Early Childhood Australia / Mcarthur Management Services
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McArthur / Early Childhood Australia Early Childhood Student Encouragement Award APPLICATION FORM
When completing this form please comply strictly with the guidelines, completing each field.
Closing date for applications: 30 March 2014
1. Information about the applicant
Name of Applicant Mailing Address
ACT Telephone Home Mobile Other Email Privacy statement The personal details provided will be used for this purpose only and will not be used for any other purpose and will not be given to any person or institution
2. Early Childhood Australia Membership Number (if applicable) Membership Number
3. Early Childhood degree currently being undertaken Attach copy of academic transcript Name of Degree Awarding Institution Year commenced
McArthur / Early Childhood Australia Page 1 of 5 Early Childhood Leadership Development Scholarship 4. Answer each of the following questions
Maximum 400 words in total for this section, not 400 words per question. Why are you applying for this award? (100 words)
How will you benefit professionally from this opportunity? (100 words)
What do you think you might gain from the mentor who will be nominated by the Early Childhood Australia Branch in the state/territory where you are studying? (100 words)
McArthur / Early Childhood Australia Page 2 of 5 Early Childhood Leadership Development Scholarship Have you already ‘made a difference’? Have you been a leader in your academic study and/or your workplace? Has this resulted in significant enhancements to your learning or others and/or improved the quality of services provided to children and families? (100 words)
5. Professional referees in support of application Referees must be able to attest to your academic skills, leadership and commitment to early childhood.
Note: two referees are required (referees must complete this section and attach a written reference each)
First Referee Name Address
Stat e Contact Numbers Home Mobile Work Email
Relationship to applicant
Second Referee Name Address
Stat e Contact Numbers Home Mobile
McArthur / Early Childhood Australia Page 3 of 5 Early Childhood Leadership Development Scholarship Work Email
Relationship to applicant
6. Approvals necessary for proposal to proceed (Attach relevant documentation as described in Information Sheet]
1. The recipient of this award is required to provide the Award Committee with a report, including a report from the mentor, mid way through the year and then a final report within three months of completion of the mentoring program. Should these requirements not be able to be met, the committee must be informed in advance of this and a new date for the submission of the report negotiated.
2. If the recipient of the award is not able to meet their responsibilities, costs incurred by McArthur or Early Childhood Australia must be repaid in full.
3. The award recipient is required to present at the 2014 ECA Conference in Melbourne about how their participation in the conference and the mentoring program has affected their approach to their studies and their leadership capacity, and to write an article for an ECA publication.
4. The award recipient is required to present to the McArthur staff and/or Board about how their participation in the mentoring program has affected their approach to their studies and their leadership capacity and/or to write an article for the McArthur newsletter.
5. Any publications/workshops/seminars emanating from the award must acknowledge the support of the award.
6. Any change of name or address during the tenure of the award must be notified to the Awards Committee.
7. It is acknowledged that all work completed by the recipient of the award remains their intellectual property.
If this Scholarship application is successful, I agree to observe the conditions and responsibilities as outlined in the information sheet and application form.
Signature If application is submitted electronically, receipt of application will constitute agreement to the above conditions
McArthur / Early Childhood Australia Page 4 of 5 Early Childhood Leadership Development Scholarship Check List Please ensure your application contains the following: Completed application form Answers to all questions Footer on each page with page numbers and your name Two written references attesting to your leadership and commitment to early childhood (in addition to the referees at item 3.5) Only one copy of application (electronic submission)
Please send your completed application to [email protected]
McArthur / Early Childhood Australia Page 5 of 5 Early Childhood Leadership Development Scholarship