8th Grade Prezi Project

Task: Create a Prezi based on the Oregon, Mormon and Santa Fe Trails.

If you do not have a Prezi account use the following login information:

User Name: [email protected]

Password: giants1

Project Requirements:

 Use textbook pages 393-397 to research about the Trails West

 Include the following information about each trail:

 Name of each Trail

 Where each trail traveled to and from

 Who traveled on each Trail

 Why did they travel

 When was the Trail used

 Impact/importance of each Trail

 3 Interesting facts

 Include Prezi paths

 Make your Prezi colorful and include images

 Have fun and be productive

Project Rubric Points Earned Oregon Trail 18 points Santa Fe Trail 18 points Mormon Trail 18 points Prezi Design and Format 27 points Allardice included 3 points Completed Graphic Organizer 6 points Total Points Earned: ______

Trail Name: Trail Name: Trail Name: