Job Scoping Worksheet

Instructions for Recruiting: Use this resource to conduct job scoping with hiring managers to ensure the job posting reflects the current needs of the business and the reality of the job market. Alter this worksheet to fit the needs of your organization. If a competency model exists at your organization, you can pre-insert those competencies or attach the competency list to the items in questions 14- 16, then discuss relevance to individual requisitions with hiring managers. Either (1) provide this worksheet to hiring managers to fill out, or (2) set up a consultation meeting to go through the scoping questions together. Delete this text before providing to hiring managers.

Instructions for Hiring Managers: Launching job searches with unclear specifications can prolong the process and yield candidates that are not what you or your business needs. Explore the questions below with your recruiter before posting the job to ensure the description reflects the current business needs and the reality of the job market.

This worksheet is for the Date Hiring Manager Name Recruiter Name requisition of position

Business Context Outlining the business context ensures the candidate profile and hiring timeline are appropriate for business needs. 1. Was this hire budgeted/forecasted for? (a) If yes, how has the budget changed since then? (b) If no, is this hire business-critical? Will a hire with this profile enable us to meet our key short- and long-term goals? Labor Market Context Agreeing on a realistic expectation of candidate quality increases the likelihood of satisfaction with the new hire. 2. What issues might we face to find, attract, and convert candidates for this role in today’s labor market? 3. How much immediate competition do we face for candidates for this role, and how can we differentiate our offer from our competitors’?

1 Job Scoping Worksheet

Job Fit and Organization Fit Helping candidates understand the job experiences is a significant driver of new hire performance. 4. What are the primary responsibilities of the individual in this role? 5. What is the working environment for this position, and with whom will the hire interact? 6. What is the culture of the team the individual will be joining? 7. What percentage of this role is people management? Career Advancement Understanding success factors and career potential of the position helps recruiters identify high-quality candidates with ideal skill sets. 8. What defines success in this job, and how will this individual be evaluated for promotion opportunities? 9. What are common reasons that previous individuals have not been successful in this position? 10. What is the promotion potential for this position? 11. What is the typical career path for hires in this position?

2 Job Scoping Worksheet

Qualifications and Competencies 12. What minimum qualifications must the candidate possess (e.g., education, certifications, professional qualifications, experience)? Minimum Qualification #1: Minimum Qualification #2: Minimum Qualification #3: Minimum Qualification #4: Minimum Qualification #5: 13. What technical competencies would you like the candidate to possess (e.g., proficiency with specific computer programs)? How much weight (on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1=Nice to Have, 2=Somewhat Important, 3=Very Important) would you give to each competency? Technical Competency #1: Weight: Technical Competency #2: Weight: Technical Competency #3: Weight: Technical Competency #4: Weight: Technical Competency #5: Weight: 14. What behavioral competencies would you like the candidate to possess (e.g., attention to detail)? How much weight (on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1=Nice to Have, 2=Somewhat Important, 3=Very Important) would you give to each competency? Behavioral Competency #1: Weight: Behavioral Competency #2: Weight: Behavioral Competency #3: Weight: Behavioral Competency #4: Weight: Behavioral Competency #5: Weight: