Lcp Practitioner Group 0-7
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Agenda Item 6 Strategic Board Meeting 23 November 2011
Minutes of Practitioners meetings – 19 October 2011
Present: Charlotte Weavers, Sarisbury Infant School Damian Pratt, BST, Fareham & Gosport Rena Randall, Redbarn Primary School Linda Ross, SIP Sara Chard-Tuckey, HCHC Nichola McLaren, Southern Health Jo Andrews, Merryfield Children’s Centre Lizzie.Scholfield, Mill Hill Children’s Centre
Apologies: Sandra Cammish, Wallisdean Infant School, Judith Woodworth, Fareham & Gosport Locality Team, Ally Prismall, Merryfield Children’s Centre, Philip Navarro, EP, Clarendon House
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 22 June were agreed.
2. Update for New Members It was agreed that information was not getting through to schools about vulnerable children. Social Care was contacted to ask about how this could be improved.
Action: Lizzie Scholfield will invite Julie Williams (Inco) to join the practitioner group.
Action: Children’s Centres to forward referral form to Val Wrixon to distribute to all Heads of Fareham. Lizzie Scholfield to speak to preschools about transition information for schools.
3. Questionnaire Feedback There is still a stigma in some areas. School nurses could possibly meet parents at Children’s Centres.
Action: Children’s Centres to report back analysis at December meeting.
Action: Steve Cottrell to speak to Fareham heads about LCP and about promoting Children’s Centres either through invitations to events or by holding activities in the schools.
4. Transition Project Feedback There are 5 vulnerable children involved – goodie bags purchased. Home visits were followed by visits to the children. Children’s Centre staff to visit in school in September to see how they have settled.
Strategic Board Meeting – 23 November 2011 1 Agenda Item 6 Strategic Board Meeting 23 November 2011 5. FSM Information was tabled and discussed, though difficult to analyse as not in percentages.
6. Budget Spend The project will be funded by £3,000 budget either through resources, supply costs, training depending on the needs identified.
7. Focus on Individual Schools It was proposed to pilot the transition project further in Merrifield catchment: Redland Primary, Harrison Primary and Wallisdean Infants. Children’s Centres to liaise with preschools about gathering information from parents on what would help them with transition. Particular families could then be identified and targeted.
Action: information from preschools to be brought to the next meeting in December.
8. Any Other Business At the next meeting, we will plan the project focus for summer term 2012, ready for September 2012 start in school.
9. Date of Next Meeting
14 December 2011, 9.15am at Connexions, Fareham
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Strategic Board Meeting – 23 November 2011 2 Agenda Item 6 Strategic Board Meeting 23 November 2011
Attendees: Stephanie Morley Fareham & Gosport Locality Team Damian Pratt Fareham & Gosport Behaviour Support Team Philip Navarro Hampshire Education Psychology Linda Ross Primary Phase Inspector (HIAS) Education Rena Randall Red Barn Primary School Siobhan Soloman School Nurse Lesley Swain School Nurse Maria Calway-Kennedy Youth Support Services Sharon Stapley Fareham & Gosport Locality Team (notes)
Apologies: None
Introductions made.
Stephanie looked through the previous notes taken on 22.6.11 and asked if anyone had any comments.
Point 3 – Stephanie said that the CAF figures are low at the moment.
Point 4 – Strategic Board met on 21st September. Rena and Stephanie were to present a plan to use the £3000 given to the project (7-14). 14+ have been given £8000 for their project but only have a couple of thousand at the moment to get it started. Stephanie said that the chairperson holds the funding. Stephanie has received the £3000 which will be held in a separate budget.
Point 5 – Plan. Stephanie said this has changed slightly. Stephanie said time is running out and they need to present the programme to the Strategic Board, therefore asked all the practitioners if they could bring ideas to the table at the next meeting. Stephanie said the group need to look at identifying five pupils who are not meeting the 5 outcomes. This should have been done by September. The next Strategic meeting is scheduled for 23rd November 2011, 9.30 am at Fareham College.
Stephanie said the project has £3000 to be used by March 2012. Therefore the group need to get together and devise the plan to put to the Strategic Board. Stephanie said that Head teachers need to identify one person to work from their cluster. This person will cover all schools within their cluster. Two schools have already been identified, St John the Baptist and Red Barn. Crofton/Neville Lovett cluster still haven’t put a school forward for this. These persons will receive training to include child/parent relationship, boundaries, attachment, basic needs for both child and parent at home and school. Judith Woodworth and Anna Clark are both specialists in this, and will be delivering a 5 day block training programme to the identified persons. Staff from the three schools would then train the parents during a 10 week programme?. Judith will also carry out weekly supervisions and support. The age group still needs to be identified. Stephanie explained Judith and Anna worked with a pupil in secondary school and the programme worked well. Rena said Judith/Locality Team would not be able to sustain the service if more families were to use this. Therefore it was felt that this should be shared within schools rather than falling on the Locality Team.
Strategic Board Meeting – 23 November 2011 3 Agenda Item 6 Strategic Board Meeting 23 November 2011 Philip said that the original plan for the group to be set up over the half term has not happened due to core staff from multi-agencies not being available. This was unfortunately due to practitioners/agencies not attending the meetings to enable the discussions to take place. Philip asked if the age group set was for 4/5 year olds, could BST be involved? Damian said that BST have done play therapy before and worked with that age group.
Philip asked questions including would they be looking at children with unmet needs requiring early intervention. How they would make the referral? what criteria would be set? what issues would they need to look for? We would need to review what works and what doesn’t? whether parents engage? Evaluating this programme at the end of March may be too soon, a longer term may be required to get a full evaluation. Damian said that the PCG programme runs along the same lines, it takes longer than 10 weeks to evaluate, more than likely taking 10 weeks to get it off the ground. Stephanie said it would be more realistic to say, it is more likely to take 4-6 months. Practitioners need to bring in “tools/resources” for the parents to use. The programme can be adapted to suit the different age groups.
Siobhan asked how this project differs from the Triple P and parenting classes already being run. Stephanie said that this programme would be more in-depth, the practitioner would work with the parent and then the child. The programme would be more for the parent to aid consistency at home as well as school. Stephanie said we need professionals to get together so that this can be discussed and adapted.
Damian said that BST already do Triple P and PCG and offer this service. Children’s Centres also do Incredible Years. Stephanie said referrals can come from all agencies. Stephanie said Judith delivers play therapy through the Locality Team, but it would be nice for schools to have this as their own resource to use within their schools. There would probably be a cost for Head teachers to buy this service at first. The training provided by Judith will be accredited and is measurable for personal development.
Philip then asked what the programme is? What are the aims? What change are we looking for – is that for the parents? Or the child? What is the structure of the programme? Questionnaires? How frequent will it be delivered in schools? How will this be measured?
Rena asked if the schools could train staff to deliver this programme. Could they use the £3000 to train the staff and ask the LCP for money next year to run the programme. Possibly an early intervention programme that these staff would deliver to children.
Philip asked if it was feasible to train these staff? What impact would it have on the children? How long do staff need to gain experience and confidence? Would they run workshops? What other agencies could be involved? What is the programme trying to address? Children? Or parents? Would the programme involve EP, speech and language/emotional/behaviour?
Strategic Board Meeting – 23 November 2011 4 Agenda Item 6 Strategic Board Meeting 23 November 2011 Philip said that after the 10 weeks, the group would need to look at feedback on how confident the practitioner is, how it has worked for the child, parent, family? We are looking more like 18 months/2 years to get a full evaluation.
Siobhan asked what is happening with the PSA’s? If they were interested would they be considered to do the programme? Stephanie said the PSA’s are on yearly contracts therefore it would be up to the school to identify a person. Stephanie said that all agencies should own this project via the LCP.
It was noted that there are gaps in practitioners attending the meetings, and there were no representatives from the voluntary sector. Maria said the Moving on Project is for 11+, they are launching their charity, a representative from their service could attend. Maria gave out leaflets for the Moving on Project. Stephanie said we do not have any representatives from KIDS or the Police. Maria said that Fareham Youth Concern work out of school settings and could contribute a lot to the meeting. Maria said that Girl guiding UK have been sponsored by Dove, they have put together a pack which she could bring as a resource to the next meeting. Packs would need to be applied for direct to Girl guiding UK.
Any other Business
Maria said that the Youth Support Services (YSS) have recently gone through some changes. Three hubs have been decided: a) Genesis covering the Western Ward and offering Art, Potters Wheel and Recording Studio. This can be used for groups. School groups can use the recording studio to make CD’s etc. b) Xperience in Fareham c) Odyssey in Portchester
Maria said Health and Wellbeing was being offered. Evening Youth Work provision for 11+ years only. NEET drop in for young people 15 & 16 year olds.
Maria said that the Hubs are open for other agencies to use, please contact the District Office for the time being to book rooms, recording studio etc.
Xperience and Genesis are both suitable for holding meetings/conference, working with parent and young children. Sometimes they are open in the evenings and school holidays.
Look at the possibility of using these venues for the project.
All agreed future meetings would start at 11.15am.
Next meeting 14th December 2011 at Connexions Office, 11.15am
Future meeting 22nd February 2012 @ Xperience Building, 11.15am
Stephanie suggested holding a quick consultation meeting for professionals to make a decision, Anna Clark to be invited to this meeting to discuss her role as play practitioner. Meeting scheduled for 3rd November 2011, 9.00am at Merryfield Children’s Centre, Neville Lovett School Site. Arranged between Philip Navarro/Stephanie Morley/Damian Pratt/Judith Woodworth.
Strategic Board Meeting – 23 November 2011 5 Agenda Item 6 Strategic Board Meeting 23 November 2011 LCP - PRACTIONERS GROUP 14-19
19th October 2011 Connexions Office
R Gellett - Henry Cort (RG) Phil Navarro – EP Services (PN) C Groves – Fareham College (CG) Lynn Barham – WYOT Matt Healey – YSS M Calway-Kennedy – YSS (MK) Kim Adams – Porchester School Colin James - “ “ Jane McMaster - “ “ J Stubbington – F & G Nursing Team
Apologies: S Morley’s rep unable to attend; A Govan Cams Hill; Tacey Calder Brookfield; Gill Sommers Fareham College; S Hoggarth Neville Lovett
1 Welcome & apologies
2 Update on the Fareham LCP14-19 project. RG informed the group of where they schools should be. Thirty students from the five participating schools have been identified. These students had been selected for a variety of reasons – FSM; attendance; potential NEETs etc. RG has compiled a list of these students for monitoring/evaluation purposes. The students should have been allocated a mentor – RG will circulate the spreadsheet for schools to populate with the name of the mentor. RG reminded those present that the mentor could, and it was hoped that at least one would be, from a partnership organisation eg WYOT, the police etc.
Funding: RG informed the group that each of the thirty identified pupils would attract £220. This money was to support the mentor and pupil – for example college visits, purchasing support materials.
Schools can claim their money from Henry Cort using a part journal transfer, whose unit organisation number is 4307. Each school can claim £1,320.
RG reminded the group that the realising potential plan should be used.
3 Mentor Training Session Update An important part of this project is training for the mentors – many of whom would be new for this role. Part of the project’s funding will be used to fund to training sessions for mentors led by Philip Navaro. Both of these sessions will take place at Henry Cort and will run from 13:30 – 15:30.
Session 1 Monday 21st November
Strategic Board Meeting – 23 November 2011 6 Agenda Item 6 Strategic Board Meeting 23 November 2011
Session 2 Monday 30th January
If schools could email Philip with their mentors email addresses he will contact them directly with the session’s arrangements and send any preparation materials. ACTION
The sessions will help to develop the mentors in their roles and to become more effective practitioners.
Other partnership organisations who are not mentors but who are interested in these sessions are more than welcome to send representatives. Again contact Philip.
MK suggested that the YSS could make a contribution to the sessions. MK to contact PN
4 Ideas for future projects A generally discussion took place around future projects and what was needed. CG reminded the group that 14-19 will continue to be important across all providers. No firm project ideas were suggested – but this would be discussed again at a future meeting.
The dates of the next meetings were confirmed:
Wed 14th December 2011 14:00 – Connexions Fareham
Wed 22nd February 2011 14:00 - Xperience Fareham
Strategic Board Meeting – 23 November 2011 7