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Great Rivers District Klondike Derby February 1, 2014 Leaders’ Guide For Troops/Crews and Webelos
Klondike Derby! The name Klondike originated from the Klondike gold rush era, where miners tested their skills against the elements for precious nuggets of gold. Some struck it rich and, some not so rich. Likewise, Patrols will be awarded gold nuggets by competing against each other in a series of stations based on scouting skills. At the end of the competition, the nuggets are added up for each Patrol (combined total score in the round robin stations) and will be awarded ribbons for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. A special prize will be awarded to the first place Patrol. So, now that your Patrol has decided to participate, the following will tell you everything you need to know to get prepared, gear up, and have fun! First of all, each Patrol needs to have a sled (see ideas for sled plans on the district website or other websites), but don’t let the idea of a sled and snow scare you off! In fact, it isn’t even essential to have a specially built Klondike Sled for this event – it is recommended, but not essential. Plastic sleds/toboggans can be used for the station portion of this year’s event. However, to participate in the race at the end of the event, the Scout Patrol must have a Klondike Derby Sled. Each team will act as a separate expedition, following a course to various Alaskan cities. Each patrol leader will be handed a schedule for their station rotation and a map of the Klondike cities. As the Patrols advance through the course and onto their first city, they will encounter situations in which they must use various Scouting skills and sometimes ingenuity to solve the situation. Each city is “governed” by its Mayor, who runs the city and assists the Patrol in solving their problem. On the day of the derby, practical application of basic Scouting skills will be encountered at each station. Each Patrol’s “mining” success will be based on how well they follow instructions, apply their Scout skills, work as a Patrol in team fashion and show off their Scout spirit. Their efforts will be rewarded with “gold nuggets”. Teams will Great Rivers District Klondike Derby 2014 Page 1 progress through the stations on an assigned schedule. After the Patrol completes the event, the Mayor will award the Gold Nuggets. The award of nuggets by each Mayor is not to be disputed. Each station is timed at 25 minutes in length and the Patrol will then have 5 minutes to pass to the next city or station. At twelve o’clock noon, all Scouts and adults can trek to Dawson City, where they can enjoy a steaming hot bowl of “Mystery Soup” (each Scout needs to bring a can of non- cream style soup to be used for this pot). Patrols may wish to supplement the soup lunch with sandwiches or snacks. There will also be hot cocoa available throughout the day.
Great Rivers District Klondike Derby 2014 Page 2
Essential Info - Stuff the Leaders and Parents want to know… WHO: All Boy Scout Patrols and Venturer Crews may participate. Webelos Patrols may participate as a guest of a participating Troop. WHEN: Saturday, February 1, 2014 - Units can begin checking in at the Registration Desk/ Picnic Shelter starting at 9:00 am. The Klondike Derby begins promptly at 9:45 am for Flags and announcements at the Registration Desk. WHERE: Fred C. Anderson Scout Camp at the Upper Level Activity Field – located just five miles northeast of Stillwater. Just north of Hudson, WI at 186 Andersen Scout Camp Trail, Houlton, WI 54082 COST: The fee for this event is $12 per Scout and $5 per Adult. Several Troops have volunteered Scouts and adults to staff stations at this year’s event. Scouts that attend as Station Staff will pay only $5. Station staff positions are limited to a maximum of five (5) spaces per Troop. Fees will be used to cover the cost of patches, awards, beverages, supplies and camp fees. REGISTRATION: To register, you can use the on-line registration form on the district website: - An award of 1 gold nugget will be awarded to all Patrols of the Troops that have preregistered (1 per patrol). Payment for the event can be made by credit card on-line or mail a check to: Northern Star Council c/o Great Rivers Klondike Derby – Event 228 393 Marshall Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 CHECK IN: Upon arrival have an adult check in your unit. Bring: 1) rosters, 2) health forms, and 3) a check book (if not already paid). PATROL SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Patrols of 4 to 8 Scouts with a suitable Klondike sled plus all essential gear (See below). 2. All Scouts must be properly clothed for winter weather. Dress in layers, warm coats, water proof boots, etc. No Cotton! No tennis shoes! 3. The Scout Outdoor Essentials list (page 224 of the old Scout Handbook) is a useful resource! 4. No flammable fluids, explosives, or other dangerous stuff (the Scout definition of “fuel” for fires is wood not gas). Check the Guide to Safe Scouting in case you have any questions. KLONDIKE SLED: If your Troop does not have the time or resources to build a Klondike Sled, don’t let that stop you from attending the 2011 Klondike Derby! Instead of Klondike sleds, plastic sleds/ toboggans can be used to transport equipment for the station portion of this year’s event. However, to participate in the race at the end of the event, the Scout Patrol must have a Klondike Derby Sled. There are numerous sled plans on the internet. PATROL EQUIPMENT: Each Patrol should bring all the items they will need to compete in each of the events or stations of the Klondike. The Klondike is a harsh environment. Many a miner has failed to hit the mother-load for lack of proper planning and supplies. For example, be sure to bring fire building materials (there won’t be any wood available in the gold fields, no flammable fluids, no magnesium firestarters.), first aid supplies, rope, and anything else the Patrol may need or want to complete each of the events (refer to the Equipment List below). Remember, you are going to the Klondike, so BE PREPARED!
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EQUIPMENT LIST: One of each item listed below, per Patrol unless otherwise specified. Once the starting siren sounds to begin the event, Patrols (or Adults) are not allowed to return to the Registration Desk or vehicles to get additional equipment. This is the basic equipment list for the event; as usual you can add anything you wish to make life easier! Klondike Sled Patrol Flag (optional) (8) three foot lengths of rope Pencil & paper Watch 50 foot length of rope 2 Blankets First Aid Kit Scout Handbook Trash bag Kindling Wood and Tinder Cup for each Scout Plastic Tarp Matches in waterproof container Spoon for each Scout Bowl for each Scout Scouting Spirit 1 can of non-cream style soup (Per Patrol member) Cooking Mitt Compass NO FLAMIBLE LIQUIDS – NO Magnesium Patrol Cheer Pocket knife Patrol roster First Aid Skills Knot Tying Skills Teamwork Filled Water Bottle 5 pieces of lashing twine 10 feet long STATIONS: The day will consist of eight stations, including lunch. The stations will include: Sled Canoeing Fire Building Knot Tying Lunch Top Shot Target Shooting Search and Rescue Mystery Game DRINKING WATER: Water may not be available at camp so please remember to have each Scout bring a full water bottle. Remember to have Scouts prepared with water bottles that can stay under their coat. NUGGET POUCH: Each team will be provided a pouch to carry their gold nuggets. It is the Scouts responsibility to keep the nuggets and pouches safe until they are counted at the end of the event. All nuggets and pouches will be returned to District staff, at the end of the event. KLONDIKE SOUP POT: Everyone needs to bring a can of non-cream style soup, to be turned in at check-in. It will go into the District Soup Pot, which will be available starting at noon on Saturday. Each person should bring a cup or bowl and an eating utensil to enjoy a helping from the soup pot. You may also bring a sack lunch to supplement. Each person should also bring a cup to enjoy hot cocoa that will be available throughout the day at the Registration Desk. KLONDIKE STAFF!! The games and program areas will be staffed by experienced Youth and Adults. Several Troops, and District Staff have volunteered Scouts and adults to staff stations at this year’s event. Scouts that attend as Station Staff will pay only $5 for attendance and will receive a special staff acknowledgement. CHECK OUT: After the race, there will be a presentation of awards and patches. KLONDIKE COORDINATORS: For any questions contact Sue Gurrola - 651-295-5292 (cell) or [email protected] and David Benke – 651-357-2051 (cell) or [email protected] Also, please contact us if you want to help staff future District events.
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Great Rivers District - Klondike Derby February 1, 2014 Boy Scout/Cub Scout (Webelos) /Crew Roster / Check-In Sheet Pack #____ Troop #____ or Crew # _____ All units require two Deep Leadership. If your unit is a co-ed Venturing Crew and both young men and women are present, both a Male and Female leader are needed (Guide to Safe Scouting). A completed Roster Form must be turned in at Check-in on the day of the Klondike Derby.
Patrol size can be 4 to 8 scouts. ______Patrol Scoutmaster PL APL Assistant Scoutmaster(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ______Patrol PL Senior Patrol Leader APL 1 Assistant Senior Patrol Leader 2 3 4 5 ______Youth @ $ 12.00 = $______6 ______Youth Station Staff@ $ 5.00 =$______Patrol (Approved by District, Max of 5 per Troop) PL APL ______Adults $ 5.00 = $______1 ______Extra Patches @ $ 1.50 = $______2 3 ______Total $______4 5 6 For use by Registration Staff: ______Patrol Check-in Paperwork Complete: Yes No PL Health Forms APL Unit Roster 1 Registration Fees 2 3 4 5 6