Roberto and his girlfriend Sue ______(BE) students at the University of Tampa in Florida. Last semester Roberto ______(WORK)) in the library on Friday and Saturday nights. He ______(TAKE) only two courses so, he ______(NOT/HAVE) much homework, but this semester Sue ______(WANT) him to leave his job because she ______(LIKE) going out at the weekends. It's noon now so they ______(EAT) lunch in the student cafeteria. Sue wants to try something different, so she is eating sushi. She ______(NEVER/EAT) sushi before. This is the first time. She ______(THINK) it is really delicious. Their spring break ______(START) next week and Sue ______(FLY) to her town by plane to visit her family. She ______(RECEIVE)) a big check from her father this morning, so she ______(PLAN) to fly first class.


1. It’s necessary for the drivers to stop when the traffic light is red. (HAVE)

2. It’s not necessary for the students to come to university at the weekend. (DON’T)

3. It’s a good idea for us to go to bed early on weekdays. (SHOULD)

4. Does your sister speak any foreign languages? (CAN)

5. Why don’t you invite your friends to your sister’s birthday party? (COULD)

6. Why don’t we eat out tonight? (LET’S)

7. My brother is a good driver. (DRIVE)

8. Where does your best friend come from? (BE)

9. A train is comfortable, but a plane is very comfortable. (THAN)

10. No other food is more delicious than fish. (THE)

11. My nephew has never been abroad. (NOT) 12. I have been to Greece. (LAST YEAR) -1- TASK 3: PRESENT PERFECT AND PAST SIMPLE

Complete the dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect or the past simple.

1. A: (you/ever/swim)______in the sea or a lake? B: Yes, I ______(swim) in Lake Como in Italy last year.

2. A: Where ______(your parents/go) on holiday last year? B: They ______(go) on a cruise in the Caribbean.

3. A: I ______(never/go) to the Caribbean. ______(be) it lovely? B: Oh yes, wonderful. They ______(really/enjoy) it.

4. A: ______(you/see) any good travel programmes on TV recently? B: Yes, I ______(watch) an interesting programme about holidays to the Antarctic last night!

5. A: When ______(Mr Longford/fly) to Paris? B: He ______(fly) there last Wednesday.

6. A. I ______(not/feel) well all day. I'm going to bed. B: I ______(make) a cup of tea. Would you like one?

7. A: How long ______(your grandfather/live) in this house? B: He ______(Iive) here for ten years.

8. A: ______(Mary/work) in this office for a long time? B: No, she ______(start) last month.



The richest woman in the UK ______(1) now Joanne Kathleen Rowling, the ______(2) of the Harry Potter books. But life ______always been easy for her.

She was ______(4) on 31 July 1965 and started writing at the early ______(5) of six. At school she was quiet and ______(6) like sport much. ______(7) favourite subjects were English and Modern Languages. After school she ______(8) French at Exeter University and she later became a bilingual secretary. She didn’t enjoy her life as a ______(9) and when she was 26 she ______(10) the UK to teach English in Portugal. She met and ______(11) a journalist and their daughter, Jessica, was born in 1993. The marriage ended in divorce and Ms Rowling moved to Edinburgh, Scotland. It was during this period that she started her first Harry Potter novel, which she ______(12) in a café while her daughter was asleep.

She published Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in 1997 and in the same year she won one of the ______(13) important book awards in Britain. Since then millions of people ______(14) read her books in many different languages and millions have ______(15) Potter films. Everybody knows who she is and everybody has heard of the famous character she has created. Harry Potter is possibly the most ______(16) boy in the world. -2- PART B: READING COMPREHENSION TASK 1: TWO TRAVELLERS

In 1983, after journeys in Africa and Latin America, John Pilkington did a 500-mile solo crossing of the western Himalaya and told the story in his first book, Into Thin Air. His interest in Asia grew even more when the border between Pakistan and China opened in 1986. This made it possible - for the first time in forty years - to travel nearly the whole of the Silk Route. John was one of the first modern travellers to do this and he wrote about the journey in An Adventure on the Old Silk Road. Then he wrote another book in 1991 called An Englishman in Patagonia, which told the story of eight months' exploring the southernmost tip of South America. John is now a broadcaster with the BBC World Service and with Radio 4.

Chris Brown is a photographer and he has spent some time living in Ladakh, in northern India. He spent several months living and traveliing with the Kharnak, the nomadic people of Ladakh. The Kharnak move three or four times a year in search of fresh fields for their animals. Chris joined them in the summer at Yagang and travelled with them on their winter move to Dat, then on to their spring camping grounds. Conditions were very harsh for the Kharnak while Chris was there; it was a very bad winter. The temperature regularly dropped to -40°C at night. Because the Kharnak are nomadic people, Chris was living in a tent.

 Read the text and answer the questions.

1 When did John Pilkington do his 500-mile crossing of the western Himalaya?

2 What was the name of the book John wrote after crossing the western Himalaya?

3 Why could John travel along nearly the whole Silk Route in 1986?

4 What was An Englishman in Patagonia about?

5 Who are the Kharnak?

6 Why do the Kharnak move three or four times a year?

7 How was the winter when Chris Brown stayed with the Kharnak?

8 What did Chris sleep in when he stayed with the Kharnak?

 Match the words with the definitions

1 ____solo a) all the time 2 ____border b) on your own 3 ____nomadic c) moving from place to place 4 ____harsh d) a line which separates two countries 5 ____permanently e) often, for example every week or every day 6 ____regularly f) difficult and very uncomfortable -3- TASK 2: CELEBRITY PROFILE


A.______Jamie Oliver is one of Britain’s favourite chefs-every week millions of people watch him on TV and use his recipes.

B.______Jamie was born in Essex, England, in 1975. When he was only eight he started helping in his parents' restaurant. He went to catering college when he was sixteen and then worked at the famous River Cafe in London for three years. His first TV programme was called The Naked Chef and it was an instant success. Jamie quickly became famous and in 1999 he prepared lunch for the British Prime Minister.

C.______Now Jamie has got his own restaurant in London called Fifteen. But it isn't a typical restaurant - every year Jamie takes fifteen young unemployed people and teaches them to become chefs. The programme about the restaurant, also called Fifteen, is on TV every week. He is going to open Fifteen restaurants in Australia and the USA in the future and at the moment Jamie is writing a new book of recipes. He's already very rich, of course - in 2003 he earned ₤3.8 million!

D.______Jamie got married in 2000 and he lives in London with his wife, Jools and their two daughters, Poppy Honey and Daisy Boo. He's so busy that he doesn't have much free time, but he loves riding around London on his scooter and he plays the drums in a rock band. When he's at home he likes cooking pasta and making bread - his favourite ingredients are olive oil and lemons from Sicily.


1. An unusual restaurant 2. Family and free time 3. His early life 4. A famous chef


1. ______a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook food. 2. ______providing, and sometimes serving, food. 3. ______not having a job that provides money. 4. ______a food that is used with other foods in the preparation of a particular dish. 5. ______happening immediately, without any delay.

-4- TASK 3:

Hearts and Hands Build Homes

It's a sunny Saturday morning in North County. At 46 Elm Street, several people are standing next to a pile of lumber and bricks. They are going to build a house. But these people are not carpenters, plumbers, electricians or roofers. They are students from nearby high school and business people from the community. They are volunteers for Habitat for Humanity International, a group that helps build houses for low-income families all over the world. These volunteers give their time because they like to help people. Today they are going to help the Dean family build their new house. The Deans can't wait until their house is finished. Now Kathy and Peter Dean and their three children are living in a two-bedroom apartment. Their landlord doesn't take care of the old building. "It is a terrible place! The walls are cracked, the roof leaks, and the furnace is always broken,” Kathy said. “My family and I need a better place to live, but we don't have much money." "We'll help the Deans pay for their new house,” said a manager of Habitat for Humanity. "Peter and Kathy's home will cost about $35,000 to build. The family will get a loan from Habitat for Humanity, and they'll pay a mortgage of about $175 a month. The Deans have to pay for their home and they also have to help build it. “We have to work 300 hours to build our own house,” Peter said. “Then we have to work 300 more hours to help build another family's house,” he added. “It’s hard work, but it’s worth it." The Deans are excited about their new home. In about 1,0000 square feet (90 square meters) of space, there will be three bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a dining area. Kathy and Peter can't change the floor plan, but they can pick out the kitchen cabinets, floors, and light fixtures. After they move in, the Deans plan to build a fence and a garage. Kathy also wants to landscape the backyard. “I want to plant some bushes and flowers to make our yard beautiful,” she said. When the house is finished, the Deans will have a nice place to live and a large group of friends from the community. The Deans and the volunteers are working together to build something great. They are building a home and one family's future.


1. A Community Builds for the Future 2. Build a House in 300 Hours


1 Habitat for Humanity helps build houses. 2 Carpenters and electricians build the houses. 3 Students and business people are volunteers. 4 Now the Deans live in a nice apartment. 5 The Deans have a lot of money. 6 The Deans have to help build two houses. 7 Their house will be 90 square feet.

-5-  PUT THESE SENTENCES INTO ORDER. ______a) The Deans have to help build their house. ______b) So Habitat for Humanity is helping them build a house. ______c) The Deans live in an apartment. ______d) Soon they will live in a three-bedroom house. ______e) The apartment has a lot of problems. ______f) Volunteers from the community work on it, too. ______g) They want a home of their own, but they don’t have much money.

 MATCH THE DEFINITIONS WITH THE UNDERLINED WORDS IN THE TEXT. 1. ______(of a liquid or gas) to escape from a hole or crack in a pipe or container. 2. ______a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being forced or paid to do it. 3. ______to choose. 4. ______earning little money. 5. ______some money people borrow, often from a bank. 6. ______owner of a building.



Skinny Jack started playing the guitar when he was nine years old. ______(1) His parents like singing and Jack knew lots of songs and wrote songs too. “I’m going to be a rock star,” he said, but all his friends at school laughed. “'We all say that!” they said. Jack didn't answer, but he thought, 'One day they'll believe me! They'll eat their words!” When Jack was twelve he played in a concert for the first time. He was not nervous, and he was very successful. ______(2) Kim is the manager of Rainbow Records, a big record company in Scotland. She invited Jack to go to Rainbow Records and sing some songs. “Practise every day and work hard, Jack,” Kim told him. ______(3) Jack did not make a record then, but he often went to the studio and played with other musicians. He learned about singing and recording and he wrote lots of songs. ______(4) Later Jack made his first record with his group, The Jackpots. He wrote a song called “All Over the World”. ______(5) After that he was famous, and he sang on television and travelled to other countries . ______(6) He enjoys singing, and he wants to make friends with teenagers in other countries. Does he still meet his old friends? “I haven't got lots of free time,” he says, “but I still play football with my friends and they often phone me at home.______(7)

A. After the concert, Kim West talked to Jack and to his parents. B. They want free tickets for my concerts!” C. “They aren't all good, but they're better than the last ones,” he thought. D. This was his second record, but it was not successful. E. Jack has got a different life now. F. “Then you'll be a star!” G. It sold over a million copies. H. He had lessons at school and studied at home too. -6- PART C: WRITING

TASK1: Read the notes about Madonna and write a paragraph. Don’t forget to use linkers: at that time, then, during and later.

One, most successful star, sell millions of records

1958----- full name Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone, born, large family, in Michigan.

1964----- act in a homemade film

Appear in high school plays

After graduation, University of Michigan for a while

1977---- go to New York, work in a dance group

Learn to play guitar, write songs

1983---- produce first album, Madonna, become famous

Disc-jockeys, dance clubs like the album

National and world tours

Young people like songs “Vogue”, “Like a Virgin”, buy millions of copies

Act in 22 films

1996--- act film Evita ; daughter born

2000--- marry film director Guy Ritchie

Today--- many people think, the Queen of Pop. -7- PART D: VOCABULARY TASK 1: Look at the list of the words from unit 12. Put them into correct boxes. Don’t forget to use a dictionary! close trip strangers still pale proud blizzard interview adventure bare incredible packed experience revise Nomad anywhere taste home fascinating citizen unpleasant drought covers expedition chill lonely definitely Pole continents global abroad well-educated


TASK 2: Complete the sentences with the words from the box above. 1. I had an ______for a job with a publishing firm. 2. My brother has been ______a few times. He visited Greece, France and Hungary. 3. I don't think she has the ______for the job (= enough knowledge and skill for it). 4. ______are a group of people who move from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time 5. Economic crisis is a ______problem. It affects all the countries. 6. The company is looking for ______and highly motivated workers. 7. My neighbour applied to become an American ______. 8. By the end of the week she was beginning to feel at ______in her new job 9. My mother always warns me not to talk to ______. 10. Did you go ______interesting this summer? 11. You must be very ______of your son. He is very successful. 12. Don't get too ______to that dog, Rosie. It looks dangerous. 13. Everybody knows that penguins live in the South ______. 14. Water ______the 75 percent of the Earth’s surface. 15. Do you want to go on the school ______to France this year? 16. Asia and Africa are the two biggest ______. 17. The air was so ______that not even the leaves on the trees were moving. 18. She feels ______; all the kids have left home. 19. The train was so ______that I couldn't find a seat. 20. Scott died while he was on an ______to the Antarctic in 1912. 21. Tonight Jane is wearing a ______blue dress. 22. Don't walk around outside in your ______feet. 23. The book gives a ______picture of the lives of the rich and famous. 24. Have you ______decided to go to America? 25. This sauce ______strange. What’s in it? 26. We're ______grammar for the test tomorrow. 27. Because of the ______weather we had to cancel the picnic on Sunday. 28. It was an ______movie. I enjoyed it a lot. -8-