First Semester Review Worksheet

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First Semester Review Worksheet

First Semester Review Worksheet

1. Determine the number of significant figures in each of the numbers below a. 1000 b. 4.567 c. 2030 d. 0.0240 e. 0.02677 f. 200.00 g. 4.65 x 104 h. 100.300

2. Convert the following units using dimensional analysis and report the answer in the correct number of significant figures: a. 2.50 cm = ? m b. 34.5 km = ? mm c. 700 g = ? kg

3. How many protons, neutrons and electrons in each element? (chap 21) a. Plutonium-242 b. Nitrogen-14 c. Zinc-65 d. Barium-137 e. Tin-119

4. Determine the charge of the following elements when they ionize: a. Strontium b. Nitrogen c. Iodine d. Beryllium e. Oxygen

5. Name the following compounds: a. Ba(NO3)2 b. CaSO3 c. Ni(OH)2 d. CuS e. Na2CrO4

6. Write the formula for the following compounds: a. Magnesium carbonate b. Cobalt (III) acetate c. Carbon tetrachloride d. Silver (I) phosphate

7. Explain the difference between mass number and atomic number. 8. Determine the molar mass for the compounds in Q#6?

9. How many moles would you have if you began with 7.50 grams of each one of the compounds in Q#6? How many formula units would be represented for each?

10. Determine the percent composition of each element in the compounds from Q#6.

11. Solid Aluminum burns in gaseous bromine producing aluminum bromide. a. Write the chemical equation for this reaction b. If you have 6.0g of Al, how much aluminum bromide would you produce? c. Determine the percent yield if you actually produce 2.03g of aluminum bromide.

12. Explain the relationships among observation, hypothesis, experiment, theory and law, with respect to the scientific method.

13. Using the scientific method, design a controlled experiment to determine how the water content of food influences how well it heats in a microwave oven.

14. Give five examples of each, heterogeneous mixtures and homogeneous mixtures.

15. Explain the difference between an element and a compound.

16. Explain the difference between chemical and physical properties. Give an example of each.

17. What is the sum of 2.7g + 2.47g expressed in the correct number of sig figs?

18. What is the volume of an object with a mass of 6.00x102g and a density of 2.03g/cm3?

19. The density of water is 1.0g/mL. What is the density of water in pounds/gallon? (1 quart = 9.46x10-1L; 1 g = 2.20x10-3lb.)

20. Gold has sold for $500/ounce. Considering that there are 16 ounces (or 454 grams) in a pound, how many milligrams of gold could you buy for one cent?

21. In what way are two isotopes of the same element different? Explain why isotopes of the same element have the same chemical behavior.

22. There are four naturally occurring isotopes of the element chromium. Calculate the average atomic mass of chromium if the relative abundance of each isotope is: 50Cr = 4.31% 52Cr = 83.76% 53Cr = 9.55% 54Cr = 2.38%

23. Find the number of moles of argon in 481g of argon. 24. What is the percent by mass of hydrogen in aspirin, C9H8O4?

25. Balance the following equations: a. (NH4)2CO3 + NaOH → Na2CO3 + NH3 + H2O b. Na3PO4 + ZnSO4 → Na2SO4 + Zn3(PO4)2

26. How many grams of CO are needed to react with an excess of Fe2O3 to produce 591 g Fe? Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) → 3CO2(g) + 2Fe(s)


Chemical Property Electron Polyatomic Ions Chemical Reaction Period Mole Compound Group or Family Avogadro’s number Element Halogen Representative particles Gas Isotope Gram Atomic Mass Heterogeneous Mixture Mass Number Gram Molecular Mass Homogeneous Mixture Metal Gram Formula Mass Law of Conservation of Metalloid Molar mass Mass Neutron Standard Temperature Liquid Noble Gas and Pressure (STP) Matter Nonmetal Molar Volume Mixture Nucleus Percent Composition Phase Period Law Molecular Formula Physical Change Period Table Chemical Equation Physical Property Transition Metal Skeleton Equation Solid Molecule Catalyst Solution Molecular Compound Coefficients Substance Ions Balanced equation Vapor Cation Stoichiometry Alkali Metal Anion Theoretical Yield Alkaline Earth Metal Ionic Compound Actual Yield Atom Chemical Formula Percent Yield Atomic Mass Molecular Formula Percent Error Atomic Mass Unit Formula Unit Mole Ratio Atomic Number Law of Definite Cathode Ray Proportions Dalton’s Atomic Theory Monatomic Ions Things you Should Know and be able to do!

 Summarize Dalton’s Atomic change, be able to give an theory, know which are incorrect example. and which are still held as true  Categorize a sample of matter as  Describe the size of an atom a substance or mixture.  Know about the various models  Distinguish between mixtures: of the atom and their authors: homogeneous or heterogeneous Bohr, Rutherford, Thomson,  What is the difference between Chadwick, Goldstein, and an element and a compound? Schrodinger.  What is the law of conservation  List the differences between the of mass? sub-atomic particles of an atom  Determine the number of  Describe the structure of the significant figures when solving atom, where are the protons, a mathematical problem neutrons and electrons?  What’s the difference between  What is the atomic number? accuracy and precision?  Use the atomic number and the  Convert a number to scientific mass number to determine the notation number of p+, n°, e-  Solve conversions problems  What is an isotope, how are they using Dimensional analysis different?  How do you solve for density?  Calculate the average atomic  What are the two methods for mass. determining density?  Identify the position and name of  Distinguish between ionic and groups in the periodic table. molecular compounds.  List the properties of metals and  Determine a molecules VSEPR nonmetals. shape using Lewis electron dot  Who are the authors of the structures. periodic table and how did they  What is the octet rule? each arrange the periodic table?  Define cation & anion, relate  Describe periodic law and how them to metal and nonmetal this helps arrange the periodic  Write Electron Configurations table of elements.  Know about the location of  Which concept is attributed to de electrons in levels, sublevels, and Broglie? Heisenberg? orbitals.  Know the periodic trends in radii,  Know the contributions of Puali, ionization energy, electron Hund, and Aufbau to the electron affinity and electronegativity. configuration of an element.  What is matter?  Distinguish among chemical  What are the three states of formulas, molecular formulas, matter and how do they differ? and formula units  What is the difference between a  Use the periodic table to chemical change and a physical determine the charge on an ion  Name and write formulas of  What are valence electrons and molecular compounds where are they located?  Name and write formulas for  What is meant by the ionic compounds wave/particle duality of motion?  List the properties of molecular  Know the polyatomic ions. and ionic compounds.  What is the difference between a  Know the difference between theory, hypothesis, and law? covalent and ionic bonding, polar  What is a mole and why was it and nonpolar bonding, and the needed in chemistry? different types of intermolecular  What is one mole equal to? attractions.  Calculate the molar mass of a  Interpret chemical equations compound  List indicators of a chemical  Convert between moles & mass reaction.  What is a mole of gas equal to at  Perform Mole-Mole Calculations STP? What is STP?  Perform g to gram Calculations  Convert units using the metric  Calculate percent yield and system percent error of a reaction  Calculate the percent  Distinguish between theoretical composition of an element in a and actual yield compound  Know how frequency and  Balance chemical equations. wavelength relate to one another.  Write a balanced equation when  What are Planck’s constant and given a word equation. the speed of light?

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