The Georgia Masters Newsletter Swimming in Georgia August 2017 After the meet, please stay for our Georgia LMSC annual meeting which will be held at the Steve Don’t Miss These Events Lundquist facility immediately following the meet. A big thanks to Rob Copeland and Mike Slotnick for making the arrangements for this meet. For meet questions, contact Rob, who is serving as meet director, at
[email protected] . This Our next Georgia event, the annual Southside Seals meet is part of our Georgia Grand Prix Series. SCY Pentathlon, is just around the corner. You’ll find the info and entry for the meet included with this newsletter. It will also be posted on the Georgia website ( Our Georgia LMSC annual meeting will take place The meet will be held on Saturday, September 9 at on Saturday, September 9 at the Steve Lundquist the Steve Lundquist Aquatic Center in Jonesboro. Aquatic Center (site for the Southside Seals Directions are included on the info page of the pentathlon) immediately following the Pentathlon. entry. Warm-ups are at 11:30am and the meet Anticipated start time is about 3:00pm. This will starts at 12:30pm. The Southside Seals are hosting be an afternoon social with food and beverages the meet. provided as we conduct our yearly business. No charge for Pentathlon entrants. For those who did not participate in the Pentathlon, there is a nominal $5 surcharge. Please come and give us your input as we plan for our next year! This is an election year. The following have been nominated by our LMSC Board of Directors for the next two-year term: Chair - Ian King Vice Chair - Lisa Watson This meet offers 3 Pentathlons: Secretary - Karol Welling Sprint – 50s of each stroke & 100 yd IM Treasurer - Ed Saltzman Middle Distance – 100s of each stroke & 200 IM Registrar - Andy Rettig Ironman – 200s of each stroke & 400 IM Member At Large - Jeffrey Tacca Pentathlon awards will be given to the winners of Member At Large - Bill Lotz each group in all Pentathlon categories.