ISSUE 16 1


23 March 2017


Dear Parents  31 March: End of term  18 April: start of Summer Term For me, personally, it is quite  24 April: Huish Tournament unbelievable to see that we are almost in  29 May – 2 June: half term the last week of term. The time flies by…  21 July: end of term

We warmly welcome the Clark family 2017/2018 academic year into our school community with the  4 Sept: INSET Day arrival of Annabel (year R) and Harry  5 Sept: Start of Autumn Term (Year 4). ACTIVITIES  20 Oct: INSET Day  9 Feb: INSET Day Best wishes Please note below the list of events for the rest of term.  23 July: INSET Day  Iain Crabtree  20-27 March: Visit from 24 July: INSET Day Head Teacher Internationale Ecole, Montpellier  21 March: Rugby Area Finals French Exchange  24 March: Red Nose Day A very big thank you to our  29 March: KS2 World Domination English host families for hosting Tournament our guests from the Eridan  30 March: South Somerset Internationale Ecole this week. Netball finals


What we think, we become Buddha ISSUE 16 2

The dates for returning to France Mrs Daymond, the SENCO, will Pre-schools merger are from Friday 12 to Wedneday be present for the second session As you may be aware, the school i 17 May. Mr Thompson will be the of the Wednesday if anyone s combining both Hambridge and staff member accompanying our would like to see her. Barrington Pre-schools and will b pupils. Parents should have e taking over use of the former sc received a letter about this. Parent Questionnaires hool in Barrington. This will allow Please can we ask you to return Thank you to those parents who the youngest members of our co the reply slips by tomorrow! It have completed the parent mmunity to have access to free fl makes the trip cheaper with the questionnaires. We will display ow play (both indoors and outdoo cost being about £120. the results at parents evening. rs). The Pre-School will initially b e based in Barrington Village Hall Clubs until we ensure that the former sc Most clubs will be running in the hool is ready for use. last week of term with the exception of: chess, basketball, Again, if any of our parents have study club, first aid club. Choir any skills, even in the form of after school on Wednesday will holding a paint brush!, and able to take place in the Village Hall and assist us in making the former End of Term Assembly not in the school. school a fantastic space we would This will take place on Thursday be really grateful. 30 March at 2 pm in the Village Collection from Clubs Hall with a musical extravaganza Safeguarding is now, quite We will be working hard to ensure that there will be a smooth featuring our school choir, boys rightly, a serious issues within choir, KS1 choir, Year 6 brass and schools and the safety and transition, frequent contact and opportunities for the School and ukuleles and some individual whereabouts of our pupils is musicians. We shall also be paramount. Pre-School to work together. giving out end of term commendations and other When you arrive at school to pick Summer Term Dates awards. We do hope you can join up your child/ren from an after A reminder that the Summer Ter us. school club please can we ask you m starts on 18 April and ends on to wait in the Travel Shelter 21 July. Half term will be the Parents Evening outside the school and your child week commencing Monday 29 This takes place on Monday 27 will be brought to you by a June. and Wednesday 29 March from member of staff. Can I stress that 3.50 pm to 7.30 pm. If you have this also applies to children who INSET Days not already done so please visit: are playing sports on the playing Inset days for the next academic https://hambridge.parentsevenin field. year will be: to book your 4 September, 20 October, 9 Fe place. End of term reports will be For those children taking part in bruary and 23 and 24 July. given out at the meeting. clubs in the Village Hall please collect from the Village Hall.


What we think, we become Buddha ISSUE 16 3

can, again, raise as much as we Christopher Lucas: for fantastic can for this worthy cause. scientific knowledge in Science Louie Williamson: for fantastic Uniform progress with martial arts Sainsbury School Games A reminder that school shorts should be black and not grey. Class 2 Huish Tournament: please note Amelia Blackford: for making that this has been postponed Can we also please try and super progress in reading until 24 April. maintain sensible hairstyles to fit Maisie Allen: for making fantastic in with our smart uniform! progress in writing Inter-area cross-country: Well Oli Hallett: for using word banks done to Eve Meecham, Charis to help improve spellings Gladwin, Tom Crowter, Tom Parking Opposite Hundry Robinson, Maddy David, Erin Lane Please can we, once again, Class 3 Sweeting and Thomas Ciaran Bulgin: for beautiful Atteberywho have received remind all parents not to park opposite the entrance to Hundry presentation in homework automatic places on the Langport Lara Sweeting: for making super team who will be taking part in Lane as it can prevent cars and larger vehicles entering the road. progress with fractions and the inter-area cross country at doubling ‘hot task’ score. Millfield on 25 April. Disabled parking: Again, a Ethan Denslow-King: for making super progress with swimming Schools Funding reminder to leave the disabled parking space, which is located by You may have read a lot this week Class 4 in the press about issues the entrance to the Village Hall, free. This parking space is used Alasdair Murdoch: for showing a surrounding funding for schools. good understanding of measure This does and will present serious on a daily basis and it is important that it can be accessed. Stanley Longly: for applying challenges ahead for not only our himself in English school but schools nationwide. Residential Milly Tinson: for great Please read the attached letter contributions during RE from the CLP regarding this. If you have NOT signed your child/ren up for the school Class 5 residential please can we ask you Comic Relief Benjamin Clapp: for super ideas to speak to the school office This takes place tomorrow. and content in English immediately. Please can we ask all pupils to Polly Hawkey: for working hard wear as much red as possible and Silver Book Assembly and progressing well in Maths bring £1 for the privilege. There Jack Leete: for demonstrating an will be various stalls available as 13.3.2017 excellent attitude in SPAG well so please give your children Class 1 some change so we can raise as Jamie Collins: for learning to And finally… multiply by 2 much money as possible. We also This is not quite my final Sophie Bulgin: for learning to ask, as a community, for newsletter. I shall be writing to donations for the cake stall so we multiply by 2 independently QUOTE 3

What we think, we become Buddha ISSUE 16 4

you again next week with something more from the heart. Don’t think “What if I’m wrong” Think “What if I am right”

If you have any concerns about a student, you should report this to a member of staff immediately. If you feel a student is at risk or a subject of abuse you must contact the Designated Safeguarding Leads Immediately.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) (Hambridge School): Iain Crabtree

Deputy DSL: Rebecca Denley

Hambridge Pre-school DSL: Rebecca Yeadon

Barrington Pre-School DSL: Lucy Phipps

Safeguarding and Child Protection Governor: Martyn Cannon


What we think, we become Buddha

Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility