Test Questions – David Ambrosini Topics: Marketing & Advertising 1. Markets can be … a. made up of individual consumers b. businesses c. government agencies d. all of the above

2. Which of the following is true of advertising? a. It is generally a waste of money to advertise b. It is generally a waste of money to advertise before opening your business c. You should have the same advertising message, consistently for different market segments d. Advertising is a form of communication that consumers are highly interested in hearing and seeing e. Advertising is a form of communication that consumers are generally indifferent to hearing and seeing at best

3. Word-of-mouth, like Publicity, is always good. True / False

4. Marketing should involve an Exchange Of ______a. Labor b. Values c. Money d. Time e. Currency

5. If you place ads on cable television in Santa Cruz County, the cost will be… a. Over $1500 per ad run b. About $20-$50 per ad run c. Less than $5 per ad d. You can’t advertise on cable or satellite TV locally

6. With local media, the cost of producing an ad (print or broadcast) is usually included in the price for running an ad. True / False

7. Which of the following media is most effective for reaching a specific target market? a. Television ads b. Direct Mail c. Radio d. Newspaper

8. Promotion is a. Making a good product b. Setting price and delivering goods c. The same as publicity d. Communication with your market(s) about your marketing strategy

9. The philosophy of Marketing is to make the product or service the way you want to and then advertise and promote to convince markets to want and need it. True / False

10. Which of the following is false? In order to effectively advertise and avoid wasting your money: a. you should identify your customers first and set objectives for communicating with them. b. you should learn how to buy and schedule media space and ads in effective patterns for learning and for preventing forgetting. c. you should do what the competition is doing and let the media’s graphic artists and copywriters do their job d. you should plan how to stand out in the media clutter, position your product or service and differentiate your product or service e. you should include your company or brand name, repeat it often, flag down the audience, and include information that they would be interested in and need to make decisions when they become motivated to buy

11. Which of the following is NOT true of competition? a. The consumer may be seen as a competitor b. A business that sells the same or similar product/service filling the same wants & needs c. Competition can be from any product or service that competes for the customers spendable income d. Significant when you sell products but not when you provide services

12. Television ads are good for causing purchase behavior but not so effective for building brand identity. True / False

13. For builders and service businesses, being in the Yellow pages and using Internet advertising options are a bad idea and a poor use of your limited ad budget. True / False

14. Which of the following would be the best step to start with in a marketing plan: a. The advertising strategy b. The pricing strategy c. The Market and Target Markets d. The 4P’s

15. Television advertising is generally too expensive for a small business to afford. True / False