Book Club Activities (A) Over the next few weeks, you will Over the next few weeks, you will have to complete a series of activities based on your reading. Choose one category, and then choose one option from that category to complete by assigned days chosen by the group. In addition, you will have to come prepared with your book, post-its, and a discussion question for the group.

Category #1 Character Analysis: (at least 2/3 page for each activity) a. Write a letter from one character to another explaining his or her actions in this part of the novel. How did his/her actions affect others? Use at least 1 quotes from the text to support your response. b. Awards. Create an award for a main character based on how they act in the novel. For each award, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) that explains why this character deserves this award use at least one 1 quote.  For example a character might be awarded “wisest” for the advice he or she gave other characters

Category #2 Character Drawing: a. Create a character selfie for 1 characters from the section you read. Be sure to add color, and hashtags/description. On the back include 2-3 sentences of what the selfie is of, how the character is feeling, and 1 piece of evidence for the selfie to support the character’s mood in the section. b. Draw a portrait of a character from the novel, and add color. On the back, write a paragraph (4-6 sentences) explaining at least 4 character traits for the character. Use at least 1 quotes from the novel to support the traits.

Category #3 Visualizing Story Elements: a. Summarize the plot of this section of the novel by creating a cartoon version of the story. Use at least 4 frames. Under each frame, explain what is going on in a sentence. Use at least 1 quote from the text. (*option powtoon, see me) b. Draw a picture of your favorite scene in the novel. On the back, write a paragraph explaining what is happening in your picture, and use 1 quotes from the novel to help support why this is your favorite.

Category #4 Story Elements: (at least 2/3 page for each activity) a. Describe the setting of the story, where and when it took place. Be very descriptive. Write a reflection on whether you would or would not want to spend a week visiting this place. Use at least 1 quote from the text in your response to help support why you would or would not want to visit this place. b. Describe the major conflict in the novel. What type of conflict is it? How does the conflict move the story forward? Be detailed with your response and use at least 1 quote from the text in your response to support your answer. Book Club Activities (A) Category #5 Compare and Contrast: (at least 2/3 page for each activity in paragraph form) a. Compare and contrast two characters in the novel. Write about at least one similarity and one difference in their personalities/actions. Be sure to include 1 quote. (Go beyond the physical traits) b. Character astrology signs. After reading brief descriptions of the astrology or sun signs, figure out which signs you think the main character from your book was born under. Write an explanation of why you think they fit the sign.

Category #6 Think Outside the Box: a. Cook and make a food to share with your book club that is related to your book. You must explain in at least 1/2 page why that food relates to you book. Be sure to include at least one quote. b. Bring in THREE items that relate to your book. These can be symbolic or literal. Example: If your character wears blue socks all the time bring in blue socks. If your character is caring bring in a heart that represents how he cares. You must include a paragraph (4-6 sentences) for each item as to why you included it.

Category #7 Arts & Crafts: a. Create a poster to promote your book (on poster paper). Give it a new, fitting title. Be sure to also include a summary of the section you read, describe your main character in 1-2 sentences, 1 quote that you like section and why. This should be colorful, neat, and include pictures. b. Create an online flyer for your book using: Give it a new, fitting title. Be sure to also include a summary of the section you read, describe your main character in 1-2 sentences, 1 quote that you like section and why.

Category #8 Review the Book: (at least 1 page for each activity) a. Write a book critique that might be published in a newspaper. Use at least 1 pieces of textual evidence to support your response. b. Write a letter to the author of the book that describes your opinion of the book. Be sure to explain what you enjoyed and what you would change. Use at least 1 pieces of textual evidence to support your opinion.