2012-13 Honors Physics Learning Objectives
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2012-13 Honors Physics Learning Objectives
N. Park, Greenhill School
LAB (Constructing and Testing Models Experimentally)
Lab.C.1 Record Data with Precision: I can record and present experimental data in a neat, clear, organized manner.
Include quantity labels and units. Record an amount of precision appropriate to the measuring instrument and technique.
Lab.C.2 Plot Data Clearly and Correctly.
Lab.C.3 Identify and Find Linear Trends: I can determine the trend (or lack thereof) in a set of linear data, and express it both graphically and algebraically.
Graph data, labeling axes appropriately, with units. Proper fit made to data, equation reported, properly labeled with units.
Lab.B.1 Describe Procedures: I can clearly describe the essential elements of an experimental procedure.
Describe the equipment and set-up. Diagram if appropriate. Define variables and describe the variables changed, held constant, measured. Describe how measurements were made. Describe the steps taken to ensure precision.
Lab.B.2 Describe Analysis: I can clearly describe and show the steps taken to analyze my data.
Describe step-by-step process, including calculations done, graphs made and trends found. Perform any necessary calculations correctly, showing work and results clearly (sample calculation with table of calculated values).
Lab.B.3 Identify and Find Non-linear Trends: I can determine the trend in a set of nonlinear data.
Proper non-linear trend identified. Trend found using an accepted method. Equation reported, properly labeled with units.
Lab.B.4 Describe and Interpret Trends: I can draw valid conclusions by interpreting trends in data, and describe them clearly.
What do the trends tell you about the physical system in question? What answer can be provided to the question being explored (the experimental purpose)? In what way, exactly, do the trends in the data justify the conclusions you have drawn. Lab.B.5 Build / Justify Model on the basis of Trends: I can use the interpreted trends in my and my classmates' data to build or justify a model to describe the system and similar systems.
What answer can be provided to the question being explored (the experimental purpose)? In what way, exactly, do the trends in the data justify the conclusions you have drawn. What new terms need to be defined? What new model can be constructed?
Lab.A.1 Design and describe an effective experimental procedure.
Lab.A.2 Clearly discuss the sources and amounts of uncertainty and error in an experiment.
CVPM (Constant Velocity Particle Model)
CVPM.C.1 I can discriminate between position, distance, and displacement, speed and velocity.
CVPM.C.2 I can draw and interpret position-time graphs or motion maps for CVP motion.
CVPM.B.1 I can assign appropriate meaning to positive and negative positions and velocities.
CVPM.B.2 I can model constant velocity particle motion using a variety of representations.
Includes position-vs-time graphs, velocity-vs-time graphs, motion maps. Recognize the features of a diagram that represent constant velocity vs. changing velocity. Be able to translate from one representation to another or to describe the motion in words based on the graph.
CVPM.B.3 I can make predictions and solve problems using the CVPM.
Find the constant velocity using the slope of an x-t graph or the associated equation. Find the change in position using the area beneath a v-t graph or the associated equation. Persist in exploring the model space until a solution is found or an impasse is reached.
CVPM.B.4 I can identify when the CVPM is and is not applicable.
CVPM.A.1 I can correctly apply CVPM to complex problems where analysis, approximation, synthesis and subtle assumptions are required or where multiple models must be considered.
CVPM.A.2 I can solve problems and model situations involving average speed and velocity when multiple constant-velocity intervals are involved.
MTM (Momentum Transfer Model)
MTM.C.1 I can discriminate between mass, velocity and momentum.
MTM.C.2 I can define mass in terms of behavior in a collision. MTM.B.1 I assign appropriate meaning to positive and negative momentum.
MTM.B.2 I can model collisions in terms of momentum transfer, using both words and diagrams.
BFPM (Balanced Forces Particle Model)
BFPM.C.1 I can define Force and identify common forces.
BFPM.C.2 I can correctly relate balanced/unbalanced forces to an object’s constant/changing motion, and make proper inferences regarding the direction of the acceleration.
BFPM.C.3 I can describe and apply the gravitational force model.
BFPM.B.1 I can produce and interpret a complete and accurate free body diagram for an object.
I can identify surrounding objects interacting with an object, and the directions and relative magnitudes of the forces they exert on the object. I know when two surfaces must be experiencing a friction interaction.
BFPM.B.2 I can describe and apply the tension and perpendicular contact force models.
BFPM.B.3 I can describe and apply the frictional force model.
BFPM.B.4 I can use the BFPM to make predictions and solve problems.
Use the BFPM and associated force models to find individual forces and/or predict motion. Persist in exploring the model space until a solution is found or an impasse is reached.
BFPM.B.5 I recognize that interactions are reciprocal (N3L), and can make valid inferences on the basis of this fact.
BFPM.A.1 I can correctly apply the BFPM to complex problems where analysis, approximation, synthesis and subtle assumptions are required or where multiple models must be considered.
IFM (Impulsive Force Model)
IFM.C.1 I can define impulse conceptually and quantitatively.
IFM.C.2 I can identify the connection between impulse and momentum change.
IFM.B.1 I can model the behavior of one object in a collision using the IFM, using both words and diagrams.
IFM.B.2 I can solve problems using the IFM. CAPM (Constant Acceleration Particle Model)
CAPM.C.1 I can discriminate between acceleration, velocity change and velocity.
CAPM.C.2 I can draw and interpret qualitative velocity-time graphs or motion maps for CAP motion.
CAPM.B.1 I can assign appropriate meaning to positive and negative velocities and accelerations.
The sign of the acceleration matches the sign of the slope on the velocity-vs-time graph
Predict speeding up or slowing down behavior based on velocity and acceleration signs from words, x-t graphs, v-t graphs, or motion maps. Deduce velocity or acceleration direction or sign based on knowledge of acceleration or velocity direction or sign given description of speeding up or slowing down.
CAPM.B.2 I can model constant acceleration particle motion using a variety of representations.
Includes position-vs-time graphs, velocity-vs-time graphs, acceleration-vs-time graphs, motion maps. Translate from one representation to another. Describe the motion of an object in words based on a motion map or position-vs-time graph.
CAPM.B.3 I can make predictions and solve problems using the CAPM.
Find the instantaneous or average velocity from the slope of the x-t graph or the associated equation. Find constant acceleration from the slope of a v-t graph or the associated equation. Find change-in-position from the area beneath a v-t graph or an associated equation. Persist in exploring the model space until a solution is found or an impasse is reached.
CAPM.B.4 I can identify when the CAPM is and is not applicable.
CAPM.A.1 I can correctly apply the CAPM to complex problems where analysis, approximation, synthesis and subtle assumptions are required or where multiple models must be considered.
CUFPM (Constant Unbalanced Forces Particle Model)
CUPM.C.1 I associate constant unbalanced forces with constant acceleration.
CUPM.C.2 I can identify the relationship between the net unbalanced force on an object, its mass and its acceleration.
CUPM.C.3 I can describe or identify what is meant by “net unbalanced force” CUPM.B.1 I can correctly relate the net unbalanced force on an object to the individual forces using a vector addition diagram and/or the associated equation.
CUPM.B.2 I effectively make predictions and solve problems using the CUPM in association with the CAPM.
Use the CUFPM and associated force models to find individual forces and/or predict acceleration. Persist in exploring the model space until a solution is found or an impasse is reached.
CUPM.A.1 I can correctly apply the CUPM to complex problems where analysis, approximation, synthesis and subtle assumptions are required or where multiple models must be considered.
PM (Projectile Motion)
PM.C.1 I model projectile motion by separating it into perpendicular components and applying the appropriate force and motion models.
PM.B.2 I can effectively make predictions and solve problems involving projectile motion.
PM.A.1 I can correctly apply the PM to complex problems where analysis, approximation, synthesis and subtle assumptions are required or where multiple models must be considered.
ESTM (Energy Storage and Transfer Model)
ESTM.C.1 I can identify energy as a conserved quantity that can be transferred between objects and which confers the ability to cause change.
ESTM.C.2 I associate any change in a system's total energy with an energy transfer across the system boundary.
ESTM.C.3 I can define work as the energy transferred across a system boundary by means of a force, and can relate work to force and displacement.
ESTM.C.4 I can define power as the rate of energy transfer.
ESTM.B.1 I can represent in various ways the storage and transfer of energy between various locations.
Includes energy stored in the motion of a massive object, a gravitational field surrounding a massive object, the "elastic" bonds between the particles making up an object, and the random motion of the particles making up an object.
Representational tools include words, pie charts, system schema and bar graphs. ESTM.B.2 I correctly identify when the ESTM model can be effectively applied.
ESTM.B.3 I can describe in some detail where thermal energy "goes" in the short- and longer terms.
ESTM.B.4 I effectively make predictions and solve problems using the ESTM.
I can identify multiple snapshots (states) to analyze for a system in a given situation. I can define different systems for the same situation, and I can represent the energy and how it changes (or doesn’t change) for each system definition.
ESTM.A.1 I can correctly apply the ESTM to complex problems where analysis, approximation, synthesis and subtle assumptions are required or where multiple models must be considered.
UCM (Uniform Circular Motion Model)
UCM.C.1 I associate uniform circular motion with central forces, and provide justification for this association.
In particular, I recognize that the BFPM and CVPM do not apply, and can explain why.
UCM.C.2 I can calculate the magnitude and direction of the acceleration for a particle experiencing UCM.
UCM.B.1 I can represent CFPM and UCM using force diagrams and motion maps.
UCM.B.2 I effectively make predictions and solve problems using UCM and CFPM.
UCM.B.3 I effectively make predictions and solve problems using the Universal Law of Gravitation.
OPM (Oscillating Particle Model)
OPM.C.1 I can recognize the factors that do and do not affect the period of a pendulum or a spring oscillator, and correctly apply the equation for the period of each.
OPM.B.1 I can correctly and qualitatively model the force and motion relationships for an oscillator.
OPM.B.2 I can correctly and qualitatively model the energy transfers for an oscillating motion.
OPM.B.3 I can solve problems involving oscillators.
OPM.A.1 I can use sine and cosine functions to quantatively model an oscillator.
WM (Wave Model) WM.C.1 I can explain the nature of wave propagation and how it differs from particle motion.
WM.C.2 I can describe or identify the factors that affect wave propagation speed.
WM.C.3 I can describe what happens to a wave at the boundary of two media and how waves superpose.
WM.C.4 I can explain the nature of sound wave propagation.
WM.B.1 I can relate the wave propagation speed to the period and wavelength of the wave.
WM.B.2 I can solve problems involving wave propagation speed for traveling waves.
WM.B.3 I can apply boundary effects and superposition to make predictions in specific situations.
WM.B.3 I can determine the standing wave patterns on a string, and apply this knowledge to predict frequencies, wavelengths, etc.
WM.B.4 I can determine the standing wave patterns in open- and closed- pipes of air, and apply this knowledge to predict frequencies, wavelengths, etc.
WM.A.1 I can apply my understanding of waves and standing wave patterns to fully explain the design principles of a musical instrument.
WM.A.2 I can apply this same understanding to construct a working musical instrument.
WM-2D (Wave Model in Two Dimensions)
WM2D.C.1 I can describe how waves change as they spread out in 2D
WM2D.B.1 I can describe how 2D waves behave upon reaching a boundary, using words and diagrams.
WM2D.B.2 I can describe how 2D waves behave upon reaching a barrier or opening, using words and diagrams.
WM2D.B.3 I can describe the effects of two waves interfering in 2D, using words and diagrams.
WM2D.B.4 I can make quantitative predictions regarding interference and diffraction patterns.
WM2D.A.1 I can make quantitative and qualitative predictions regarding simultaneous interference and diffraction patterns.
********************Under Major Construction****************************** ECFM (Electric Charge and Force Model)
EFPM (Electric Field & Potential Model)
ECM (Electric Current Model)
MFM (Magnetic Field Model)
Light (Comparing Models for Light)
**************Old, Not Using Any More / Never Did Actually Use*******************
Vect.C.1 I can treat vectors and scalars appropriately, distinguishing between the two and the ways that they sum.
Vectors have a magnitude and a direction. Scalars only have a magnitude.
Vect.B.1 I can graphically add and subtract vectors at any angle relative to one another.
Add vectors head-to-tail. Subtract vectors by adding the opposite.
Vect.B.3 I can break a vector into components.
Turn the vector into a right triangle and use trigonometry.
Problem Solving
Prob.C.1 I justify all of my work on the basis of an appropriate model.
Prob.B.1 I can communicate clearly and unambiguously, and present my work neatly and clearly.
Prob.B.2 I can report answers with a reasonable amount of precision, given the measurements provided.
Prob.A.1 I solve problems by first selecting an appropriate model and justifying my choice, and coordinate the use of multiple models in a problem, making appropriate assumptions and simplifications as needed.
Prob.A.2 Creativity and Inquiry. I can design research questions that are both rigorous and interesting, and explore them in depth using experimentally validated models and/or further experimentation. Prob.A.3 Initiative and Persistence. I take initiative in exploring interesting questions and coming up with new ways to attack a challenge, and I persist in working through problems in the face of difficulties.