Introduction to Humanities
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Introduction to Humanities
Instructor: Gina Bryan-Hewitt Email: [email protected] Class: Hum 1020 Fall 2015 TWK (Ten-Week Course) Time: Monday 6:00 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. Room: East Campus Bldg. 1 Room 115
Course Description:
This course is designed as a basic and fundamental introduction to the Humanities. Over the course of the semester, we will focus on the concepts, ideology and historical significance of the world around us. The Humanities are the fundamental means of human expression and continue to encompass all of the academic disciplines that involve human culture and creativity, including but not limited to: the nature of philosophy, architecture, music, religion, and art.
Communication: The primary means of communication for this course is via Blackboard. You may also use my Valencia email address, but it is less reliable. Assignments may be turned in via Bb, as well. I will also be setting up Discussion Boards on Bb; if you find yourself needing some help, ask your classmates! EVERY WEEK, there will be links posted containing the PPTs used in class, and even links to Study Materials to help you, too!
Required Text:
The following text is required and must be purchased by each student for successful completion of the course:
Landmarks in Humanities, 3rd Edition, Gloria K. Fiero
Additional Required Materials:
All students are to attend class meetings with whatever materials they require as individuals; in order to be successful. The instructor reserves the right to post additional reading materials, worksheets, homework assignments, writing topics, and study guides to Blackboard. All students are responsible for retrieving those materials and printing them out on their own, before class meetings. It is not the professor’s responsibility to bring these materials to class for you.
It is important to attend every class. Tests and assignments MUST be turned in ON TIME, unless an earlier make-up date is requested and approved prior to the scheduled due date. Please note: Withdrawals requested after the Withdrawal Deadline as posted by the College, will not be honored.
Weekly Reading Assignments:
You are expected to have completed all reading assignments BEFORE the start of class. Demonstrating you have done so during classroom discussions is a part of your Attendance & Participation grade. Comprehension Checks and any written assignments will also center on these readings.
This class is oriented to help students understand humanities from prehistoric times to present. While this is not a Gordon Rule class, this class is designed to prepare students for more challenging forms of writing. Therefore, proper use of spelling, grammar, and sentence structure are required. Course Schedule Week Subject Assignments
1 Feb 21 Intro to the class, syllabus, contract Read The Ascent of Mount signed, The Ascent of Mount Ventoux Ventoux (In class)
2 Feb 28 Origins: The First Civilizations AND Read 1-63 and 65-89 Classicism: The Greek Legacy
3 Mar 6 Empire: Power and Glory of Rome; RP #1 Read 65- 89 Due
March 13, 2016 **NO CLASS** SPRING BREAK
5 Mar 20 Revelation: The Flowering of World Read 91-141 Religion and Synthesis: The Rise of the West; Comprehension Check #1
6 Mar 27 Christendom: Europe in the Age of Faith Read 143-211 and Rebirth: The Age of the Renaissance
7 Apr 3 The Northern Renaissance & Reformation; Read 213-237 Cultural Event Due
8 Apr 10 Baroque and Enlightenment Read 259-323 Comprehension Check #2 9 Apr 17 Romanticism: Nature, Passion and the Read 325-353 Sublime
10 Apr 24 Materialism and Modernism; RP #2 Due Read 355-415
11 May 1 Wrap- Up; (Final Exam)
*This time line is subject to change by the instructor at any time
Classroom Behavior:
This is a discussion-based class. Often, you will be presented with points of view that may conflict with your own. Academic debate is highly encouraged, but rude and offensive behavior toward any member of the classroom will not be tolerated, under any circumstances.
Other Responsibilities of the Student:
Students are expected to know the rules regarding ethical academic conduct. Any student who breaches the rules regarding ethical behavior risks failure. Some examples of such behavior include: plagiarism, cheating, and failure to document intellectual material obtained during research. Any student who believes that she/he is unable to fulfill these responsibilities must schedule an appointment immediately with the instructor to discuss any chances for success in the course.
Homework Policy:
Homework is to be turned in on its due date, at the beginning of class. This can be achieved either via electronic means (Blackboard) or hard-copy.
Attendance and Participation (10 %)
In order to have the greatest chance of success in this class, attendance and participation is required. The policy of this class will be two excused absences. Excessive absences will have a negative impact on your final grade. After two absences, 2 points will be deducted from your final grade per absence. Since this is 10% of your final grade, IT IS IMPORTANT! If you do not attend the first night of class, you will be withdrawn from the class. No exceptions will be made.
Those with perfect attendance at the end of the semester will receive 5 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS towards their grade!
Cultural Event (10 %) In order to globalize our minds, it is important to have a working understanding of the multicultural world around us. Each student is required to write about a cultural event. These cultural events are meant to look at things happening in our world that typically would be overlooked in everyday life. Students should choose an event to attend that is cultural in nature: a sporting event, a concert, an art gallery showing, a festival celebrating a particular ethnic group, etc., and write a thoughtful response detailing your experience. Each cultural event paper must be approximately 500 words in length. These will be shared in class on the day that they are due.
Response Papers (30%)
The two (2) Response Papers for this course comprise 30% of your grade, or 15% each. These Responses are YOUR response to what we have read up to that point. It is meant to be an original work, not research-based. Further instructions will be given during our first class meeting and posted on Bb.
Comprehension Checks (25 %)
We will have two Comprehension Checks on the material that we have read. These are worth 25% of your final grade. All of these will be taken in class. If for some reason you cannot attend class for the Comprehension Checks, you MUST make arrangements AHEAD OF TIME. No exceptions.
Final Exam (25%)
The Final is worth a good chunk of your grade. Don’t miss it. If for some reason you cannot attend class for the Final, you MUST make arrangements AHEAD OF TIME. No exceptions.
I hereby accept and will honor the syllabus stated above as a contract and will follow it. I ______sign this contract with full knowledge that if I have ANY questions, I will consult with Professor Bryan to better understand. ______Name Printed ______Signature ______Valencia ID Number ______Date Why is this contract important??? It is: WORTH 2 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS!