94 53 Subjects & subject pronoun Compound Objects object pronoun 85 Pronoun/Antecede 196–97, S95 54 nt Agreement direct object 86 Possessive 198–99 55 Pronouns object of the preposition 87 Reflexive Pronouns 200–201 56 compound subject 88 Language Link: 202–3 57 (Vocabulary) compound object Homophones antecedent 89 Chapter 9 Review 204–5 58–59 possessive pronoun 90 Cumulative Review 206–7 60–61 Bridge: 208 62 Evangelizing Australia and New Zealand
reflexive pronoun homophone Chapter 10: Writing a Book Review Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary Bridge: Linking 209 Literature to Writing opinion 91 Expressing Your 212–13 reason Opinion 92 Evaluating Your 214–15 transitional words and phrases Book characters 93 Book Review: 216–17 Planning setting 94 Book Review: 218–19 plot Drafting 95 Book Review: 220–21 T-chart Revising 96 Book Review: 222–23 theme Proofreading introduction 97 Preparing for Oral 224–25 Publishing main events supporting details 98 Book Review: Oral 226–27 visual aid Publishing conclusion 99 Chapter 10 Review 228–29 60–61 100 Cumulative Review 230–31 recommendation Writing Process planning drafting revising proofreading publishing Chapter 11: More Verbs Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary 101 Verb Tenses 234–35 62 verb 102 Present-Tense 236–37 63 Verbs tense 103 Past-Tense Verbs 238–39 64 present-tense verb 104 Helping Verbs 240–41 65 past-tense verb 105 Irregular Verbs 242–43 66 future-tense verb 106 More Irregular 244–45 67 sentence pattern Verbs 107 Perfect Tenses 246–47, S97 68 singular subject 108 Language Link: 248–49 69 plural subject (Vocabulary) Prefixes & Suffixes past participle 109 Chapter 11 Review 250–51 70–71 regular verbs 110 Cumulative Review 252–53 Bridge: Learning 254 About the Textile irregular verbs Industry present-perfect tense past-perfect tense future-perfect tense prefix suffix Chapter 12: Writing a Research Report Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary Bridge: Linking 255 Literature to Writing research report 111 A Research Report 258–59, S98 facts 112 Planning: Taking 260–61, S99–S100 biography Notes sources outline 113 Planning: Writing 262–63 main point an Outline 114 Research Report: 264–65 subpoints Drafting supporting details 115 Research Report: 266–67 Revising bibliography 116 Research Report: 268–69, S101 Writing Process Proofreading 117 The Bibliography 270–71, S99–S100 planning 118 Research Report: 272–73 drafting Publishing revising 119 Chapter 12 Review 274–75 72–73 120 Cumulative Review 276–77 proofreading publishing Chapter 13: Adjectives & Adverbs Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary 121 Adjectives 280–81, S102 74 adjective 122 Special Adjectives 282–83 75 123 Adverbs 284–85 76 predicate adjective 124 Adjectives & 286–87 77 article Adverbs demonstrative 125 Comparing with er 288–89 78 & est proper adjective 126 Comparing with 290–91 79 More, Most, Less, adverb & Least conjunction 127 Special Forms for 292–93 80 Good & Bad compound subject 128 Language Link: 294–95, S75, S103 81 (Usage) compound predicate Conjunctions compound sentence 129 Chapter 13 Review 296–97 82–83 130 Cumulative Review 298–99 Bridge: Forecasting 300 Weather Chapter 14: Writing Imaginative Instructions Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary Bridge: Linking 301 Literature to Writing precise words 131 Using Precise 304–5 time-order words Words 132 Imaginative 306–7 spatial words Instructions Writing Process 133 Time-Order & 308–9 Spatial Words planning 134 Imaginative 310–11 drafting Instructions: Planning revising 135 Imaginative 312–13 Instructions: proofreading Drafting publishing 136 Imaginative 314–15 Instructions: Revising 137 Imaginative 316–17 Instructions: Proofreading 138 Imaginative 318–19 Instructions: Publishing 139 Chapter 14 Review 320–21, 84–85 S104 140 Cumulative Review 322–23 Chapter 15: More About Sentences Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary 141 Prepositions 326–27, S78, S105 86 preposition 142 Prepositional 328–29, S78 87 Phrases prepositional phrase 143 Object Pronouns in 330–31, S78, S106 88 object of the preposition Prepositional Phrases adverb 144 Preposition or 332–33 89 Adverb? subordinating conjunction 145 Subordinating 334–35 90 independent clause Conjunctions 146 Sentences: 336–37 91 dependent clause Compound & Complex simple sentence 147 Sentences: Simple, 338–39, S107 92 compound sentence Compound, & Complex complex sentence 148 Language Link: 340–41, S108–S109 93 comma splice (Punctuation) Commas & Comma Splices 149 Chapter 15 Review 342–43 94–95
150 Cumulative Review 344–45 Bridge: Visiting 346 Landmarks and Monuments Chapter 16: Writing a Play Lesson Topic TE Pages Teacher’s Toolkit CD Vocabulary Bridge: Linking 347–51 Literature to Writing plot 151 Writing a Play 354–55 setting 152 Features of a Play 356–57 characters 153 Play: Planning the 358–59 cast list Setting & Developing the problem Characters solution 154 Play: Mapping the 360–61 Action script 155 Play: Drafting 362–63 adaptation 156 Play: Revising 364–65 157 Play: Proofreading 366–67 dramatization 158 Play: Publishing 368–69 cast 159 Chapter 16 Review 370–71 96–97 scene description 160 Cumulative Review 372–73 props stage directions character web offstage scenes Writing Process planning drafting revising proofreading publishing